Chapter 30 … The Admiral Who Can’t Wait to Meet His Wife

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[Part (1/2)]

Song Huai was stunned, and then he looked at the [My Partner] on the communicator and said stupidly : “My Partner.” Li Ziqing’s expression was astonished and ugly for a moment: “Your partner? When did you …… talk to your boyfriend?”

 Actually, it’s not a boyfriend either. Song Huai retorted a little in his heart, but refused to say any more.

 Li Ziqing was reluctant. He lowered his voice and approached Song Huai in a very deterrent manner: “Song Huai, when did you fall in love?”

 What happened to Lu Chengze before then?

 Li Ziqing is his good friend. Song Huai didn’t really want to deceive people. He said, “It was after Lu Chengze.”

 That’s what happened during this period. When was Song Huai…Who is that person? Why didn’t he find out by himself before?

 Li Ziqing wanted to continue to ask questions. Lu Chengze, who was walking slightly in front of them, noticed the movement here and turned back.

 Li Ziqing showed a touch of unwilling anger, and his whole person gritted his teeth. There was some pain in his expression.

 Song Huai didn’t understand why Li Ziqing reacted so much to the fact that he had found someone.

 Li Ziqing didn’t pay any attention to him when the three people needed to cooperate in the next experimental course.

 When Song Huai turned his head, the other party looked at him with an extremely complicated expression.

 Song Huai’s mood was not affected much, because this afternoon, classes were over, and the painful training time was about to pass. He couldn’t wait to leave the ghost place of Sesterven Star.

 He now misses his father, mother, grandfather, Gu Yang, and even misses Liu Xiaomeng a little bit.

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 Of course, the person who he wants to see most is Lu Mian.

 He just thought at this moment, he cannot afford to delay.

 As soon as he rushed back to the dormitory, he started making video calls to Lu Mian.

 That night, the training base had prepared a banquet, and Song Huai packed up the package early.

 After a while, someone knocked on the door and called him to the banquet. Song Huai opened the door and saw that only Lu Chengze was standing outside the door. He turned his head and saw Li Ziqing walking out of the corridor by himself. He seemed to have noticed Song Huai’s sight, and Li Ziqing stopped slightly. But the next second, he continued to walk out alone again.

 Song Huai looked up at Lu Chengze. The latter put on an ironed dress and smiled softly: “Dudu, let’s go to the party together.”

 Lu Chengze looks good and looks even more deceptive in formal attire.

 But Song Huai was a little unhappy now, Li Ziqing didn’t wait for him, and Lu Mian refused to answer his call.

 He slammed the door shut, ran back to the room and fell on the bed, picked up the communicator, and no one answered.

 What is Lu Mian doing?

 Song Huai thought angrily.

 Maybe something is going on.

 Song Huai also changed his dress, and when he opened the door, Lu Chengze was still waiting outside.

 The latter squinted his eyes and looked up and down Song Huai. The anger he had received before disappeared when he saw his delicate and pleasant appearance.

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 Although Song Huai didn’t want to see Lu Chengze in his heart, they were all partners before the end of the college competition. Moreover, in the entire training base, apart from Li Ziqing, Song Huai only knew Lu Chengze.

 The two walked out together, Song Huai tried to keep a distance from Lu Chengze. Lu Chengze was not as ignorant as before, and would not try to get in front of Song Huai’s eyes.

 Lu Chengze and Song Huai kept a safe distance. He kept talking to Song Huai about one thing or the other. Song Huai occasionally responded with one or two sentences. After some time, Song Huai pursed his lips without answering.

 At the beginning of the banquet, the feeling of being immediately liberated may be too strong. The atmosphere on the scene was quite warm. The person in charge of the base spoke on the stage, but Song Huai couldn’t hear a word.

 Four schools have students sitting at a round table. The students in this school are all connected together. In the past, Li Ziqing always sat next to him. But this time, there was a Lu Chengze between them. And no matter what Song Huai wanted to talk to Li Ziqing, Li Ziqing acted as if he hadn’t seen him.

