After Xie Yao finished broadcasting, Jiang Song sat in a chair, maintaining the position of leaning back against the chair back, and thought for a while while holding his phone.

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The little anchor’s acting was really not very good, and his abnormal behavior tonight was almost noticeable to anyone.

So why did he do that?

Afterwards, the two continued to chat and interact as usual, but Xie Yao’s tone didn’t change much, and because he was in a different location and couldn’t broadcast live, Jiang Song couldn’t judge Xie Yao’s emotions through the live stream.

In any case, it was a bit difficult to deal with.

Jiang, who was almost invincible in various fields, felt a bit at a loss for the first time, with thoughts swirling in his mind but nowhere to vent.

Xie Yao stayed in the sanatorium for three days, and took the high-speed train back to C city on the evening of the 31st, then rested that night and did not cancel the leave notice in the live room.

He cooked dinner himself, ate a simple meal, tidied up, and then washed up and groomed himself. When he returned to his bedroom, he received a message from Jiang Song.

Xie Yao had just finished his shower, with water still dripping down from the tips of his hair. He was very relaxed at home, wearing only a bath towel around his waist, bare-chested, with a towel around his neck, and was wiping his hair as he walked.

The wet hair was sticking to his neck and dripping down, and Xie Yao started to stare at Jiang Song’s message again.

The message was a usual greeting, just like their daily routine before Xie Yao took the leave. But Xie Yao felt a bit uncomfortable inside.

Perhaps there were other emotions that he couldn’t catch, but at least Xie Yao was a bit confused now.

This kind of confusion almost always appeared every time he received a message from Jiang Song.

The water temperature in the shower was a bit high, and the steam made Xie Yao’s face and ears still unable to cool down.

He reached out and patted his face with the back of his hand, and then chatted with Jiang Song seemingly as usual.

Gad: I’ve finished eating. I just cleaned up. Have you finished your work, Brother Jiang ?

Jiang Song’s phone was next to him, with a computer open in front of him. The screen was lit up, displaying dense text. His father’s secretary was still messaging him, giving instructions and handing over work for tomorrow.

He moved his hand away from the computer keyboard and unlocked his phone to check his messages.

Jiang: It’s done.

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Xie Yao stared at the message Jiang Song had sent back, suddenly unsure of how to continue the conversation. Before this, their chats had always flowed naturally from one topic to the next.

In the end, he replied dryly with “Get some rest,” and threw his phone onto the bed.

Xie Yao rubbed his head with a towel in frustration, causing the black hairs on his head to stand up in all directions. His hair wasn’t dry yet, so he just lay down on his newly changed bed, covering half his face with his hand and sighing deeply.

What was going on?

That livestream a few days ago seemed to have opened a door between them, only to close another one.

Xie Yao felt awkward around Jiang Song now, but he didn’t want to distance himself from him because of it. After all, he only had one friend, Zhou Tian, and now he had added Jiang Song to the short list.

But Jiang Song was completely different from Zhou Tian. Zhou Tian was unruly and mischievous, like an immature child. Xie Yao always felt like he was looking at an unaccomplished son whenever he saw him.

Jiang Song, on the other hand, is completely opposite to Zhou Tian. He is mature and gentle, yet witty, and gets along very well with Xie Yao.

Xie Yao can’t bring himself to distance himself from the other person after testing a hypothesis that arose from a moment of whim. In other words, he is somewhat reluctant.

Brother Jiang is such a good person, but these few days he has been obviously awkward. Yet the other person can still chat with him as if nothing is amiss, as usual.

Xie Yao is so understanding of others that he can’t help but want to slap himself.

He couldn’t help but recall the day after the live broadcast ended, when he and Zhou Tian exchanged information with each other. Zhou Tian asked him about his thoughts, and after he finished speaking, Zhou Tian’s complicated response was, “Dad, you’re a little shaken.”

Xie Yao had some understanding of his sexual orientation a long time ago, but he had no concept of it because he hadn’t had any emotional experiences in the past few years.

Zhou Tian’s words were like a bolt from the blue, and in that moment of shock and realization, Xie Yao began to doubt himself.

By rights, if he really likes someone, shouldn’t he like Praise? After all, he had been following and admiring Praise for so many years, and Praise had been someone he could reach out to.

But now he seems to be interested in a stranger on the internet whom he has never even met, whose appearance and name are not even clear?

This can’t be possible.

In fact, what really made him feel overwhelmed was that every time he received a message from Jiang Song, his heart would skip a beat subconsciously. And every time he thought of Praise, Xie Yao couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his heart.

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Xie Yao suspects that he’s trying to have his cake and eat it too.

But he doesn’t dare tell Zhou Tian, afraid that Zhou Tian will turn around and point his finger at him and curse.

Only when he receives a message from Jiang Song does Xie Yao come to his senses, and then he feels a sense of guilt.

Perhaps the other person sensed his embarrassment at not knowing how to reply, and launched a caring attack on him.

Jiang Song: Just got home and sat on the high-speed train for so long today, are you tired?

