Xie Yao really wanted to ask if Jiang Song was electrically leaking, otherwise why would he feel so tingly and numb, spreading all the way from their fingertips to his brain as they made contact.

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Xie Yao felt like he was about to pass out.

“Th-then why don’t you stay?” He pulled his hand back and rubbed his fingertips, unable to help but hide his hand behind his back. “It’s raining outside and if you don’t have a hotel to stay in, there are two rooms here.”

Xie Yao’s face had been hot all night, but he tried hard to make himself look less nervous. After all, compared to Jiang Song’s noisy and tongue-tied reasons, his words seemed flawless.

Jiang Song reached out and pressed his hand on Xie Yao’s head, and a smile appeared on his usually cold and hard face in front of others.

“Thank you, Yao Yao.”

The hotel was a suite with two rooms.

Xie Yao saw Jiang Song casually make a phone call and ask his secretary to pack his things and move here.

He couldn’t help but suspect that when Jiang Song booked the hotel, the excuse of “single rooms are all occupied” was just a pretext for this moment.

If he had been wearing his idol filter before, he would not have thought so, but since he met Jiang Song today, the other’s occasional small movements revealed his thoughts, which were very calculated.

When it was time, Xie Yao sat in front of the computer and prepared to start the live broadcast. However, the only computer was in the room where Jiang Song was staying, so when he sat down to adjust the equipment, Jiang Song was browsing his phone beside him.

Although Jiang Song was not staring at Xie Yao the whole time, his gaze occasionally drifted over, and it was very noticeable.

Xie Yao twisted on the chair and tried to suppress his embarrassment, opening the downloaded app and plugin, and logging in. When he lowered his head to manipulate his phone to connect to the computer, the camera automatically started. When Xie Yao looked up, he was scared half to death by Jiang Song’s half-back in the frame!

Fortunately, he hadn’t started the live broadcast yet. Xie Yao covered the camera in panic and turned to Jiang Song. “Brother, can you sit a little to the side?”

He pointed to the camera when Jiang Song looked over. “You’re in the shot.”

Jiang Song raised an eyebrow and, seeing Xie Yao’s nervousness, deliberately twisted the facts. “After all, I’m the former captain of SUS. It’s just that I retired, isn’t that right? Isn’t that something to be seen?”

Xie Yao suddenly felt a headache: “That’s not what I meant.”

Jiang Song saw him frown and immediately laughed twice.

“Just kidding, I won’t tease you anymore.”

He shifted his noble buttocks to a place where the camera couldn’t see and raised his chin at Xie Yao.

“Can I sit here?”

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Xie Yao nodded like a chick pecking at rice: “Yes!”

As soon as he turned his head, he breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew his hand. In the screen, there was not even a corner of Jiang Song’s clothes visible. Xie Yao then started the live broadcast.

Jiang Song watched Xie Yao’s cautious appearance from behind and felt amused.

Xie Yao’s account on Shark TV had been deactivated, and only his “Cat’s Claw” ID and live broadcast link were displayed on his homepage and Weibo.

His fans had a high stickiness. After a whole day of fermentation, the number of followers on Cat’s Claw had already exceeded 700,000, although it was still not comparable to his peak of over four million, and it was only the first day.

Xie Yao thought very optimistically. Cat Claw’s platform was operated very well, with high daily traffic. Moreover, his strength was here. After the news was spread, his popularity would only increase when his fans came over.

Not to mention that Jiang Song had secretly given him a cover recommendation.

In the live broadcast room, the fans were still waiting. As soon as Xie Yao started the broadcast, the chatty fans became lively.

: Yao Yao is live!

: Good evening, Yao Yao! How’s the new platform?

: Don’t worry, Yao Yao, Cat Claw treats you well. I just saw you on the homepage’s scrolling recommendation. You can see it at a glance!

: The background behind Yao Yao doesn’t look like he’s at home. Did he go to City A?

: Hmm? The competition doesn’t start for another four days, right? Why did Yao Yao go to City A so early?

: Need I say more? Hehehe… It’s because Praise is in City A!

: I’m not going to beat around the bush with this one. Did Yao Yao meet Praise? How was it?

The barrage of comments flew by rapidly, and the special effects of the gifts continued to flash. Xie Yao opened the game and looked at the comments from his fans.

At first it was fine, the barrage was mostly greetings and jokes with him, but suddenly the style of the comments changed and the most frequently appearing keyword became “praise” instead of “Yao Yao”.

Xie Yao: This is terrible.

: Damn it, I see the fans of the rumor CP dancing wildly in the barrage, and my Jiang Yao CP has gradually become unpopular…Damn it! Why did my previously popular CP become the Arctic Circle? Brother Jiang, where did you go!/Angry

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: Forget it, Brother Jiang hasn’t appeared in a month…

: If Brother Jiang doesn’t come out soon, I’m going to climb the wall to debunk the rumors!/Crying

Several comments floated by, and Xie Yao saw many fans crying about “missing Brother Jiang”. He immediately looked nervously at Jiang Song sitting next to him.

