The ad that everyone filmed today is an endorsement for the mobile game “King of Glory”. Because the client required the content to include gaming elements, they all accompanied the images of the game heroes.

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Yi Bai, as the top laner of the SUS team, cosplayed Lu Bu from “King of Glory” this time.

In the game, Lu Bu is a tall and sturdy character with sharp eyebrows, starry eyes, and a rugged facial contour.

To match the character, the makeup artist specially applied a heavier makeup to One Hundred, with dark eyeshadow around his eyes.

In addition, he had been busy for a while, and his makeup was a bit smudged. At this time, he looked especially haggard.

Suddenly being hit in the face by the camera, not only Xie Yao but also Yi Bai himself was startled.

After locking eyes with Xie Yao on Jiang Song’s phone screen for a second and both of them exclaiming “WTF” in fright, Yi Bai finally reacted and covered the camera with his hand, turning his head and wailing.

“What the hell, brother? Who are you video chatting with? If this gets out, all my female fans will be gone.”

Yi Bai grabbed Jiang Song’s phone camera and didn’t let go, afraid that he would do something crazy.

“You’re harming me!”

Xie Yao was startled by Yi Bai’s sudden reaction, and his mind went blank for a moment. He didn’t even have time to get a clear look at the other’s face, and his first thought was, “Is this Brother Jiang???”

But fortunately, Yi Bai covered the camera and wailed a few more times, and Xie Yao understood.

It turned out to be Yi Bai. Xie Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as soon as he relaxed, he suddenly became alert again.

Damn, was he video chatting with Yi Bai???

To say that Xie Yao and SUS were close back then is not entirely true, as he spent most of his time in the youth training camp and only got to know a few people there.

At the time, Xie Yao could only see praise in his eyes. He didn’t even have a chance to talk to Praise, who was also in the youth training camp, let alone SUS, who was on the upper floor.

So Xie Yao’s understanding of Yi Bai was still limited to the matches he watched through a screen.

The sudden close contact with SUS for a couple of seconds was enough to surprise Xie Yao, who couldn’t deny the excitement he felt.

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It turned out that the surprise Jiang Song mentioned was this.

After realizing what Jiang Song meant, Xie Yao stared at the still black “surprise” on the screen, listening to the chaotic sounds from the other side, as if they were tidying up something. He felt complicated emotions.

Expectation and nervousness were both different from what he felt before he opened the video.

It was hard to describe.

Yi Bai had been in control of the camera all the time, and Xie Yao couldn’t see any image clearly, but he didn’t rush it.

After a while, the screen, which had been black for a few minutes, suddenly lit up. When Xie Yao saw the image on the video, the front camera had been switched to the rear one, and the first person to appear in the frame was still Yi Bai.

However, he had fixed his makeup and hair, and his long beard looked quite stylish.

After switching to the rear camera, Yi Bai couldn’t see Xie Yao anymore, but he acted very normally, as if the person who had just screamed and shouted was not him.

Yi Bai sat on a chair with a very dignified posture, raised his hand and waved it a few times in the air, and greeted him with a smile: “Hello, I am Yi Bai from the SUS team, nice to meet you.”

Xie Yao’s expression became empty, he raised his hand subconsciously and waved it twice, but then remembered that the other side couldn’t see him, so he silently put his hand down.

“…Hello, I am Xie Yao.”

Xie Yao’s real name had already been exposed in the live streaming room. Yi Bai had watched his live stream several times and always enthusiastically shared it with his teammates, so he was quite familiar with Xie Yao.

When Xie Yao’s name was mentioned, Yi Bai finally realized why Xie Yao looked so familiar to him.

He suddenly exclaimed, “Hahaha, so you’re the little anchor!”

After saying that, Yi Bai was surprised to find that the little anchor appeared in his own team captain’s contact list and that the two were currently on video call.

“I didn’t expect you and Brother Jiang to be so close that you’re on video call together,” Yi Bai said.

On the other end, Xie Yao didn’t suspect that this “Brother Jiang” was not the same as the other “Brother Jiang” His heart skipped a beat when he heard “so close.”

Yi Bai was always the most curious and imaginative among the suspects. Could he have figured something out?

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Fortunately, Yi Bai was also famous for being silly and asking questions without expecting an answer. He seemed to mention it casually and then turned to another topic the next second.

Seeing the familiar guy chatting with the little anchor, Jiang Song couldn’t help but smile as he watched Xie Yao’s expression become more and more stiff on the screen.

He spoke up to save Xie Yao, “Okay, go fix your makeup. I’ll introduce him myself.”

