Director Loves No One

Chapter 7.2: What? Chu Xiaxin Fired The Direct

Chapter 7: What? Chu Xiaxin Fired The Director? (2)

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The DP couldn’t reply for a moment. He looked at the expressionless Chu Xiaxing, then at Director Wang. How could he not know that this was the time to choose a side? He was in a dilemma!

Seeing him remain quiet, Chu Xiaxing stood up leisurely and stretched her arms again. “Okay, that means you can’t, so no one in the camera crew can do a simple panning shot. I don’t know what you are all doing here. If you guys can’t, then let me do it.”

“But think about it carefully. If I touch the camera today, it means that all of the photography team can just go home.” Chu Xiaxing’s eyes darkened as she let out a smile, “You can’t even shoot a play. What’s the final budget? Let me earn that money. You really think of filming as a charity, huh!”

Chu Xiaxing had never met a cameraman that couldn’t do a simple pan. If it was another crew, they would fire the person immediately. Which photography team couldn’t do the filming?

The DP was still a bit hesitant before, but when he heard Chu Xiaxing rebuking them and mentioning the payment, he immediately changed his attitude. He tentatively stood up. “Can, can, can, I can do a panning shot. Who doesn’t know how to do a panning shot…?

The DP: No kidding. If the word spreads, I won’t be able to receive any job in the future!

The DP was able to maintain the tough act for Director Wang, but if he was turned into a scapegoat for “can’t even do a simple panning shot,” he would not be able to take on other plays in the future. No one would want a DP who couldn’t even do his job.

“You can actually do it, huh?” Chu Xiaxing showed a look of regret. She pointed to the 1st AC next to her and asked, “Didn’t he just say he couldn’t?”

The DP explained, “He is young and naive. Please don’t put everyone at the same level as him… I will shoot it! I’ll shoot this time! Isn’t it just a simple panning shot!”

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The DP stopped Chu Xiaxing, who was about to walk towards the camera, and persuaded her to return to the director’s chair without letting her touch the equipment.

Chu Xiaxing replied in a cold voice, “Don’t be in the crew if you don’t understand. I’m here to work, not to be a babysitter. Don’t waste my time.”

“Okay, okay. It’ll be done soon!” the DP responded happily. He winked at the 1st AC, who was at a loss, and whispered to him, “Go, you go first…”

The 1st AC was surprised. “But…”

The DP angrily replied, “But what! I’ll handle the camera today!”

The DP normally didn’t control the camera, but Chu Xiaxing had just fired the 1st AC in public. He didn’t want to make things worse, so he could only brace himself and bite the bullet. When the 1st AC heard those words, he left in dismay. He knew that he had become cannon fodder. The DP had now chosen to stand on Chu Xiaxing’s side!

Chu Xiaxing didn’t care whether the DP was sincere or not. As long as she could mobilize them to do things and the DP’s skills were better than that of 1st AC, she naturally had no opinion about changing personnel.

When everyone saw that she actually could make the DP work under her, they immediately turned energetic. They did not dare to neglect their work anymore. There was a rank gap in the production team. Since the boss of the photography team was already docile, other people couldn’t step out of line either.

Chu Xiaxing looked at the reorganization of the crew and leisurely said, “That’s right. Whoever does not understand what they have to do, just come and tell me directly. I’ll do the work for you. You can just leave. The crew does not need lazy people.

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“Don’t take on a job without the right skills. If you don’t have the abilities for the work, what money can you make?”

Chu Xiaxing would not be polite. She only needed to grasp the things that others cared about most. She talked about art in front of people with profound knowledge and money in front of people who came to work. The level of quality of work was uneven. Some of them were bullies and needed to be deterred by any means necessary!

Director Wang originally thought Chu Xiaxing wouldn’t even be able to control the crew. But he didn’t expect her to control the DP with one move and gather everyone else in order.

As Chu Xiaxing had sharp eyes, she knew what was wrong when she scanned the screen. She always pointed out the problem sharply. Therefore, everyone was very engaged in their work and did not dare relax at all for fear of being caught. Whether it was acting, photography, lighting, makeup, or hair, she would always hit the mark. People found that she was not easy to fool, so they could only focus on improving their work.

