Director Loves No One

Chapter 8.1: You Can Say That I Have A Normal

Chapter 8: You Can Say That I Have A Normal Face, But My Body Shape Is Okay…” (1)

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Xia Hong guessed that Chu Xiaxin might have an accident. He thought that it was an acting problem or a conflict with the other actors, but how could she fight with the director?

There were also people stationed in the company’s performers and production team, and he reluctantly reported to Xia Hong, “President Xia, you can’t call it off, but now, everyone doesn’t really listen to Director Wang…”

What he actually meant was that when Chu Xiaxin launched a coup d’etat to seize power in the performers and production team, Director Wang was a bit helpless.

Xia Hong said in surprise, “But isn’t he a director? He is already a director of the cast and crew, and others still don’t want to listen to him?”

To be honest, Xia Hong didn’t really know much about the cast and crew matters. He always felt that the director was like the general manager. The people underneath should execute orders honestly, but didn’t want the crew to be different from the company.

Because of Chu Xiaxin’s special identity, Xia Hong was not sure about it. He called Song Wen Ye.

In the crew, Director Wang used the power to make a small report to President Xia. The news that the producer was about to visit soon spread, and everyone didn’t know who would win in the struggle between the two factions. According to reason, Chu Xiaxin seemed to have an advantage, but some people said that she wasn’t close to President Xia, and the result was confusing.

Li Jing worriedly said, “Sister, we should have done nothing wrong, right?”

Chu Xiaxing calmly said, “I haven’t breached the contract, and the scene is being shot well. It is obviously that he can’t play it well, so what do we do wrong?”

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Director Wang himself said, “If you can do it, then go ahead.”

Cao Yangang said helplessly, “But your relationship with Director Wang is so rigid, how are you going to shoot?”

Chu Xiaxing said relaxedly, “Should we stop filming and rush to produce bad scenes in fear that the audience won’t wait?”

Can Yangang panicked, “This is my first play!”

Chu Xiaxing squinted at him, she was quite amused when she heard the words, and asked like a blast, “Do you think you can cut it after the filming? It can be successfully released after it is cut out? If it is released online, will it be well received? There are so many companies releasing drama every year. If this drama can go online, then you are born lucky!”

“…It is heartbreaking.” Cao Yangang was speechless after hearing it, and he couldn’t help but muffle his voice. “But you are so courageous. You dare to confront the director.”

Chu Xiaxing said indifferently, “Who are you calling courageous? Directors are divided into three or six or nine grades. There are directors who have filmed 100,000 plays, and directors who have filmed hundreds of millions of plays. Can you say that the two are the same?”

“Others in the crew call you ‘leader’, that is because to act to be polite at work, but if you can’t show a little real ability, who will take care of you after you are finished!” Chu Xiaxin sneered. “Everyone is working together now. After leaving, they will go to different places, and who can find someone else?”

The cast and crew were different from the company. If it was not a long term team, after 1-6 months of filming, they might not meet again for a lifetime. Many cast and crew members met briefly, struggled together for a period of time, and then completely lost contact.

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Chu Xiaxin had experienced too many similar encounters, struggles, and partings. She had seen countless people in the cast and crew, but the names she remembered in the end were quite limited.

Chu Xiaxing said with enthusiasm, “You will understand later that the cast and crew are like a micro-condensed society, where good and bad are mixed, and there are main creators who can make tens of millions, and there are field workers who can only make a few thousand. There are famous schools. There are also farmers who have graduated from overseas returnees who don’t know how to write…”

“Some people are still making scene notes today. They became directors within two years, and some people can still watch the scene. No one cares about it after a while, and it is just a moment after falling from the clouds.” Chu Xiaxing’s tone was calm, “So the success or failure of a play is not a big deal, the key is not to waste time in the cast and crew.”

“Don’t waste other people’s time, otherwise you will be like Director Wang, wasting your time on clumsy and dumb filming.”

This was the truth that Chu Xiaxing summed up over the years. The cast and crew were an extremely competitive place, and only people with real skills and brains could survive for a long time.

After hearing this, Cao Yan was stunned for a moment. He stared at Chu Xiaxing blankly, thinking about her words and deeds, and suddenly shouted, “How about you become my master!”

Assistant Li Jing stood beside Chu Xiaxing. She was startled by Cao Yangang’s voice. She didn’t understand his sudden proposal, and she was at a loss. “?”

Cao Yangang seemed to be stunned. His eyes flashed out, and he said firmly, “I mean it! I feel that you know the cast and crew better than I do, and you are also very good at acting. How about you become my master. I will follow you wherever you go!”

When Cao Yan first joined the group, he actually wanted to learn something from Director Wang, but now he found out that Chu Xiaxing was better, especially when she was filming yesterday. She spoke in a very orderly manner and far surpassed Director Wang. He didn’t want to fool around, but he had not been able to find a reliable guide, and now, he seemed to see the light.

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Li Jing muttered, “This is strange, you are older than her…”

Chu Xiaxing also shook his head decisively. “Forget it.”

Cao Yangang just hurriedly said, “This is not surprising, don’t mind that I am older than you! Whoever acts well is the boss. I really want to learn from you!”

Chu Xiaxing was silent for a moment and said honestly, “No, I don’t care about your age. I care about your aptitude. Your talent is really average.”

Cao Yangang was stunned. “…”So direct!?

Chu Xiaxing couldn’t be ignorant of his conscience and said that Cao Yan Gang was bound to be a big fire. Sometimes actors were indeed super talented in a certain way, and everyone’s upper limit was different.

Cao Yangang was brutally beaten by the truth, but he still said unyieldingly, “I know my talent is not good, but I will work hard! If others can master it once, I can practice a hundred or a thousand times. As long as you are willing to teach, I will definitely study hard!”

Chu Xiaxing was speechless. “…” You said it that way, but I don’t have the patience to teach you a hundred or thousand times?

Chu Xiaxing never expected that one day she would be entangled by the silly boy of the cast, and Cao Yangang seemed to be determined to apprentice a teacher, so he studied art with all his heart. She had also met young actors who were clever minded before, and they tried every means to recognize her as a godmother and ask for resources, but they really hadn’t had a naive type like Cao Yangang.

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Cao Yangang’s head was not smart, and his speech was not very pleasing. He was a bit clumsy, and he did things quite old fashioned. He honestly served tea and water every day to do coolies. Chu Xiaxing was very easy to send smart and slick children, but she found it the most difficult to deal with this kind of stupid child, and she felt a headache for a while.

As long as Chu Xiaxing appeared on the set, Cao Yangang would greet her with warmth and be ready, put on a respectful apprentice attitude, and stubbornly refused to give up his dream of apprenticeship!

Not long after, assistant Li Jing was depressed and complained, “He has finished my work. I am a white collar worker, right?”

Li Jing used to take care of the chores for Chu Xiaxing, but Chao Yangang was now going to take care of her, her face showing the crisis of being laid off.

Chu Xiaxing sighed when she saw this, and she finally couldn’t get through Cao Yangang’s soft and hard bubble. She reluctantly suggested, “Stop mentioning about learning from the master. Now you call me the boss. I will definitely teach you during the group, and you can think about it later. You have to rely on yourself for a few points, okay?”

Chu Xiaxing certainly couldn’t teach Cao Yangang for a lifetime, at most she had time to teach during the filming, and then it depended on his own good luck.

Just after Cao Yangang heard that she was willing to teach, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly replied, “Good, good, good, no problem! You will be the boss in the future and I will definitely listen to you!”

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