Chapter 267 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 19) 

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Liu Yuanchen guessed it well. When Liu Qingwu learned that Liu Mingzhu was in love with Yuan Ye, he was very angry at first and couldn’t help but to run to confront Liu Mingzhu.  

Seeing that her father already knew, Liu Mingzhu simply said that she would not marry anyone except Yuan Ye. She would rather die. 

Liu Qingwu was furious and reached out his hand to fight, but he was not willing to do so. He only said that it was absolutely impossible to marry Liu Mingzhu to the Yuan family. Then, he ordered that Liu Mingzhu was banned from going out. 

Liu Mingzhu was also angry. She simply stopped eating and drinking and started a hunger strike.  

In the end, it was Liu Qingwu’s love for his daughter which had the upper hand. Liu Yuanchen beat the drums, saying that Yuan Ye was a talented person with a similar family background. Yuan Ye was eager to learn and was smart and was not like his father, so he was a good match. Liu Qingwu’s attitude deteriorated and he wanted to fulfill Liu Mingzhu’s wish. 

When Mrs. Liu-Xie found out, she was very angry. “How can you explain this to Qingyun?”  

Liu Qingwu didn’t dare to look directly at Mrs. Liu-Xie and looked around. “Qingyun will definitely forgive me. She is also a mother, and she would do anything for her children!” 

Mrs. Liu-Xie snorted a few times. “You want to marry Mingzhu to the Yuan family. I can’t control that. Liu Mingzhu is not my daughter.”  

Mrs. Liu-Xie acted resolutely and immediately found the clan elders and removed Liu Mingzhu’s name from her own name. She couldn’t raise such a daughter! 

Not only did Mrs. Liu-Xie object, but even Liu Qingtong objected. Liu Qingwu was angry. This master’s daughter could marry whoever she wanted! She didn’t need to be judged by them!  

Seeing that Liu Qingwu was so obsessed, Mrs. Liu-Xie quickly asked someone to send a letter to Liu Qingyun. 

After Li Su received the letter, she snorted a few times. She didn’t care who Liu Mingzhu married, but Liu Qingwu’s attitude made her unhappy.  

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Since that was the case, then he couldn’t blame her. 

Li Su explained things and Jinzhu led the way. Soon, white jade candy with whiter color, finer particles, sweeter taste, and with a cheaper price than snowflake candy appeared on the market. The sales of the snowflake candy plummeted.  

Liu Qingwu had made a lot of money from selling snowflake candy over the years, and the journey had been smooth. He was too used to how easy it was. Now that this kind of thing happened, he couldn’t rush things. 

Liu Qingwu was in high spirits preparing a dowry for his daughter, but he was in a hurry when he received the news. He also planned to give Mingzhu 10% of his dividends in the sugar mill as a dowry. With this, Mingzhu would not have to worry about money in this life. Now that the so-called white jade candy has come out, the sugar mill was worthless. How could this be good?  

“This white jade candy seems to have spread all over the country overnight. The people behind it must have planned it. For today, we should quickly investigate and find out who the master is behind this white jade candy,” Liu Qingwu said.  

Liu Qingsong snorted coldly. “Did you forget who developed the snowflake candy?” 

“You mean Qingyun? Impossible! What reason does she have to do this…?” Liu Qingwu was originally very angry, but in the end, he was not confident enough.  

“Why can’t she do this? Eldest  brother, you can marry your daughter to the son of Mrs. Su. Why can’t Qingyun make white jade candy to compete with the Liu family?” Liu Qingsong said angrily. 

“That’s right, eldest brother, what you did was unkind in the first place! Mingzhu can marry anyone, but she can’t marry someone with the surname Yuan!” Liu Qingtong said. “Eldest brother, since you insist on doing your own thing, you can’t blame others. ”  

His youngest daughter was about to become a crown princess, so he naturally had the confidence to say such a thing. 

“I am not the only one to lose in this matter. Aren’t you in a hurry?” Liu Qingwu said urgently. He wanted to win over a few of his brothers to play an emotional card to ask Qingyun to hand over the recipe for the white jade candy. If possible, if he could use this recipe for his daughter to get her the title of County Princess. Then, Mingzhu would not have to worry about anything for the rest of his life. 

“What can we do? We are not better than eldest brother, who has a big family and a precious daughter. You want this today and you’ll want something else tomorrow. Even her dowry is comparable to the crown princess. The money earned by the sugar mill for ten years is enough for a few of us to live. Don’t bother, eldest brother, “Liu Qingtong said disdainfully. 

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What he didn’t say was that Qingyun had already sent the recipe for white jade candy over. Baozhu personally presented it to the crown prince, and together with the crown prince, they presented it to the emperor. Just like last time, the emperor handed over the private management of the white jade candy to Qingyun. At the same time, he secretly gave Baozhu a lot of things.  

Items were secondary. It was important to get the emperor’s and crown prince’s favour. 

Liu Qingsong and Liu Qingbai had the same attitude. Over the years, the income they had accumulated was enough for their descendants to spend. Moreover, the sugar mill was not without income, but the income was not as good as before. Eldest brother, this was greedy enough!  

“You guys!” Liu Qingwu said with a red face. 

“Eldest brother, younger brother has something to do at home, so I will leave first.” Liu Qingtong stood up. 

Liu Qingsong and Liu Qingbai followed closely. In the end, only Liu Qingwu was left standing there alone. 

Liu Qingwu didn’t give up, and immediately wrote a letter explaining that Mingzhu was stubborn, and that he, as a father, could not force her. He also said that marriage was predestined by God and could not be forced.  

