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Li Dian POV.

When she saw me looking over, Cao Ren continued, “Should we enter with all of our forces or leave some troops to take down the city?”

Un? Un… I looked up at the city walls after I heard what Cao Ren said. The walls were much taller than before and it was unlikely that our ladders would be sufficient to scale them. Besides, there were no enemies on the tower apart from the men playing the drums. And now that the gates were open, there was no use for the battering rams.

“There is no longer any defending troops at the tower. We should prioritise entering the city.”

“Alright then.” Cao Ren nodded, seems like she was of the same opinion, as she raised her spear, “Continue charging! Full speed ahead!”

“Oh!!!!” The troops yelled as they followed behind us.

Just then, I looked about and could not see any sign of Zhao Yun or Chen Dao nor did I see them gathering the remnants of their troops and preparing to charge at us. Looks like they have either died in the charge or have chosen to flee for their lives. Looks like even someone like Zhao Yun can do nothing in a group that has lost its meaning huh? It’s kind of sickening to think of how righteous she seemed at first.


While I was preoccupied with my thoughts, the scenery darkened and I thought there were dark clouds but saw that it was because I was passing through the gates.

We are here. We are now inside Xinye city.

When I realised this, I did not feel elated, just relieved. This battle has taken about half a month now with 3 big and small skirmishes in total but it is finally coming to a close now. And we have finally won. If it were not for the defections of those 3, we would never have made it this far.

I am a warrior. But it’s clear that I need a lot more training as a warrior. At least until I can handle any battle without having to rely on external help.

“Lord Li Dian, Lord Cao Ren! There are some movements over there!” Lu Xiang yelled. MY heart tightened as I looked about but all I saw were the commoners moving about helter skelter.

“That’s fine. Be they troops or civilians, it’s fine if they are just escaping.” Cao Ren said, her expression by now had returned to her calm and relaxed one that she usually had on, “Orders! Split into 2 and charge southward from both sides! If you encounter any enemy, kill them without any hesitation!”


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“Ah, yes.” Cao Ren seemed to remember something and muttered to herself before yelling out more orders, “Treat the civilians with care! Do not commit murder, arson, robbery or looting!”


“Well then, Lord Li Dian, Lord Lu Xiang!” Cao Ren saluted us, “You both will lead half of our troops while I lead the other half!”



Lu Xiang and i acknowledged the order and saluted Cao Ren. Soon, Cao Ren began waving the flag and making the sign for splitting our forces.

But she said commoners right…

I looked about and saw that many buildings were on fire. Looks like there was quite the battle here before. Most of the buildings were locked up and quiet. When I took a closer look, I could not find anyone looking from the inside. In fact, there was no movement at all, as though… There was no one inside.

*Ding* *Dang*! *Ding* *Dang*! *Bang*!

In the distance, the sound of explosives and weapons was clearer. There was also yelling in the distance. Looks like the battle will be even more intense after we go past the streets. I wonder if Guan Yu and the rest have made their troops wear any markers for us to identify who are friendly forces.


Soon, we passed by 2 alleys and came into a bright place. It was so bright that I was forced to squint as I looked ahead.


… Eh? When I could open my eyes fully again, the scene before me left me speechless.

What appeared before me was a battlefield filled with black smoke and warriors engaged in battle nor was there the Zhang Liao and Guan Yu in sight. Instead, there were several dozen firecrackers and 2 wooden carts that had several dozen weapons stuck on them. There were also more than a thousand troops standing in neat rows in front yelling at us.

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“Eh?” A surprised cry came from the side. I turned and saw that it was Cao Ren who was just a little slower than I was. She too seemed speechless at what she saw.

*Ding* *Dang*! *Ding* *Dang*!

2 soldiers were at each card and were shaking the carts. The weapons were not stuck tightly into the carts and swayed about as the carts shook, letting out metallic clashing sounds. This was exactly what we heard as we entered the city. As for the explosions, the source was even clearer.

“How about that? Bet you didn’t expect this right?” A familiar voice came from up ahead and I looked over reflexively.


The sound of several horses could be heard as 3 generals slowly rode over. The one leading the way wielded a double-sided halberd and had a small dog in her chest as she looked at me, and Cao Ren, with a pair of cold eyes.