 Song Huai felt extremely depressed, and, besides, Lu Mian never responded to his texts.

 When Lu Chengze came to the stage as a representative to speak, the middle position was vacant.

 Song Huai was very depressed and wanted to go for a walk.

 Li Ziqing beside him was actually paying attention to Song Huai’s every move. When he saw Song Huai walking out alone, Li Ziqing almost couldn’t resist the urge to catch up.

 Outside the building where the banquet is held is a small circular garden with many tall trees planted in the center of the garden.

 The air outside was much fresher, with a biting chill.

 Song Huai took a deep breath, found a bench, and sat down, looking up at the starry sky.

 The stars are shining today, and the stars embedded the night sky.

 Song Huai dangled his two legs carelessly, and the banquet hall burst into applause and cheers from time to time, which was in sharp contrast with the lonely silence outside.

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 Not knowing how long it took, Song Huai’s communicator rang suddenly.

 It was Lu Mian who called him.

 Song Huai answered the phone almost as soon as the ringing rang. Perhaps Lu Mian’s attitude towards him had been relaxed during this time. Song Huai’s tone of voice unconsciously brought a hint of grievance to complain: “What were you busy with just now? Why didn’t you answer the call?” It looked like a little wife whose husband didn’t answer his phone.

 Hearing the child’s complaints, Lu Mian groaned there for two seconds before saying, “Sorry, there was no signal just now.”

 No signal? Except on interstellar flights, where will there be no signal? Did Lu Mian receive any classified mission?

 Song Huai sucked his nose, making his voice sound more aggrieved: “Okay. I thought that you ignored me.”

 ”No,” Lu Mian added. “I won’t ignore you, something really happened just now.”

 Hearing this sentence, Song Huai’s mood finally brightened.

 Lu Mian gave some sunshine to him, and the embarrassment and grievances just now were instantly thrown behind his head: “We are holding a training banquet now, what are you doing?”

 Lu Mian was silent for several seconds, but Song Huai seemed to faintly hear some mechanical sounds.

 What is Lu Mian doing? Is he still busy?

 Song Huai couldn’t help but wonder if Lu Mian would reply to him.

 After about a minute or so, Lu Mian’s voice finally came from the other end of the phone: “I just came to Sesterven Star for something. Now that the training camp is over, do you want to go back with me?”

 Song Huai heard this and blinked his eyes twice.

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 Soon, he became extremely excited: “What! Are you in Sesterven now! Then…Can I really go back with you?”

 Lu Mian came to Sesterven!

 Song Huai almost didn’t jump up.

 ”Yes.” Lu Mian said, “If you want, I can come and pick you up now. As for the school, I will go and inform them.”

 In fact, this afternoon is the formal end of the training, and the students can already go home. However, for the personal safety of the students, the team is led by the school teacher, and the interplanetary flight back to the capital is arranged uniformly. So everyone stayed to attend the training dinner tonight, and waited until the same time tomorrow to depart back to Capital Star.

 The unified operation is for the safety of the students. But if Lu Mian informs the teacher, there is definitely no problem.

 ”Then…” Thinking of seeing Lu Mian soon, Song Huai suddenly became ashamed, “Then please come and pick me up, I will pack everything.”

 ”By the way, when can you come over? Huh?” On the other side of the phone, Lu Mian pondered for a while, and then, Lu Mian’s magnetically calm voice sounded: “Five minutes.”

 ”Five minutes?!” Song Huai was stunned. Doesn’t it mean that Lu Mian is now near the base!

 The banquet hall is twenty minutes away from the dormitory. Even if Song Huai ran back now, it would take ten minutes, let alone…

 Lu Mian heard his tone and thought that Song Huai thought it was too long. He put down the communicator and asked the secretary: “What is the shortest time in which we can arrive?” The secretary looked at the speedometer, which was approaching the maximum speed, and his eyelids twitched: “Three minutes.”

 Lu Mian picked up the communicator again: “Three minutes.”

 Hearing this, Song Huai felt like his hips were burning, and stood up from the stone bench.

 Holding the communicator in one hand, he rushed towards the dormitory building.

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