: SUS Yi Bai gives the anchor 10 spaceships for free!

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: SUS…10 spaceships!

: YQ Ju Ye gives the anchor 10 spaceships for free!

: YQ didn’t work…

The barrage of comments that were originally cursed by Xie Yao were all covered up by this series of spaceship special effects. However, compared to the dazzling special effects, the several IDs floating across the barrage were almost jaw-dropping.

SUS and YQ, the two most popular teams to win the KPL championship this season, actually appeared in this anchor’s live broadcast room??


The barrage went crazy again.

: 1234…Damn, SUS and YQ are both here, plus a praise, it’s only been two minutes since the broadcast started, and it’s already 1.1 million…I’m dizzy!

: Husband!!!

: Ju Ye! You actually used the money I gave you for your birthday to support a wild man!!!

: I bet one yuan that these masters were all called by Praise.”

: Money, it’s all money, sob sob sob, my jealousy is about to overflow.

: Breaking news–Xie Yao’s tipping ranking has topped the list, directly surpassing the next-door dog with 590,000! Two minutes!!!

: Yao Yao, take a look at the barrage and see these big shots who are giving you money/heartbroken!

With one SUS plus one YQ, they formed a king bomb directly, and the number of online viewers in Xie Yao’s live broadcast room is rising at a terrifying speed, almost in tens of thousands.

But after Xie Yao entered the game, he didn’t pay attention to the live broadcast room anymore. He didn’t notice the crazy state of the barrage at all.

After the people from SUS and YQ smashed the gifts and sent Xie Yao’s tipping ranking to the top, they didn’t leave, but instead stayed in with their large accounts, and several IDs were hung high on the tipping list in the live broadcast room, very eye-catching.

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: Damn, are these big shots going to squat and watch the game?

: Oh my god, why did the pressure suddenly skyrocket…

: Yao Yao, come on!!!

: Do I feel like the only one who thinks that the experts can tell who’s bad without even watching the entire livestream?

: That’s the car crash scene of the experts’ gaze, hahaha.

Jiang Song was also a bit surprised. He called these people to bring some attention to Xie Yao, but he didn’t expect them to continue staying in the livestream.

Today, both teams rarely gave them a break, and Jiang Song wanted them to relax and have fun, not be stuck in the livestream.

River: Just finish sending gifts, and don’t you guys want to go out and hang out?

YQ Ju Ye: Ah, I already hung out on my birthday. Everyone was planning to just stay in the base and be dead bodies, so watching Brother Jiang’s friend’s livestream is also considered relaxing.

YQ Da Buliu: Exactly!

SUS silently watched without saying anything.

Jiang Song laughed and followed them.

River: Okay, then if you have time, help me watch the livestream. If the second place overtakes my little streamer, then I’ll buy more gifts and reimburse you.

YQ Ju Ye: Alright, brother!

He laid down some tough talk at the start. Xie Yao was now directly opposed to Langyue Xingshu and even Shark TV, but he wasn’t afraid. After all, his contract was about to expire, and he could go to Jiang ge holding the trophy.

But by doing so, they might become a hindrance for him in the following days. Xie Yao wanted to win this championship, which might not be easy now.


Xie Yao breathed a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about these things, focusing on the game.

Finally, they matched with Langyue Xingshu.

This guy, who took the back door like Xie Yao, was also a mid laner. He had a handsome face and strong skills, and had always been praised by fans as the number one mid laner on Shark TV, with multiple mage champions, and more than five times the number of platform fans as Xie Yao.

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There were already many trolls and critics in Xie Yao’s livestream, but the two of them had never had any interaction before.

But now, they had a bone to pick.

In this match, Xie Yao and ten other main broadcasters were split into two teams, with him being on one side. Both sides were evenly matched in terms of skill.

No one on his team was fighting for the same lane as him, so he confidently picked Diao Chan and headed to the mid lane.

Diao Chan, as a mage, has a strong mechanism. Despite being nerfed before, as long as there is good control, she is very powerful in any version.

This hero’s passive requires stacking skills. The first skill can stack two layers, the second skill one layer, and the third skill one layer. Once three layers are stacked, she will explode and deal damage.

Therefore, team fights are her battlefield.

Xie Yao’s playing style was known for its flexibility during his time at the SUS youth training camp. He had great perception, fast reflexes, and was adept at using heroes of this type.

A female hero in a pink dress gracefully arrived at the middle lane. This time, Xie Yao did not adopt any flanking tactics and boldly stood in the center, using his skills to clear minions, completely fearless.

He didn’t read the barrage of messages, but his mouth curved upwards. “I’m afraid someone will say that your father only takes heads by being sneaky. This time, I’ll stand here and see if you dare to face me head-on.”

During the official competition stage, most anchors would watch game videos or live streams of other players and privately analyze and practice, much like the replay analysis of professional teams.

Langyue Xingshu knew Xie Yao’s strength, which was why she worked privately to create the previous “King without a King” situation.

If the two had encountered each other more often before, the so-called “King without a King” would naturally be broken. Whether or not someone can enter the top three now is still a question.

No matter how they operate, Xie Yao and Langyue Xingshu will eventually face each other. If it goes on for too long, fans are not stupid and will eventually notice the problem.

But Langyue Xingshu clearly feared Xie Yao.