Based on the plan, she should be inebriated and should not have appeared so soon. The other 2, the one with the barbarian helmet and another who wielded a Serpent Spear, were all familiar faces as well.

“This…” Cao Ren’s eyes bulged as she tried to say something but could not find the right words.

Even if she did not say anything, Cao Ren and I, and even Lu Xiang who did not understand the situation that much knew what was going on. Lu Bu was of course would never surrender, not under these circumstances at least.

Cao Ren and I exchanged glances. She still looked like she did not dare believe what was happening but nodded at me and lowered her head with a troubled expression.

Yes, we fell for their trap!

Everything was for the sake of luring us into the city. There was no rift between them, nor were there any defections!

But now that we are here, all we can do is fight to the death.

“Troops, hear me!” Cao Ren yelled as she raised her spear and pointed it at Lu Bu, “Eradicate the enemy before you!”

“Yaaaaa!” Just as Cao Ren finished giving the order, the troops yelled out. My morale was bolstered by this and I swung down the reins as I led the charge.

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The cavalry and heavy infantry behind me charged ahead as well while Cao Ren led her troops in. There was nothing to fear when there could not be more than 2,000 enemies!

As the distance between us closed to less than a hundred paces, they continued to stay put and stared at us. These bastards! Could it be–

“Go!” Lu Bu yelled and the sound of ropes splitting could be heard.


A loud, ear-splitting sound could be heard and a row of bamboo spikes soon emerged from the ground just several paces in front of us, aiming right at our cavalry.


“Cavalry! Go around immediately!” I yelled behind. But even I could not stop and all I could do was to tighten my grip with my legs and lie low–

“Hei!” I yelled as I slapped the horse with both of my thighs and it leapt over the bamboo spikes!


While I was able to avoid the spikes, the troops behind were not so lucky and were unable to react in time. And so, many cavalry troops behind me died as they crashed headlong into the bamboo spikes.

“Fire!” Lu Bu yelled out once more and 2 rows of archers appeared as they drew back their bows–


And a torrent of arrows rained down.

Wu! I hurriedly stopped my horse and raised my spear to deflect any oncoming arrows. Unfortunately, many of my troops were unable to defend themselves in time.

Just then, I heard a commotion coming from behind. When I turned back, I saw that the troops on both sides had not been able to emerge fully from the streets and the troops at the back had no idea what was happening at the front and were continuing to push up, forcing more troops into a dead end.

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No, we will only suffer needless losses!

“Lu Xiang! Quickly give the order and tell the troops in the middle and at the back to spread out into the alleys! Tell them to make their way here using alternative routes!”

“Yes!” Lu Xiang acknowledged the order and leapt back past the bamboo spikes she had just leapt past and hurried back to relay the order.

I looked to the other side and saw that Cao Ren had gotten other officers to go to the back and give similar orders as well before coming over with an enraged look on her face.

Kuh! How can some bamboo spikes stop us so easily!

“Lu Bu! Are these parlour tricks all that you lot are capable of?” I yelled out and charged at Lu Bu who did not seem fazed by my words.

Instead, she merely yelled again, “Go!”

Wu! At her word, the scene from before repeated itself as many bamboo spikes sprang up again right before me. I tried to stop my horse but because I had just made it accelerate, it was unable to slow down.


Kuh! My horse gave a long wail as it fell to the ground. I managed to jump aside at the last minute somehow and avoided being crushed by the horse.

“Destroy the obstructions and continue to charge!” Cao Ren yelled to the troops behind as she began hacking at the bamboo spikes, making a way through for about 3-4 people across in no time at all.

I got up and felt ashamed as I stared at Lu Bu in anger and pointed my spear at her, “Lu Bu! As a fellow warrior, do you dare to engage me in a duel to the death?!”

“Why not!” Lu Bu finally responded to me with a cold voice, “But before that, we must let our troops take the stage.”

Un?! Only now did I realise that there were many oddities I should have picked up before. I was too preoccupied with shock and puzzlement when I saw Lu Bu that I forgot other, more important things.

— Where were Guan Yu, Zhang Liao and Chen Gong’s troops?

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