Although there was no argument between the fans on both sides of the barrage, every sentence was filled with invisible gunpowder.

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Jiang Song’s response to this was: “Spaceship x5”.

Simple and crude, “you have a credit limit of 50,000, I’ll just smash it with one blow and it’ll be 50,000”.

No reason, just fighting for face.

On the other side of the screen, Zhou Tian watched Jiang Song and was dazzled by the gift effects.

Zhou Tian: ?

What does this mean, is this person insulting him with money?

How can the young master lose to money!

Zhou Tian angrily pressed the reward button!

He didn’t reward much before, mainly because Xie Yao didn’t allow him to spend money recklessly. The platform would take away half of the reward, which he thought was not worth it. He’d rather buy something else and give it directly to Xie Yao.

But now he was driven by anger and wanted to compete with Jiang Song. He had to fight even if it wasn’t worth it!

So Xie Yao had just topped up his account, bought two new skins, and when he looked back at the live broadcast, he saw a screen full of gift effects, one spaceship after another flying by.

Xie Yao: …

When he realized who was giving the reward, he had an instant headache.

In a moment, the two of them had each smashed tens of thousands of dollars. The barrage was all watching the gods fight, with some people appearing to “mediate” but actually fanning the flames.

The backstage income soared, and Xie Yao’s anger rose when he thought about the half that the platform had taken away from the two.

“Okay, stop giving gifts, if I get any more gifts today, I’ll end the broadcast.”

Xie Yao showed his face, not with a black face, but with a threatening tone.

The barrage stopped, as if some interstellar war between the Cosmic Alliance and the Imperial Empire had ended.

: I’ve never seen such an exciting scene in my entire life.

: Scratch ‘exciting’ and change it to ‘rich’.

: Wow, rich people fight with spaceships.

: Sisters, I went to see it, Jiang Yao and his partner narrowly won a spaceship battle!

: Boss Jiang is amazing!”

: Darn it, they actually lost!

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Xie Yao has been numbed by the impact of money. He ignored the barrage of comments, rubbed his forehead, and sighed, “Let’s play duo tonight.”

CP fans were excited, “Who are you playing duo with?”

Xie Yao replied, “With Brother Jiang”

CP fans cheered, “Yay, we’ve won again! Jiang Yao is the best!”

Xie Yao was already a little uncomfortable with Jiang Song, and the fans words almost gave him a heart attack. He was very nervous facing Jiang Song, and after inviting him to join the team, he didn’t even give him time to turn on his microphone before starting the match.

They were definitely going to play matches tonight, and Xie Yao gave up on playing ranked because he knew he might make some stupid mistakes. He didn’t want to get flamed by his teammates.

“Xishi has a new skin, let’s play Xishi today.”

Xishi is a mage that was introduced in recent years and requires high skill to operate. She just got a new FMVP exclusive skin a few days ago.

This skin has the image of a little dragon girl as a whole. It looks quite different from the previous painting style of the king, but it is very beautiful. It can be called the ceiling of the skin that has been released recently.

The modeling is also very nice, even if you don’t play this hero, you will have the urge to buy it.

After Xie Yao locked in Xi Shi, the barrage was all exclaiming that this skin is really worth it, and the next second, Jiang Song locked in Yao.

This time he hesitated to turn on the microphone: “Coincidentally, I just bought Yao’s skin.”

Xie Yao’s eyelids jumped and the barrage immediately changed its tone, all spamming “kswl”!

As we all know, Xi Shi and Yao were previously established as an official CP by the Honor of Kings official, although the planner later canceled this decision, various fan works still emerged one after another.

In the player’s minds, the two are already an official match.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Song made this move, and Xie Yao was caught off guard, and his mind began to replay Zhou Tian’s words again.

After a while, Jiang Song laughed in the microphone: “What are you daydreaming about?”

Xie Yao regained his senses, his ears turning red.


He thought expressionlessly: This is really f*cked up.

The hero selection ended and entered the loading screen.

Xi Shi and Yao were next to each other, and the FMVP skins of Little Dragon Girl and Yunying Feijiang were both very eye-catching with their golden brilliance.

Xie Yao was stunned: “Isn’t Yao’s new skin Li Xiaoyao?”

Jiang Song said, “I didn’t say it was, I bought the new skin for Yunying Feijiang.”

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Two FMVPs, posters facing each other, it’s not a victory for love.

Zhou Tian was stunned on the other side of the screen!

“Wow, this guy’s rank is pretty high.”

“There’s no way this innocent-looking elementary school kid can handle him!”

After entering the game, Xie Yao remained silent while Jiang Song did most of the talking. At first, he stayed in the middle lane and cleared minions, appearing quite normal on the surface, but his mind was filled with crazy ideas from Zhou Tian.

By the sixth minute, Xie Yao finally made a move. Little Dragon Girl was holding the Dragon Ball and standing motionless next to the blue buff, while the white-haired young general was inside fighting the blue buff.

Controlling a full mana Xishi, Xie Yao asked, “Can you give me some blue?”

Zhou Tian said that if you give the mid-laner the blue buff in the early game while playing jungle, then you must be interested in them.

Xie Yao stared at the screen, watching Yao who was still using skills to fight the blue buff without moving, and his lips curled up regretfully. It seemed that Jiang Song wasn’t interested in him, as he didn’t even let him have the blue buff.

