“Zhuge Liang’s jungle playstyle has risen rapidly this season, mainly due to the decrease in magic resistance of jungle monsters and the addition of a small echo effect to the blue jungle knife, which makes the early game damage quite substantial.”

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It had been a long time since Xie Yao had played games so seriously during a live stream. He chatted with fans in the barrage while exploring the game. After clearing the first wave of monsters, he reached level four, and his feeling gradually returned.

Xie Yao’s mage was very strong, his jungle was average, and he occasionally played other lanes. The worst was roaming support, not because of anything else, but because this dog did not have a spirit of dedication no matter what lane he played.

As a support, what was needed was to keep an eye on all six lanes and listen for all eight directions, do whatever the team needed, and even help teammates withstand damage when necessary.

For Xie Yao, who only cared about kills and economy, he would rather clear ten waves of monsters than play support once.

After upgrading his ultimate, the monsters had not yet respawned. Xie Yao saw a wave of minions coming in the mid lane, and Xiao Qiao had just gone to support the bottom lane.

: This game is a bit tough to play. The opponents seem to be quite skilled. Only the marksman on Yao Yao’s team is reliable, Zhong Kui hasn’t landed a single hook, and Xiao Qiao is sleepwalking the entire game. She can’t even last hit minions or support properly,

: Is Xiao Qiao just trying to hit her daily step goal on WeChat? Every time I see her, she’s either trying to support or on her way to support. Yao Yao already has five kills, while she still has zero kills and only one assist???

: Are you playing against actors again?

The barrage of comments questioned whether Yao Yao had encountered actors again. It wasn’t the first time, and after all, this was a high-end game with a peak prize of 1,500, so Xiao Qiao’s poor performance was indeed questionable.

“It’s actors. Their acting skills are good, but they are not suitable for playing games.” Yao Yao cleared the three pigs on the opponent’s side, and Nako Lulu with double buffs rushed over, followed by a Da Qiao.

He pulled down his vision and said, “Okay, our mage is a warm-hearted citizen. Although he supported a lonely player in that wave, he still let the opponent run away. However, this behavior is still worthy of commendation.”

As he spoke, he jumped out of the mid-lane bushes, shamelessly stealing Xiao Qiao’s minions.

Xiao Qiao, who had gone to support the bottom lane, came back with a fan in her hand and only saw the figure of Zhuge Liang moving quickly away.

With the economy in hand, Xie Yao was very happy. His skills could still overpower most ordinary players, and with the lead in economy, he went to the bottom lane to help Gongsunli teach the enemy marksman a lesson.

After stacking a layer of passive with the monster kill, he had five energy balls following him. In the bottom lane bush, the enemy marksman had just appeared and hadn’t even cleared the minions yet. Xie Yao was at level two and could jump in, taking him down with a single combo.

“First blood!” The first kill was his.

His experience of encountering actors is so rich that he could write a book about it, and by now, he can basically confirm that Xiao Qiao is an actor.

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“1,500… Is it really necessary to find actors in this rank?” Xie Yao laughed.

The 1,500 rank is not rare, and there are plenty of players. It’s not easy to match with the same players in the same game, so it seems that Xiao Qiao and her boss are lucky to be matched together.

If it’s an actor, it can also explain why Xie Yao’s pre-selection was either banned or taken away at the beginning. It’s probably because Xiao Qiao leaked information and didn’t run away.

No wonder he could make such a bold move of taking the mid lane position while being a jungle player.

On the other side, Xie Yao was still arrogantly camping in the opponent’s red zone. As for the arrival of Nako Lulu and Xiao Qiao, he managed to dodge Nako Lulu’s ultimate using his slippery skills. With his passive fully stacked after killing a jungle monster, he landed a series of attacks on Nako Lulu, reducing her to low health in an instant.

Before the enemy team could react, Xie Yao teleported in and took the kill, securing the first blood. As for Xiao Qiao, she was pushed back by the ultimate of Gongsunli and killed with basic attacks, leaving a pitiful scene.

“Wow, you’re amazing girl. With such high economy, do you want to form a CP (couple) with me? I’m a sharpshooter!” After taking the kill, Gongsunli laughed and started chatting with Xie Yao over the microphone.

Xie Yao didn’t respond and clicked on the Baron on the map, skipping the chat with Gongsunli and heading straight to the Dragon.

“Big brother long, big brother short, big brother takes the bait and you don’t care, ah, scumbag!”

This match wasn’t easy, after all, there was an actor on the team whose economy was even lower than the support, and with a missing C position output, other players were not reliable.

Fortunately, Gongsun Li was okay, and the damage from Xerath was explosive, with the top laner and support Zhong Kui taking the brunt of the damage in front, they managed to push to the opponent’s high ground even without Xiao Qiao.

At this critical moment, neither the actor nor the boss expected to lose, so the actor who was pretending to play Xiao Qiao began to frantically give away towers and kill feeds.

“Tsk.” said Xie Yao impatiently.

At this point, the slow-witted me thought that the Xiai Qiao was really a bad teammate on our team, and then realized what was going on.

“Damn it, is this Xiao Qiao crazy?”

“Damn, we’re really unlucky to meet an actor in this rank!”

The team lost a kill in a team fight, and the game screen turned black for Xie Yao. He saw that after he died, his team immediately collapsed. Xiao Qiao was charging into the enemy skills, and the others died one after another. Only a low-health Gongsunli managed to escape by rolling away.

Fortunately, the minions pushed through and the enemy was busy clearing them, so they couldn’t push the tower.

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With over 40 seconds left on his death timer, Xie Yao glanced at the barrage of comments.

He had died once this game, but had otherwise played consistently well, leaving the trolls with no other outlet but to hurl insults at him.

