Manager Chen took a glance at him while the traffic light was still red.

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At this point, Jiang Song had already closed his eyes again, leaning back in his chair with a shallow dark circle under his eyes.

Seeing how tired he looked, Manager Chen hesitated for half a second before ultimately choosing to stay quiet.

The red light turned green, and the car set off towards their destination in complete silence.

The entertainment industry was rapidly growing, and nowadays, once a live-streaming platform took off, it could become a significant capital. Jiang Song had already begun preparing to launch a live-streaming platform during the period leading up to his retirement.

Jiang’s family company was already in the entertainment business, so adding a live-streaming platform was a natural fit. His father’s secretary was very capable and had assisted Jiang Song with a lot of preparation.

However, in order to sign with SUS, Jiang Song himself had to step in. No one else had his unique advantages.

The contract with SUS had been finalized not long ago, and he had come today to deal with the contract details with Manager Chen. If there were no issues, they would sign it on the spot.

Although his platform was still in its early stages, Jiang Song had connections and resources. Simply investing money could get the platform off the ground.

The airport was far away, and Jiang Song slept for nearly an hour and a half in the car before arriving at the SUS base.

Manager Chen parked the car and then woke him up.

Jiang Song had been here for eight years and was extremely familiar with the base. He opened his eyes, regained his senses, took his luggage from Manager Chen’s hands, and walked inside.

Today happened to be Sunday, and as usual, the professional players at the SUS base had a day off.

The contract negotiations will take place in the conference room. Jiang Song and Manager Chen passed through the youth training area below, causing a stir, but they remained composed as they headed upstairs.

The first floor was a lobby used as a reception room, the second floor was the youth training center, and the third floor was the training ground for starters and substitutes. Upstairs were the dormitories and the conference room.

SUS has never lacked sponsors, with funds in abundance. They spend a lot of money on late-night snacks every day. The boss is wealthy, and SUS base can be considered one of the most luxurious in KPL.

As the two passed through the youth training area, several groups of people who were practicing during their time off started to whisper and talk, and the topic centered around Jiang Song.

“Oh my god, how come Brother Jiang came back? Haven’t seen him in months.”

“Wow, Brother Jiang has been gone for so long. When I see his face again, I still can’t help but get nervous.”

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“Maybe this is what it means to be a big shot.”

“Hey, what do you think Brother Jiang came back for? To be a coach?”

The young trainee who spoke was immediately scolded by another.

“I think you want Brother Jiang to be a coach for the youth training team, so you can cling to him. Forget about it. I heard that Brother Jiang came back this time to do business!”

Several young trainees were immediately interested and asked one after another, “What kind of business?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but I heard that Brother Jiang’s own company is here to discuss cooperation with our team’s starters. Anyway, it’s very impressive!”

The crowd listened and looked at each other.

Finally, someone sighed, “After retiring as a big shot, he went home and inherited his family’s wealth. Why is the gap between people so big?”

A few people chatted for a while, either sighing or lamenting, and when they dispersed to practice individually, they still couldn’t hide their envy.

Meanwhile, the object of their envy was currently exchanging snide remarks with Manager Chen.

Signing a contract is always a drawn-out process, but the negotiations between companies are usually polite and rational.

Jiang Song and Manager Chen were already familiar with each other, and once the contract was finalized, they began to exchange snide remarks. This continued until they were alone in the conference room. Jiang Song sneered and directly placed the contract in front of Manager Chen, too lazy to argue with him any longer.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Sign it quickly.”

Jiang Song held Manager Chen’s handle in his hand and began to threaten mercilessly.

“If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll send the video of you drunk and crying while hugging me from two years ago to the Fish host.”

He glanced at Manager Chen with a sneer in his eyes, clearly conveying the message, “You should weigh the consequences yourself.”

Manager Chen surrendered without expression, picked up the pen and signed his name, gritting his teeth, “You’re ruthless.”

And so, the cooperation between the two companies was hastily concluded.

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Jiang Song collected the contract and asked, “Where did those guys go?”

Manager Chen, with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, replied, “They went to shoot an ad, do you think they’re as idle as you are?” He gave Jiang Song a sideways glance.

Jiang Song had originally planned to bring back some signed photos for the small streamer, but to his surprise, SUS and the others had gone to shoot the ad and were nowhere to be found in the base.

Manager Chen stood up and patted his clothes, urging Jiang Song to leave, “If you have nothing to do, go back to your room and sleep. The auntie cleaned your dormitory yesterday.”

Jiang Song turned his head and asked, “Where are you going?”

Manager Chen took the cigarette out and put it back in the box, putting it in his pocket, “I’m going to see those brats. They’re shooting an ad with Yan Le today, and with the way they can barely walk when they see Yan Le’s photos, I’m afraid they’ll embarrass me.”

He finished speaking and waved at Jiang Song, “I’m leaving.”

