After finishing the game, Xie Yao told Jiang Song that it was halftime and pretended to go to the restroom, but he actually sneaked to the back to send messages to Zhou Tian on his phone.

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The restrooms in the internet cafe were all stalls, and Xie Yao went in and locked the door with his phone in hand. The screen illuminated his face, revealing an extremely conflicted expression as he typed away on his phone. His fingers were moving so fast that they left afterimages on the screen.

Gad: Son!! Come out!

Gad: I did everything you told me to do. I let Blue go, gave the kills, and didn’t take any minions… What does this mean?

Xie Yao anxiously bit his finger, a habit he didn’t usually have. But his emotions were so complex that this was the only way he could think of to relieve them.

Meanwhile, Zhou Tian was acting like a coward on the other end, feeling just as anxious.

“What the hell is going on? Originally, Xie Yao suggested that we get him to confirm that his boss didn’t have that intention, but now, after just one game, there’s been a series of strange operations, and he’s managed to hold back his anger the whole time. No, it’s not just holding back; he’s clearly enjoying it!” Zhou Tian thought to himself.

Xie Yao couldn’t wait any longer for Zhou Tian’s response and urged him on.

Gad: Did you fall in a toilet? Why aren’t you responding to my messages?

Gad: Answer me, damn it!

Xie Yao’s tone became increasingly irritable as he bombarded Zhou Tian with questions. If they were face to face right now, he might have punched Zhou Tian out of frustration.

Zhou Tian was feeling all kinds of emotions inside.

Why does his father’s words make him feel more and more guilty? He seems to lack confidence and keeps asking questions to get an opposite answer from him, hoping to put his mind at ease.

But the problem is, even Zhou Tian himself is not at ease!

As a bystander, it is clear that there are more hidden intentions than what Xie Yao is affected by. If one of them were to change gender, their relationship and interaction patterns would be mistaken for those of a long-married couple.

Zhou Tian’s “the other person is typing” pops up repeatedly on Xie Yao’s side, but no response comes out.

Just as Xie Yao was gradually becoming irritable and was about to crawl over the network cable to twist his head off, he finally spoke up.

Son: I think we should reserve judgment on this matter. After all, the available data is relatively limited. Statistics require expanding the basic data, don’t you agree?

While Zhou Tian appeased Xie Yao on the surface and mentioned the limited data, he was actually feeling guilty himself.

But he did not completely reject the idea because in his mind, Xie Yao’s boss being interested in him was almost a foregone conclusion, but Xie Yao seemed to find it hard to believe.

If he directly killed this possibility, then the next one to be killed would probably be himself.

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Xie Yao pursed his lips into a straight line and finally asked, “So, what should we do?”

Zhou Tian let out a sigh and tentatively proposed, “How about… trying another game?”

Xie Yao poked the screen with a loud sound, “Didn’t we already try all your tricks in the last game? How else can we try?”

The “military adviser with a dog’s head” came up with another idea, “This time, let’s play as a trio, and you just play as support, leeching mana and kills off me. If he is interested in you, he will definitely be jealous.”

Xie Yao: “…”

He showed the expression of an elderly person on the subway looking at his phone: “Can this work?”

Zhou Tian nodded frantically.

Whether this method could prove that Xie Yao was not interested in the opponent, he didn’t know, but he knew it could make Xie Yao face reality.

If Xie Yao discovered it on his own after this wave, it wouldn’t be because he was told by Zhou Tian. Xie Yao had no reason to beat him up!

The two of them discussed in the bathroom for a long time, and the barrage was about to sound the alarm.

If Xie Yao didn’t come back soon, he was afraid that he would see his mosaic avatar in the social curiosity news tomorrow morning, with the title “Shocking! Famous game anchor suspected of falling into the toilet pit and being rescued by the police!”

Fortunately, Xie Yao came back in time, avoiding this ridiculous possibility.

When he returned to the live broadcast room seeming normal and announced the next round of three rows, the previously cheerful barrage immediately stopped.

The fans looked at each other, and then a few bubbles appeared.

: Wow, the century battle between ex and current lovers, are you trying to put it on stage?

: So this round is determined by MVP as the official pairing???

: Fearless in the arena, SharkTV’s Princess Yao Yao, I respect you as a man!

: Hiss, with Tian Ba’s skills, isn’t he afraid of being completely crushed by Boss Jiang?

Xie Yao didn’t see what the barrage was saying. His mind was on Jiang Song tonight, even when he frequently turned back to look at the barrage, it was because he was nervous and wanted to shift his attention. Actually, he couldn’t even read a few words of what the barrage said.

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Xie Yao decided to announce the three rows without consulting Jiang Song, or it would be more appropriate to say he skipped this step altogether.

He didn’t inform Jiang Song at all, and directly announced the three rows. At this time, when he saw that Jiang Song was clearly on the microphone but not speaking, Xie Yao suddenly felt a sense of guilt.

When Zhou Tian came online and was invited into the team, Xie Yao hastily said, “I’ll start it.” Then he clicked on matching.

