"That's Yao Jinnian, the mayor of Baihe City in Longzhou. He's greedy, lustful, incompetent, and shameless. He only holds his position because he offered his wife and daughter to Gu Zhengyi, the governor of Longzhou. He's a potential enemy of ours, given the discord between the governor of Longzhou and Sheng Huaixuan."

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Lin Wen hid in a corner, using a large stack of food to cover his face, observing the officials in the hall through the gap between two chicken legs.

As per Qin Luoshuang's request, he only reported officials above the level of the state department.

"A man with a hexagonal face, eyes like light bulbs, a nose like cow dung, a mouth like a bathtub, ears like palm-leaf fans, and a badge on his chest with a sword and three bars."

"That's Liu Sheng, the deputy mayor of Yaojing Spiritual Capital. He's fond of men, especially good at money laundering, and lacks administrative skills. He's just a tool used by Mayor Changsheng to make money."

"Although Changsheng is only a mayor, his rank is at the deputy general level. One step further, and he could enter the imperial ranks. Having his connection would be very helpful to us."

Lin Wen asked, "What should we do?"

"You can only bribe him to win over Changsheng's favor, starting with ten million."

"Forget it."


Lin Wen only accepted using the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart to build relationships. He would rather die than put Changshan County's money into the pockets of corrupt officials.

Of course, such people were in the minority. Most officials could be approached with a simple conversation, as that was the purpose of their attendance.

Qin Luoshuang identified quite a few officials worth winning over, who might be of some help to Lin Wen in the upcoming joint meeting of the thirteen states.

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Once the targets were identified, Lin Wen would strike up a conversation with them using the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart. Most of the time, the results were quite good.

Building relationships, chatting, shooting the breeze, mutual business flattery, the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart was professional at it.

If communication could only be achieved through cold hard cash, Lin Wen would give up.

Besides, there was another type of person.

This novel is available on "pawread dot com".

"That's Lin Jiaxin, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Mingzhou Governor's Mansion. This woman is very powerful. She suppressed the local party disputes in Mingzhou. She killed at least thirty thousand rebels from the Big Knife Group and the He Party in Lingjiagang alone. She's friendly with us, you can go and talk to her."


Lin Wen activated the "Observing Qi and People" skill. This cold and stern old woman was more than just dark, the aura above her head seemed to be dripping blood.

He silently noted her name in a small notebook.

This was an unassuming little notebook, but at the top, there was a line of bright red characters.

"Must Kill."

There were already a dozen or so names below.

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Now there was one more: Lin Jiaxin, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Mingzhou Governor's Mansion.

He wrote down the full name to prevent confusion due to duplicate names, which could affect the accuracy of using the "Asking Heaven" skill in the future.

He had already thought of a brilliant way to ask.

"Where are the people in this book?"

One question, all caught.

It was a genius idea.

Unfortunately, spells like cursing to death were of a high level, all above the Yuan Spirit stage. Even if he exhausted all his good karma, he couldn't use them. Otherwise, the world would be peaceful with one curse.

Putting away the Death Note, Lin Wen continued to observe and quickly found another target worth noting.

"Hmm, this rank... let me think, yes! He must be Xu Yin, the Minister of the Organization Department of the Imperial Headquarters. He's a close confidant of Elder Wang from the Supreme Elder Council. This indicates that Elder Wang will definitely attend this conference."

Qin Luoshuang's voice in the earpiece became grave.

"This is bad. Elder Wang is one of Sheng Huaixuan's adversaries. He harbors extreme hatred for the Imperial Faction and advocates for the suppression and reduction of imperial power. This is unfavorable for you."

Lin Wen was surprised, "Sheng Huaixuan is from the Imperial Faction? The emperor has factions?"

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The earpiece was silent for about ten seconds before it said, "Sheng Huaixuan is from the Eastern Faction, but the current Emperor Li Longxing has always been Sheng Huaixuan's biggest backer. They are close friends. Otherwise, Sheng Huaixuan would have been dead thirty years ago."

"As for the emperor and the Imperial Faction, it's complicated. All you need to know is that all the elders oppose the expansion of imperial power. Among them, there are only moderate opponents and strong opponents, including Sheng Huaixuan's staunch ally, Elder Cheng."

"All the emperor's support comes from the Senate, but recently he has been severely restrained and can hardly move. So, if you're hoping for the emperor to save you, it's impossible. If the situation worsens, he might not even be able to protect Sheng Huaixuan."

This conflicted greatly with Lin Wen's previous understanding, making it hard for him to comprehend, "The emperor can't rule alone? Also, if Elder Cheng is an opponent, why can he be Sheng Huaixuan's staunch ally?"

The earpiece replied, "This is the multifaceted nature of interests. Elder Cheng and Sheng Huaixuan have many areas of cooperation. At the same time, he is the most moderate opponent. As long as the imperial power does not touch his interests, he hardly opposes."


Lin Wen didn't want to delve into these matters. He just needed to know, and leave the rest to the professionals.

At this moment, a lady with an impressive figure, at least an F cup, suddenly tripped and fell towards Lin Wen.

Lin Wen stood up at the speed of light, not forgetting to move the stool out of the way.

With a smack.

The lady fell face down, chest to the ground.

Her hands were raised in front of her, as if seeking an embrace. But now, if she were to be lifted up, it would probably look like she was praising the sun.

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"Madam!" Two strong men rushed from behind to help the fallen lady.

Her beautiful and delicate face was flushed red, not only from the fall but also from the unbelievable humiliation.

She was the renowned beauty of the West City of the Divine Capital, and her infallible technique had unexpectedly failed on a mere boy, leaving her in such a disgraceful state.

"Guards!" Her face twisted in rage, "Arrest him!"

The two burly guards hesitated. This was a banquet filled with high-ranking officials of the empire, and some eyes were already turning their way. However, they couldn't possibly defy the lady's command.

Just as they were about to step forward, Lin Wen spoke, "Madam, you are like the most delicate flower, and the most dazzling sun. When you approached me, it was as if the most blinding light descended from heaven. I was stunned by your beauty, awed by your sacredness. I was too terrified to touch, afraid to tarnish your perfect demeanor. But I have caused you humiliation. Say no more, please kill me. Only my blood can wash away the harm my mistake has caused you."

Of course, Lin Wen would never utter such nauseating words. They were spoken by the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart, because Qin Luoshuang had warned him through the earpiece:

"Apologize to her quickly. I know this woman. She is Ye Lingyue, the daughter of Elder Ye. She is here incognito for a romantic adventure. People in their circle enjoy this kind of game. Don't let her lose face."

"Elder Ye must be here for the meeting as well. He is a potential ally that we can win over. You must get on good terms with her."

Lin Wen activated his "Aura Perception" and glanced at her. There was no dark aura, only pink bubbles rising, indicating that she was deeply immersed in passion and desire. She was a master of love, but it had nothing to do with evil.

With her beauty and status, there was probably nothing she couldn't have, and no man would refuse her.

But her aura was a bit strange now. The continuously rising and exploding bubbles indicated that her passion and anger were simmering together.

Could she still be excited after being thrown to the ground?

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