: Is this streamer a member of the gourd babies, trying to rescue his grandpa?

: Hahaha, so this is what a professional streamer looks like. I’m enlightened!

Having heard worse insults during his professional career, Jiang Song was accustomed to such comments. However, he couldn’t help but admit that some of them were really annoying.

As the barrage continued to escalate, the fans and trolls started fighting each other in the comments. Jiang Song’s expression remained unchanged as he reached out and turned off the comments. Out of sight, out of mind.

With the comments gone, the air felt fresher.

In the game, Zhuge Liang had already respawned, while the enemy team had pushed to the high ground. With only Xie Yao and the remaining low-economic Guan Yinping to defend, the three other teammates still had ten seconds left on their respawn timers.

Jiang Song lifted his eyelids and looked at the small window in the lower right corner of the live streaming interface. The streamer in a black T-shirt sat up straight and shifted from a relaxed posture to a serious one.

In the screen, the streamer’s fingers were moving quickly, sliding on the screen. His fingers were thin but long, and his skin was visible to be very fair, although his face was not shown, he looked like a clean and slim student.

Jiang Song looked at the small window and blinked before turning his eyes to the game interface.

He saw the streamer who looked like a student was killing enemies fiercely.

The screen was filled with flying skills and various effects, making it dazzling. Zhuge Liang shuttled through the chaos, harvesting heads.

The countdown for the teammate’s resurrection reached zero, and all the opponents fell as well.

“Penta kill!” Five kills!

“Aced!” Team wipe!

Jiang Song raised his eyebrows.

Xie Yao showed off, dazzling the only surviving Sun Shangxiang with his penta kill. With the victory in hand, he led the minions towards the enemy base and destroyed their crystal in just a few moves.

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The victory sound effect rang out, and Xie Yao clicked on the results page, where the huge MVP and Gold Medal Mage hung at the top, with 68% of the total damage output.

He reported Xiao Qiao for intentionally feeding and then seamlessly started a new game.

As he waited for the match to begin, Xie Yao checked his score and said, “This game will give us 25 points.”

He calculated for a moment and, as he spoke, started a new bet.

“Let’s make a wager. If I win, I’ll gain more than 20 points. The game lasts for 25 minutes, and it’s only 1:30 pm now. If I can reach 2,000 points by the end of today’s live stream at 11 pm, I’ll randomly select ten fans who have joined my fan club and give them each a 5,000 yuan red envelope.”

“Every day in the live stream room, there will be a free gift given out. If you send a gift, you can join the fan club. For newcomers, if you send a gift to another streamer, you only need to buy a one-cent mine to send to me.”

After finishing his words, the game started and entered the ban hero phase.

: Go for it, Yao Yao, you can do it!

: Go for it and reach 2000 points!!

: Without mines, we cannot express our admiration. Sending a mine to the streamer now!

The live stream room was immediately flooded with barrage and various gift effects.

Jiang Song closed the gift effects again.

The next few games went smoothly, although there were occasional trolls, at least there were no smurfs or actors. Thanks to his skillful mid-lane plays, Xie Yao carried the team to victory and received a flood of friend requests and pleas for help from his fans.

Jiang Song watched for a few games, his lips twitching at the sound of the streamer calling everyone “brother.”

The streamer was scheduled to stream until 11 pm. Jiang Song checked the time and realized that the stream had started at 1 pm?

Ten hours? It was quite a feat, considering the streamer’s young age and the possibility that he was still in school.

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With these thoughts in mind, Jiang Song pondered for a moment, turned to the recharge interface, entered his password, and threw a few gifts into the live broadcast room. Then, without logging out, he left the account running and got back to work.

Jiang Song’s family conditions were good, and he had no worries about food and clothing. Over the years, he had also saved a lot of money from playing professionally, and after retiring, most of his income went into funding SUS, to support his teammates who seemed unable to live without him.

The remaining money was invested and he made quite a profit.

His family had been in business for generations, and although they had not been able to expand the business further by the time of his father’s generation, they had maintained their position and had several companies under their control.

Jiang Song didn’t have to worry about family matters, but he still needed to familiarize himself with the industry. If anything came up, they would come to him for help. So he had been busy on and off since retiring.

Today, he had something to attend to. One of the family’s companies wanted to invest in SUS, and it was a good fit for him, so the paperwork had been sent to him to handle.

Despite losing such a god-like player like Jiang Song, sus did not decline.

Each member of the team is capable of handling things, and the new jungler Killer, who filled Jiang Song’s vacancy, is also recognized as the strongest newcomer in recent years.

SUS has strong adaptability, and the new teammates have meshed well after Jiang Song’s retirement, with almost no downward trend.

As an emerging growth stock in the e-sports industry, many business people who smell profit have come, and Jiang Song’s family is already involved in the culture and entertainment industry. Therefore, they are preparing to join SUS with the help of Jiang Song’s influence.

Jiang Song was busy until late at night, handling documents and it was almost 11 o’clock by the time he finished.

When he was a professional player, he was used to staying up all night and day, so he didn’t feel tired. But he couldn’t turn on his phone when he got out of the shower, and he realized that he had left it on the whole afternoon in the small live streaming room of the young broadcaster. He charged it up and turned it on, then thought of clicking into Xie Yao’s live streaming room again.


The young broadcaster in the small window put down his phone and stretched lazily, revealing a layer of thin abdominal muscles under his white shirt as he lifted it up, then covered it up again with his hand.

Xie Yao chuckled, sounding a bit lazy, arrogant, and proud, with a touch of youthful vigor.

“Two thousand points, isn’t it easy if you have skills?”

Author’s note:

The 2000 points mentioned in the story are exaggerated and not to be taken seriously. Also, the part about Zhuge Liang playing jungle was inspired by various streaming tutorials.

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