Just like how some people, after having a dream, would one day come across a scene that feels strangely familiar in the future.

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The youthful energy displayed by the little anchor, it seems like it was something he had encountered a long time ago.

Jiang Song paused for a moment, and the wrinkles between his eyebrows involuntarily relaxed.


For a full ten hours, Xie Yao had been sitting on the chair, without even eating a meal. During this time, except for when he went to the bathroom, he had stayed rooted to the chair the entire time.

After stretching and yawning, he wiped away the tears that had welled up in his eyes from yawning and began to operate his computer.

“It’s getting late today, I’ll end the broadcast soon and first send out the previous red envelopes.”

Haters had already disappeared quietly when Xie Yao was on a winning streak, taking one MVP after another. Now, the barrage was filled with the regulars of his usual broadcast room.

As it was getting late, the popularity of the broadcast room had dropped from 70,000 to 30,000. Those who had been lurking or idling in the room heard that the red envelope draw was starting, and they all popped up like moles in a whack-a-mole game.

The red envelope draw mechanism had been set up from the beginning, and Xie Yao only needed to click “start”. The system would randomly draw from the eligible online viewers.

The one-minute draw was over.

“Congratulations to Your Yao Meimei, Watching Airplanes, User 4859021, Shi Qiqi Not Ji Ji… for winning the red envelopes in this draw. The money will be directly deposited into your SharkTV balance, and you can withdraw it directly.”

: I fucking won!

: Amazing, amazing, sister has such good luck, I’m just here to watch!

: Hello everyone, I am a perennial denominator.

After reading out the winning IDs, almost every one of them was a fan who was very active and generous in donating in his live stream, except for one with a string of numbers as their username.

Noticing the unfamiliar user with the username “4859021”, who had not even chosen a nickname, Xie Yao couldn’t help but wonder aloud, “I’ve never seen this user before. Who are they?”

However, the system was set up to only allow fans who have joined his fan club to participate in the lucky draw. Xie Yao became curious and clicked on the user’s profile, only to find a blank page with no signature, nickname, or even gender information, except for a list of recently watched live streams that included Xie Yao’s.

: This is clearly an alt account. Could it be that one of our sisters created it just to participate in the lottery?

: Unacceptable! Creating alt accounts is too much. Next time I’ll do it too!

: Wait a minute! Did I see that right? This garbled user just donated 10,000 to YaoYao????

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: What the f***! It’s true! I just checked the donation leaderboard for YaoYao, it’s 10,000 yuan and has climbed to the top ten overall!

Xie Yao: “?”

Just as he had exited the blank profile page, he saw the comments in the chat. So he turned his head back to the donation leaderboard and saw that it was indeed true.

User 4859021, who appeared out of nowhere, didn’t say a word but generously sent over 10,000 gifts to Xie Yao. This was definitely a big gesture, and it offset the losses he had just suffered from the red envelope draw. Xie Yao was amazed and realized that he must have missed this boss’s donation message while playing the game earlier. But luckily, he still had a chance to thank him. Only players in the live stream room can participate in the red envelope draw, so if the user won, it means that they are still present.

“I didn’t see it earlier, but thank you to user 4859021 for the generous donation. May I ask if the boss is here?”

After asking if the user was present, Xie Yao patiently waited. On the live broadcast, Jiang Song got up to drink the coffee that he hadn’t finished on the table, and when he came back after washing the cup, he saw a system message reminding him that he had won a prize. He clicked on it and saw that it was the red envelope that the little anchor had opened in the afternoon. There was an additional 500 yuan in the account, and Jiang Song raised an eyebrow.

Just as Xie Yao was thanking user 4958021 for their donation, Jiang Song realized after a full minute that this user was probably him.

In the live broadcast room, despite waiting for a while, Xie Yao did not receive a response from the boss, but the boss’s online status was still displayed on their profile.

Viewers in the chat room advised Xie Yao not to wait any longer.

One viewer said : It’s already so late, the boss might have just left the live broadcast on and fallen asleep.

When Xie Yao wasn’t playing games, he tended to lounge around, tilting his chair back so that his sharp chin was visible through the small window.

Glancing at the chat, he chatted with his fans, “The boss is probably still here, we have to wait for a response. After all, they donated more than 10,000 yuan, which is not a small amount. We need to make sure everything is clear.”

A viewer commented : Can’t you sit up straight?

Someone in the chat said : After calling for a while and not getting a response, I guess we won’t be able to wait any longer. It’s late, go to bed,

But Xie Yao was stubborn. “Let’s just wait a bit longer.”

Jiang Song wasn’t planning to respond, but the reaction from the small broadcaster piqued his curiosity. After hesitating for a moment, he clicked on the comments section.


A very aloof question mark was sent out and immediately drowned in the barrage of messages, but Xie Yao happened to catch it.

So the fans saw the person in the livestream sit up straight like they had seen something, and that chin disappeared from the screen.

“Are you here, Boss?” Xie Yao greeted the appearing 4958021 with a smile.

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“What do you want to ask?”

With a string of numerical code as his username, Jiang Song’s comment quickly passed by in the chat. This time, many fans noticed.

: Wow, this answer is so aloof!

: Boss looks like a handsome, aloof god!

The barrage of comments went on for a while, with many teasing Jiang Song’s tone. The small streamer didn’t say much, so Jiang Song asked another question.

“You said you have a question to ask, what is it?”

“This… ” Xie Yao rubbed his chin. “It’s nothing much, just wanted to ask how old you are, whether you’re an adult or not. Are you 18? Also, did your family know that you spent 10,000 yuan on a livestream donation?”

