Volume 3 Chapter 8: Don’t tell me this is the poisoning by Ji Ping (3)

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TL: Last chapter before we get back to Xuan De’s side.

After Hua Tuo and Ji Ping bowed and left, I looked at Ji Ping’s back and her look of shame that appeared when she heard what I’d said floated in my mind.

“My lord, why did you not kill her?” A voice suddenly came from the rafters. There was no need to look to confirm who it was, it was definitely Cheng Yu. “Could it be that you actually think that the culprit isn’t her?”

“Haha, you’re actually asking that?” I lay back on the bed comfortably and stroked my eyebrows as I continued. “After seeing everything that has transpired, how could I not be aware that she was the culprit?”

Though it might be hypocritical of me to say so, but I’ve never trusted that physician from the very beginning. Which is why I let Hua Tuo follow, as insurance against any mishap I might encounter, but who knew that she would ended up drinking it instead.

“Then why did you not kill her?”

“Why do I have to kill her?”

“Because she was the one who tried to poison you.”

“But I’m still alive.”

“…” Cheng Yu did not continue, nor did she leave. She only remained waiting in the rafters for what I would say next.

Even if she doesn’t say anything, I know what she is thinking.

“Cheng Yu, I can’t kill her.” I said as I lay on the bed and gazed at the dots of light from the candles in the room. “She came to kill me because of the hatred I’m drawing to myself so she has a legitimate reason to kill me.”

“Hai~~” What a rare phenomenon, Cheng Yu actually sighed. “So in the end, it’s my lord’s fault? Why do you have to make yourself out to be a tyrant?”

Cheng Yu could not understand, but I have not shared my thoughts with her either.

Tyrant… Huh. Indeed, my public image is that of a cunning and evil Cao Cao.

But it is because of this that Emperor Xian of Han’s incompetency has been overlooked by the people. This way, history will only remember a despotic Cao Cao and a pitiful Emperor Xian of Han who was unable to show his talent. That much is enough.

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All this, I have never shared with anyone else.

“… Who knows?”

“My lord!” Cheng Yu once again acted uncharacteristically as she exclaimed anxiously at my ambiguous words. Looks like she’s genuinely worried about my future standing.

“Maa maa, I have my own considerations.” But this is my own fight, and the burden is mine, and only mine, to bear.

“… But this can’t have been Ji Ping alone, there must be people behind her who harbour ill will against my lord.”

“Well then, who do you think they are?” As for what I think, it’s definitely Dong Cheng’s faction.

“It’s definitely the group of nobles led by State Uncle.”

As expected, my guess was right. Every Court session, he always avoids my gaze. In the rare times that he does meet my eyes, his eyes are always red. … Maa, maybe he’s just infatuated with me.

And besides…

“That’s not just it right? They started moving when Ma Teng of West Liang came to Court, and Yuan Shao and Liu Biao have bolstered their garrisons at Dong commandery and Runan.” I said as I recalled the various happenings recently and highlighted anything that seemed suspicious. “All this probably has some connection to Dong Cheng’s plot.”

“So my lord has already investigated huh?” Cheng Yu said moodily, and seemed surprised at how calm I was. “In any case, what we have to do now is to quickly eliminate them, or there will be disastrous consequences in future.”

Un… Indeed.

But if this problem were to be handed to Xuan De, how would he resolve it?

… Perhaps.

“… Perhaps,” I said as I fiddled with a bamboo scroll nearby and a ‘礼’ on the scroll happened to catch my eye. “We should invite them for a banquet.”

(TL: 礼 can mean ceremony, manners, courtesy on its own.)

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The next day after Court ended, I walked over to Wang Zi Fu and the rest, and invited them for a banquet at my house.

They seemed to have learnt of what happened last night from Ji Ping already and was thus, not surprised that I am still alive.

“I am truly grateful for the royal family to grace my banquet today with your attendance.” I said as I flashed them my signature confident smile at the 4 main members of the royal family with Wang Zi Fu as their leader. “But speaking of which, where is State Uncle Dong Cheng who was to be my guest of honour?”

Wang Zi Fu looked like he was stunned, and stammered a non-answer.

Even though it was a cool and breezy autumn, his head was glistening with sweat, and even his hands which were set on his thighs had soaked his clothes with sweat. As for the other 3, they weren’t much better off. If I were to describe them with one word… That’s right.


“Ah? Ah… St, State Uncle is ill.” One of them was finally able to squeeze a somewhat coherent reply after a long while.

Ill huh.

My eyes instinctively looked toward Feng Xiao to the side. Her long black hair covered the side of her face so I couldn’t see what her expression is like now. But from the way her shoulders are trembling slightly, she’s probably suppressing an urge to laugh now.

For this banquet, I got the opportunistic Feng Xiao to assist me instead of the stoic Cheng Yu. Though I didn’t explain much to her, she should understand my intent from the guests invited.

