: Kid! Why is there a man in your room? Why?!

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: Stop playing games and let’s talk. Who is this man?! Wahhhhh.

: Don’t tell me the phone that just rang was yours. I know you only have two phones, one for playing games and the other on the desk!”

: Are you in a relationship?!

: Hey, man, do you have the guts to come out, or are you just going to fly away?!

: Man: Don’t call me ‘hey’, my name is Chu… Sorry, I was just joking.

Jiang Song hung up the phone and stared at the missed call from Yi Bai on the screen, grinding his teeth in frustration.

On the other side, Xie Yao remained silent as the barrage of questions flooded the screen. He had lost several minions because he was distracted, and almost died from a sneak attack by the enemy mage.

The barrage of questioning and speculation overflowed from the screen. When Xie Yao remained idle in the game, the barrage was filled with “you’re guilty.”

Xie Yao lowered his gaze and focused on the game, sliding his fingers across the keys to snatch back the minions from the greedy jungle player.

“Don’t make wild guesses, he’s just a friend of mine,” Xie Yao said without changing his expression, casually dismissing the fan’s inquiries. In the meantime, while the opponent was returning to their tower, he reached up and brushed his hair that had grown longer around his ears.

Fan: Haha, there’s something fishy about your story.

: Maybe I would have believed you if you hadn’t hesitated for half a second when you said ‘friend’

: We all saw your ears turn red. Are you just remembering to hide behind your hair now?

: Forget it, kid, you’re not good at lying. If you’re really in a relationship, just admit it openly. We’re not the kind of brain-dead fans who will oppose it

: Can we see your girlfriend?

: Take a look at my sister-in-law.

The screen was filled with images of sister-in-laws, almost startling Xie Yao. He looked down at his game, his ears turning red as they hid in his messy hair. He sneakily glanced over at Jiang Song, who was typing away on his phone, chatting with someone.

It seemed like Jiang Song didn’t notice the outrageous barrage of comments in the live chat room, and Xie Yao breathed a sigh of relief. If he had seen them, Xie Yao would have packed his bags and gone to Mars right then and there.

Tonight’s live stream was exploding with popularity. Within an hour of Xie Yao’s broadcast, the number of online viewers had reached over six hundred thousand, and his fan base slowly grew to one and a half million.

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With so many people, the live chat room was filled with all kinds of comments and trolls, but the gossip groups kept them under control. The top comment was always “sister-in-law.”

Xie Yao made several mistakes during the game, and his performance was so bad that his teammates started to question him. He closed his eyes and turned off the chat room display. Out of sight, out of mind. He focused on the game.

He barely managed to salvage his record in the end, almost losing when the other team almost destroyed their crystal. Fortunately, the super minions were helpful and stole from the enemy’s base first.

Jiang Song showed no emotion as he lectured Yi Bai through WeChat, giving him advice on how to train the SUS team. He even kindly suggested to Manager Chen to give them some extra training.

Yi Bai, who had no idea he was about to be caught in the crossfire, was quite bold over the internet. Even after being scolded by Jiang Song, he still joked around.

Yi Bai: Brother, don’t be angry. I sent you so many messages this afternoon, but you didn’t reply. I was worried about you, so I called to check on you.

River: Get lost.

Yi Bai: Husky rolling on the ground.jpg

Yi Bai: By the way, brother, I heard that you checked out of the hotel today. Why? Where did you go? You didn’t come back to the base to stay.

The SUS base was not close to the competition venue, so Jiang Song was invited to the KPL site and was booked into a hotel by the organizers. He didn’t stay at the base.

But when Yi Bai went to look for him in the afternoon, he found that Jiang Song was gone. When he asked the front desk, they told him that Jiang Song had checked out and left with his luggage.

Jiang Song’s lips curved into a smile.

River: Chase after him.

Two words, instantly piqued his interest to the max. He sat up straight, eyes fixed on the glowing screen of his phone.

Yi Vai: Brother, if it’s about this, then I’m definitely not sleepy anymore!

Yi Bai: Is it the little streamer that you told us to support last time? What was his name again? Yao Yao?

River: Don’t be disrespectful, just call her ‘Sister-in-law’.

Jiang Song corrected him lightly. Yi Bai immediately burst out laughing like a pig on the other end.

Yi Bai: Okay, okay, Sister-in-law it is! Oh my god!

Yi Bai exclaimed in excitement, “I never expected you to blossom after retiring, bro. You’ve already got a boyfriend!”

River: Alright, let’s not spread it around yet. Nothing is set in stone.

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Yi Bai: I promise not to tell anyone!

Yi Bai pretended to be obedient, then immediately started gossiping with a grin on his face. “So, um, are you living with Sister-in-law now?”

Jiang Song felt pleased when he heard the words ‘Sister-in-law’. “Mm.”

Yi Bai thought it was amazing. He had just found out about Jiang Song pursuing someone, but he had already moved in with them!

Yi Bai’s eyes almost shot out lasers. He could tell from between the lines that Jiang Song was in a good mood tonight, so he immediately took advantage of the situation.

