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Li Dian POV

*Ping* *Ping* *Ping*!

Another 3 explosions rang out when Lu Bu finished.

“Kill~~~~” Before I could understand what was going on, the sound of troops charging out filled the air and shook my heart. Is the sound coming from the heavens?!

No, it’s the city walls. I looked about frantically and when I saw what was happening, I was shocked. The topmost section of the city wall had fragmented and countless troops were pouring out from within and making their way down.

They ambushed us!

I looked ahead again and saw that Lu Bu was calm and felt even more infuriated as I looked at her.

Kuh… I should have known that there was no way they were able to complete the city defence construction works so quickly. And the only reason they were able to do so was because they were hollow inside. No wonder they did not station too many troops on the tower. The floor of the topmost layer was not strong enough to support too many people.

While I was preoccupied with my thoughts, the enemy troops had charged into our troops. It was lucky though that we had spread out our troops already or we would be surrounded in the 2 streets.

However, I still did not know how many troops were used in this ambush and if Guan Yu and Zhang Liao’s troops were amongst them, or whe*re they were if they were not in the ambush.

But before that…

*Tatata*– The sound of horse hooves?!

“Yaa!” I turned back and saw that Lu Bu was galloping for me.



Looks like I will have to deal with the enemies in front of me first huh! After deflecting away her halberd, Lu Bu swung at me immediately and I deflected her blow again. This time, her blow was much stronger and I was forced to take several steps back before I could regain my balance.

“The battle has begun.” Lu Bu said softly as she looked at me and raised her halberd. At her word, the 2,000 troops behind her charged up.

“Protect the commanding officer!” A general from my army yelled out as several troops began breaking through the second barrier. In an instant, both armies clashed and finally, the battle began, albeit not how I initially expected it to be.

For now at least, the charge by both armies has separated Lu Bu and I. She was now a dozen paces or so away from me and was engaging with several of my troops. Even so, she still had her eyes on me and was clearly after my head.

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“Yaa!” Just then, Cao Ren’s voice could be heard as she leapt for Lu Bu from behind.


A clear sound rang out as Lu Bu blocked the spear with her halberd without even looking back, in a clear display of her martial superiority.

“Lord Li Dian! Are you alright!” Cao Ren asked as she hurriedly disengaged and rushed over to where I was.


“Watch out! The enemy might have more traps!” Cao Ren yelled out to our troops as I replied.

“Lord Cao Ren, what we need to do is move our troops in the alleys here and break down the obstructions so we can decimate Lu Bu and her forces here!” I hurriedly advised Cao Ren. She seemed to be panicking still and looked about before she hurriedly nodded.

“Alright, I’ll give the order.” Cao Ren said as she looked up while I swung my spear left and right to prevent any enemies from approaching.


“…” But just then, Lu Bu had silently leapt over and wordlessly swung her halberd down at Cao Ren.

I hurriedly leapt over and blocked the attack but was sent flying back several paces. Cao Ren seized the opportunity and went for Lu Bu’s vitals but Lu Bu was able to dodge effortlessly.

Thereafter, we exchanged another dozen or so blows. It was clear however, that even our combined strength was no match for Lu Bu as she was still able to effortlessly mow down our troops while fighting the both of us. Not to mention the dog she carried in her chest the entire time.


Wu! Lu Bu wordlessly slashed across again and I was swept back and had to use my spear to regain my balance. Several of our troops charged forward and engaged Lu Bu during the time when we were forced back, giving us a little bit of time to catch our breath.

They are too slow!

My face was covered in sweat and dirt as I began to panic. We could not hold on here for long yet Lu Xiang who went to give the order to the troops in the middle had yet to return. Not only that, they had yet to had yet to arrive to reinforce us even though now was the perfect time to surround and overwhelm them.

“Lord Li Dian!” A frantic voice rose above the din and when I looked over, I saw Lu Xiang running over. As she ran, she held the wound at her side with 1 hand which appeared to be bleeding.

“Why are you so frantic, Lu Xiang!”

As she rode over, she saluted me and replied, “The troops in the middle. They can’t reinforce us.”

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What!! What is going on? They should be able to. Even if they have been attacked by the ambush from the walls, they should be able to break out of the surround. At the very least, they should be able to send over 1-2,000 troops.

“They were ambushed!”

“Eh?!” I was stunned while Lu Xiang nodded with a look of disbelief.

“What’s the status?”

“A large amount of troops streamed out of buildings in the alleys and engaged with the troops in the middle directly.”

How could… They should not have the numbers to do this?!

