Chapter 66 - I bought this with you

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He and Ye Yao ...... went shopping together?


Lu Xun's face was frozen, the amount of information in these words was small, but for him, every possibility behind them was so shocking.


But before he could think about it, Ye Yao, who was standing in front of him, suddenly stepped forward and entered his embrace.


Ye Yao took the initiative and hugged him.


At this moment, all his emotions and sorrows were focused on this one person, and he could not think about anything else. Lu Xun subconsciously took two breaths of Ye Yao's breath and wrapped his arms tightly around her.


It was not the first time they had embraced, but in this moment for Lu Xun, the embrace was less pure than usual.


" Ye Yao ......" Lu Xun confined the person in his arms, denying them the chance to escape, "Do you know what you're talking about? Are you being-"


"Don't talk yet." Ye Yao whispered, "You don't talk when you're hugging, okay?"


Lu Xun really listened to him, and immediately calmed down. Ye Yao just carried Lu Xun, step by step, from outside the room and back to the bedroom.


Ye Yao closes the bedroom door behind her, leaving the two of them alone in a confined space.


Ye Yao rests her head on Lu Xun's shoulder, facing Lu Xun's face.


"Let me guess what you're thinking." Ye Yao lifted the hand that wasn't holding the bag and stroked Lu Xun's ear and hair soothingly, "Are you trying to say, I was forced?"


For Lu Xun now, the fact that she had been with him for so long was probably as absurd as a fantasy.


So Lu Xun would not have guessed that the two of them used these things, only that one of them could not stand the loneliness and disturbed the environment in which they lived together.

And between suspecting him and suspecting herself, Lu Xun chose herself.


Now he informs Lu Xun that they bought these things together and with Lu Xun's current memory, all he knows is that he's straight, so straight he goes and buys these things ......


Lu Xun will blame all the problems on himself, so Lu Xun will most likely feel that he was forced by him to take him to buy it.


The corners of Lu Xun's lips straightened and before Lu Xun could say anything, Ye Yao clarified, "I wasn't forced to do this, it was proof of our closeness."


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"...... intimate proof?" A bruise twitched vaguely at the corner of Lu Xun's forehead, and Ye Yao touched it with his hand, and the piece returned to its normal appearance.


"Never told you the truth, we've actually been together for a long time. But you didn't remember the memories after you became bent before, and you still firmly felt that you were straight. I didn't dare to tell you the truth for fear of irritating you." Ye Yao said.


Although Ye Yao tried to choose gentle words, Lu Xun was still irritated.


"Has ...... been together long?" Lu Xun asked in a muffled voice.


"Yeah." Ye Yao straightened up and watched Lu Xun's expression carefully, fearing that something might happen to Lu Xun as a result of the great excitement.


Lu Xun did not faint from anger, he kept a straight face and relaxed his grip on Ye Yao. Before Ye Yao could react, the bag he was carrying was suddenly snatched away by Lu Xun.


Ye Yao: "......?"

What's the point of grabbing his bag, did Lu Xun not believe what he said at all?


Lu Xun opened the bag in front of Ye Yao, who was once again dazzled by the dazzling array of items inside.


Lu Xun's face is not the least bit shy and embarrassed as he grabs one of these things from the inside.


Lu Xun is not embarrassed, but Ye Yao is a little embarrassed. He moves his eyes to the empty space next to him, not looking at what Lu Xun is holding.


"Are you familiar with this one." Lu Xun said in a deep voice.


"Hmm." Ye Yao admitted.


But Lu Xun didn't really need a response from Ye Yao at all, as he threw the object in his hand and pulled another one out of the bag.


"Is this familiar?" Lu Xun asked again.


The items were taken out of the bag one by one by Lu Xun and shown to Ye Yao before being thrown to the ground.


Things were thrown on the floor and rolled around, and the floor, which had been clean and tidy, became a mess in no time.


There is so much jealousy in this room that Ye Yao's eyes can tell the difference.


Before Lu Xun could get the rest of the items out, Ye Yao once again hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss on the side of his face.

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Lu Xun's movements freeze in an instant, his entire body becomes rigid, and the anger and rage that had just risen so high freezes on the spot.


Ye Yao whispered, "Don't be jealous of yourself, it's not good for your health, you're always you, always Lu Xun."


To be honest he found it strange, even if Lu Xun thought he had crossed over, how could he cut himself off into two people? Normally, wouldn't you see your past and future selves as the same person?


Lu Xun's hand squeezed tightly as he held the object, the back of his hand bruising. After a moment, he released his hand and let it fall to the ground.


Lu Xun's voice was muffled: "Why did you look so cold when you first met me in the hospital after I woke up?"


Ye Yao froze as he recalled the scene and suddenly realisation dawned on him.


He didn't know how to look at his best friend at the time, so when he met Lu Xun for the first time his expression wasn't very warm. But it was this expression that gave Lu Xun the wrong impression.


Lu Xun thought that his thirty-year-old self had treated him badly, so the Lu Xun of the time told him that he was not the scumbag and asked him to follow him to the bank and transfer money to him.


