Chapter – 40 Comprehends charm (Part 1)

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Long Yu was at the peak of an old tree, and Hua Qing, Hua Yu and Tan Jian simultaneously looked at him.

“It’s that waste!”

Tan Jian, although was injured, but a malicious fiery color still emerged out in his eyes. He well remembered that in Zhentian Sect, Long Yu kicked Tan Yu’s and broke her thigh bone and he had severely injured Fang Kang, his personal attendant.

His heart was full of hatred for Long Yu and he would not let him off so easily!

Hua Yun saw Long Yu and became extremely angry as well as ashamed and embarrassed at the same time, because now her clothes were ragged and her attractive white skin was visible. A brat like him actually saw her naked body!

“You saw my body, you will have to die!”

Hua Yun’s eyes exposed an insidious color, whether it was Tan Jian or Long Yu, she would not spare their lives!

“Brother, you take care of Tan Jian, I go kill that kid first!”

Hua Yun said in an inspiring tone, and suddenly with a gust of wind blew her body in the air like a flying leaf and moved with a great speed towards the place where Long Yu was standing!

“Go away, that kid’s life, is mine!”

Tan Jian shouted loudly, took a step and stomped his feet on the ground, and suddenly, there emerged a shield wall rock, which instantly changed into a hundreds of soil fists that immediately rushed towards Long Yu at a tremendous speed.

Long Yu stood at the peak of the tree while his heart was completely calm.

Initially, he wanted to leave quietly to save time and to see if he could find more ancient ginsengs in the forest.

But now, since they didn’t intend to let him go, so he would certainly not back down!

“Well, I would like to see how strong the masters of Wudao eighth layer actually are.”

Long Yu’s eyes shone brightly. He activated his Blizzard boots that suddenly pushed his body, he jumped from the peak of the tree, and voluntarily went up to resist the picking flowers and falling leaves attack of Hua Yun and the soil fists of Tan Jian, he just wanted to test their might!

“Demon vajra cover!”

The Xuan qi began to accumulate on Long Yu’s body, and in no time, a layer of pale golden light suddenly surfaced on his body making it impregnable!

Clang Clang!

The picking flowers and falling leaves blades hit on Long Yu’s body producing only a metal clanging sound and couldn’t hurt him even a bit. Hundreds of soil fists also exploded one after another on him, but still couldn’t break through that cover of pale golden light on his body.

And with a loud sound, Long Yu landed firmly on the ground near the pool and the landing shock produced a cloud of dust in the surrounding area.

Tan Jian stood 50 feet away from him to one side, Hua Qing stood 100 feet away from him near the edge of the pool, and Hua Yun, who had just shot the move of the picking flowers and falling leaves, was on another direction.

Long Yu was surrounded by three masters of Wudao eighth layer!

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“You really have a death wish”

Tan Jian stood up and his face had a color of mockery. He lightly said to both Hua Yun and Hua Qing: “I have grudges against both of you, but we must first kill this kid first, then we will settle our accounts, what do you say?”

“I have no idea.”

Hua Yun said haggardly. She stood at a far distance, her torn clothes were fluttering in the wind, her white skin was partly hidden and partly visible.

“Then kill him first.”

Hua Qing stood up from the side of the pool with a sword covered with Xuan qi of ice and cold.

Three strong masters had a rough fight, their injuries were not light, now a kid suddenly appeared and wanted to pick up a bargain, it was as if he was joking around with three masters of the Wudao eighth layer.

These three masters of Wudao eighth layer were discussing the things with each other, obviously Long Yu had no value in their eyes, but at that time, they were already injured, so they decided to collaborate and kill Long Yu first.

They also saw that Long Yu easily withstood both the picking flowers and falling leaves attack and soil fists attacks, in spite of being only at Wudao seventh layer.

If they didn’t join forces, it would not be easy for them to kill Long Yu.

“Waste, we three are masters of Wudao eighth layer, when you die, you should feel honored.”

Tan Jian sneered and moved forward to prevent Long Yu from escaping.

“Why do you seem so sure that I am going to die?”

Long Yu indifferently said.

Hearing this, all three strong masters of Wudao eighth layer suddenly laughed disdainfully.

“Ha ha, who do you think you are?”

Tan Jian contemptuously laughed: “Even if I was the only one here, there simply is no way for you to escape! Now, just go down easily without causing too much trouble!”