When Li Su saw the letter, she laughed angrily. Liu Qingwu was too self-righteous. He thought that she was angry because he didn’t marry Liu Mingzhu to Immortal Stays. It was ridiculous. Her Immortal Stays never planned to get married, and even if he wanted to, she would have never considered Liu Mingzhu! 

Li Su replied to the letter, expressing her own meaning unceremoniously.  

“Young miss, shall we go back to Jade City?” Jinzhu asked. 

“Don’t go back. Why should we go back?” Li Su asked angrily.  

“Why shouldn’t you go back? If you don’t go back, it will be as if we lost to them. Young miss, let’s go back! If nothing else, it will be to let our young master shine! Who is Mingzhu? She is dirt, and everyone will be able to see it at a glance,” Cuizhu said quickly. 

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“Whether we are good or bad, what does it have to do with them? We don’t live for their amusement! It’s better to have less than one more thing! Let’s just live our lives with peace of mind,” Lüzhu said. 

Li Su nodded. “Lüzhu is right. My Immortal Stays is the best! He is also the best without them saying so. Instead of talking to them, let’s live our own lives in peace. Cuizhu, you should know that, if the gap between people is small, some people will naturally be jealous and disdainful. But if it is a huge difference, then there is only admiration left. What we need to do now is not to compete with them for this moment, but to continue to widen the gap between us! Understand?” 

Cuizhu nodded in understanding. “I will listen to the young miss and do what the young miss says!”  

“Jinzhu, spread the word. In addition to the white jade candy, the fruit candy and nougat can also be sold.” Li Su smiled. 

In the past ten years, she had not done anything. She could do a lot, but she was afraid that if she did too many big things, people would suspect things. So, she only concentrated on making candy for the people below. White jade candy was made five years ago, but she did not sell a lot at that time. She only let people continue to develop fruit candy and milk candy. 

It was not until half a year ago that Li Su started mass production and prepared to sell it to the outside world. Next year would be the 40th birthday of the emperor and she was going to present the recipe of white jade candy as a birthday gift. As for the production of white jade candy, she planned to return it to the Liu family’s sugar workshop.  

It could only be said that Liu Qingwu forced her hand. 

In fact, second older brother, Liu Qingtong, reminded her that the letter came earlier than sister-in-law’s letter. Therefore, Li Su returned the favour and gave Liu Qingtong the recipe for the white jade candy. He then made the decision to dedicate it to the emperor. As for what method Liu Qingtong used, and who the credit went to in the end, Li Su didn’t care. 

In fact, when Liu Qingwu was partial to the concubine illegitimate daughter, Liu Qingtong had a daughter who was a crown princess consort, the situation of the Liu family changed. The authority in the Liu family had quietly changed hands. It was just that Liu Qingwu didn’t know it yet. 

Immortal Stays was not surprised by Li Su’s decision not to go to Jade City. He was even a little happy. Mother’s life and death calamity was in the south, and Jade City was south of Qingyuan Mountain. Mother decided not to go to Jade City, which was good.  

After Liu Qingwu received the letter, he was angry, and immediately wrote a letter to sever their relationship. He was about to send it out, but stopped. He was a little hesitant. Once this letter was sent, his relationship with Qingyun would be… 

Only by making good friends with Qingyun could the Liu family’s sugar factory come back to life and for everything he planned to come true.  

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He recently bought a dowry for Mingzhu, but Mrs. Liu-Xie monopolised the money. She was only willing to spend 3,000 taels to buy the dowry, which was according to the rules of a concubine. She refused to give any money. As for the family’s property, as early as when the seventh young master got married, he decided to split it. Most of his own private houses were subsidised. 

Everything was completely different from what he expected! Originally, Liu Qingwu wanted to take the 10% dividend from the sugar mill as a dowry to Mingzhu, but Mrs. Liu-Xie and several sons also disagreed. 

Besides, the sugar mill didn’t make much money now. With the appearance of white jade candy, who would buy snowflake candy?! The sugar mill tried lowering prices, but with little success. If it went down any further, the cost would not be recovered. They could only give up. 

Liu Qingwu was in a hurry. Liu Yuanchen had the intention to use his property as a dowry for his younger sister, but Mrs. Yan remained silent and returned to her parents’ house with a few children. 

They were both of equal importance, and Liu Qingwu was also unwilling to cause his son’s family to suffer for the sake of his daughter.  

But Liu Mingzhu didn’t know anything. She acted like a spoiled child in front of Liu Qingwu, clamouring for many things. She said that her dowry should not be less than her cousin’s, or people would look down on her. 

When Liu Qingwu faced his beloved daughter’s coquettish behavior, he naturally responded to everything. However, when he sent away his beloved daughter, he began to worry again.  

Thinking of this, Liu Qingwu had no choice but to lower his stance. He tore up the letter and re-wrote it. 

When Li Su received Liu Qingwu’s letter, she put it aside. Without even looking, she could already guess what was written in the letter. She was not in the mood to care about Liu Qingwu and Liu Mingzhu. She still had a lot of things to do.  

In fact, in the past ten years, Li Su had been doing good deeds in Immortal Stays’ name. She built bridges and paved roads all over the country. She built charitable halls, supported orphans, and many other things, thus accumulating merit for Immortal Stays. 

She vaguely remembered what she had seen before. If she accumulated merit to a certain extent, she could also become an immortal! Although the book she read didn’t seem to be a cultivation text, the methods there might not be successful, but it was always right to do more good deeds.  

As a mother, she couldn’t help her son. She could only do this. Hopefully it was of some use! 

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