Volume 3 Chapter 9: Don’t tell me this is the strike on Yuan Shu (1)

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“Will my lord not be sleeping a little more?” Uncle Cheng’s aged voice resounded from outside the tent and reverberated in my ears.

I couldn’t help but cover my eyes irritatedly on hearing the old man’s powerful voice.

“Shut up! I can’t sleep anymore even if I wanted to with such a ruckus.” My tightly shut eyes scrunched in tiredness and I yawned. I only slept for about 4 hours and had no intention of getting up.

Mornings in this season were slightly on the cold side and the autumn breeze that blew in from the gaps in the tent sent slight chills that made me readjust the blankets and my sleeping position to a more comfortable one.

Autumn days are a truly nice time to sleep in–

“Will my lord not be sleeping a little more?!~~~~” A voice that was slightly deeper than uncle Cheng’s, but without any sort of seriousness, penetrated the tent and resounded in my heart.

This voice is definitely uncle Han’s.

“Uncle Han, stop bothering me! Aren’t I going to sleep a little more?” Because of uncle Cheng and uncle Han, my sleep had been mostly driven away and my mood was terrible now.

These 2 fellows… Are clearly here to wake me up but they had to do it by yelling out such roundabout words.

The more I thought about it, the more irritated I got. After a while, I was able to let it go and I pulled the blanket over and covered my face.

But I can’t just go back to sleep peacefully.

When my opponents are Cheng Pu and Han Dang, I can’t lower my guard and must maintain constant vigilance against any weird shouts that might come my way. And when they do, I will open my eyes and deliver them a good scolding.


After a long while, I did not hear any new shouts from the 2.

… Maa, I was probably thinking too much about it, time for more sleep–

“Will my lord not be sleeping a little more!!~~~~~~~~~~”

Just when I had relaxed my guard completely, a thunderous roar swept through the tent, and nearly blew it as well as I away.

“Waa!” Having such a booming sound reverberating in my ear made my heart thump and I reflexively jumped out of bed and knelt on the ground. It took a long while for me to recover as cold sweat drenched my clothes and I gasped for breath.

“My lord, are you still going to sleep?” Uncle Han shouted alone this time, as though he was confirming that I was still alive.

“Uncle Cheng, you…”

Enough is enough!

“My lord, Lu Meng has brought her second platoon and is awaiting orders for a second wave of shouting.”

“I’m getting up right now!” I hurriedly got up and got changed on hearing these words.

Being bullied by these damned old men first thing in the morning is really vexing. My father’s subordinates are really one of a kind.

It’s been a few months since I’ve led father’s subordinates and troops. I’ve been through a good number of battles, small and big, and I’d thought I had reached a point where I could call myself a mature adult, but up till now, I still can’t kick the habit of sleeping late and sleeping in.

Maa, I knew that I wouldn’t have any more peaceful days the moment I heard news of father’s death.

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After I had properly worn my clothes, I walked up to the entrance and spat out my tired breath and slapped my cheeks a few times before I stepped out.

“Greetings my lord!”

— Greetings my lord!~~~~~~

Cheng Pu and Han Dang led the other troops in yelling out greetings to me. Because I was now outside of the tent, it was as if I could feel their voices hit my body like waves, which made my hair stand on end. But this was a good feeling.

For this expedition, I’d brought 12,000 troops which were divided into 4 brigades of 3,000 each, to be led by Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Lu Meng, and Taishi Ci.

“What time is it now?”

“My lord, it is now 07:45.”

(TL: I’m normalising the time. They use ancient Chinese time units here.)

Only 07:45? The time we agreed on yesterday was 08:30… There’s still almost an hour before that but you had to wake me up now.

“Un,” I held back the resentment in my heart and turned back to see the energetic looks on the soldiers… Looks good, seems like the long journey hasn’t impacted them too much. “Disperse for now. We regroup in 15 minutes.”

“Will my lord not be sleeping a little more?”

“Uncle Cheng, you 2 are getting more irritating the older you 2 get.” I stared at uncle Cheng with my sharp eyes, and though uncle Cheng was a hardened veteran, he still took a step back when met with my gaze. I shut my eyes and frowned as I sat on an empty stool nearby.

