Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 97: May Sheriff Lin live forever

As for the collected grain, he can return it in various ways, which is a win-win situation.

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In the eyes of those who actually do the work,

Being able to handle a good thing well and smoothly is already a sign of an excellent official.

If one can continuously handle a good thing well, then they can be considered virtuous.

If one can turn a good thing into many continuous good things, then they are truly talented.

Although Lin Wen is a lazy bastard, he understands this principle. He can only sigh and admit that Wolong is indeed talented.

With the arrival of these more than 9,000 people, Shangxi Town has become more lively. Lin Wen didn't disturb Sheriff Zhao Minggong. He smeared some mud on his face, tore his clothes, and blended in with the crowd.

Sheriff Zhao Minggong was in the central square of the town, explaining in detail the specific implementation policies of the "Shangxi Town Reclamation Method" to the core members of the Democratic Party. Nearby, farmers and party members were full of hope for the future as they cleaned and tidied up their newly allocated homes.

The allocation is flexible. If they are not satisfied, they can exchange, but they cannot be too picky.

Better ones are more expensive, while worse ones are cheaper. Everyone has their own scale in their hearts, and most people can find something suitable for themselves. They won't be jealous just because someone else's is better, after all, theirs is also expensive, right?

There is room for negotiation, but not for excessive demands. This is Sheriff Zhao Minggong's principle of doing things.

The valuation of the houses is done by the party members and is quite fair. This also has an additional benefit. If there are people who return from fleeing in the future, the government can compensate them at the original price, avoiding many complicated troubles.

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The Civil Affairs Bureau also sent staff to register or change property rights on the side, and kept backups for future needs.

Lin Wen drove the "Observing Qi and Judging People" around but didn't find any suspicious candidates. There were no high points nearby, so the conditions for sniping were nonexistent.

Search for the original.

So, there should be no assassins. He was just overly worried.

That's right, he is the key figure. All the grudges are caused by him, so the assassination should only target him.

With this thought, the heavy stone in his heart was finally put down.

Lin Wen stood next to Sheriff Zhao Minggong for a while, and then three party members came in succession to ask if their houses had been allocated.

Lin Wen nodded to register, shook his head to be taken to see the houses. He had no choice but to pretend to be deaf and dumb. Unexpectedly, a few skilled party members surrounded him.

Lin Wen dodged to the side and saw the exposed necks of the three of them. He instinctively struck one of them lightly, and they fell to the ground, shouting, "There's a spy! There's a spy! Protect Sheriff Zhao!"

With a swoosh, the people around him scattered, and a large group of core members jumped up, protecting Sheriff Zhao Minggong. Several of them with high martial arts skills were about to rush over, so Lin Wen quickly wiped the mud off his face and shouted, "It's a misunderstanding!"

Sheriff Zhao Minggong in the crowd exclaimed, "Sheriff Lin, why are you here?"

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There was a loud noise in the crowd, as if this name had a strange power.

Lin Wen awkwardly scratched the back of his head and said, "I just came to visit incognito."

Most of the people here have never seen the real Sheriff Lin, but his reputation has long been well-known. As soon as they heard that Sheriff Lin had come, a large group of people surrounded him with fiery eyes.

When Lin Wen didn't know how to respond, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Sheriff Lin has passed away!"

The crowd turned their heads and glared at the person. His face immediately turned red, and he stuttered, "I, I meant to say may Sheriff Lin live forever."

"Nonsense!" A woman with fiery red hair jumped over and slapped him on the back of his head. "If you can't speak, then don't speak."

The person angrily said, "Red Fox, stop hitting my head all the time! Why can't I speak? What's wrong with saying 'may Sheriff Lin live forever'?"

Red Fox put her hands on her hips and glared, "Alright, Mountain Chicken, you've learned to talk back. Tell me, where did you see 'may Sheriff Lin live forever'?"

Mountain Chicken's momentum weakened, "When a highly respected old man passed away, it was written on his memorial... Ah, don't hit me!"

Red Fox scolded, "Nonsense, you clearly wrote it on your own memorial, and I personally wrote it for you."