“This fight is between strong masters, a guy like you has tried to meddle, it is a dead end for you.”

Hua Qing moved forward step by step with a sword in his hand and there was a proud look on his face.

As Tan Jian said, even Hua Qing could single-handedly cut Long Yu by his sword, needless to say if the three joined forces then logically speaking, a Wudao seventh layer master like Long Yu should obviously perish.

“Do not talk nonsense, just do it!”

Hua Yun shouted and stepped forward, and the next moment, the Xuan qi began to circulate in her entire body, and she transformed into flying leaves and flew towards Long Yu.

But then, from a far distance, a loud roar came from the forest.

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With this roar, a young man dressed in white walked out from the forest, there was a tense color on his handsome face, it actually turned out to be Ling Han.


Long Yu saw Ling Han and it seemed like a big stone fell off his heart, making him feel lighter and better, fortunately Brother Ling Han was all right.

Then, however, a shining sword suddenly sprang from the bushes and attacked Ling Han from behind.

“Why are you sticking your nose into someone else’s fight?”

Feng Yao’s crisp and mocking voice came from the bushes. She immediately arrived on the scene while rising on ice-wind sludge, and her figure clad in light green skirt flashed and suddenly came in front of Ling Han then blocked his way.

Now, she stood in front of Ling Han and her copper sword was covered in ice, inducing ice cold weather in the surrounding.

“The fight between us is not over yet, it would be better if you fully concentrate on it!”

Feng Yao reminded Ling Han and attacked him with her sword, which was covered in ice like Swordqi.

Ling Han realized that it was impossible to help Long Yu. He was immediately forced back by the Swordqi attack, retreating several steps away from Long Yu.

“Brother, you escape!”

Ling Han hastily reminded loudly.

“Brother, you do not need to worry about me, constrain Feng Yao for me.”

Long Yu said aloud.


Chapter 40 Comprehends charm (Part 2)

“Brother, you do not need to worry about me, constrain Feng Yao for me.”

Long Yu said aloud.

“Do not worry, as long as I am here, she will absolutely not pass!”

Ling Han said while Xuan qi surged out in his body and immediately congealed a rock wall shield. It was powerful enough to withstand the ice cold Swordqi attack of Feng Yao.

Feng Yao’s mouth slightly curled up: “That’s right.”

At this moment, Ling Han was constraining her, while Long Yu was surrounded by Tan Jian, Hua Yu and Hua Qing, it seemed like Long Yu was going to die without a doubt.

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Feng Yao wanted Long Yu’s death.

Otherwise, he would continue to occupy the heart of her father, Feng Longsong. Her father even betrothed her to him. She did not want to go against the wishes of her father, but did not want to marry Long Yu and the only way to get rid of him was just let him die!

Now, she was blocking Ling Han and didn’t let him support Long Yu, and besieged by these powerful masters of Wudao eighth layer, he would certainly die!

At that time, Ling Han’s heart was burning with impatience and was worried for Long Yu, but Feng Yao was blocking him, and he was unable to shake her off to go help Long Yu. The only thing he could right now was to firmly constrain Feng Yao as Long Yu said a moment ago.

They contained each other and no one was able to intervene in the fight, and at the side of the pool, fighting almost began simultaneously.

Hua Yun was first to initiate. She cast Picking flowers falling leaves martial skill then transformed into falling leaves and instantly arrived at the side of Long Yu, tightly clenched her fist and shot it towards him.

“Landslide fist!”

Perfection level of landslide fist actually contained an extremely formidable might!

Long Yu didn’t dare to meet these attacks and instantly stimulated the Blizzard boots and displayed the peak level of flickering the wind step and moved to one side, but Hua Yun’s speed was faster than his!

The speed of the martial skill of picking flowers and falling leaves of was really so quick that even Long  Yu couldn’t move aside to dodge it.

A fist rumbled loudly on Long Yu’s shoulder and its terrifying destructive power sent vibrations inside his body.

“Demon vajra cover!”

A layer of faint golden color light instantly appeared on the whole body of Long Yu but could barely resist the 50% of the strength of the fist, and remaining half strength directly penetrated into his body.

The important functions of Demon tyrant form finally appeared. The vibrations from strength present in that fist attack only made it to his blood vessels, the five internal organs only suffered slight concussions from the vibrations, because the majority of the shock had been neutralized by the defensive effects of Demon tyrant form.

