Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 116: Seven-hole s um heart

After finishing his words, Lin Wen felt that the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart was making him kneel on one knee and bow his head in submission.

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Of course, that was absolutely impossible. Lin Wen only slightly bowed to her.

It was a very gentlemanly gesture, but not the most reasonable one.

However, when Lin Wen raised his head again, the aura of the noble lady had transformed into a giant pink heart.

Lin Wen had never seen such a dramatic change in aura. This woman seemed to lay all her emotions bare, her feelings intense, passionate, and open, without any restraint or firm core beliefs, which led to such extreme changes.

But all of this stopped at her facial expression.

She now looked noble and elegant, mature yet youthful, open yet reserved, seductive yet pure, her expression was polite and restrained, but her eyes sparkled like rare gems.

Now, Lin Wen was a bit worried about the upcoming question.

The noble lady covered her mouth and chuckled lightly, "Thank you for your compliment, I hope you can be more gentlemanly next time."

Lin Wen didn't quite understand the situation, but the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart had already started chatting happily with her.

The two guards looked at each other, seeing the lady giggling and her bosom heaving, showing no signs of anger, they quietly retreated, secretly sighing that the young people these days were really something, their tactics improving year by year.

The earpiece was surprisingly silent at this moment, not uttering a word.

After a while, the noble lady chuckled, "Mr. Lin Wen, why don't we talk about some sensitive topics?"

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Lin Wen was surprised, "Here?"

Two blushes rushed to her cheeks, making her look even more alluring. The noble lady blushed, looking like a shy girl, and nodded gently.

"Great, I was just thinking about discussing something sensitive."

Lin Wen immediately turned off the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart and asked,

"How many people are in the Supreme Elder Council? Do the elders have a lot of power? Who has the most power?"

The sound of a chair falling over came from the earpiece, and the noble lady was stunned, her charming face full of disbelief.

After a moment, she probably thought it was a joke Lin Wen was making, and chuckled, "You're really funny."

Lin Wen said seriously, "Madam, I really want to know, please tell me."

The lady looked at him, seeing that he was not pretending, she thought for a moment and found it quite interesting. She had been playing the old game for too long and was a bit tired of it. This fresh and unconventional approach was worth a try, it might be fun.

The earpiece asked, "Why are you asking her? I can tell you all this."

Lin Wen replied in a whisper, "She is Elder Ye's daughter, she definitely knows more than you do, and maybe she can find out some inside information."

The earpiece stopped talking.

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The lady thought carefully and said, "My father, cough, my friend's father once said, the Supreme Elder Council is like a chessboard, with eight players, which are the eight elders."

"There are four spectators, which are the four great elders, and one person counting the chess pieces, which is the first elder, our emperor. They are also the referees."

The lady's delicate hand propped up her cheek, staring blankly at the sky, trying hard to recall the past.

At this moment, she really looked like a young girl.

"Um——There are a total of 29 plus 13 pieces on the chessboard, 29 represent the 29 governors of the empire, 13 represent the 13 highest representatives of the imperial headquarters, the State Council, the Supreme Council, Capitol Hill, and the Senate."

"There are also some alternate elders and alternate supreme council representatives, but they are nominal positions without real power, so they don't count."

"Under the chessboard, are all the beings of the empire."

She clapped her hands, "That's right, so, the Supreme Elder Council has a total of 13 supreme rulers and 42 high-level rulers."

After finishing, she giggled, "Oh my, I think I did a pretty good job!"

The Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart showed a pure and sunny smile, "You explained it so well, no one could have done it better."

For the first time, the lady felt her girlish heart beating again. This dreamy and youthful feeling was even more sweet and touching than indulging in carnal desires.

She tried to compose herself and continued, "Most of the time, the elders are the supreme rulers of the empire, they can rule everything they can see."

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"But in the Supreme Elder Council, theoretically, the first elder should have the most power, but in reality, he is also the most restricted. My uncle once said, if he has the opportunity to exert his power, he would undoubtedly be the strongest. But they won't give him that opportunity."


The Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart expressed astonishment in time and did not skimp on praise:

"Your uncle is so knowledgeable, his depth must be immeasurable, just like yours."

The lady blushed and said, "Oh, what are you talking about?"

Lin Wen interrupted the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart and asked, "How is the joint meeting conducted? Who has the most say? What is the process for impeaching officials there?"

The lady was overjoyed, she knew all about this, and directly repeated what her father had said to her useless brother:

"The joint meeting is about talking, dividing money, balancing the contradictions between the states, resolving major disputes, dismissing those who have gone too far, killing those who have incurred public wrath, maintaining the face of the empire, and demonstrating the inviolability of the empire's sacred justice."

"The Thirteen States Joint Meeting is presided over by four elders. This time, Elder Cheng, Elder Ye, Elder Wang, and Elder Xu are coming. This is top-secret information."

She winked at Lin Wen and showed a cute and charming smile.

We are, find us on google.

Lin Wen didn't catch her hint for a "reward", he thought for a moment and said, "Thank you."

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The lady couldn't hide her disappointment, but looking at his clear and sunny face, a youthful breath suddenly surged into her heart, like smelling the fragrance of grass in a luxurious makeup place.


She tried hard to recall, pulling her thoughts out of the intoxication and sudden rhythm of youth, and said, "The power of speech, it should be the four elders, followed by the thirteen governors, and finally the officials at all levels."

"On the surface, everyone votes, but the actual decision-making power is in the hands of the four elders, because they can decide whether the proposed bill can be voted on."

"Of course, the power of the governors and officials at all levels cannot be ignored."

"If there is a deadlock, a Grand Elder will come to make a decision, but this situation is rare."

"As for the impeachment of officials, it seems that three votes are required. The charges are proposed by the council and need more than one-third of the votes to form an impeachment bill to be submitted to the adjudication committee."

"After the adjudication committee passes it, it is submitted to the general joint meeting for another vote. If there are not more than two-thirds of the votes in favor, the elders need to vote. If it is less than half, it will not be established and the charges will be withdrawn."

"As for the impeachment of the governor, only a preliminary case can be formed, and a ruling can only be made after the preliminary case is submitted to the Supreme Elder Council."

Suddenly, she remembered something.

"Lin... Lin Wen? Are you that mad sheriff of Changshan County?"

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