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Defeating the Unpronounceable named people was undoubtedly a remarkable feat for opponents.


But what was even scarier was that they sided with them instead!


For ADs who worked hard to secure kills, accumulating four drops of blood was no easy task. With bad luck, it could take them a year to gather enough, as their own ranking determined that they would only be matched with skilled opponents, making it difficult to secure kills.


So, they instantly forgot their previous loyalty and changed their tune:


“Yu Xi, this…”


“You heard it, right? It’s not our idea to attack.”



“It’s the will of the Unpronounceable Buddha. If you want revenge, go find him!”


In the livestream room, viewers could see the invisible players and hear their conversation, prompting applause for this turn of events:


“Those who know the times are heroes.”


“Sharpen your knives against your teammates.”



“In my lifetime, I can’t believe I’m seeing Yu Xi besieged from all sides. I’m living the dream.”


“Yu Xi’s trash talk is really something, probably because he was bullied by Yu Xi, that’s why he’s so sour in his speech?”


“Whether they were bullied by Yu Xi or not, I don’t know, but I do know that Yu Xi was definitely bullied by the Unpronounceable Budda (chuckles).”


Unpronounceable Buddha?


Yu Xi first froze, then quickly took a few steps, seeing the face of Ren Shuhan and then Jiang Qingyue beside him, and suddenly froze in place.



This couldn’t be…


But it really happened.


For a moment, countless speculations flashed through Yu Xi’s mind, many unreasonable questions suddenly found explanations, but with them came more questions:


How did they appear? Were they not characters from the book from the beginning?


Unpronounceable-named characters, Ren Shuhan, personal grudges… There were too many factors shaking Yu Xi, but he was, after all, the former top player of the entire server, so he quickly calmed down and began to think of solutions.



Telling his teammates directly that he wasn’t a native of the main world but a character from a book?


Yu Xi could imagine his teammates’ and the audience’s reactions.


Most likely, they would take him for an insane person.


The operations of the Unpronounceable-named characters were inhuman to them, but to ordinary players, they were just as inhuman! The time-traveling function had strong privacy protection; the books were generated by the system itself and couldn’t be used as evidence for others to see, so he had no basis.


He could only start with…

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Jiang Qingyue.


Yu Xi suppressed the disgust in his eyes, earnestly said to his teammates, “Wait a minute, don’t you find it strange? This support player doesn’t know how to play.”


Hearing “support player,” his teammates all turned their heads to observe Jiang Qingyue.


Jiang Qingyue, who had no idea that the four assassins opposite had invisibility skills, was still studying his skill panel and asked, “Is this red pen really a weapon? Do I have to paint according to this explanation?”


“It’s for healing. You should just draw in the air,” Mingyue said. “Give our AD a buff too.”


The little assassin teammate was scared stiff. “Yes, yes, yes, I think I’m in the most danger.”


The support player had the Unpronounceable Buddha protecting him, but he didn’t, and all the assassins on the other side were ranked higher than him1I don’t know why he’s referred as a dude in here, I remember that it in the previous chapter, Mingyue had said she brought her “little sister/friend”, but now he’s a dude lol. If they didn’t target the support player, he, as a squishy target, would be the first to be focused.


“Oh, okay,” Jiang Qingyue also drew a little red flower for him.


On the other side, the kill-and-support team was excited.




“He doesn’t know how to play!”


Yu Xi continued to provoke: “I have no personal grudge with Unpronounceable, we even chatted for a long time last time we met. Now he deliberately says such things. Don’t you find it strange?”


Everyone knew that Yu Xi did indeed exchange a few words with Unpronounceable Buddha before, and the atmosphere was still harmonious at the time.


“Now he’s brought a newbie along, whose combat power is insufficient, so he must be playing dirty. First, he scares you guys to incite infighting and get rid of me, the strongest. Then, he reaps the rewards! Why else would he want you to kill me? Since he’s already accumulated blood and has the strength, couldn’t he just take all sixteen drops himself? Couldn’t he just give these sixteen drops to his bound support player? He must be worried about not being able to get them because he brought along a newbie!”