Cheng Pu and Han Dang both wore full plate armour, and kept long white beards, with battleworn and darkened faces that were proof of their experience in battle and life. By the way, Cheng Pu uses a steel serpent spear while Han Dang uses a bow and a sword. Both are brave men and are highly skilled in martial arts.

When father was still around, I didn’t have too much of an impression of the 2 of them. So the time I have actually spent with them is only these past few months.

For me, these old generals who served my father are really reliable to a fault.

They would always try and stop me from drinking, banquets, late nights; and cite health and financial reasons for doing so, though in the end I would always get my way anyway.

“My lord, I don’t want to say this.” Uncle Cheng said as he sighed. “But you really have to cut this habit of staying late of yours. It can get in the way of accomplishing things.”

As expected, the nagging continues even when we are just a few minutes before stepping on the battlefield.

“Maa, Liu Yu Zhou was here last night so how could I have gotten a good night’s sleep?” I yawned as I said so.

“When Lord Liu Bei came, it was already late in the night, weren’t you still awake then?”

“Wu…” I don’t even need to ask, Taishi Ci must have been the one who told these 2. That Taishi Co is really a worrywart.

“I, it’s all under control.”

“…” Uncle Cheng and uncle Han stared at me silently, which I returned with my eyes that were partially hidden under my fringe. After a long while like this, uncle Han finally sighed helplessly. “Maa, as a lord, you have a lot of things you need to do, so you can take your time in kicking that habit.”

I guess this is uncle Cheng giving me some leeway?

“I got it.” I replied as I got up. “I’ll be looking about.”

“My lord, if you want to go to the toilet, you can just say so. Nobody will say anything about it.”

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“Uncle Hn!” I pulled out my sword and slashed at uncle Han’s neck as I turned around but uncle Han took a step to the left instantly and my sword landed on thin air. “Don’t vilify me, I really am going on an inspection.”

“But my lord, it really is best if you have a go first. It’s important for your metabolism after all.”

These old men are really getting on my nerves. They really are getting more improper the older they get.

I gave a ‘hmph’ in reply and walked off toward the main camp without paying them any more heed.

As I walked over, I saw that everyone was busy with packing and getting ready and some were so busy that they didn’t even notice me. Personally, I’m not the kind who cares about formalities so I didn’t bother them and walked about alone.

As I walked, I stretched my stiff body and hoped I could relax my nerves as soon as possible.

“Hu~~” I tried to expel my nervousness outside of my system with my exhalation. Though I’d said I was going on an inspection, my true intent was to calm my nerves.

Ever since I’ve become a feudal lord, I’ve never had the time to adjust my feelings or adapt to the surroundings, nor has anyone given me a chance to back out. All that was left, was to accept everything.

Honestly, I’ve been really exhausted these few months, and now I know how hard it is for father all this while. A month ago, I toyed with the idea of giving up my position but then what would happen to my little sister? I can’t possibly throw this to her. As the older sister, I should and must bear this burden.

Of course, ever since I’ve become a feudal lord, I’ve learnt many things I’ve never known before and have grown a fair bit as a person.

There has been good and bad to being a feudal lord, but I don’t regret my decision– This is, how I feel about the past few months.


I was now in a certain section of the encampment, and saw 2 suspicious figures lurking about in a hidden area.

“Oi!” I shouted at them, and their shoulders trembled when they heard me. … There’s definitely something going on. “What are you lot doing over there?”

As I said so, I made my way to where they were. Those 2 neither turned their heads nor did they reply, as though they’d never heard what I said.

This is weird…

Just then, I’d walked pretty close, and was about to grab their shoulders. “Oi, you 2–”

— *Sou*

The sound of something cutting through air rang out, and I instinctively shifted my center of gravity and leaned my head back. In the next instant, a glistening blade swept past the tip of my nose.

After dodging this blow, I frantically backed up. What the heck is going on?!

As I looked back, the 2 were now wielding their broadswords with bloodlust in their eyes.

“Oi, what do you 2 think you’re doing?”

“Sun Ce! You’re finished!”

“We just sent out a message, and our lord’s troops will be here soon!” The 2 then erupted into laughter, before charging at me with full force as their pupils shrank into a dot.