Jiang Song left with her, and when they reached the corner of the stairs, Chen Jingli turned to look at him, expressionless.

“You’ve been retired for too long, and your mind isn’t clear, right?” Manager Chen pointed to the right of the stairs. “The dormitory is over there. What are you following me downstairs for?”

Jiang Song passed him directly. “Who said I want to sleep?”

Manager Chen was surprised. “You looked like a fool falling asleep in the car. What do you want to do if you’re not going to catch up on sleep now?”

Jiang Song didn’t even look back. “I want to go with you to steady SUS image and earn some face.”

This meant that he wanted to go to the advertising shoot with him.

Manager Chen didn’t intend to refuse. As he walked downstairs, he took out his phone. “If you’re going, those guys probably won’t even dare to look at Yan Le’s face… Alright, I’ll call the person in charge over there and say hello.”

Before the call went through, Jiang Song added, “By the way, can I do a live stream for a small fan? I won’t reveal any shooting content, and I can sign a confidentiality agreement if necessary.”

Manager Chen’s hand holding the phone paused for a moment, and he turned to look at Jiang Song with a sour expression. “You want to show it to Genius?”

Jiang Song rolled his eyes. “Oh, you guessed it. Good for you.”

Manager Chen said, “Get lost.”

“How the hell did you become so flirty after retiring?”

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As Manager Chen cursed him, he opened the car door and sat in the driver’s seat.

There were no major issues on that end. The staff had to sign a confidentiality agreement, although the advertising content had already been officially announced before filming began, it still needed to be kept confidential.

The confidentiality agreements were all prepared, and in addition to Jiang Song’s identity as a SUS shareholder, there was no objection from that end.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, it was natural to open the video.

When the two arrived, the filming inside had temporarily ended, and the staff and those filming the advertisement were on break.

The main entrance was over there, and there was only one entrance and exit. It was obvious when someone came in.

From afar, the SUS group saw Manager Chen and Jiang Song next to him.

Bai was originally tilting his head and drinking mineral water. After catching sight of Jiang Song, he was so shocked that he forgot he was still drinking and water splashed all over his face and neck.

He immediately let out a thunderous cough.

Jiang Song walked over and sneered, “What, is this your special welcome ceremony for me?”

Bai nearly choked on himself again when he heard this, and it took him a while to recover. He immediately grabbed the collar that could wring out water and turned to Jiang Song with a dry smile, “Brother Jiang came today, why didn’t you tell us in advance?”

Jiang Song said, “Telling you in advance would’ve let you pack up and run away earlier, right?”

The makeup artist sister walked over and held onto Yibai’s face, using tissue paper to dab off the water and touch up his makeup.

The makeup brush swept back and forth on his face, kicking up a cloud of powder. Yibai sucked in a breath and choked on the dust, coughing uncontrollably.

After he finished coughing, he looked at Jiang Song’s cold face mechanically.

“If I tell you, you might not believe it, but I’m not saying you’re disgusting. I’m just choked by the powder,” Yi Bai said.

Jiang Song, looking down at Yi Bai sitting on the stool, said, “I believe you. Why wouldn’t I?”

The others burst out laughing, and the air was filled with a sense of joy.

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Yi Bai has always been the most mischievous and out-of-tune person in the SUS group. He has been subjected to Jiang Song’s retaliation many times before. Even though he can cause trouble through the internet, once they meet in person, he becomes the most cowardly one.

Now he was like a wilted eggplant, and the makeup artist sister laughed as she applied powder to his face.

The others greeted Jiang Song one by one and chatted warmly.

Jiang Song took out his phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message over there.

“Are you free? Let’s video chat. I have a surprise for you.”

It was past midnight when Xie Yao woke up and saw Jiang Song’s message. His whole body was immediately startled awake. He had a few stray hairs sticking up on his head, his face was flushed from sleep, and he sat up in bed with a start.

What the hell, why did Brother Jiang want to video chat with him???

He didn’t care about showing his face, he’d been livestreaming for so long that Jiang Song already knew what he looked like. What surprised Xie Yao was that he was about to see Brother Jiang’s face!

What did he mean by “there’s a surprise”??

Xie Yao was stunned for a second, then his heart was suddenly racing.

Was Brother Jiang going to confess to him directly??

His mind was a mess, full of exclamation marks. Xie Yao had just woken up and was already dealing with this kind of stimulation, his temples throbbing.

Before he could decide how to respond, Jiang Song immediately sent a video request.

The sound of the WeChat call rang in Xie Yao’s ears like an alarm.

The phone rang for more than ten seconds, and still showed no sign of stopping. Finally, Xie Yao closed his eyes and, like a brave soldier, with a bit of anticipation, agreed to the request.

Then, with his chicken nest hair and Yi Bai, who was wearing smoky makeup, Xie Yao came face-to-face through the screen, caught off guard.

Xie Yao: “…F*ck!”

Yi Bai: “…F*ck!”

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