Yu Xi was best at playing strategies. Now, the more he talked, the more confident and realistic he became, and his speech sped up.


The teammates fell silent for a moment, feeling that what he said made sense.


Actually, if they were calm and thought about it, they would naturally realize the flaws in Yu Xi’s words, but now…


A white, cute newbie support player was right in front of them, innocently holding a red pen and asking teammates, “How do I use this?” This simply inflamed the sadistic tendencies of some violence enthusiasts!!!


Who wouldn’t want to just smash this cute little support player upon seeing him?


“When the invisibility timer is about to run out, I’ll count to three, if you don’t go, I’ll go!” Yu Xi urged, “The perfect opportunity is right in front of us. Whoever takes down his head will gain five drops of blood. Even if you die afterwards, you’ll only lose four drops. Are you AD players afraid of a challenge?”


This counting problem hit the nail on the head.


AD players were all very confident in their reaction speed and believed that securing kills was their specialty.


“One, two—” Yu Xi shouted loudly, “Three!”


The three teammates made a decision and simultaneously attacked Jiang Qingyue!


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As the three “throat-cutting” skills from different angles landed simultaneously, the invisibility of these three was also canceled, revealing them in front of Jiang Qingyue.


However, Yu Xi didn’t cancel his invisibility and turned and ran!


Teammates: “…What the hell?”


“Huh?” Jiang Qingyue was startled, his eyes wide open.


Ren Shuhan acted instantly.


Before the audience could see clearly, they only saw a flash of cold light. Ren Shuhan slightly bent over and changed positions. When he stood up straight again, the three assassins had fallen to the ground, blood splattering onto Ren Shuhan’s school uniform. Some of it splattered onto his face, but Ren Shuhan just turned his head to avoid it, his eyes not even closed. Somehow, he managed to block it all, not a single drop landing on Jiang Qingyue.


System prompt: “Player #2d4@1%e gains twelve drops of blood.”






“…What gave you guys the courage, you newbs2They’re not really newbies, they’re just insulting them?”


“…We all said that not killing people was because of the kindness of the gods, why do some people just not believe it?”


“Is this the Unpronounceable Buddha in love? I feel like I’m witnessing history.”


“If I were the little support player, I would marry him.”


“My legs are broken by him, I can’t even T T!”


“Yu Xi’s heart is too dirty, tsk tsk tsk.”


The teammates of the revenge squad, the little assassins, couldn’t help but tremble with fear: Why was there such a big difference between them?


No, Unpronounceable was not a person, Unpronounceable was a god.


Mingyue said with malicious joy as she kicked a corpse, “Let you beat the heck out of them!”


The three bodies: “…”


Yu Xi, you son of a…


Ren Shuhan used the hand that didn’t touch the blood to pat Jiang Qingyue’s head. “Are you scared? I’ll go find Yu Xi.”


Jiang Qingyue shook his head. “Not really.”


Mingyue said admiringly, “You’re quite brave. Is this not your first time playing this kind of game?”


Jiang Qingyue still shook his head, obediently using his sleeve to wipe the blood off Ren Shuhan’s cheek. “It’s my first time.”


The two teammates, splattered with blood, looked at each other: Alright, we get it, can you guys tone down the affection a bit?

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“You’ve done really well,” Ren Shuhan said without any sign of fatigue, his tone extremely gentle.


Barrage comments flooded the screen:


“This loveliness, this indulgence, I can’t handle it.”


“Have you learned from it? Poor skills are not an excuse for being single.”


Jiang Qingyue couldn’t help but laugh, “But I didn’t do anything!”


“Not doing anything is actually quite difficult,” Ren Shuhan said seriously as he held Jiang Qingyue’s hand, leading him past the gruesome pile of corpses on the ground. “If you had moved just now, it would have affected my judgment. Not moving means you have good awareness, which is already excellent.”