“It’s fine if you don’t want it.” Xie Yao was about to leave when Jiang Song suddenly spoke up.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to clear a wave of minions…”

He turned his head to look at the silent Yao getting hammered next to the blue buff, then glanced at the nearly depleted blue buff, suddenly feeling a bad premonition.

The next moment, he heard Jiang Song say, “You want blue? If you don’t take it, I’ll be beaten to death by the blue buff.”

Jiang Song playfully moved Yao’s joystick.

Xie Yao immediately groaned.

Jiang Song raised his eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

Xie Yao said, “Nothing, I have a toothache.”

He expressionlessly took the blue buff and returned to mid lane, mercilessly clearing a wave of minions.

Xie Yao felt complicated inside. He crouched in the grass, waiting for the enemy mage to approach, then immediately used his skills, pulling and colliding with his first skill and then his second skill. The opponent was like a puppet being manipulated by Xishi, and the explosive damage caused the mage to die instantly.

After taking the kill, Xie Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay, Zhou Tian also said that even if someone gives you the blue buff, it doesn’t necessarily mean they like you.

Xie Yao glanced at Yao, who had no blue bar, which was good. This was a hero who didn’t need to restore mana, and he didn’t need the blue buff.

Xie Yao pretended to convince himself.

The opponent mage had been killed by Xie Yao three times in a row, and his score was now 0-5-0, which was unbearable.

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After being pulled back and forth by Xishi’s skills again, like a helpless idiot, the opponent finally got smart and called for backup.

Just as Xishi finished clearing minions and was about to go around the red zone to support the bottom lane, she was unexpectedly ambushed by the enemy.

Fortunately, Yao happened to pass by, dodging left and right, using his skills one after the other, and charging forward with his longsword sweeping across, pushing the opponent back.

Xie Yao took advantage of this and flashed to avoid any follow-up damage, and Xishi had already pursued the enemy.

He followed behind, landing his first skill and then using his ultimate, and at this moment the enemy jungler had already died, leaving only half health for the mage.

Xie Yao suddenly said, “Can I have this kill?”

Yao responded by using a skill and attacking three wild boars nearby with his long sword.

Then, Jiang Song’s voice came, “Of course you can.”

Xi Shi used her first skill to pull the mage and then used her second skill to collide with him, causing him to immediately fall to the ground and die.

Xie Yao’s kill count increased by one.

Xie Yao’s expression upon receiving the kill was not happy, but rather pained.

What’s the big deal about just getting a kill?

Xie Yao felt disdainful in his heart, but his expression betrayed his true feelings.

Zhou Tian silently watched the screen, staring at his father’s twisted and distorted face, feeling a mix of emotions.

This seemed like his father was trying to confirm that “he’s not interested in me,” but in reality, it was a step-by-step confirmation that “he’s interested in me”…

Who could have thought that!

After this, Xie Yao not only wanted blue buffs and kills, but also red buffs and jungle monsters, even taking away the minion wave that Yao was about to get.

Despite his greedy behavior, Jiang Song surprisingly satisfied all of his demands!

No one could see the collapse in Xie Yao’s heart, and fans only felt shocked, while shippers felt like it was Christmas.

: What’s going on??? Why is Yao Yao acting so needy tonight??

” If it wasn’t for the fact that he’s on camera, I would even suspect that he’s being hacked!

: Damn, wanting blue buffs and kills is one thing, but asking for jungle monsters and red buffs too? Are you even human?!

: Jiang boss, don’t give it to him! If you give him more, we’ll report him!

: Damn, is this the legendary steam cooking personally giving out sugar??

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: We’re getting our fill of dog food tonight.

: Kswlkswl! They’ve practically announced their relationship already!

: Mom, the CP I’m rooting for is real!!

The barrage was in a frenzy, but Xie Yao’s heart was equally tumultuous, and he had to bear the onslaught from his friends in the chat.

Marksman: …

Marksman: It’s not even Qixi yet, how did we encounter a couple dog? So unlucky.

Support: I give up, can’t this jungler see that his girlfriend is a dead green tea???

Top Lane: Get out of China if you want to show affection!

Xie Yao, upon seeing the messages: ?!

He was already feeling down from the criticism, and this was the last straw that made him explode.

Xie Yao furiously typed back.

Xie Yao: I am a guy, damn it!!

There was a moment of silence in the King’s Canyon, and then–

Marksman: Dead gay, so unlucky!

Top Lane: Dead gay, so unlucky!

Support: Holy sh*t, a male green tea, rare sight indeed.

Xie Yao immediately felt like vomiting blood.

Jiang Song laughed out loud on the microphone.

If he hadn’t laughed, it would have been fine, but once he did, Xie Yao became even more agitated and his ears uncontrollably turned red.

Jiang Song thought that the little anchor was indeed a bit unusual today, but he was happy to indulge him. Seeing that Xie Yao was getting upset, he stopped laughing and said, “Don’t get angry, just block their messages if you don’t want to see them.”

He controlled his hero, Yao, and directed his follower, Xishi, to head towards the enemy blue buff.

“Come on, let me take you to steal the enemy blue buff, consider it as helping you vent.”

Xie Yao’s hand paused on the directional keys and didn’t move until Jiang Song urged him to follow.

He stared at the back of Yao’s character in the game and glanced at Xishi behind him, taking a deep breath.

This was bad, it seemed like Brother Jiang had a real interest in him.

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