Chapter 67 - Can't favor one over the other

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The sun is rising, and there are three days left in the holiday season.


For a week, Ye Yao lived a life of eating, sleeping and eating. He didn't expect to experience another honeymoon after 10 years of marriage.


...... is great for a honeymoon, but it's the energy of the person you're with that's a bit overwhelming.


What's more, this person is also occasionally deliberately picking on him, asking him whether he prefers a younger or a more mature woman. When he answers mature, Lu Xun gets sour and jealous.

When he answers young, the evolved Lu Xun is not satisfied either, and asks him in an underhanded manner why he doesn't like the one he has been with for over ten years.

When he answers both, Lu Xun asks him further which one he prefers.


In short, no matter what he answered, it all ended up the same way - continuing day after day.


Ye Yao thought the right answer would be to tell Lu Xun that if he asked any more questions, he would be punched in the face, but when he thought that Lu Xun was a patient whose brain had not yet fully healed, and that his memory might go straight back to junior high school if he tapped on it, it would be even more troublesome than now, Ye Yao relented.


Day after day, Ye Yao gradually lies flat.


Held in Lu Xun's arms, Ye Yao listened to Lu Xun's self-analysis of the process of discovering his own bend.


"As soon as you kissed me, I felt something was wrong." Lu Xun's voice was low as he kissed Ye Yao on the tip of his ear, "Then I had a dream, and guess what it was?"


Ye Yao Yao lying in bed, pretending he's a salty fish who can't talk: "...... I don't want to guess."


"You're right, as expected of Brother Ye, you're smart!" Lu Xun raised his eyebrows and looked proud of Ye Yao.


Ye Yao: "......"

Very well, the trait of telling lies with one's eyes open is also present in Lu Xun at the age of three, not to mention Lu Xun at the age of thirty or Lu Xun at the age of eighteen.


"Don't call me Brother Ye for now." Ye Yao's face was expressionless.


"That won't do Brother Ye, Brother Ye has so many more years of knowledge than me, how can you not call it an honorific?" Lu Xun gave Ye Yao a few sniffs on his neck and was content to put him in a different position.


Although Ye Yao said he didn't want to guess, Lu Xun insisted on telling him the dream that confirmed his bend: "I dreamt that we were in senior high school and you were doing papers with me in my bedroom. I was making good progress and you said you wanted to give me encouragement ......"


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"Don't make me guess what encouragement was given to you in your dream." Ye Yao interjected coldly, "I could only give you one of your favourite chain kicks."


Lu Xun expertly picked up, "That's right, in the dream I got one question right and you gave me a kiss. Later, after more kisses, you agreed to let me move the battlefield."


Lu Xun tugged at the covers, "A shifted battlefield, just as we are now."


Ye Yao pretended that he was deaf and did not reply.

Lu Xun, unconcerned, nibbled on Ye Yao's ear and asked with a soft smile, "Have you rested after such a long chat Brother Ye?"


Ye Yao :"......"

In this moment, he hated Lu Xun for working out every day to be strong and fit, and he also hated himself for being soft and agreeing to Lu Xun's unreasonable request a few days ago.


Lu Xun's mobile phone, which he had put aside, suddenly rang and a call came in.


Ye Yao had a slight lift in concentration. Who could have called Lu Xun, now that he wasn't being approached about work?


Ye Yao doesn't think it's a good thing that Lu Xun is now a completely self-indulgent person.


Lu Xun answers the phone for a short time, hangs up after a few words, and then turns to Ye Yao.


Lu Xun had an indescribable smile on his face, " Brother Ye, I got someone to customize an outfit for us and now it's being delivered and put downstairs. Do you want to come down together to see it, or shall I bring it up for you to see?"


"...... what clothes." Ye Yao felt he couldn't play dead any longer, he sat up from the bed and looked at the clothes scattered under it, "Isn't there plenty of clothes here already? And there's a whole bunch more in the cloakroom."


Lu Xun shook his head and got out of bed after putting on his housecoat with a mysterious look on his face, "It's not the same, it's not like any of these."


Ye Yao's scalp tingled.


What's different, he and Lu Xun have been married for so many years and have bought all sorts of things, a Lu Xun with a degraded memory can still buy something different from all that?


Who knows what kind of 'surprises' Lu Xun could give in the few short floors from upstairs to downstairs. And if they all go to the ground floor, he can just take a few quick steps and throw something in the bin outside if he finds out something is wrong.


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Ye Yao made up her mind and followed her out of bed.


Ye Yao takes a few steps, reaches for the wall and feels his ability to walk upright deteriorate in a straight line over the course of a few days.


"......" Ye Yao pinched the bridge of her nose, not bothering to be polite with Lu Xun, and waved directly at the man, "Come here, carry me down."


Lu Xun is not a man who likes to be bossed around, and he would never get a good look from an ordinary person who bossed him around like that. But when Ye Yao wants to boss him around, it's a completely different story.


Lu Xun comes over from the other side and picks her up in his arms, taking a whiff of Ye Yao's body, which is quite satisfying.


There was actually a lift in the villa, but he just had to carry Ye Yao step by step up the stairs to prolong the process as much as possible.


The cool, cool and handsome man in front of outsiders never minces his words in front of Ye Yao, and only tries to communicate as much as possible.


Lu Xun turned Ye Yao's weight upside down and frowned slightly, "Why do I get the feeling you're not much heavier than you were in your senior year, and you've even grown a bit taller, am I not keeping an eye on you eating properly in your thirties?"


