Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 98: Unexpe ted assassination

It was instinctive, Lin Wen quickly fell to the ground, and a shout came from behind, "Who are you!"

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Lin Wen flipped over and jumped up, only to see the rock rushing towards him, and he punched the thin man.

With a loud bang, sand and stones flew, the sturdy rock remained motionless, and the thin man flew far away in mid-air, his face shattered, revealing his true appearance.

It was a cold and pale face.

The female cadre was shocked, "Who are you? Where is Lao Yang?"

The rock shouted, "Sheriff Lin! General Zhao! Hurry back to town!"

He took a step forward, his right foot sank, and suddenly exerted force, rushing out like an arrow, shouting in mid-air, his voice echoing throughout the valley. With a punch, it was like a dragon emerging from the abyss.


The assassin flew out like a falling leaf, landing on the ground and coughing up blood.

The rock took a step forward, about to chase, but his body swayed and he fell down.

He exclaimed in horror, "Neurotoxin? You actually have neurotoxin?"

He tried to prop himself up, but the intense dizziness and nausea prevented him from succeeding. His vision blurred, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He shouted, "Run! Run!"

But everyone fell to the ground, including Zhao Minggong and Lin Wen.

The rock desperately tried to stand up, but his lack of balance caused him to keep falling.

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He swung his fists frantically at the air, shouting, "Bastard, come and fight me if you dare! Fight with your grandpa! Fight!"

The assassin ignored him and rushed towards Lin Wen, immediately pulling out a gun and shooting at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen could only leap up from the ground, and in mid-air, his body underwent six movements, dodging all the bullets.

Since the beginning of the attack, Lin Wen had sensed that something was wrong. Although his heart was alarmed, he couldn't figure out why there was a tingling sensation all over his body.

With a little thought, Lin Wen immediately knew that he must have been poisoned.

Thanks to his research on spells during this period of time, he immediately found a spell.

[Immunity to All Poisons]

A green Qi Refining stage spell that consumes 10% of the primordial spirit, granting oneself the ability to resist ordinary poisons for a certain period of time, lasting for 16 hours.

Once the spell was used, the tingling sensation immediately disappeared.

Although he didn't know how he had evaded the detection, Lin Wen knew that the assassin would definitely come for him first. He pretended to be poisoned, lying on the ground, planning to launch a surprise attack to prevent him from escaping like the previous assassin.

But he didn't expect him to be so cautious and not approach recklessly. Lin Wen had no choice but to jump up, and the assassin immediately threw away the gun and took out a dagger.

After exchanging a few moves, he immediately realized that he couldn't defeat this target with the lowest official position in a short period of time. He immediately jumped back to create distance, reaching into his pocket. But at this moment, a roar of vehicles suddenly came from behind.

He turned his head slightly and saw at least forty off-road vehicles rushing over. Standing on the front vehicle, a very beautiful woman stood on the open-top off-road vehicle, holding a sniper rifle and aiming at him.

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Seeing that she could hold the gun steady even on the bumpy off-road vehicle, he knew that the situation was not good.

He immediately withdrew his hand from his pocket and took out a semi-transparent water bag, throwing it towards Lin Wen. With a slight release of his left hand, a smoke bomb exploded, and he immediately threw himself down, avoiding the first shot.

The semi-transparent water bag exploded in mid-air, and the amber-colored liquid splashed out, quickly dividing into tiny aerosols, evaporating.

But in Lin Wen's eyes, he could see the deadly poison mist drifting towards them.

Although he wasn't afraid of poison, the others behind him weren't. Lin Wen could only turn around to save Zhao Minggong and the others.

In the car, Qin Luoshuang snatched the steering wheel and passed through the mist of three smoke bombs in a row before finding the escaping assassin. He lifted a yellow cloth covered with sand and stones, revealing an off-road motorcycle hidden underneath.

At the same time, another smoke bomb was thrown. Qin Luoshuang pressed the accelerator with a magazine, stepped on the steering wheel with one foot, stood on the car, raised the sniper rifle, and blindly aimed.


The off-road vehicle passed through the smoke bomb, and the assassin had already opened up a certain distance. He was about to turn into a hill.

The shooting angle was almost gone.

The strong wind blew Qin Luoshuang's black hair to her shoulders, revealing her fair neck. Cold sweat formed under her temples, giving her a chill. She raised the gun, never being so calm before. She suddenly stomped on the steering wheel with her right foot, and in the shocked voice of the guards on the car, the car suddenly turned sideways and flew up.

The perspective quickly shifted, and the angle was there!

In this extremely short moment, Qin Luoshuang fired.

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The assassin's body swayed, almost falling off the car, but he managed to maintain his balance at the last moment. After entering the hill, one of his hands hung down, almost broken, obviously useless.

The off-road vehicle landed with a bang, spinning more than ten times on the wilderness before stopping. Qin Luoshuang jumped off the car, while the guards on the car held onto their seat belts and vomited uncontrollably. She ran towards Lin Wen.

Lin Wen had already moved the poisoned people to a favorable position and shouted, "Qin Luoshuang, come and see what kind of poison they are affected by."

Qin Luoshuang ran over, but she first glanced at his eyes. Lin Wen hurriedly said, "I'm fine, I defended against it and didn't get poisoned."

Only then did Qin Luoshuang lower her head, but as soon as she touched it, she immediately retracted her hand, her face darkened, "It's isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate, a very toxic neurotoxin."

She took out a box of medicine from a hidden pocket.

"This is a sedative, it can temporarily alleviate the toxicity."

Then she turned to the accompanying eunuch, Xu Kangxing, and shouted, "Go find the T-21 stimulant!"

Xu Kangxing was stunned, "But that's prohibited..."

Bang.The bullet whizzed past his ear.

Qin Luoshuang said in an icy tone, "Now!"

Under the threat of death, Xu Kangxing was still very efficient. He quickly searched the bodies of several guards.

After taking these two types of medicine, the poisoned person's condition improved significantly. His breathing became steady, but he was still unconscious, including Yan Shi.

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Qin Luoshuang stood up and looked around, "This entire area needs to be disinfected."

She raised her voice, "Xu Kangxing, find the Jia-131 disinfectant. Sprinkle it everywhere within a kilometer downwind from here."

Xu Kangxing immediately took the order and left.

At this moment, the condition of Wulong Zhao Minggong suddenly worsened. His face was flushed, his breathing was rapid, and his pulse was irregular.

Lin Wen shouted, "Qin Luoshuang, come quickly! What's going on?"

Qin Luoshuang immediately ran back, checked briefly, and said, "It's bad. His respiratory nerve center has begun to fail. He has been poisoned for much longer than the others, but the symptoms did not appear earlier because the dosage was not reached. However, the poison has already damaged his nerves."

Lin Wen's face darkened instantly, "What should we do?"

Qin Luoshuang was silent.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

Lin Wen immediately began to search for spells.


PS: Isopropyl multibase compound thiophosphoric acid ester is the theoretical derivation version of VX nerve poison. (Note: The process has been deleted instantly.)

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