When Jiang Song followed his gaze and looked over sharply, Xie Yao immediately turned his head as if he had been scalded.

His series of actions made fans realize that something was wrong.

: What is Yao Yao looking at?

: Something’s not right, why are you looking to the side, are you keeping a wild man in the house!

: It’s three in the morning in a hotel, what do you want to do with a wild man!

: Oh my god, do you even remember that you’re live? Won’t such stimulating content be banned!

The comments became more and more outrageous, and Xie Yao was full of question marks.

: Can’t you stop thinking nonsense?” he raised his voice, but soon lowered it again.

: What wild man, there isn’t one! If you keep talking like this, I’ll block you by level, this isn’t Shark TV.

Xie Yao blatantly threatened and intimidated his fans.

The fans switched to Cat’s Claw TV, where all the records had been cleared, and Jiang Song’s company had not officially cancelled Shark TV, so the data on both sides had not been merged yet.

As a result, everyone had a blank level-zero account and would be banned at any moment.

But the fans didn’t care about his threats, each one feeling extremely arrogant.

: Humph, man, do you think I’m afraid of you?

: Humph, man, do you think I’m afraid of you?

: Humph, man, do you think I’m afraid of you?

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Gift effects flew all over the place for a while, and the level of the VIP accounts in Xie Yao’s live broadcast room began to rise from level zero.

The maximum blocking level of Cat’s Claw TV can only be set to level three, and fans need to spend 100 yuan in the live room to reach level three.

Xie Yao’s original intention was not to urge them to spend money, so he immediately stopped them.

“Okay, okay, you win. Don’t send any more gifts. Keep the money for food.”

Seeing that the fans were completely ignoring him, Xie Yao immediately changed the topic and answered a few previous questions.

“Cat’s Claw has been pretty good to me. They even arranged a good exposure page for me. It’s a conscientious platform.”

“I’ve already arrived in City A. I came early this time to play a few rounds here, but it seems like it’s been raining a lot recently, which is pretty unlucky.”

“Praise…” Xie Yao paused for a moment, and Jiang Song, who was eavesdropping next to him, looked up.

Xie Yao pretended to be calm and continued, “I did indeed meet the big shot today, and he was very nice.”

Jiang Song immediately looked at him.

The fans in the barrage also stopped misbehaving, and each one became as excited as if they had taken a stimulant.

That was praise! Yao Yao actually really met Praise! Wow!

: Oh my god, I actually saw Praise! How was it? Is Praise really as fierce as the rumors say?

: According to the insiders at SUS, every time a hundred little cuties see Praise, they can’t even breathe.

: I heard that when Praise was still at SUS, his catchphrase was ‘useless/dog head’.

: This is enough to make anyone who hears it cry.

: I just want to ask if Yao Yao said anything wrong when facing Praise. Did he hit you?

The style of the barrage quickly went off track in a very peculiar way, and Xie Yao looked at their comments, but his gaze couldn’t help but drift to Jiang Song’s head.

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Crew cut, single eyelid, thin lips, over 1.8 meters tall…although he was indeed handsome enough to make people envious, he looked really fierce when he didn’t smile.

Noticing Xie Yao’s subtle scrutiny, Jiang Song looked up and smiled at him.

Xie Yao quickly turned his head!

“Stop it, I’m not fierce at all. I’m very friendly and kind, a really nice person. Besides, I have a great temperament and good looks. How could someone like me get beaten up? It’s absolutely impossible. Your hearts are so dirty, how could you slander a good person like this!”

The barrage was silent for two seconds, then someone spoke up.

: Have you been kidnapped?

Xie Yao: …heh.

“Don’t ask me that. This is a gaming live stream. I’m a gaming anchor. I came here to play games for you to watch, not just to chat with you.”

Xie Yao made a few sarcastic remarks, then glanced at Jiang Song before starting to play a match without looking away.

“Tonight’s entertainment, the sexy anchor is playing jungle live.”

Xie Yao played two matches as a jungle and was really bad at it. Although he wasn’t a terrible player, he was definitely mediocre. He was having fun, but his fans weren’t happy.

After two matches, he returned to his strong position.

During the break, Jiang Song’s secretary brought his luggage over. Xie Yao secretly glanced at it and noticed that the secretary was a stunning and elegant woman, with an amazing aura of capability.

Xie Yao felt a little uneasy and quickly looked away after a couple of glances.

The secretary handed over the luggage to Jiang Song and left. Jiang Song was tidying up his toiletries nearby, speaking softly and trying not to make any noise to avoid disturbing Xie Yao.

But things didn’t go as planned. The atmosphere in the room was shattered by the sound of a WeChat call.

The phone was placed by the bed. Jiang Song had grabbed the luggage while Xie Yao was blocking the camera. He didn’t have time to think and quickly walked over to silence the phone.

But it was obviously too late.

Xie Yao unconsciously glanced at the barrage.

: Oh my god, there’s a wild man flying behind Yao Yao!

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