Ye Yao knew that Lu Xun was again finding fault with himself over nothing, and said expressionlessly, "You've been exercising a lot every day for the past few days, can you not lose weight? In that case, why don't you join me for the next few days to maintain your health, we'll make goji berries in a thermos together and sit and watch other people fishing."


Lu Xun shut his mouth at the right time and turned into a cold bully whose silence was golden. He carries Ye Yao to the ground floor lobby and sees the gift box placed on the table.


The gift box is exquisitely packaged, and at a glance it is specially made by several private custom handicraft shops that Lu Dong often wears.


Ye Yao calmly analysed in his mind that Lu Xun had probably been bored while he was asleep, flipping through his phone to find the contact details and then customising them.


What kind of clothes could be in here? Lu Xun's taste in clothes was originally quite minimalist in high school, but in the last few days his taste has changed dramatically and he is now able to accept a wide range of styles.

For someone whose tastes are changing so quickly, it's hard to say what he will buy.


Ye Yao had thought of everything she could think of and was prepared, but she was still stunned when she opened the gift box.


The interior is not fancy at all, it's simple and clean blue and white, with a jacket, short sleeves and trousers, and a floral stripe on the top that is familiar and unfamiliar to Ye Yao.


Ye Yao picked the jacket up and unfolded it in mid-air, finally identifying what it was.


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...... This was their school uniform during high school.


He and Lu Xun wore these uniforms together through their senior year, through their youthful years and through a love affair that no one knew existed.


Young and unaware of the heart, mistaking love for friendship.


"Luckily I still have pictures of us wearing our school uniforms in high school on my phone, so it's no trouble to have them customize a new set." Lu Xun sets Ye Yao down on the sofa and picks up another school uniform in a larger size and holds it up to the one Ye Yao is holding.


"How did you think to order this." Looking at the two uniforms side by side, Ye Yao whispered, "What an imagination."


"It's not imaginative," Lu Xun shakes his head, "it's just trying to make up for some regrets."


Lu Xun half crouches down to be on a level with Ye Yao, who is sitting on the sofa.

His eyebrows are deep, his eyes dark, and when he looks at someone else, he looks at Ye Yao with thin affection, but when he looks at her, it becomes deep affection. Lu Xun said softly, "If only I had realised this love when I was in high school, we wouldn't have missed it for years."


Ye Yao stroked Lu Xun's ear and smiled, "What do you take a homophobic self-righteous man who thinks he's straight to realise that you can't force this kind of thing."


Lu Xun stared at the uniform in silence for a moment before saying, "Why don't you put on the uniform with me and spend the remaining days of your youth, and make up for it in a small way?"


Ye Yao: "......"

This is a lyric that goes both ways, Lu Xun is really something.


Lu Xun puts the clothes in his hands next to him and hugs Ye Yao, who is sitting on the sofa.


They held each other tightly and Lu Xun whispered in Ye Yao's ear, "I want to wear the school uniform with you."


Ye Yao put her arms around the person in front of her, "Then wear it."


* The day left in the holidays

With one day left in the holiday, Ye Yao was able to take a sigh of relief and catch up on her sleep as she had to adjust to her work schedule.


The blackout curtains in the bedroom are drawn and Ye Yao has no idea what time it is when she wakes up again.


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Ye Yao opened his eyes and saw Lu Xun with his back to him, tapping around with his phone.


In a flash, Ye Yao saw the top half of the phone's shopping app interface.


Ye Yao looked up from behind Lu Xun's back and saw what Lu Xun had added to his cart - a strange sketchbook.

It was similar to the one Lu Xun had shown him last time as incriminating evidence.


Ye Yao couldn't resist and asked, "...... Why did you buy so many copies, don't you already have one at home?"


There was a momentary pause as Lu Xun tapped his phone, then he turned back around and justified it by saying, "That book was thrown away by a dumbass with underdeveloped brain nerves, so of course you have to buy a new one, don't you think?"


Ye Yao lowered her eyes to Lu Xun and whispered, "Recovered?"


"Mmm." Lu Xun tossed his phone aside and hugged Ye Yao and without saying a word, he first gave her a kiss, waiting until he had kissed her enough before releasing her to talk.


Ye Yao immediately put a finger on Lu Xun's thin lips, "Don't ask me the retarded question of whether I prefer you with only eighteen memories or all of them, you just want to find a reason to be jealous and start exercising with me again, right?"


Lu Xun laughed and kissed Ye Yao's fingertips, "It's true that I can't escape Yao Yao's eyes no matter what I think."


Ye Yao grunted and withdrew his hand so that Lu Xun could adjust the two of them to a more comfortable embrace.


The hug was long and warm under the quilt.


Lu Xun opened up in the middle of the silence, "...... If only I could have actually been in high school and realised that I already liked you then, so we could have been together two years earlier and you wouldn't have had to crush on me."


"There's nothing wrong with being friends for two years, it's also a valuable memory." Ye Yao smiles and gives Lu Xun a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth, "And we have many more decades to go together."




What the author has to say.

Tomorrow will be the third part of the story, which is about Lu Xun finding out that he likes Ye Yao in high school and trying to woo Ye Yao, who is still straight.

As a warning, according to the main story line, Lu Xun will not find out his heart in advance, so the time of the extra if line will be changed, so if there is any conflict with the main story line, just treat it as a parallel world.

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