“Since we’re so close now, hehe, can I see Sister-in-law too?”

Jiang Song instinctively wanted to refuse, but he turned his head and saw Xie Yao’s back in the livestream. Suddenly, he agreed.

Yi Bai was overjoyed. “Just wait a sec!”

Jiang Song raised an eyebrow, put on his headphones, and walked over to the window to connect his phone. It didn’t take long before he received a video chat request.

He looked at the neat profile pictures of the five of them, chuckled, and accepted the call.

The headphones immediately filled with noise.

“Where’s Sister-in-law:

“Where’s Sister-in-law!”

Everyone else was reserved, but only Yi Bai was shouting and getting close to the phone. In the frame, only one eye was visible, as if it could see more clearly that way.

Jiang Song held the phone with one hand and tapped the window with the other, looking at the screen with a smirk.

Yi Bai immediately stood up straight and said with a smile, “Hey hey, I didn’t tell anyone about my sister-in-law. Everyone here is one of us!”

“Hmm,” Jiang Song lazily responded, letting this fool go.

Yi Bai and the others started teasing again.

“Look at my sister-in-law, look at my sister-in-law!”

“Shh.” Jiang Song glanced over and the teasing group immediately quieted down. Yi Bai even made a motion of zipping his mouth shut.

Jiang Song moved and shifted his shoulder, reaching over to aim the camera at the desk.

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Xie Yao’s back was partially visible, leaving behind a few strands of hair that shook from reading the comments.

After only a few seconds, Jiang Song retrieved his phone.

Several people in the SUS chat room felt that this wasn’t enough time, and they wished they could fly through the screen and say “Hi, sister-in-law” to Xie Yao in person.

Jiang Song smiled and said, “Just looking is enough, go train yourselves.”

Yi Bai was very confident and refused to back down, saying recklessly, “We haven’t seen his face yet, hehe.”

Jiang Song remained expressionless and said, “It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

Then he hung up mercilessly.

On the other end, Xie Yao noticed something and looked up to meet Jiang Song’s gaze.

Jiang Song smiled, and Xie Yao immediately turned his head back, trying to cover up his feelings.

The chat room comments that Jiang Song had cut off were heart-wrenching, saying “I’m tired, you’re so obvious yet you’re still being stubborn!”

Live until half past eleven, Xie Yao finished a game and prepared to end the broadcast. At this time, he opened the barrage and there were no more massive calls for “sister-in-law” on it.

“Today’s live stream ends here, I’m going to stop broadcasting.” Xie Yao released the mouse and hammered his sore neck twice to relieve the discomfort.

Jiang Song suddenly walked over and pinched Xie Yao’s neck.

Xie Yao jumped up from his chair, “Brother—” he just blurted out a word, then suddenly realized that the live stream was still on.

The barrage was stunned by the sudden half-naked man, and comments about “sister-in-law” being a man flooded the screen.

Xie Yao quickly closed the live stream and turned to see Jiang Song looking at him apologetically.

“Sorry, I thought you had already turned it off when I heard you say you were stopping the broadcast.”

Xie Yao stood facing Jiang Song, his neck feeling hot, as if still feeling the warmth left by the other person’s palm.

“It’s okay.” He muttered.

It wasn’t Jiang Song’s intention, and he was also regretful.

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Thinking back to his series of actions today, Jiang Song looked at Xie Yao, who was looking down, and wondered if he had acted too hastily.

But the two of them had been testing each other over the internet for a while, and they could feel each other’s feelings.

Jiang Song’s eyes darkened.

He spoke up, “Do you hate me? I’m sorry…” but before he finished apologizing, Xie Yao suddenly raised his head.

“No.” Xie Yao’s palms clenched tightly.

Jiang Song was stunned.

Xie Yao looked straight into his eyes, “You don’t need to apologize, and I won’t hate you.”

Perhaps it was this sentence that gave Xie Yao courage, and for the first time he tore off the mask between them.

“You know who I am now, right? You also saw my moments.”

Jiang Song met his intense gaze, and his throat moved.

“Uh-huh, I saw them.”

Xie Yao: “I am a genius, and I love praise, I have liked it for a very long time!”

Jiang Song didn’t know what to say at this moment. He reached out and pressed Xie Yao’s head, sighing, “I know, you have been working hard for so long.”

Xie Yao’s eyes suddenly turned red. He reached out and pressed his eyes with his sleeve. Suddenly, all his courage collapsed. His throat was sore, and he turned his head and walked away.

Jiang Song grabbed him by the soft strands of his hair and said, “So what?”

Xie Yao paused and asked, “What do you mean?”

Jiang Song was a little helpless, “Don’t you want to hear what I have to say?”

Xie Yao instinctively wanted to turn his head, but he only moved a little and stopped. He couldn’t look at him for some reason.

“What do you want to say?” Xie Yao asked.

Jiang Song’s hand, which was on Xie Yao’s shoulder, slowly moved up to his neck, and he turned Xie Yao around to face him. He squeezed Xie Yao’s five fingers, and his fingers clenched tightly.

“I like you too, the kind of like that wants to be in a relationship with you.”

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