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Playing ten consecutive games in a single session was mandatory, with a half-hour break between each game. If a kill occurred in the previous game, the break time would be extended by another half-hour.


Because simulated death was extremely realistic, starting the next game too quickly could lead to mental breakdowns.


Yu Xi hadn’t experienced this feeling for a long time.


In the previous game, Ren Shuhan had mercilessly ended him after making harsh remarks in the live stream. He used the skill most frequently used by Yu Xi—throat-slitting.


It was definitely intentional.


Yu Xi knew Ren Shuhan too well, knowing he had countless ways to kill without needing the game’s skills. He only retaliated in this manner because Yu Xi had used throat-slitting on Jiang Qingyue.



And Ren Shuhan’s eyes showed no emotion, his actions devoid of any hesitation.


It was more mentally disorienting than facing death itself.


Why would he be so ruthless towards me?


Yu Xi wondered.



What went wrong? Was it because of Jiang Qingyue? What did Jiang Qingyue do to him?


For more than half an hour, Yu Xi was immersed in complex emotions, barely squeezing out some time to review the previous game’s issues and decide on the next game’s strategy:


Throw the match.


Although he didn’t expect to encounter Ren Shuhan again, Yu Xi made sure his top priority was to disband the newspaper’s kill-support team, queue solo, and quickly lower his ranking to ensure he wouldn’t be matched with Ren Shuhan, given his high skill level.


Surrendering was acceptable, but dying again was absolutely not.



Today, he had played six games with the kill-support team, successfully killing two healers. Since he didn’t get the kills himself, he now only had twelve hit points left. If he encountered Ren Shuhan again in the rankings, without any surprises, he would drop to eight hit points.


Fortunately, in the seventh game, there was no Ren Shuhan, a freak with a total of twenty-six hit points—


At least, that’s what Yu Xi thought.


“The game begins.”

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The system’s voice opened the curtain mercilessly, and Yu Xi saw a vast underwater world before him.



This map was extremely rare, but Yu Xi had seen it before.


Because he had once lived as a mermaid in a world from a book, and this underwater area was on the planet B612 in that book. It was supposed to be a proposal gift from Ren Shuhan to him.


The pure white palace extended from the seabed to above the sea surface, capable of accommodating both mermaids and humans. Yu Xi had attended a wedding there as Nanxi, witnessed Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue’s wedding.


The more he recalled the memories of transmigration, the more the flames of anger burned in Yu Xi’s heart.


While Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue were busy with their honeymoon, they had no idea how miserable Nanxi was living!



After the mermaid planet became public, many mermaids entered the entertainment industry with their excellent singing voices and looks. Nanxi, as a newcomer, had no advantage. He had to face tons of scandals, from acting arrogantly to abusing privileges, from being self-centered to being a green tea b*tch, and was constantly compared to Jiang Qingyue by netizens:


“Jiang Qingyue’s unaware-of-his-own-beauty temperament is the true mermaid in my heart. Nanxi is too greasy.”


But in the original story, Jiang Qingyue was the villain!


After saving Ren Shuhan, he became insatiable, constantly demanding material possessions from him, which made Ren Shuhan’s impression of mermaids very negative. It was only after he met his fiancé Nanxi that he decisively rejected him.


But of course, Ren Shuhan regretted it afterward.


He secretly watched Nanxi’s live streams, shocked by his wonderful singing voice and fishy attitude towards life, and couldn’t help but marvel:


“Such a pure and unpretentious mermaid exists in this world!”


Then came the programmed chase after the wife’s arc.


Nanxi treated him indifferently, so he could only rely on the engagement and battle against Nanxi’s fans across the star system to improve Nanxi’s favorability. At this time, Jiang Qingyue, as the villain, came to the Interstellar Alliance with Lu Xu, pretending to be childhood friends and attempting to climb up. He even wanted to follow in Nanxi’s footsteps and enter the entertainment industry, buying black materials on Nanxi, but repeatedly stumbled upon himself. In the end, he was expelled from the Interstellar Alliance by Ren Shuhan and returned home tragically, but he had an accident on the way back, and his life and death status were unknown.


This was Jiang Qingyue’s ending.


Yu Xi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were filled with resentment.


He understood now and had decided—everything was Jiang Qingyue’s fault. He would report Jiang Qingyue as a character from the book to the system, let the system handle it fairly, and make it public. In the end, he wanted Jiang Qingyue to be reviled and condemned by everyone, completely destroyed!


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Most importantly, he wanted Ren Shuhan to despise him, preferably to kill him with his own hands.


Strangely, even though Ren Shuhan had killed him in the previous game, Yu Xi didn’t feel as much hatred towards him.


Perhaps because he was deceived by Jiang Qingyue, Yu Xi told himself that he needed to stay alive to endure torment, to kneel and repent in unbearable pain.


“Yu Xi?”


In the midst of a thousand thoughts, in the preparation room, the voice of Yu Xi’s warrior teammate pulled him back into the game.


“Is it Yu Xi?” Another healer teammate confirmed.