“Is that so, well then that can’t be helped.” I let it go for now and raised my wine cup at the 4 royals.

“Come, let us have our first cup.” As I said so, I downed my cup in one go. Feng Xiao, who was weak with liquor, drank slowly and fanned her tongue as she was not good with the taste of hard liquor.

The wine I drink nowadays really is good though. When I think back to the wine I drank in Chen Liu when I first raised my army, it really is bland compared to the wine now.


“What’s the matter with everyone? Why aren’t you all drinking?” The 4 had difficult expressions as they stared at the cups they held before their mouths, and seemed unwilling to drink. Even the Wang Zi Fu, who was a famed alcoholic, only swallowed back his saliva as he smelt the fragrance of rice from the wine.

“Ah… All of us have had issues with our liver lately and have been advised not to drink.”

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“Advised not to drink?”

“Y, yes.”

The one who replied shrank from just a simple follow-up question. When I saw how weak they were psychologically, I could only laugh helplessly.

“From my point of view, I don’t think that’s the reason why you all aren’t drinking.” Feng Xiao, who was always a prankster, couldn’t resist and covered her evil smile with her sleeve as she continued. “You all, are afraid that this wine is poisoned right.”

“How can that be! W, we wouldn’t suspect Imperial Chancellor Cao of such a thing!”

… Feng Xiao didn’t even say it was I who poisoned the wine right? You let it slip so quickly.

Seeing how anxious they are, Feng Xiao’s guess was on the mark.

But if you think about it logically, how could I poison them so brazenly in a banquet that I’m hosting? If I were to kill someone, it would have to be in secret.

And besides, I and Guo Jia drank from the same jug of wine. If we’re alright, what could possibly happen to you lot?

These 4 could no longer think logically, and were deep in fantastical delusions because of a guilty conscience.

But whatever the case, Feng Xiao gave me a good opening for me to begin our discussions proper.

“But every one of you royals should take care, for there are assassins in the palace recently.” I said in a serious manner as I picked up my cup and passed it to a servant to refill it. The royals looked at me carefully, and seeing as they did not speak, I continued. “Perhaps you all don’t know, but just yesterday, I was nearly poisoned.”

“…” They continued to be silent, and their heads which were already hung low lowered even further.

“And so, I beseech all of you royals to be extra careful. Should you happen to meet with any mishap by some villain…” I stood up as I held my wine cup which was returned to me and was now filled with wine. “… Don’t blame the evil villain for what happens then.”

I raised my head and downed the contents in the cup in one go. When I lowered my head, the 4 royals were shivering as they kowtowed to me.

“Eh eh eh! What are you all doing?” I hurriedly got up and held up Wang Zi Fu and the rest, who were crying profusely.

“Aiya, why is everyone crying about?” I said as I patted his shoulders. “No need to worry for I, Cao Cao, shall endeavour to protect everyone with all of my power. As long as I still live, none of you will die.”

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I intentionally emphasised the last point, so that they would clearly understand what I meant. At least my effort wasn’t wasted, as it seems like they understand as they bowed while crying which I quickly bowed in return. Thereafter, the banquet went on and I continued drinking but they left soon after, citing their liver as a reason.

Looks like they have given up for real… Hai, don’t they suspect this as a plot to get them to lower their guard? If I had assassins lying in wait, then they would be dead for sure.

But I won’t do that.

And this way, they will report back to State Uncle, and he should be more obedient from now on.

Personally, I do feel that this banquet ploy was a bit forceful but it worked well, so it’s fine.

“… Is my lord serious about letting them go?” After I sent them out and came back, Feng Xiao came over shakily and asked.

… Is Feng Xiao tipsy already? She only drank one cup.

“Un, I’m not killing them.” My headache was returning after drinking liquor. “State Uncle is plotting against me, not the Han, which they are loyal to. And the blood that flows in their veins is that of the Han, we can’t afford to risk losing it.”

I sighed as I said so. Similar cases would probably crop up in future, and it’s tiring just thinking about them.

“Ah, Feng Xiao. Go and recruit some new talent over the next 2 days with Cheng Yu. There will probably be more people who will seek to retire in the times to come.”

“… Un, got it.” But Feng Xiao did not leave, and passed me a piece of silk with a smile. “This was a report that just came in, Zhang Xiu has surrendered.”

“Keke, I didn’t think it would be that easy…” I couldn’t even hide my joy in my tone as I scanned through the silk after receiving it. “This is good. I’m actually rather lonely without Dian Wei by my side.”

“Maa, Dian Wei is indeed a good general who is worth pranking.”

Oi oi…

We broke into laughter, and then went to find Cheng Yu. As I entered the main hall, I picked up a bamboo scroll but could not concentrate on it as thoughts of Dian Wei who should be returning soon filled my mind.

When Dian Wei comes back, we should go have another round of the bronze cauldron with Xu Chu and the rest.

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