Seeing that Xie Yao didn’t respond and only saw “the other party is typing”, Jiang Song didn’t rush him to reply.

“If you’re tired, rest early. I’m also heading to the SUS base in the capital tomorrow morning,” Jiang Song said.

Although Jiang Song and Xie Yao hadn’t known each other for long, they had a good grasp of the small anchor’s personality and preferences. It was easy to pique his interest and keep him engaged.

Xie Yao was feeling a little low, but when he saw the mention of SUS, he forced himself to perk up a bit.

“Do you have business to discuss?” Xie Yao asked.

“Just finalizing things, signing a contract,” Jiang Song replied with a smile.

Before Xie Yao could say anything, Jiang Song asked, “Is there anything you want? I can send it to you. If I remember correctly, you really like SUS?”

Although Xie Yao was considered one of Praise’s biggest fans, he had a special attachment to SUS. Even though Praise had retired, he still kept an eye on the team’s developments.

Jiang Song was very skilled at starting and leading conversations, and Xie Yao soon forgot his unease and began chatting freely with him.

When Jiang Song finally reminded him to rest, Xie Yao realized that they had been talking for over two hours. He suddenly felt conflicted and uneasy.

“Alright, rest well. I’ll be resting too,” Jiang Song said.

“Goodnight,” Xie Yao replied, after some hesitation.

He felt it would be impolite not to respond to Jiang Song’s message.

In the end, when Jiang Song urged him to rest, Xie Yao realized he had been chatting with Jiang Song for over two hours. He suddenly became tangled and uncomfortable.

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Jiang Song said, “Okay, rest now. I need to rest too.”

“Good night,” Jiang Song added.

After thinking about it for a while, Xie Yao felt it would be impolite not to reply.

“Good night,” Xie Yao typed back.

Jiang Song laughed on the other end of the line. “He’s such an innocent kid, easily led astray.”

The next day was the start of the King of Glory live broadcast competition. Xie Yao would be busy, as the preliminary matches lasted from morning to night, almost around the clock.

Jiang Song’s flight was at ten in the morning. He needed to get up early to catch the flight, and he would arrive in the capital around lunchtime.

As soon as he got off the plane, Jiang Song saw the familiar business car. Manager Chen was leaning against it, with a cigarette in his mouth but unlit.

Jiang Song walked over with his few pieces of luggage and said, “What’s up? You’re not smoking these days, taking care of your health?”

Manager Chen looked at him with a sneer. “Mind your own business, get in the car.” His tone was as irritable as ever.

Jiang Song raised an eyebrow, put his luggage in the trunk, and opened the back door.

Manager Chen started the car.

“Xiao Yu told me recently that she wants to have a baby. We’ve just started emergency preparations,” Manager Chen said.

The car stopped at a red light. Manager Chen looked at Jiang Song through the rearview mirror and said disdainfully, “Do you understand what it’s like to be a married man?”

Manager Chen had been dating his girlfriend for many years, but they hadn’t gotten married because her parents didn’t support the idea. She had been working as a host for the KPL for the past few years.

Her parents had finally loosened their attitude in the past two years, and Manager Chen had quickly gotten married. Now they were already preparing for a baby.

Jiang Song smirked. “Soon”

Manager Chen’s eyelids twitched. “What’s so fast?”

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Jiang Song leaned back in the back seat and closed his eyes. “Your little genius at home guessed that I like him.”

Manager Chen saw the smile on Jiang Song’s face in the rearview mirror and a vein popped on his forehead. “Did you confess to him?”


“Genius is smart. He found an opportunity to come and test me, but his acting skills were too poor and I saw through it. I just went along with it.”

Manager Chen didn’t say anything for a while, and finally gritted his teeth. “Scumbag.”

Jiang Song’s mouth couldn’t help but lift. “When you two have your wedding, just send us one invitation.”

By then, we’ll all be one family, and we won’t need two invitations.

Manager Chen cursed at him for a while, and Jiang Song closed his eyes and selectively filtered out his garbage talk.

As he cursed, he finally got to the point.

Jiang Song didn’t come to the capital today just to argue with him, he had something to do.

“Is your live streaming platform ready?”

Jiang Song lowered himself to Manager Chen’s level. “SUS has come to discuss the contract, and you’re asking me if the platform is ready? Have you taken your medicine?”

“Damn it,” Manager Chen cursed at him.

“SUS and Shark TV’s contract will expire in September. The reason they agreed to sign your little platform is because of your identity as a shareholder and former team captain. If you mess up, it might not end well for you.”

In order to catch his flight, Jiang Song woke up early and didn’t sleep well on the plane. Now, every time he closes his eyes, drowsiness hits him, so he doesn’t feel like wasting time talking to Manager Chen and just tells him to shut up.

“Alright, do you not believe in me or SUS’s influence?”

“As long as SUS wins the championship this time, even a garbage platform can be revived.”

Jiang Song barely lifts his eyelids to look at him. “Do you think SUS will lose?”

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