Chapter 29: The Admiral who is Unhappy every day

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[Part (1/2)]

Happy New Year In Advance !!! Hope this new year brings you Lots Of Joy and happiness and of course, many new experiences, Stay safe & Take Care . Love you All ~~~



Song Huai cried in front of Lu Mian on the bed for a long time.

He was not a strong person at first, and tears flowed out when he saw Lu Mian. He couldn’t help it no matter what.

After crying until his tears dried out, Song Huai looked at Lu Mian’s increasingly unsightly expression on the screen, and finally realised his blunder.

“I’m sorry.” Song Huai got up, and turned around to wipe his tears with the screen behind his back, his voice still choking uncontrollably.

He tried to dry his tear stained face, but the tears poured back. His eyes, nose, and even his face were all red. His voice after crying was soft: “I am not too useless.”

Lu Mian looked at Song Huai’s appearance on the screen, and his heart felt unbearable. His heart was extremely depressed, but for a while, he couldn’t understand why he felt that way.

“You are already very strong.” Lu Mian paused. After speaking, he realized something and immediately relaxed his clenched brows.

“Really?” Song Huai originally thought that a person like Lu Mian would dislike such a weak and incompetent himself.

“Yeah.” Lu Mian nodded solemnly. “The college competition is originally a competition between the best talents in the empire. You have not participated in other types of knowledge competitions in advance. It is a bit hasty to send you directly to experience the highest difficulty. The most important thing is— ” “What is it?” Song Huai stared at him with a pair of apricot eyes open.

“Don’t doubt yourself, Song Huai.” In the process of getting along, Lu Mian rarely called Song Huai’s name directly, but every time he spoke, Song Huai had a particularly solemn feeling, which made him want to straighten up and be respectful, “You have to believe in yourself.”

Lu Mian paused for two beats, and continued: “I believe in you too.” In just five words, it is more inspiring than any sentence of encouragement in the world, and more beautiful than any other Love words .

Song Huai’s ears reddened unconsciously: Did Lu Mian know that he was so good?

Song Huai, who was originally a face dov, squeezed his fists: “I know! I will definitely work hard, and I won’t embarrass you!”

Wait, how does this sentence sound like a confession!

“I mean, I’ll be better.”

Lu Mian nodded, seeming not to realize the meaning of Song Huai’s words just now.

It’s 11 o’clock in the evening for Sesterven Star, and the Capital Star is more than one o’clock in the morning.

Song Huai said, “Is it late at your place?”

Lu Mian only noticed the time then.

Song Huai reluctantly said: “Then, rest early.”

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Song Huai looked at Lu Mian on the screen, and Lu Mian was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other silently for about two minutes. Song Huai was still reluctant to hang up. He suddenly thought: “By the way, is your cold gone?”

“It’s gone.”

Lu Mian on the screen was dressed in simple home clothes. His complexion was still white, but he was no longer sick. He has handsome brows and eyes, as if he was fabricated by God himself, and he was ingenious.

Song Huai nodded slowly: “That’s good.” After another minute of silence, Song Huai said, “Then…I will hang up?”

Lu Mian nodded.

“I’ll really hang up.”

Song Huai’s finger was already on the screen.

Just when he was about to hang up, Lu Mian suddenly coughed.

Song Huai hurriedly retracted his hand and said nervously: “What’s wrong with you? Is the window closed? Recently, the weather has turned cold. It is best to close the window when sleeping.” The current capital star has not experienced the scorching heat, the weather was still cold.

Song Huai’s nervous look pleased Lu Mian inexplicably.

His restless and gloomy mood in the past few days has also been relieved a lot: “It’s just that my throat was uncomfortable just now.”

Song Huai looked at him anxiously: “Is it uncomfortable? I left the chrysanthemum tea last time in the living room cabinet. If you can’t find it, ask auntie, she should know.”

“Yeah.” Lu Mian replied solemnly, “Take a rest early.”

Hearing Lu Mian say this, Song Huai looked at him a few more times before hanging up the phone.


At the end of the call, Song Huai held the communicator a few times on the bed.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Lu Mian is so handsome!

Why can people look so good!

Song Huai, who was an advanced face dog, was fully satisfied.

After talking with Lu Mian, even the tension these days has alleviated a lot.

Song Huai held up the communicator and placed it in front of him, and the clip of the video call with Lu Mian was played back again.

He heard the phrase “I believe in you too” three times, and his whole body was suddenly full of positive energy.

Song Huai sat up and touched the desk to continue studying.

Before studying, he took another photo of the table and posted a circle of friends.

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It is still only visible to [My Partner].

[Got strength! Keep going! ]

[With map]

Now it was half past one in the capital of the star, Song Huai thought that Lu Mian would see it the next day.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he posted it, it showed a dynamic.

Click in.

[My partner] likes you.


A week of devil training has passed.

On the morning of the eighth day, the training camp gave them half a day off.

Compared with the hard work of other classmates, the three of Hanriks looked much more laid-back.

Lu Chengze: “Dudu, in the afternoon, I will help you revise yesterday’s geometry.”

Song Huai did not understand the geometry question yesterday.

Li Ziqing squeezed Lu Chengze aside from behind: “A’Huai, just ask me if you have any questions, don’t listen to others.”

No matter how good Lu Chengze’s pretends to be on the surface, he can’t hold up with Li Ziqing’s repeated irony.