After saying that, Jiang Song completely ignored Yi Bai’s shouting that he had already fixed his makeup and walked away with his phone.

Along the way, Jiang Song would point out places to Xie Yao and even met with other suspects. Whenever they saw Jiang Song, they would hold up their phones and come over to say hello to Xie Yao.

Throughout the whole process, Xie Yao felt as if he were living in a dream. It was too surreal.

The time for shooting the advertisement was neither long nor short.

A commercial has such a short time, and the schedule of big stars like Yan Le is very busy. They must solve this advertisement today.

During the short halftime break, the director on the other side began shooting again.

So the staff stood up one by one and rushed towards the shooting location.

Jiang Song followed behind, holding his phone, chatting with Xie Yao.

However, Xie Yao was a bit absent-minded.

Normally when Jiang Song played games with voice chat, his voice was relatively deep, with a deliberate sense of affectation.

I don’t know if it’s because there are acquaintances around this time, he didn’t deliberately lower his voice, so in Xie Yao’s ears, the voice from the other end of the video was almost indistinguishable from Praise.

It was too similar. Xie Yao’s mind went blank for a moment, but quickly came back to his senses in Jiang Song’s voice.

His expression was a bit out of control.

Is it because he has been thinking about Brother Jiang and Praise too frequently recently? Why did he have the illusion that Praise was talking to him for a moment?

Through the internet and the screen, the voice from thousands of miles away had a clear sense of electricity, distorted by at least twenty percent.

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Xie Yao shook his head and shook off this water-filled thought.

But the next second, he completely lost interest in thinking about this.

The staff were in position, and the director and cameraman were in their original positions.

Jiang Song slowly walked to the shooting location, holding his phone.

In Xie Yao’s video, the SUS group wore different cos costumes and walked around inside, muttering something.

Xie Yao squinted and stared for two seconds. The person who suddenly appeared in the video almost dropped his jaw!

Isn’t that big beauty wearing a Diao Chan cosplay costume, Yan Le, who appears on TV every day and can be seen on billboards everywhere?

Xie Yao was shocked!

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, looked again, and this time Yan Le faced the camera head-on, letting him see her clearly. When his gaze turned to the green background behind her, which seemed like a shooting scene, Xie Yao was speechless.

After a while, he regained his voice.

“Brother Jiang…what you showed me, isn’t it the advertising shooting scene with SUS and Yan Le that was announced a while ago?”

Xie Yao’s voice was trembling. Although he asked it in the form of a question, he had already given a positive answer in his heart.

Jiang Song’s voice contained a smile, “Smart.”


Suddenly, there was a loud noise that interrupted the shooting process.

Jiang Song looked up and saw Yi Bai apologizing to Yan Le, who he had bumped into. Then, he picked up the props that had fallen to the ground and apologized to the director.

It was just a small incident, and after the director said a few words, they resumed shooting.

Jiang Song withdrew his gaze from there, but Yi Bai was in shock.

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Holy shit, Brother Jiang actually smiled! Brother Jiang can smile too?

And this isn’t a sly smile, or a smile hiding a knife, it’s a laughter that comes from the heart, hard to resist!!

Is this really Brother Jiang???

Could it be possessed by some monster or demon?

When they were shooting Yi Bai just now, as soon as his gaze turned to Jiang Song, he was immediately hit by Jiang Song’s smile, turning his head and bumping into someone, dropping props in surprise. Even the goddess couldn’t stop the goosebumps all over his body caused by Jiang Song’s smile.

It’s really unbearable!

Xie Yao also felt unbearable.

Although he is not a star chaser, he also knows a bit about the entertainment industry’s rules.

For example, this kind of shooting scene is obviously not open to ordinary people, let alone someone like Jiang Song who is still making a video call to him.

Moreover, given Yan Le’s worth, her itinerary must be completely confidential, and outsiders cannot know about it.

Xie Yao’s mind was a little unclear.

“…Am I going to receive their lawyer’s letter?”

Jiang Song narrowed his eyes. He didn’t expect Xie Yao to react like this and laughed twice.

This laugh made Yi Bai, who was observing him secretly on the filming set, feel his temple throbbing.

“It’s okay. I signed a confidentiality agreement. There’s nothing wrong with showing it to you.”

He moved the camera closer and laughed again, “Do you want me to get a few signed photos of Yan Le for you? I’ll ask them for two later.”

Xie Yao hesitated for a moment, feeling embarrassed. “Can I have their signed photos all replaced with ‘praise’? You know the kind of ‘TO’ sign specifically written for me?”

“Just one will do.”

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