When Jiang Song saw Xie Yao’s message, he had just received a reply from the finance department and felt instantly refreshed.

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He took a screenshot and threw it into the group chat, ignoring the six people’s chattering and immediately left the group, turning to open the message from the little anchor.

Jiang Song: Eating supper so late? Do you have any digestive medicine? Eating such oily food, you’ll have stomach pain when you wake up tomorrow morning.

When Xie Yao saw the WeChat notification, he hastily shoved the remaining half of the grilled gluten into his mouth. His face immediately swelled up like a ball on both sides. He didn’t even have the mood to chew his teeth a few times before he opened the message.

Gad: I have some at home. My stomach is fine, so eating supper won’t be a problem.

Jiang Song: Okay, remember to drink some water after eating to help digestion. Rest early after eating.

SUS and the others looked like they were used to staying up late and had their days and nights reversed. They became happier as the night went on. After Jiang Song retired, he couldn’t control them anymore, but he still had to watch over the little anchor’s bad habits.

Xie Yao replied honestly with a “got it.”

The two of them chatted for a while, talking about various topics until Xie Yao was full from eating barbecue. It was only then that Jiang Song brought up the purpose of his visit.

Gad: Brother Jiang, did you call Praise to come and support them tonight?

Jiang Song was not the type of person to hide when he had done something good. When Xie Yao didn’t mention it, it was okay, but once he did, Jiang Song admitted it openly.

Jiang Song: Yes, it was me.

Xie Yao looked at him, unsure if he should feel grateful or disappointed.

He was truly grateful for the significant increase in popularity that Brother Jiang’s actions had brought him. However, at the same time, he was disappointed that without Brother Jiang, Praise probably wouldn’t have come to his live stream that night.

Jiang Song could guess what Xie Yao was thinking, so he sent another message to explain.

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Jiang Song: But I only mentioned that you were going to participate in the competition. SUS and the others were the ones I called, and Praise came on his own initiative.

Xie Yao was initially stunned, but then he couldn’t contain his excitement.

Gad: Really?

Jiang Song: How could I possibly invite praise, the big shot? And you know him well enough.

Praise never watches live streams and isn’t associated with any streamers. His personality is just like that, others can only offer suggestions, not objections.

This immediately comforts Xie Yao.

Xie Yao: Thank you, Brother Jiang!

Jiang Song chuckles, “Finished with supper?”

Xie Yao: Just finished.

Jiang Song: Then tidy up and get some rest.

Xie Yao is in city C while Jiang Song is in the neighboring city B. The two cities are close to each other, and most express deliveries arrive the next day.

Xie Yao is awakened by a deliveryman’s call in the morning. He hangs up drowsily and guesses that it must be the trophy that Jiang Song sent over.

He gets up, brushes his teeth, and looks out the window, his expression instantly collapsing.

It’s raining again.

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Every time he goes out, it seems to rain, and something bad always happens when it rains.

Xiao P, the pet cat, is a sleepyhead and is still asleep when Xie Yao is getting ready to leave.

Before leaving, Xie Yao prepares some cat food for Xiao P and places it next to him to prevent him from meowing when he wakes up and finds Xie Yao gone.

Fortunately, the rain this time is not very heavy, and Xie Yao has no trouble using an umbrella.

He picks up the package at the destination and everything goes smoothly until he signs for it.

As he walks out of the courier station, he immediately breathes a sigh of relief.

It looks like his luck is okay today.

Just as he was thinking this, he walked to a crossroads, and a man wearing a hat rushed at him from the right, running as if he were being chased by a dog.

Xie Yao was bumped by him, and the trophy almost slipped out of his hand.

Before Xie Yao had a chance to frown, someone behind him shouted, “Stop the thief!”

The victim was an elderly woman, and the thief had run a long way ahead before the woman struggled to keep up.

Although Xie Yao is introverted, he is easily moved.

When he came to his senses, he had already handed the trophy to the old woman and quickly said, “Please hold this for me, I’ll go get it back for you.”

With a long stride, he started running after the thief who was still within sight.

The thief was obviously a habitual offender and very familiar with the surroundings. He was leading the way, turning left and right every now and then. If it weren’t for Xie Yao’s keen eyesight, quick reflexes, and agility, he probably would have lost him.

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Fortunately, Xie Yao, despite looking thin, had good stamina. With his long legs, he chased the thief and ran for two blocks.

At this point, he didn’t care about being autistic or not. He saw the thief being blocked by the crowd and shouted, “Help! The one with the hat is a thief. Stop him!”

As soon as he shouted, someone in the crowd instinctively kicked and grabbed the thief. The thief tried to break free but Xie Yao had already caught up and grabbed his hat, causing the thief to fall to the ground.

Seeing the thief trying to escape, Xie Yao quickly grabbed his hand, sat on his back, and pinned him down.

Xie Yao looked up and said, “Please help me report to the police.”

In no time, the police arrived and Xie Yao went with them to the police station to make a statement.

It wasn’t a big deal, just a street theft, and it could be seen clearly on the surveillance cameras. Xie Yao briefly made a statement with the police and when the old lady who was robbed arrived at the police station, the thief’s crime was pretty much established.

Upon entering the door, the old lady handed the unopened package in her hand back to Xie Yao and repeatedly thanked him.

“Thank you, young man. This thing was so heavy!” The old lady had a lot of cash in her bag and wanted to take out a few bills to give to Xie Yao on the spot, but he refused after much persuasion.

However, he had also lost his umbrella in the process, and the rain was still pouring outside, so he couldn’t leave for a while.

The people at the police station told him to wait here until the rain lessened before leaving.

As soon as he sat down, his phone beeped, and Jiang Song had sent him a message.

Opening the message, Xie Yao saw that the other party had sent him a message over half an hour ago, and since he didn’t receive a reply, he sent another message now.

Xie Yao quickly replied.

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Gad: Sorry, Brother Jiang, something came up, and I didn’t see your message. I’m at the police station now.

Jiang Song quickly replied, sounding a bit surprised.

Jiang Song: Why are you at the police station? What happened?

Gad: It’s nothing.

Jiang Song sounded concerned, so Xie Yao explained to him what had just happened.

Jiang Song laughed when he heard it: I thought you were an underage streamer who got caught broadcasting.

Xie Yao: ?

Gad: No, I’m an adult, it’s not illegal. And I’m a legitimate streamer.

Jiang Song was just teasing him, and seeing his reaction, he laughed for a while.

They chatted for a while, and Jiang Song mentioned tonight’s livestream.

Xie Yao: The championship tournament will start in a few days, so I’ll probably have to play some peak matches these days.

Jiang Song: Okay, I’ll remind you that Praise will come to your livestream tonight.

He thought that if he told Xie Yao directly that Praise would come during the world championship, it might startle the young streamer. So he decided to give him some reaction time by gradually revealing the news.


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