Xie Yao’s live broadcast room was muted, and fans from different sides had nowhere to vent their anger and returned to their respective rooms with pent-up rage.

Langyue Xingshu’s fans exploded one by one after hearing Xie Yao’s words, clamoring for the anchor to strike back at the barrage on the other side, and the number of messages increased rapidly, flooding the entire live broadcast room.

Langyue Xingshu controlled his game character carefully, avoiding the opposing mage and using his skills to clear minions.

He took a quick glance at the barrage and his face turned unnatural.

“Early game economy is not good, and we can’t kill each other. It’s better not to start a fight.”

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Xie Yao’s Diao Chan stood in the middle lane, clearing minions and fighting crabs when needed. Along the way, he also mediated a dispute on the top lane, and at level three, he and the top laner ganged up on the opposing top laner, causing them to die.

But at a critical moment, Xie Yao took a step back, didn’t use his skills, and the kill was taken by the opposing top laner.

Although he didn’t read the barrage, Xie Yao could guess what it was saying.

He explained with a smile, “Let’s make this game a clean sweep.”

The barrage didn’t understand, and they asked question marks one after another, but they didn’t wait for the anchor’s explanation.

It was rare for the few professional players who were on vacation to chat lively in a small group, and just from Xie Yao’s words, Jiang Song guessed more than a dozen things, the more he guessed, the more ridiculous it became.

Jiang Song opened the chat records and after reading for a while, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Jiang Song: He probably wants to take down the opponent’s mid laner this game.

As soon as Jiang Song spoke, everyone fell silent.

In the game, even though Langyue Xingshu had been pretending not to deliberately engage with Xie Yao, after a while, both mid laners had reached level 6, each team had taken one kill, and they still hadn’t even touched each other, which was very strange.

Langyue Xingshu’s fans had been cursing Xie Yao in the live broadcast room for a long time, just as they were getting into it, a fight finally broke out in the middle lane.

Xie Yao didn’t expect the other side to be so timid, with no patience after level 6, and he couldn’t help but disdainfully “tsk” after clearing the wave.

Langyue Xingshu controlled Ignis, circled around from the grass to the tower, the wave was about to enter the tower, and he saw the other side’s Diaochan clearing the wave and turning directly down the lane without hesitation.

At this moment, the opponent’s ADC was being entangled by their jungle and support on the bottom lane, and his health bar suddenly dropped by a large chunk, and Diaochan rushed over to save him.

Ignis came out of the tower to clear the wave, hitting it with his fan, the artillery walked two steps away unsteadily, and Langyue Xingshu approached.

He hadn’t even used his skills yet when someone suddenly popped out of the grass.

The pink skill effect exploded on Ignis, and Langyue Xingshu quickly counterattacked, but his skills were all dodged by Diaochan.

The next second, the passive was stacked and exploded, and Ignis died.

“You have slain an enemy!”

Xie Yao put down his phone and rubbed his neck, “I can’t wait, let’s just take this kill first.”

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On the other side, Langyue Xingshu looked at the gray game interface, and his face immediately turned black, but he still cared about the live broadcast and smiled at the barrage, “I was careless, didn’t expect the other side to ambush me in the grass.”

No matter how he tried to save face, being killed was something that had only happened zero times or countless times.

Langyue Xingshu was killed, and he was also holding a grudge in his heart, feeling embarrassed, and the rhythm behind him became chaotic as a result.

But Xie Yao’s rhythm was getting faster and faster.

Several team fights broke out in the game, and Diao Chan seemed to not consider herself as a squishy mage, always active in the crowd, hopping around with her skills, and even ignoring the opponent’s defensive towers.

In just fifteen minutes, the opponent’s defensive towers had lost four, accumulated thirteen kills, and Diao Chan had six kills and seven assists.

All six kills were given by Langyue Xingshu.

“F*ck, this is awesome, what the hell is this operation?”

: Not picking Mai Shiranui and letting her teammates take the lead, as soon as they see Mai Shiranui, they immediately use their skills on her… I think I understand what a “flush” means now…

: I can only say one thing, this expert really knows how to play, orz!

: Okay, I’ll start a game with Diao Chan right away. See you in six minutes, friends/waves.

: Yao Yao is amazing, sending a meteor shower to the streamer Langyue Xingshu.

In this game, Xie Yao won without any suspense. The score was 19:3, and Langyue Xingshu alone gave up half of the points. His rating was 3.2, and everyone in the live broadcast room exclaimed that it was exciting.

The barrage of gifts and effects was dazzling. Xie Yao took a sip of water and turned to match the next game.

Xie Yao won all the way through the night. He matched with Langyue Xingshu twice in the middle, once as a teammate and once as an opponent.

Xie Yao brought Langyue Xingshu to increase his ranking, and both sets of fans were so angry that they were about to die. In the next game, Xie Yao took advantage of the situation and rubbed Langyue Xingshu on the ground, which was very exciting.

After the midnight match, Xie Yao ranked first in points for the day, and he was still at the top of the reward list. His comprehensive points were 34 points higher than the second place.

But Langyue Xingshu fell to third place, and the second place streamer had extremely good luck tonight. He was matched with Xie Yao almost every time and was so happy to be carried all the way to second place from fourth.

After the match, Xie Yao realized that several professional players from YQ and SUS were also in his live broadcast room. He immediately went to check the reward list and was shocked to find that he received 1.53 million in rewards tonight!

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