Lu Chengze sneered: “Every time in the past, someone didn’t seem to surpass me, right.”

Li Ziqing also laughed: “In this way, don’t you need to ask A’Huai?” Song Huai took first place in the mid-term exam.

Lu Chengze’s expression looked a little ugly again.

Song Huai is accustomed to the protagonist’s bickering mode of love, scolding, and love. Anyway, it is written in the novel. People quarrel in front of people, and behind—hehe, let alone, they still live in the same room.

Song Huai quickened his pace and left the two behind.

He hurried back to chat.


【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: A’Huai! You are online! Dad misses you!】

【Dudududududu: Mao Mao is speechless. Jpg】

【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: How is your place?】

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【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: When I asked you, you were too busy to reply to your dear father. Just tell dad if anyone is bullying you!】

【Dudududududu: No, I’m fine here. Everyone is busy studying and training.】

【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: Yes, studying is in their minds.】

【Dudududududu: What’s the matter with your nickname?】

【Soft guy Gu Yangyang: Oh, don’t mention it, I’m just living like a soft guy now!】


【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: You don’t know, since you went away. Admiral Lu looked dark every day as if he was about to kill someone. Before you were there to get up to answer questions, now that you left, the one to answer questions is chosen by a random roll call. Admiral Lu looks like he would kill someone every day, who dares to get up and answer?】

【Dudududududu: Don’t you just have to answer a question? Is it so scary?】

【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: Not scary? That’s Admiral Lu, can it not be scary!】

Song Huai thought about it, and he was right. Lu Mian does have the ability not to scare others. If it weren’t for his face and figure, he would be afraid too.

【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: Oh, come back soon , A’Huai. Otherwise I may not be alive soon. After you left, I became the hapless one, and the admiral called me up every other time. You don’t know what I can answer at my broken level, it’s too difficult. Now I have to review, consolidate, and preview every night, and I have to go through the textbook again before class. I have never worked so hard in my life.】

Song Huai wanted to say: That’s actually good.

But considering the soft guy’s current psychological endurance, he silently held back that sentence.

【Dudududududu: Then do you know why the admiral is in a bad mood?】

【Soft Guy Gu Yangyang: How do I know! If you let me know who offended the admiral, I would be the first to rush and skin him! I can’t take it anymore, I can’t take it anymore!】

Song Huai has deeply felt Gu Yang’s collapse.

【Soft guy Gu Yangyang: When you asked me this, I remembered that last time I visited the forum, many students were discussing that Admiral Lu’s bad mood was visible to the naked eye recently. There is also a post that speculated that it was because his good student left and no one took the initiative to answer the question. It made me laugh.】

【Soft guy Gu Yangyang: A’Huai, these people can really think. If I didn’t know that you are ordinary neighbors, I would really believe it. Now those posts on the forum are crazy, these people can really imagine a lot.】

Gu Yang kept chattering, but he didn’t know that Song Huai, looking at the communicator, had already blushed.

Hmm. So Lu Mian is in a bad mood, does it have anything to do with him?

Probably not.

Over there, Gu Yang had already begun to go to the hospital in a hurry.

【Soft guy Gu Yangyang: Oh, oh, A’Huai, dad begs you. Aren’t you and Admiral Lu neighbors? You help me ask him for mercy so that he won’t catch me anymore, will you? I will lose my life if this continues!】

Suddenly, Song Huai felt like being asked by a friend to go through the back door to intercede with his husband.

Oops, he couldn’t hold it back again, and the corners of his mouth turned up!

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【Soft guy Gu Yangyang: Forget it, you don’t even have the contact information of the admiral. I’ll go and worship Buddha. That is more reliable. Don’t say anything, I’m going to the temple with my mother. 】

Song Huai thought about his chat with Gu Yang.

If he lets Gu Yang know that he not only has Lu Mian’s contact information, he also said good night to someone in the middle of the night.

He just ended the chat with Gu Yang and Lu Mian’s text was sent over there.

【My partner: Rest in the afternoon?】

【Dudududududu: Hmm! Rest for a long time!】

Hee hee hee, Song Huai feels happy in his heart.

After he finished class today, he posted a circle of friends visible only to [my partner].

【Finally I can take a rest for an afternoon. 】

【Maomao moved.jpg】

Sure enough, Lu Mian sent a message in less than twenty minutes.

Song Huai discovered that Lu Mian seems to be particularly free recently.

In the past few days, he would like and comment as soon as he posted on his circle of friends, and sometimes he would like it in seconds.

Sometimes, Lu Mian would send him a message to ask him about his situation.

Song Huai was not so anxious to reply to Lu Mian, he went to his Moments page to browse.

Turning to the earliest one, only [my partner] can see the circle of friends, lonely and widowed, and not a single like.

As the days passed, Lu Mian started to praise him one after another, and then developed into comments, and now he will send him a message after he likes or comments.

This little change made Song Huai feel sweet.

Does this mean that he and Lu Mian are no longer as unfamiliar as they were at the beginning? Is it even possible that Lu Mian likes him a little bit?

The message sent did not receive an immediate response.

Lu Mian made a call directly.

Recently, Lord Admiral of the Empire, who doesn’t like to show up in front of people, seems to be hooked on video calls.

Song Huai noticed that the background behind Lu Mian was neither at school nor at home.

Today is indeed the weekend, so where is Lu Mian?

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