1.53 million, of which 1.1 million was contributed by several professional players. This is already the peak since Xie Yao started live streaming.

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Xie Yao checked the balance of the platform and withdrew over 700,000 yuan, then turned to Jiang Song.

Gad: Brother, did you invite YQ and SUS here?

He sent over the details of today’s income.

“This is too much money.”

Jiang Song responded quickly, even though it was late at night.

Jiang Spng: Don’t worry, they have money.

Jiang Song didn’t want to tell Xie Yao that he would reimburse those few people, but he didn’t expect the kid to take it so seriously.

“No, everyone’s goodwill is already known, but there’s no need to spend so much. Nobody’s money comes from nowhere. I’ll return that part to everyone tomorrow. Can you help me with that, brother?”

Jiang Song said no, but when he saw Xie Yao insisting, he had no choice but to say that the money was all from him.

Xie Yao was silent for a moment, feeling a sudden pain in his heart.

“1.1 million, the platform takes half, so they’ll get 550,000. It’s too much of a loss.”

“Too much of a loss!” Xie Yao repeated in pain.

Jiang Song hesitated for a moment, then threw a bombshell at him.

Jiang Song: It’s okay, I’ve acquired Shark TV. The money is in our own pockets, so there’s no loss.

Xie Yao: …

What the f*ck!

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Gad: Brother, you didn’t lie to me, did you?

Jiang Song looked amused: I didn’t lie to you. Their company was already in big trouble. The top management was no different from parasites, the new boss couldn’t run the company, and the lower-level managers persecuted employees and formed cliques. The company was already on the brink of collapse. Later, the cat’s Claws appeared and they went through a wave of big anchor contract terminations, which further damaged their morale.

Jiang Song had been working on this for a while, but only recently had he finalized the acquisition. In a few days, he would send someone to negotiate the contract and finalize everything.

Jiang Song explained everything, and his attitude and words didn’t seem fake at all. It took Xie Yao a long time to digest this difficult news.

In the end, he could only describe his feelings with one phrase: “Wow.”

However, Xie Yao only said this in his heart. He couldn’t say it out loud to Jiang Song.

Gad: You’re really amazing.

Although Xie Yao’s concerns were alleviated, he also had other worries.

Gad: Brother, I was planning to terminate my contract with SharkTV and expose some of the company’s internal disgusting practices on Weibo to get revenge on their frequent small actions. But I didn’t expect you to acquire SharkTV.

Although Xie Yao didn’t say it out loud, Jiang Song could still understand what he was thinking.

Jiang Song said confidently, “Don’t worry about it. Do whatever you want.”

Gad: But won’t this have an impact on your company?

Jiang Song replied, “Not really, but you can tell me in advance what you plan to expose, and I’ll have someone deal with these parasites in advance. The acquisition was only for some anchors and technology in SharkTV. I don’t plan to keep their app, so it won’t matter even if you expose them.”

Xie Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Okay, thank you, brother.”

With only one week left until the finals, Xie Yao and SharkTV tore their faces apart, and things became increasingly intense.

Thanks to Jiang Song’s acquisition of SharkTV, they only managed to trip Xie Yao once before Jiang Song warned them.

At first, Langyue Xingshu had enough energy to be sarcastic in the live broadcast room and incite fans to go to Xie Yao’s live broadcast room or even Weibo to cause trouble. However, after receiving SharkTV’s notice of non-renewal, he became panicked.

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SharkTV underwent major personnel changes, and the core team and some selected employees had already begun to hand over their work and prepare to move to the new headquarters.

Not only Langyue Xingshu, but other anchors also received notices that their contracts would be terminated at the end of their term, and some even received termination and lawyer letters.

Once Langyue Xingshu’s supporters fell from grace, they faced arbitration due to embezzlement and were too busy with their own affairs to help him.

As the competition progressed, the rules were corrected, and Langyue Xingshu, who had lost his backing, was no longer able to live up to his reputation. Coupled with his mental breakdown and severe decline in skills, on the last day of the competition, he even unexpectedly failed to make it into the top seven when the points were settled.

Xie Yao won the championship of this thrilling competition.

The host announced…

: After winning the championship, can Yao Yao go to the live exhibition match in City A and meet Praise?

: Yes, KPL officially invited Praise today!

: Meeting the male god!!

Since this competition was held online, the trophy was not presented to the champions on-site. A staff member contacted Xie Yao privately to confirm his address.

Originally, Xie Yao planned to directly fill in Jiang Song’s contact information, but he thought it would be better to personally deliver such a meaningful item, and he just happened to see a fan’s message in the barrage.