“How many?!” Cao Ren asked, her tone jumping about from fatigue, “How many enemies are there in the alleys?”

“It’s not clear!” Lu Xiang shook her head anxiously.

Not clear? How could it be not clear?

“Did you get a glimpse of who was leading them?”

“Ah… Un, Lu Bu’s lieutenant was there!” Lu Xiang thought for a moment before she answered.

Zhang Liao huh! That woman cheated us as expected!

“There should be 2,000 or so troops there huh… No, it could be 4,000.”

If Zhang Liao is there, then Guan Yu should be as well.

Hai… If I knew their defections were fake, I would have brought my glaive.

“But what do we do now?” Cao Ren asked, “Our vanguard is stymied here and our troops in the middle and the back are suffering heavy losses from ambush after ambush… If this goes on–”

Yes, we have been ambushed twice now. The enemy seems to have predicted that we would disperse our forces in the middle and hid their troops in the buildings in the alleys.

“I understand.” I nodded, “But we still can’t–”


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Un?! All of a sudden a figure flashed before me and a grunt came from behind. I hurriedly lowered my head and lowered my spear.


A clear sound rang out as a longsword landed on my spear.

Wu! I saw that a Serpent Spear had landed on Lu Xiang’s spear which she had raised above her head as well.

I applied strength into my arms and pushed my assailant back and when I looked up, I saw that it was the general who was wearing the barbarian helmet whowas not riding a horse this time.

Un… This man again huh?



Just then, loud, dull sound came from behind and when I turned back, I saw that Cao Ren had begun engaging with Lu Bu again. We really have no leisure at all in this battle to consider our next steps huh?

“Lord Cao Ren!”

“I’m fine!”

*Ding*! *Dang*!

The other 2 were also fiercely fighting.

“You again!” Lu Xiang was no longer calm and had an enraged look on her face as she engaged Zhang Fei who had not appeared in the previous battle.

“Where are you looking at?”



The glint of a blade flashed in my eyes as successive attacks came from both left and right. After blocking those attacks, I stabbed out again and the man hurriedly dodged and leapt back to put some distance between us. This man has some skill but he seems to be having difficulties controlling his breathing as he is huffing and puffing after just a few bouts.

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What I was more concerned about however was the battle around me.

Though our troops had a unit type advantage, it meant little in an enclosed area. Moreover, after suffering 2 ambushes, troop morale was low and all of the leading commanders on our side were embroiled in battle and were unable to command them.



While I was preoccupied with my thoughts, that man attacked and I hurriedly stabbed at him before he could get close and exchanged a few blows before that man was forced to dodge and swept out at him. He was able to block it but did not have enough strength and was nearly forced to the ground but was able to use his blade to maintain his balance.

“Yaa!” He then charged again and stabbed at me once he recovered. I blocked his attack and swept out again at him, forcing him back once more. It does not look like he is my match if this goes on.

“Lu Xiang! Finish things on your end as soon as possible and go help the troops in the middle!” I yelled without turning back.

We were 3 vs 3 here but it was a good thing that this barbarian man was not my match and Zhang Fei was also not Lu Xiang’s match. After weighing the pros and cons, I decided that it would be best for Lu Xiang to quickly make her way to the troops in the middle, who were mostly Yuan Shao’s troops and would listen to her orders, and support them. I would then quickly deal with this man and help Cao Ren against Lu Bu.

“Yes!” Lu Xiang roared back and began launching a flurry of attacks at Zhang Fei who was slow to react and began to panic.

“Yi De…” The man uttered as he tried to rush over. I hurriedly attacked him and he was forced to turn back and exchange several more bouts with me. He would keep turning to look at Lu Xiang and Zhang Fei during our duel but naturally, I would never let him go.

… Wu? This irritating feeling is back again.

For some reason, I get the feeling that I have seen this person before. I cannot quite remember who this is but he seems very familiar, be it the way he holds his sword, the way he speaks and even his aura.

… Never mind, I have been through so many battles so he might just be a second-rate officer that I once fought with in the past.

“Yaa!” He yelled as he charged at me again. It was not very intimidating however, as he was too slow. Besides, his sword was shorter than my spear and there was no way he could make it close enough.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*!

As we exchanged blows, he would always try to deflect my spear and stab me. Unfortunately, he lacked the strength to do it. He is not Lu Bu after all and he does not have the speed and technique that Zhao Yun has.



Be that as it may, he would always successfully dodge any attack I made when he showed an opening. It seemed like pure luck and coincidence very time but it happened often enough for it to mean that he was able to read my techniques.

Looks like this will take longer than I thought…

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