The crowd burst into laughter, and both inside and outside were filled with a cheerful atmosphere. Lin Wen also laughed and said, "If I die, just paste 'may Sheriff Lin live forever' on my memorial, nothing else is needed."

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Red Fox was furious and chased after Mountain Chicken, beating him until he ran away in a panic.

Lin Wen quickly said, "I just came to see the situation. Everyone, continue your work as usual. Don't let me disturb the order."

Reluctantly, the crowd dispersed. Yan Shi walked to the three people who first discovered Lin Wen and patted their shoulders, "You guys acted well. I didn't notice it before."

The three of them looked at each other, not knowing what Yan Shi was talking about.

Lin Wen came to Sheriff Zhao Minggong's side and smiled, "You continue, I'm just here to listen."Zhao Minggong also laughed and said, "That's perfect. If there's anything inappropriate, please feel free to correct it, Mr. Lin Wen."

He turned his head, waiting for the backbone members of the People's Party to sit back down, and continued, "As I mentioned earlier, we must plan well for the reclamation. We can't just reclaim here and there, or only reclaim the good lands and ignore the bad ones. In the next two days, you should quickly measure and divide the land into equal parts, leaving room for irrigation channels and roads."

Lin Wen nodded slightly. As expected of a hidden dragon, he only gave a direction, and the hidden dragon could supplement all the details.

The backbone members of the People's Party bowed their heads, diligently taking notes of Zhao Minggong's words, the sound of their writing filled the room.

Zhao Minggong continued, "The reclamation is contracted. The principle is that you can contract as much land as you can work on. If you contract and don't work, that's not acceptable. There must be penalties. You must discuss this with the villagers in advance. Some lands are particularly difficult to reclaim, and they should be helped or compensated. If someone encounters special circumstances, such as illness, they can also be given some help. The specifics will need to be adjusted by you."

Lin Wen was not planning to speak, but he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "I have a suggestion. We can establish a Farmers' Association and create a set of rules to handle these public affairs, so that we don't always have to rely on individual unpaid contributions."

Zhao Minggong clapped his hands and said, "Excellent! I think this idea is very good. In addition to mutual help, the construction of irrigation is also a major project. Without rules, many things will be in chaos. I fully agree with this Farmers' Association."

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The backbone members of the People's Party looked at each other, not yet understanding the use of this Farmers' Association. Zhao Minggong began to explain in detail, from ensuring order, maintaining fairness, mobilizing enthusiasm, to uniting the power of farmers, resisting unfair exploitation, and so on.

Lin Wen didn't expect that he just mentioned the Farmers' Association, and Zhao Minggong could think of so much. Many of the things he said later, Lin Wen couldn't even understand. But at the end, Zhao Minggong added, "As expected of Sheriff Lin, with profound thoughts and insight into everything, I just supplemented some details."

So everyone applauded for Lin Wen. Fortunately, Lin Wen had a thick skin, otherwise he would definitely fall through the floor in embarrassment.

After dealing with the affairs of Shangxi Town, Lin Wen was ready to return with Zhao Minggong. Several backbone members of the People's Party came to see them off. Along the way, they were all full of laughter and anticipation for the future, eagerly hoping to bring more people here.

Zhao Minggong laughed and said, "Don't rush. You need to settle down and sort out the affairs before you can accept more people. The conditions here in Shangxi Town are actually quite good. There's plenty of land, and there are water sources all around. The land may not be fertile, but it's within the range of cultivation. As long as the public facilities such as irrigation are repaired, the output will definitely not be small. The only thing missing is people."

As it was nearing evening, the setting sun was burning a brilliant red in the sky, just like their bright future.

A female cadre suddenly sighed, "If only there were more officials like Sheriff Lin in the empire."

A man named Yanshi sneered, "Then the empire could be renamed as a paradise on earth."

Lin Wen corrected his wording, "I think it should be called a fairyland on earth."

Yanshi scratched his head, not understanding the difference, but still said, "Sheriff Lin is right."

Just as Lin Wen was about to explain, he suddenly felt a strange numbness in his body, followed by a sharp pain in his back.

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