Jiang Qingyue shyly responded, “Oh.”


Barrage comments continued:


“Judgment? Can you just tell lies with your eyes wide open in love? How did you predict the moves of an invisible person?”


“Excellent level… we’re not the same.”


The two teammates followed them, shining brightly.


“What should we do next?” Mingyue asked. “Yu Xi must have found a place to hide. If he hides for half an hour, he can surrender directly.”


“We find him,” Ren Shuhan said casually, observing his surroundings.


“Isn’t that too difficult?” Jiang Qingyue asked. “Shouldn’t we split up?”


“It’s not difficult at all,” Ren Shuhan smiled.


In fact, there was no need to search at all.


For revenge, Ren Shuhan had already memorized all the skill cooldowns in the game and knew that Yu Xi’s invisibility time was running out, so he couldn’t run far.


Instead of risking being discovered, it was better to take him by surprise…


“Splitting up might be faster,” Ren Shuhan said, letting go of Jiang Qingyue’s hand and walking towards a nearby classroom with an enigmatic look in his eyes.


“Isn’t that a bad idea?” Mingyue just raised a question when she was pulled by her assassin teammate, realizing something and stopped talking.


Unaware, Jiang Qingyue walked towards the other classroom, saying as he walked, “I remember there’s a locker at this position, used to store…”


Before he could finish his sentence, something suddenly appeared in front of him—


The opponent raised their hand, preparing for a familiar throat-slitting move!


Ren Shuhan preemptively turned around. Before throwing the paper knife in his hand, he subtly paused for a moment, changed direction, and threw it.


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The knife cut off Yu Xi’s arm perfectly.


Despite having bought items to reduce pain, Yu Xi couldn’t completely eliminate the sensation. Otherwise, he would react sluggishly. At this moment, he wanted to scream in pain, but he couldn’t, only left with astonishment—


Without Ren Shuhan by his side, Jiang Qingyue actually dodged his fatal throat-slitting move by himself!


Not only that, Jiang Qingyue even grabbed his arm and performed a throw!


Audience reactions:


“What the heck?”


“…The better looking they are, the dirtier they are = =!”


“A match made in heaven.”


“A violent little support, this beauty packs a punch (wipes nosebleed).”


“…He’s a handsome guy, why do you keep calling him a beauty?”


Ren Shuhan stepped on Yu Xi’s neck, knowing the weakness of assassins very well. He stepped forward and delivered the final blow, severing Yu Xi’s left arm.


“That scared me!” Jiang Qingyue patted his chest.


Ren Shuhan turned to look at him, his face full of helplessness. “…Didn’t you say you didn’t know how to play?”


Jiang Qingyue innocently blinked his big eyes. “I really don’t know, I’m much worse than you.”


Mingyue said, “…Indeed, although his actions just now were amazing, he didn’t use any in-game skills.”


Ren Shuhan suddenly remembered that his wife had fully regained his memory since leaving the mermaid world. That meant he was a genuine person from the world of immortals, probably stronger than himself, who relied on muscle memory to act, right?


So his wife had already become quite skilled at fighting!


Ren Shuhan couldn’t help but think of him saying, “I’m not good at studying,” then ranking first in the grade…


Well, that’s why you should just listen to the words of a top student and not take them seriously.


Yu Xi groaned in pain, ignored by everyone.


Ren Shuhan didn’t rush to finish him off but calmly looked at him and said, “Listen up, everyone in the spectator seats, please convey this message conveniently—”


“I have a personal grudge with Yu Xi. From now on, whoever is matched with Yu Xi as a teammate, I can spare you—”


“As long as you help me catch Yu Xi.”




Eeeh, I’m starting to wonder if I should’ve just kept the original characters of “Unpronounceable Buddha/Unpronounceable” instead of using the translated title… it kinsa sounds awkward to me to just write “Unpronounceable” when referring to Ren Shuhan/Jiang Qingyue lol


And they’re really a match made in heaven lol. Two ruthless love birds

Thank you for reading

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