“Yeah,” the third teammate, a cute little lolita mage, bounced around Yu Xi, her magical output, and spun around Yu Xi, “I heard you were just wanted by the Unpronounceable Buddha. That’s so unlucky, but fortunately, there’s no Unpronounceable Buddha on the other side this time. Let’s start a casual game quickly so you can rest.”


Yu Xi sighed and nodded. “Start.”


The other three had already pressed ready, and Yu Xi said the word last. He had barely taken two steps when he was stabbed in the back.


The attacker was none other than the lolita who had just shown concern for him.




The lolita had already spotted a conch shell lying outside the preparation room. As soon as Yu Xi started the game, she ran and picked it up, innocently blowing on it, creating a sonic wave-like magic attack that pierced through Yu Xi’s abdomen.


“Are you blind? Didn’t you see that you’re still at four hit points for this game?” The lolita laughed as she held the conch shell. “I don’t want to offend the Unpronounceable Buddha boss.”


Yu Xi reacted quickly and used a displacement skill the moment he was attacked, being pushed away by the water flow, out of range of his teammates’ attacks.


But he was in too much pain to move now.


“Huh?” The healer looked puzzled, raising the self-contained small potion in his right hand, earnestly saying, “I didn’t mean to betray you!”


He didn’t dare to offend his assassin teammate.


“But I also don’t dare to oppose the Unpronounceable Buddha,” the healer added. “So, how about this? I’ll heal all of you, and you all don’t kill me.”


With that, he activated a group healing skill.

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However, for Yu Xi, who was severely injured, it was almost like scratching an itch through shoes.


The live broadcast room erupted:


“The water-carrying master.”


“Yu Xi is so pitiful.”


“This is probably the ‘dirty person always thinks others are dirty’ principle.”


That’s right, Ren Shuhan was in this game again.


Yu Xi hadn’t deliberately checked the hidden hit point interface, which was understandable because after seeing the opponent’s hit points, even if there were no twenty-six hit points, there weren’t even more than thirteen hit points. It was clear that they were weak.


The system would automatically balance it out. If he had just matched with someone as strong as Ren Shuhan, the next game should be much weaker.


What he didn’t expect was that after the last game ended, Ren Shuhan did something insane in the store—


He exchanged hit points for gold coins.


And he exchanged all sixteen hit points he won from the last game. Usually, only lunatics would do something like this.


He deliberately waited until the last second before entering the preparation room to make the exchange, so even if Yu Xi checked him on the ranking board, he wouldn’t find out due to the time difference. It was very likely that he would let his guard down before the start of the game and not know that his opponent was him again, thus reducing the difficulty by another large margin.


During the one-hour break before this, Ren Shuhan had also spent some cozy time with Jiang Qingyue.


As soon as they entered the game again, Mingyue and the assassin teammate were blinded, exclaiming that they never wanted to team up with a couple again.


In the preparation room, Ren Shuhan even bought Jiang Qingyue a matching skin, transforming him into a mermaid form. Watching his wife swaying his fish tail and imitating their teammates by spinning in the preparation room was just too adorable. Ren Shuhan couldn’t help but push him behind the coral and kiss him until the opponents had started their game.


Mingyue: “…Although it’s really cute, but Boss, this is the second time we’ve encountered Yu Xi. He must be prepared. Can we hurry up a bit?”


Ren Shuhan didn’t take it seriously and leisurely said, “Do you smell blood?”


The assassin teammate said, “It does seem like it.”


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But why?


“Their own people made a move,” Ren Shuhan said, leading the little mermaid by the hand, following the scent, “The AP on the other side with twenty hit points, should be that number one AP in the whole server, right?”


“Angel,” the little lolita, huh. Mingyue nodded, “It must be her, no one else has such a crazy hit point…”


Mid-sentence, she suddenly stopped, remembering Ren Shuhan’s casually obtained twenty-six hit points…


Ren Shuhan smiled, “Her game sense should be very strong. Do you think she’ll choose Yu Xi, or choose me?”


The live broadcast room became lively:


“This is too dramatic!”


“Angel is too good at acting. Isn’t she usually closest to Yu Xi, playing together every day?”


“So she’s really mastered Yu Xi’s acting skills.”


“This little healer’s mermaid skin is adorable. I want to hold hands with the little mermaid too!”


“This game is exciting. I remember this map is particularly large. How long do you think Yu Xi can run?”


“Assassins are quite good at surviving in large maps. Their invisibility cooldown isn’t long, and there are many rooms and pillars. If they have teammates to cover for them… Wait, teammates.”


“Hahaha, invisibility is visible to teammates! This isn’t 4v4, it’s 1v7!”


As Ren Shuhan walked to the palace at the bottom of the sea, he saw a little lolita waving at him from the surface of the sea, holding up a conch shell.


However, what came from the conch shell wasn’t an attack skill, but a warmly amplified reminder:


“Big brother, Yu Xi is running to the west!”




Even in such a dire situation…Yu Xi still only thinks about Ren Shuhan bowing down to him and chasing him like a dog…. MY DUDE HE’S LITERALLY TRYING TO END YOU????? This boy is really delusional T_T


Thank you for reading

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