“My livestream is a legitimate one, I don’t accept money from minors,” said Jiang Song.

Jiang Song was curious: …

Fans: ?

: Wow, I have to say, this guy is really a model of ethics in the live streaming industry.

: Tell a joke, this is a serious live stream.

: Do you blush when you say that?

: I hope you don’t mind me asking, but since you don’t accept money from minors, are you yourself of legal age?

: Hey hey hey, no personal attacks please, I was just asking seriously. Could a minor be broadcasting here for you all?

With a disdainful sound, Xie Yao retorted to the barrage.

Jiang Song watched him chatting and goofing off on the live stream, and after being speechless for a moment, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“I am an adult.”

Xie Yao noticed Jiang Song’s reply in passing and immediately clapped his hands and laughed, “Good, being an adult is great, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to refund the full amount.”

“Okay, enough with the questions. We’re almost done with the livestream for today. Before we end it, let me perform a lucky draw for everyone.”

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“I got to 2,000 points anyway, so I’ll reward myself with a draw. Li Bai’s skin has been out for so long, but I haven’t bought it yet. Today, thanks to the generous boss with ID 4958021, let’s dress up our big brother Li Bai in new clothes!”

As a top player in the jungle, Li Bai is known for his good looks and has always been loved by players. Although Xie Yao doesn’t often play jungle, he still enjoys playing and has bought all the previous skins except for the new one that requires honor crystals to obtain.

Xie Yao calmly opened the lucky draw interface for the honor crystals, but the barrage exploded in response.

While naturally opening the lucky draw page, the barrage exploded.

: Say that again, what are you?

: Have some shame, how can you call yourself a lucky king when you came from digging coal in Africa?

: Do you know how to pronounce the four characters of self-awareness?

: Have you already forgotten the Taobao lottery store that blocked you from buying?

: SharkTV’s Princess Yao Yao is a lucky king? This is the funniest thing I’ve heard in my life, no doubt. Thank you.

Xie Yao is undoubtedly the king of non-whales, he claims the top spot in Shark TV and no one dares to challenge him.

His non-whale status is not only evident in the high likelihood of encountering actors during ranked games, but also in his crystal-drawing endeavors.

As we all know, the maximum number of times one can draw crystals is 361, with an extremely small probability of getting them in the middle. To draw crystals 361 times, it takes about 2000 RMB.

Since he started streaming, there hasn’t been a single time when he drew less than 361 times. Even when he tried the crystal-drawing method shared by a certain music anchor, he still wasn’t successful.

Even funnier is that Xie Yao once ordered a service on Taobao1 to help him draw lots, but after he paid, the experienced service provider actually failed 361 times on his account, causing the provider to suffer significant losses

Afterwards, Xie Yao felt that the stores he ordered from spent less money on crystals than he did, so he shamelessly placed two more orders. And then…

Well, there was no “and then.” Xie Yao obtained two crystals, but the store owner who had lost money blacklisted him and refused to trade with him, even telling their peers about it.

“Hey hey hey! I swear I didn’t cheat! Don’t frame me!”

As the barrage of comments became increasingly ridiculous, Xie Yao’s face was full of the words “I’m innocent” as he quickly spoke up to defend himself.

: Heh, you don’t want to admit that you’re a big spender. If you’re so good, why don’t you recharge 2,000 yuan at once!

: You’re such a hypocritical little devil.

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“What’s wrong with spending 2,000 yuan? Who says I only use it to buy crystals? The new skin for Da Qiao is pretty good, can’t I buy it?”

Xie Yao’s face was thicker than a city wall as he spoke, and he opened the skin purchasing interface very naturally and added Da Qiao’s new skin to his collection.

: You have no shame! You don’t even play support and you buy a Da Qiao skin? You’re just talking big!

Xie Yao stubbornly ignored the barrage and then happily converted all of his coupons into points.

And then… that was it.

After spending all his points and zeroing out his two-thousand yuan, the number of draws stopped at a safe 360, as if silently mocking him.

Xie Yao remained expressionless, feeling only a slight pain in his face, as if it had been swollen from being punched.

: Hahaha, are you still buying the Baihe Liang skin? Hahaha.

: Are you still calling yourself a lucky king? Hahaha.

: I’m sorry, you missed out. You drew ‘White Crane Ridge’ or ‘Dog’s Head’2.

: Haha.

On the other side of the screen, Jiang Song watched the silent live broadcast with a brief burst of laughter. Even his usually cold and sharp gaze softened a bit.

As he watched the barrage of comments mocking the small streamer, he laughed and raised an eyebrow, sliding his finger across the screen.

User 4958021 has sent a spaceship to the streamer~

“Kid, go buy some skins.”

Author’s Note:

In this setting, it’s possible to draw more than 50 times with Honor Crystals in a day.

Note :

1Taobao is a popular online shopping platform in China, owned by Alibaba Group.

2“White Crane Ridge” is a literal translation of the Chinese term “白鹤梁” (bái hè liáng). It is a geographical location in China, specifically a mountain ridge in the Sichuan province. In the context of the sentence you provided earlier, “White Crane Ridge” might refer to a prize or reward that someone could have won but missed out on. However, without more context, it’s difficult to say for certain.

“Dog’s head” is a term used in Chinese slang to refer to a booby prize or consolation prize, which is something of little value or a disappointment. In the context of the sentence you provided earlier, “Dog’s head” might refer to a prize or reward that someone drew but is not satisfied with, likely because it is not the main prize they were hoping for.

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