Lu Xun cannot see himself in his thirties as the same person as he is now, and apart from not having the memories of the past decade or so, the feeling that the Lu Xun of his thirties has failed him accounts for most of the reasons.


A Lu Xun who would treat Ye Yao badly would never be a Lu Xun.

So Lu Xun divides himself, believing that his thirty-something self and his eighteen-year-old self are two completely different people.


Ye Yao was so enlightened that he gave Lu Xun another kiss on the cheek.


At such times Lu Xun does not move for fear of missing any of the kisses that may come from Ye Yao.


Ye Yao said softly, "I was afraid that if I followed the most original emotions, you could easily tell that I was gay and that we were no longer together as friends, so I kept my expression under control."


"Really." Lu Xun asked in a muffled voice.


Ye Yao listed the good things about Lu Xun one by one: "Really, I don't give you the cold shoulder. You've always been good to me since high school, you married me right after graduation, you take care of my money, you report your schedule to me everywhere you go, you never hook up with anyone, you don't allow anyone to spread rumors about you, you let me check your phone whenever I want, so how could I be cold to you?"


Lu Xun still had a stern face: "...... It sounds like in my thirties I'm still barely a human being."


"Of course, it's excellent either way." Ye Yao retook the bag from Lu Xun's slackened hands, and inside pulled out the ring that had not yet been thrown on the floor.

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He handed Lu Xun the ring that was supposed to be on his hand and after Lu Xun took it asked with a smile, "Do you think it's time for the new couple to exchange rings, Mr. Lu?"


Lu Xun took a closer look at the ring than he had previously, and this time he saw the initials of Ye Yao on the inside of the band.


Lu Xun lowered his eyes to Ye Yao's outstretched slender fingers, "I have no memory of being at the wedding with you, nor do I remember what it was like to wear a wedding ring."


Ye Yao smiled, "Then wear it again and see if it feels familiar."


The silver and white ring was slowly slipped into the ring finger, and once again they both had the same style of wedding ring on their hands.


After putting the ring on, Ye Yao did not take his hand back, but held Lu Xun's hand so that Lu Xun could sense the presence of the ring through the handshake.


Lu Xun's voice was still a little muffled: "If I remember correctly, the next step after the ring is a kiss."


Ye Yao tilts her head slightly and closes her eyes.


After the long and bruising kiss, Ye Yao wiped her mouth and looked at Lu Xun again: "Happy now?"


Lu Xun still had a scowl on his face, but due to the redness of his ears, this scowl did not look intimidating, like a forced scowl anyway.


Lu Xun kicked the toy at his feet with little or no force and it rolled with a thud and hit the wall with a pop.


"Are you comfortable?" Lu Xun asked.


After receiving Ye Yao's affirmative answer, Lu Xun continued.

"I'm sure I've kissed you many times before, but I don't remember a single time." Lu Xun says, "This is my first time."


Ye Yao raised her eyebrows cooperatively, "Well, that's impressive, so good at kissing on the first try."


Lu Xun, complimented, looked back for a moment, then grunted, "I could be better."


Ye Yao: "......"

Not quite right, this thread is not going in the right direction.


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"Even if it's the same person, it's not appropriate to favour one over the other." Lu Xun kicked another toy at his feet, "How is it that I can use these things so many times with you in my thirties and I haven't once?"


The familiar smell of vinegar began to spread again, not like the last time when it was about to go berserk, but it was still a distinctly jealous smell.


Ye Yao: "...... What do you want."


"I want to be fair." Lu Xun snorted coldly, "Fair and just, honest and trustworthy, that's still what you always tell me, isn't it Class Leader Ye ."


"......" Ye Yao had already guessed Lu Xun's thoughts and for the sake of saving his back and kidneys, the corner of his mouth immediately lifted up into a smile, "You said how time flies so fast, I only have two days left of my holiday time I only have two days left on my leave. I'm glad you're okay, otherwise I wouldn't be able to work at all, it's great that you're okay."


"Two days?" Lu Xun didn't believe him at all, he hugged Ye Yao and took his mobile phone out of Ye Yao's pocket.


Lu Xun, after a fierce operation, opened Ye Yao's phone and asked Ye Yao's colleague about the holiday. Considering that Lu Xun was still having problems with his brain, Ye Yao didn't dare to force him to grab it in case he would hurt Lu Xun, but in the end, Lu Xun got it.


"There's still ten days of leave left." Lu Xun is meaningful.


Ye Yao: "......"


Lu Xun lowered her eyebrows: "If I had it, I should have it now. Why not, you only like me in my thirties, not the current me don't you?"


Ye Yao: "...... I didn't say that, don't make up your mind."


Lu Xun hugged Ye Yao again, this time with his mouth next to Ye Yao's ear.


"I'll have to ask Brother Ye to teach me more in the remaining ten days."


Ye Yao: "......"


Ye Yao was already trying to stand up early, only too well to hear Lu Xun's next demonic words clearly.


"Let's not take a break, otherwise what if the times are too different? Don't you think so, Brother Ye?"






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