Un? The uniform that these 2 are wearing isn’t mine… It’s Yuan Shu’s! What’s going on? Do we have traitors in our midst?

This was something truly unexpected…

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“…” I picked an ordinary wooden spear from a nearby weapons rack and got my stance ready.

“Die!” The 2 lifted their broadswords when they were about 10 paces away as they prepared to slash down at me.

I read the trajectories and calmly took a step back. These broadswords were heavy, and if they missed the first blow, things would be very bad for them.

And that is what happened. While their broadswords were not drawn back, I seized the opportunity and slammed the wooden spear in their faces– A crisp sound rang out– And the 2 fell to the ground unconscious.

I did show them mercy, and didn’t smash their brains out. If it were my little sister, she would probably break some bones even if she were barehanded.

I tossed the spear to the side and realised that something was amiss when I checked my surroundings.

Where was everyone else?

This section which should have about 300 people was not devoid of people.

Speaking of which, this section… Wasn’t it formed by surrendered troops from Yuan Shu’s army from a few months back?

“My lord!!!” Just then, uncle Cheng ran towards me with a bloodied serpent spear.

… I hope it’s not too bad,

“What happened?” I frowned and prepared myself for the bad news that would soon come from uncle Cheng.

“A portion of the army mutinied! This is probably caused by surrendered troops from Yuan Shu’s army!”

Damn it! I shouldn’t have drafted them in.

“My lord!!” Before I could react to this, another voice rang out.


From not too far off, uncle Han came running over as well. “Yuan Shu’s main army has left the city, and seems to be heading in this direction.”

Kuh… When it rains, it pours huh.

But what should we do now?

“My lord, what do we do now?”


But I’m the lord now, and I have no right to ask others what to do.

I’m the commander of this army who decides what we do and so I must bear the responsibility of leading everyone.

“We clean up the mutinied troops first, and leave preparation of our defenses to Lu Meng and Taishi Ci.” I yelled as I walked with clenched fists. “Bring me my silver spear.”

Before long, I could hear the sounds of slaughter.

“Come, let us go that way.”

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Uncle Cheng threw the silver spear over and I received it with one hand and spun it a few times before I began running.

“What about Yuan Shu’s army?” Uncle Cheng asked as he ran up.

“Wake up Gong Jin for me! Let her handle that!”

The battle has begun.

“Lord Zhou Yu! Please wake up quick.”

Just as I was having a good sleep, a corporal came running in and pushed my back.

“Un? … Let me sleep a while more, I only had 2 hours of sleep~~~~” I said, gauging the time from the angle of sunlight which shone into the tent from a gap.

Last night, I was hard at work reading books till dawn and only just fell asleep not too long ago.

“Aiya~~ Can you please wake up quick! Something’s happened!”

“Aiya!! You bastard, can you not touch my breasts?”

“How can I tell where your back ends and where your breasts start when your breasts are so tiny?!”

Ah, I think I heard my temple vein tearing.

“… Troops, give this fellow 20 paddles.”

—- Sounds of paddling


I really couldn’t continue sleeping after hearing the cries from outside the tent, and sat on the bed rubbing my eyes after I got up and changed.

Alright, let’s see what the situation is like now.

There are sounds of a fight going on outside the tent, but the scale doesn’t seem too big. From the gaps in the tent, everyone seems to be wearing the same uniform, no, some are wearing Yuan Shu’s uniform. … Un, looks like surrendered troops from Yuan Shu’s army have mutinied.

There are faint tremors from the tent, but it isn’t from the fighting outside. That means there is a large force making its way here and fast. … So Yuan Shu has left the city and plans to defeat us from both within and without.

Un… What should we do now?

If we can stop Yuan Shu before she reaches the main encampment…

But with what? There shouldn’t be much forces I can move from here now that there’s a mutiny to deal with.

… I think I heard something last night while I was reading… Some other army sent to attack Yuan Shu? Who could it be? … Probably Cao Cao’s army since they also participated in the siege of Wan city.

The noise seemed to be more concentrated on the west side of the forest, so they should be there…

Maa, looks like I’ll have to go and ask for help.

“Troops, ready my horse.”

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