Even Perfection level of landslide fist failed to cause harm to Long Yu!

But, almost immediately Hua Qing took out his sword then covered   with ice Swordqi, and immediately chopped his sword traverse towards Long Yu’s neck from the back side.

Ice cold Swordqi approached Long Yu making his entire body feel ice cold chill and causing his speed to become half a beat slower than usual.


Long Yu lowered his head as he saw Hua Qing’s sword coming towards his neck and the sword simply went on cutting off his few hair which instantly froze and turned silver.

“Detaining soul hand!”

Tan Jian clenched his fist, and a black mist instantly condensed on it, and he immediately swept it towards Long Yu.

Long Yu lost control over the centre of gravity of his body and was unable to escape, he could only display the peak level of ‘flickering wind step’ and left an afterimage at the same place, and dodged the move of Tan Jian, and in a blink of an eye he arrived behind him.

“Eat my fist!”

Taking advantage of Tan Jian still engaged in casting detaining soul hand, Long Yu instantly activated ‘Nine hidden Dragon Mark’ and pounded a heavy punch on his back!

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Although, Tan Jian’s body defense armor had been disrupted earlier, but its defense capability was still unusual and the heavy punch of Long Yu didn’t even make Tan Jian to budge!

“You really are a turtle!”

Long Yu cursed loudly. But, at that time, Hua Qing attacked Long Yu with his sword covered with ice cold Swordqi, and Hua Yun’s picking flowers and falling leaves attack also rushed towards him.

“Zhentian mysterious mood, activate!”

Long Yu immediately comprehended Zhentian mysterious mood, and instantly released it, it immediately enveloped the surrounding area extending up to the radius of 100 feet.

The suppression of the mysterious mood slowed down the actions of Tan Jian, Hua Yun and Hua Qing. A color of astonishment appeared on their respective faces. This kid had already comprehended the mysterious mood of Zhentian tactics, so he was actually very talented!

However, he was facing three strong masters of Wudao eighth layer, so what if he had comprehended the mysterious mood?

The Zhentian mysterious mood repression could only weaken their strength and speed by less than 30 %, but their combined strength would still be more than Long Yu, not to mention their coordinated attacks would be hard to deal with.

“Demon vajra cover!”

Instantly Xuan qi congealed on the body of Long Yu and a layer of golden light appeared on his body again and he easily withstood the attacks of Hua Yun and Hua Qing.

Then, Tan Jian turned around and stomped his feet, and rock shield wall again turned into a hundreds of soil fists and rushed towards Long Yu.

“Xuan qi consumption is too much, I am unable to cast Demon vajra cover once again……”

Long Yu thought to himself and was calm in the face of hundreds of soil fists attack from Tan Jian. He immediately displayed the flickering the wind step, and his body became light like breeze, but the hundreds of soil fists had also come very close behind him at a tremendous speed and were following closely.

“However, sometimes, it is really easy to have a breakthrough during the fight.”

Long Yu, at that time, finally felt that his heavenly arteries had a much more deep contact with this world, he had realized only a trace of the Zhentian mysterious mood earlier, but finally a qualitative change had taken place in the level of his comprehension of the mysterious mood and he had comprehended the charm!

Practicing Zhentian tactics was based on the world principle of suppression, but only after comprehension, one could borrow its strength.

At this moment, Long Yu finally comprehended the suppression charm and didn’t hesitate to release it.

Instantaneously, the heavy repression of the Zhentian charm completely enveloped all the three powerful masters of Wudao eighth layer and greatly hindered their movements.

Whether it was the strength or speed, it had been cut in half because of the wonderful effect of the heavy repression of the charm.

“Charm is a level above mood. With this, I will have the ultimate success in the battle field, because in this field, I will be the master!”

Long Yu’s eyes flashed brightly: “But against these three wounded masters of Wudao eighth layer, just comprehending charm is more than enough!”

On account of the heavy suppression of the Zhentian charm, the speed of the hundreds of soil fists of Tan Jian sharply declined all of a sudden and Long Yu easily escaped his attack!

The movements of Hua Yun and Hua Qing were also considerably slowed down and now they couldn’t keep up with Long Yu’s speed.

Long Yu now had a thorough grasp over the fight!

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