Staff: After all, I’m afraid that she will take away my job. I won’t make a cent if that happens.

Chu Xiaxing’s instructions for each scene were neat and clean. Hence, the quality and efficiency of the shots greatly improved. Although not even two scenes were shot, it still had lightened up the atmosphere in the crew. Everyone felt a lot more relaxed now. It was different from working with Director Wang. At the end of the day, work still required a sense of accomplishment, but Director Wang’s scheduling was exhausting. On the other hand, Chu Xiaxing’s decision-making was much more precise.

Before long, the DP had lowered his head. He gradually forgot Chu Xiaxing’s real identity, and his way of addressing her also changed. “Boss, do you think this one is okay? I’m not bad at it, right?”

Chu Xiaxing glanced at the monitor and couldn’t help praising him, “Not bad, you do have some skill. Nonetheless, you still have room to improve. The one just now was a bit out of place…”

Chu Xiaxing would never let private affairs interfere with public duty. She didn’t hesitate to praise someone who was capable. She rarely considered personal emotions during filming.

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Seeing her pointing his mistakes out, the DP felt like he had found a confidant. He said, “Okay, let’s take another one!”

Director Wang didn’t know much about photography, so he didn’t have a passion for creation. He always fooled around and was lazy. He just wanted to do some easy work. Compared to him, Chu Xiaxing actually understood what was good and what was bad. When working under her, the crew members wanted to show off their skills. After all, one needed to find the right audience to display their abilities. It would be a waste of time otherwise.

Director Wang also saw that the crew was happy and engrossed in their work. He finally no longer had the patience to watch the excitement bubble up. He decided to stop this farce and looked at Chu Xiaxing, who was sitting in the director’s chair. “You are not a director at all! Get off!”

Chu Xiaxing was staring intently at the picture playback. She slowly replied, “Now there’s someone who can shout on the set? Is the executive director useless? Can’t he even make sure that the entire set is quiet while shooting?”

The executive director was shocked when he was suddenly called out of nowhere. Afraid that would be fired immediately, he hurriedly persuaded him politely, “Director Wang, how about you take a rest in there? The next scene will be shot after this. Only one scene is left for today…”

Director Wang stared at the executive director in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? I’m the director here, yet you want me to rest!?”

The executive director was quick to respond, “But it will be finished soon. You can also go home earlier today…”

Before, Director Wang always shot till late at night, so he naturally tired out the staff. Chu Xiaxing’s filming today was quite organized. Everyone was now looking forward to finishing their work to relieve their fatigue. The crew had no weekends off, and their only break time was the short time after work.

Director Wang was invited out of the set by the others. He didn’t expect the changes to happen so quickly. Chu Xiaxing had no plans to get down when she sat in the director’s chair!

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It didn’t take long for Chu Xiaxing to finish filming the last scene of the day. She didn’t waste any time and happily announced that the work would end for the day.

For the first time in many days, everyone had finished their work so early. They were full of joy and praised her one after another, “Thank you, boss!”

“Thank you, director!”

“It’s all done. Thank you, boss. Thank you, Director Chu!”

This was the rule of the crew. When there was a day where they finished work early, they would shout and thank the director. The crew staff was mostly male. The boys had loud voices, so their shouts created a jovial scene.

“Alright, don’t yell here. Just go eat your dinner.” Chu Xiaxing waved her hand at them casually. She was used to hearing this kind of noise already. She handed the script and bottle to Li Jing, “Let’s go.”

The crew members dispersed happily. After all, they were able to get a little more rest today and were very happy.

Not far from where they were, Director Wang also heard the loud gratitude from the set. He was furious and angry. He was clearly the director, but who were they praising just now!

Director Wang barked, “This play can’t be filmed anymore! How can I film it now? Call the producer. Is there anyone who can control her!?”

Chu Xiaxing had suddenly seized the power of the crew from Director Wang’s hands. Now, in addition to his incompetence and rage, he could only resort to the basic tricks used by elementary school students—tell the teacher.

In the urban area, Xia Hong was at a loss when he received the call. He repeated what he just heard. “What? Chu Xiaxin fired the director?”

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