Although the two of them had just played a game, Jiang Song still sensed that something was off about Xie Yao. He had been hesitant to talk to him from the beginning, and then he suddenly asked for blue buff and kills, followed by the announcement of the three rows without consulting him.

There were many doubts, and it was very suspicious.

When Jiang Song saw Xie Yao instantly lock in as the mid-laner, his suspicion reached its peak.

Although the small anchor gradually became sharper at playing support after playing games with him, it was only occasional when there were no positions available. He never played support unless necessary.

This time, he actually took the initiative to lock in support, which was quite unusual.

Jiang Song raised his eyebrows and selected the jungle role.

In the match, Jiang Song didn’t need to try too hard as long as his teammates weren’t idiots. He could win just by playing a little bit.

While clearing the jungle, he observed the small anchor.

The support assisted the mid-lane to steal the enemy’s resources as usual, and it seemed fine. However, after Yao reached level four, he did not come to the jungle to find Jiang Song. Instead, he turned and ran towards the AD carry.

That “Tianba”.

Jiang Song saw Yao ride directly onto the AD carry’s head and snorted. Then he narrowed his eyes, raised his hand, and left three pitiful boar corpses behind.

He deliberately moved closer to the enemy’s blue buff, then sent a quick message “Follow me” and clicked “Launch an Attack.” But the small anchor who used to follow him did not move and remained riding on the AD carry’s head as if he had not heard it.

“Tsk.” Jiang Song directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

It was transmitted through the microphone, and Xie Yao’s hand immediately shook.

Jiang Song continued to attack the blue buff and kept his eyes on the bot lane. After a couple of seconds, his eyelids suddenly twitched.

Xie Yao moved.

The support jumped off the AD carry’s head and ran towards Jiang Song.

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By the time Jiang Song reacted, there was already a slight curve on the corner of his mouth.

Before Xie Yao could prepare to speak, he saw that Jiang Song had stopped attacking. The sound of Jiang Song’s laughter came through the microphone.

“Do you want this blue buff?”

Jungle voluntarily gave the blue buff to the support? The mage in the mid lane nearly cried under the tower.

Xie Yao choked on his words when he saw Jiang Song’s action, but he still forced himself to say “okay”.

As expected, the jungle stepped back, and Yao directly used his first skill to take the blue buff.

Jiang Song pointed at the mage on the opposite side of the map. Before he could even say “I’ll take you to get a kill”, the young streamer thanked him and then turned around and ran to ride on the marksman’s head.

Jiang Song calmly opened the scoreboard.

Luban 7: 0-3-0, a beautiful score.

Everyone had their microphones on. Xie Yao found it difficult to communicate, but it was obvious from his position on top of Zhou Tian’s head that he was extremely frustrated.

Zhou Tian was even more frustrated.

“Brother! Dad! Don’t just stand there, can you shield me or use your first skill to scout the bushes? I’m about to have a meltdown from being caught by the enemy jungle so many times.”

“At least shield me or help me out with your first skill?”

“Hey? Dad? Are you still there? Can you still see your 0-5 score on the screen?”

Xie Yao never had the self-awareness to play support. Besides Jiang Song, almost no one could make him want to play support properly, especially since he tended to get distracted easily.

At this point, he had a 0-2 score, while Zhou Tian was 0-5, which was quite embarrassing.

In this game, Xie Yao asked Jiang Song for three blue buffs and then rode on Zhou Tian’s head with the buff he got from Jiang Song.

Jiang Song successfully ganked the top lane and mid lane, cleared the jungle, and invaded the enemy’s territory, taking four out of five of the total kills.

Meanwhile, the enemy marksman was already fed to the point of becoming a godlike character in the bottom lane by Luban 7.

Even Xie Yao managed to get three kills in Jiang Song’s hands, while Zhou Tian went 0-9 directly.

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Teammates couldn’t hold it any longer and started typing to communicate with them.

Mage: What’s the point of playing jungle? Isn’t it just a support role? She takes your blue buff and kills and goes to other guys.

Mage: Brother, do you like green that much?

Mage: If you give me blue, I can even offer you gems!

Mage: And that support, are you blind or stupid? Don’t go with a 19-0 jungler and go with a 0-9 marksman??? What’s wrong with you, sister?

Mage: Damn it, I don’t even want to talk about this marksman. How can he be leading a girl with this level?

After the mage finished, the bottom lane was silent for ten seconds.

Xie Yao struggled to type a rebuttal: “I’m a man, thank you.”

This silenced the mage.

Mage: Damn, a gay love triangle on Chinese Valentine’s Day, awesome!

Mage: Write a book, how much money do you want? Sisters will definitely buy it!

Xie Yao was rarely speechless, but tonight he was choked several times by the mage’s words. He blocked him without saying anything.

After this game, none of the three spoke much. Xie Yao even ran into the restroom at the Internet cafe.

Someone was smoking in the adjacent cubicle, and Xie Yao took a puff of second-hand smoke, feeling very desolate.

Zhou Tian sent a message.

Son: What do you think?

Gad: I think he definitely likes me.

Author’s note:

On the surface, Zhou Tian: I’ll help you test the waters!

In reality, Zhou Tian: I’ll give you an assist!

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