After checking the official announcement on Weibo, Xie Yao changed back to his own address.

: But I recently heard that there seems to be some problems within the Shark TV network, will it affect Yao Yao? After all, the champion will sign a contract with Shark TV.

: Yes, my friend told me that several big anchors on Shark TV have been terminated!

: Did it go bankrupt? No way!

As soon as this topic was raised, the barrage began to discuss it.

After messaging Jiang Song for a while, Xie Yao put down his phone and announced to the fans in the live broadcast room, “Winning the championship only qualifies us to sign an A-level contract with the platform. It’s not mandatory to sign with Shark TV. In fact, our contract will expire in just over ten days, and I won’t be renewing with Shark TV.”

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: Huh? You’re not renewing, so where is Yao Yao planning to go?

Xie Yao smiled, “Still observing, I’ll tell you later.”

Although he had already decided to sign with Cat Claw, he still had over ten days left on his contract, so he could wait until the time was right.

During the competition, after deducting the platform’s share, Xie Yao received a total of 2.87 million yuan in tips, plus the 1 million yuan championship prize money that was soon deposited into his account. He now had over 3 million yuan in his hands.

Xie Yao stared at this number, and his heart thumped. He immediately opened the banking app and transferred 2 million yuan to an account, then lay on the bed in a daze, staring at the balance.

The Xie family was wealthy in the past, but they were not ostentatious. Unlike most wealthy people who would choose affluent areas or villas, the Xie family lived in an old house in the suburbs with a sense of history.

After the Xie family went bankrupt, the house was sold for 4.5 million yuan. The one who bought it was Zhou Tian’s mother. Over the years, she had asked people to clean it up, and Xie Yao would pay her regularly every month to redeem the ancestral home from her.

Although Zhou Tian’s mother had said at the time of the purchase that Xie Yao did not need to repay her, he still insisted. This time, after the live broadcast competition, he finally had enough money to pay off all the debts and even had some leftover.

When Zhou’s mother received the money, she immediately called Xie Yao and asked about his well-being. She was pleased to hear that he was doing well and told him that the property certificate would be sent to him tomorrow.

It was only then that Xie Yao realized that the ancestral home had been in his name since the beginning.

“Yao Yao, it’s been so long since the incident. If your parents were still here, they would have wanted you to move on and live the life you want…”

“You can think that way, it’s good.”

After announcing the champion of the live streaming competition, the hype gradually died down. Xie Yao’s Weibo followers experienced a surge, reaching 700,000 before slowing down. This calm continued until one month before the KPL Finals.

First, Cat’s Claw TV officially announced the acquisition of SharkTV, listing a long list of anchors and executive staff who would no longer cooperate with them. They also announced that SharkTV’s data would be migrated to Cat’s Claw TV and that SharkTV would be permanently removed from the platform.

Before SharkTV’s users and the fans of the terminated anchors could react, Xie Yao immediately posted all the revelations on Weibo. He had collected evidence against some people during his time at SharkTV, and this evidence was clear and pointed, revealing the truth at a glance.

When Xie Yao posted on Weibo, he also mentioned several relevant entertainment industry influencers. After they reposted it, the situation escalated rapidly, even alarming the cyber police.

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Some people immediately discovered that Xie Yao had hammered the same people on the list posted by Cat’s clawTV. Before they could investigate, both sides posted on Weibo again.

@Cat’s Claw TV: Welcome the famous anchor Yao Yao Princess @gad to join Cat Claw TV and become a member of our team~”

@gad: Repost/ Let me introduce my new boss to everyone.

: Yao Yao has signed with Cat’s Claw TV too. I’m so happy that my favorite anchors are all at Cat’s Claw TV!

: Cat’s ClawTV really is rich and powerful!

: Congratulations to Yao Yao for signing with a new platform. Let’s celebrate!”

Xie Yao became a hot topic online, even climbing onto the tail of the hot search rankings. His popularity was not much lower than that of some minor celebrities.

His fans were being playful and whiny on Weibo, while Xie Yao, wearing a black outfit and a duckbill cap, sat alone in a taxi on his way to the airport.

As WeChat refreshed, messages kept popping up, including friend requests, but Xie Yao ignored them all.

Jiang Song: Have you left yet?

Xie Yao buried his head, with the brim of his cap covering half of his face mask.

Gad: I’m almost at the airport.

Jiang Song: Alright, be safe and remember to give me a call when you get there.

Gad: Okay.

Jiang Song: It’s a shame that I have something tonight and can’t come to pick you up. I’ll send Manager Chen instead.

The corners of Xie Yao’s mouth curled up under his cap.

“There’s no hurry. We’ll see each other eventually.”

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