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Li Dian POV

Not only were the troops not streaming out, they were actually headed further into the city. And when I took a closer look, I saw that they were troops that were originally from the city tower. This is–

*Ping* *Ping* *Ping*!!


All of us began to panic at the sudden loud and sharp noises.

“What was that?! Where did it come from?!” Cao Ren yelled out from behind.

Was it all a trick! I looked about but did not see any troops coming around to surround us. When I turned back to look at the city, I saw thick columns of black smoke rising into the skies from the city.

This is! Could it be that the battle inside has commenced?!


“Un?!” Zhao Yun ignored what was happening and flew at me as she stabbed, forcing me to raise my spear to block her attack.


As her spear landed on mine, she used the force of her body weight and her spearhead began to slowly inch towards my chest.

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Wu! I tried to pull the reins to make my horse retreat but it could never react in time so I reflexively arched my back.

Will my armour hold!


The sound of air being cut filled my ears as the spear pierced through empty space and slid down harmlessly by the side of my horse. When I checked my body, I found that I was unharmed. Only my hat was swept off by its string.

I looked to the side and saw Lu Xiang with a bow in her hands. She had shot an arrow over which managed to save my life. I nodded at her as there was no time to thank her and saluted Zhao Yun who had backed up and seemed a lot more distracted than before.

And just then, the sounds of battle taking place in the city could be heard. The clash of weapons was loud, and there had to be several hundred troops at least fighting for the sound to reach us. It was not just me. Zhao Yun, who had been trying to end our duel quickly, no longer had any will to fight as she stared at the city. Though she may not have been privy to the plan, it seems like she had some guess as to what was happening judging by her frown.

“Lord Li Dian! Lord Li Dian!” A rather energetic voice came from above and when I looked up, I saw a familiar figure.

“Chen Gong!” Zhao Yun yelled out before me with a murderous look on her that seemed like she wanted nothing more than to fly up to the tower and kill her.

“The city gates are open! And there is fighting in the city! What is going on!!” Zhao Yun seemed to weaken as she yelled this and covered her mouth with a look of realisation, “C-could it be that you’re–”

“Yes,” I said before Zhao Yun and Chen Gong could say anything, “Chen Gong and several other important generals have defected to our side.”

“Kuh!! Chen Gong! Our lord has not failed you yet why did you have to fail him!” Zhao Yun stared at me in hatred but not surprise as she yelled to Chen Gong.

Chen Gong did not bother with Zhao Yun and continued to speak to me, “Lord Li Dian, the situation in the city is not stable. Lu Bu has awoken from her drunken stupor and is battling with Lord Zhang Liao and Lord Guan Yu. Please go quickly and support the,.”

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“I got it!” I yelled back. I do not know what kind of expression I have on right now but I think I should be smiling at Zhao Yun.


I thought that she had more to say but all she did was charge at me. As I looked at the once majestic, elegant and indomitable Zhao Yun, only 1 thought filled my mind: The city is ours for the taking!

“Jia!” I roared as I swung my reins and my horse reared its front legs, neutralising Zhao Yun’s charge.

“All troops! Charge into the city!” Cao Ren got the signal and roared

“Yaaaaaaaa! Kill!!!!!!”

In an instant, the ground began to tremble and my horse nearly lost its balance as it landed on its 4 feet. I did not need to look behind, I knew that the troops were charging in this direction right now.

“Wu!” Zhao Yun still seemed unfazed despite our charge, “Lord Li Dian! You ordered a charge despite our duel having yet to conclude! How dare you break the rules!”

When she finished, she fled back to her troops. Achieving victory by any means necessary is not exactly my modus operandi but under these circumstances, ordering a charge is the most effective thing to do. And besides, there was no way you could have won in a frontal battle anyway.

“Haa!” I yelled too as I ordered my horse to charge ahead.

“Chen Dao!” Zhao Yun yelled out to her lieutenant as she reached her troops.

The lieutenant seemed to understand and their troops began to change their formation right away as she yelled “Prepare to defend against the charge!”

The 2,000 or so troops had not chosen to escape. Instead, they had chosen to stand in front of the gates and block the charge. They have not given up their will to defend the city even now huh? Even though Chen Gong and the rest had complained much about them, these people are perhaps more qualified to be warriors.

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I was at the head of the charge so I was the first to clash with the shield warriors who stood between me and the gates. Even so, I did not withdraw and continued to charge ahead.

Un! I gripped my spear hard and swept out at the shield warriors!

*Pa*– *Da* *Da* *Da*…

There was a great resistance when my spear made contact but I applied strength into my arm and was able to sweep aside the row of shield warriors.

“Lord Cao Ren! Quick!” I yelled to the back, “We’re going to enter the city!”

When I finished I continued to attack and open a hole for the rest of the army. Exterminating the 2,000 or so troops outside the city was important but entering the city was something we had to do most urgently. Zhang Liao and Guan Yu are still fighting inside after all. In any case, we will decide what to do next after going inside.

“Don’t you dare leave, you foul criminal!”

Un?! Is there someone else standing in our way?!

The lieutenant ran out of the fray and stabbed at me, force me to dodge to the back before deflecting her spear away with my own. Personally speaking, I would very much like to have another 300 rounds with this lieutenant but the reality is that your 2,000 strong troops can do nothing any longer.

“Kill!!!!!!!!!” Just then, our troops began to reach where we were and when I turned back, I saw the heavy infantry and cavalry pouring in through the hole I had made.

“You’re called Chen Dao right!” I yelled to her as I dealt with the oncoming enemy troops, “If you are willing! You can still join us too!”

“Dream on!” Chen Dao yelled back. It was clear that she was getting tired, but she still had not intention of surrendering. That’s fine. It’s not too late to convince them to join us after we have taken them captive at the end of the battle.

“Lord Li Dian! Our troops have made it here now.” Just then, Cao Ren rode over, “Can we…”

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She had a very excited look in her eyes right now and it seemed like any nervousness she had felt before had all but disappeared. I turned to look at the city and saw that there were troops still running about while the city seemed to be on fire as the clouds of black smoke thickened.

“Un, we can.” I nodded.

What reason is there for me to hesitate and doubt at this point?

“Good!” Cao Ren roared as she yelled to the troops at the back, “Everyone! Charge in with me!”

“Oh!!!!” The troops roared back and acknowledged the order as they followed behind us.

In front of us, the enemy formation began to collapse as we continued our charge. Even though 2,000 against 15,000 is a little too much for them, I saw that they had already begun running out from the side the moment I made contact with the first row of shield warriors. Now that I had made a hole in their formation, it seems like more than half of the troops at the back had already left.

Just 1 charge and they dispersed. Even if the general is good, the troops might not be as good huh?

The thunderous sounds of the charge continued until we completely charged past the enemy troops. As we made it to the gates, the troops began to cheer. But we were not stopping here, we had to continue marching in.

“Lord Li Dian, what’s going on?” Lu Xiang asked as she rode up to us. Looks like she was really surprised by what happened.

“Just something to be happy about,” I smiled as I tried to pull up my hat but then remembered that it had fallen, “Some generals defected to our side and they have begun fighting the remnants of the enemy. One of them opened the gate and we are now moving in. That’s it.”

“Oh, I see!” Lu Xiang nodded.

As I looked at her, I began to think of the arrow she had shot, “Lord Lu Xiang, just now–”

“Lord Li Dian!” Just as I was about to thank her, Cao Ren yelled out to me. I had to think of the big picture and had no choice but to turn to Cao Ren.

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