Chapter – 41 Beheaded three stronger (Part 1)

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When the suppression of the Zhentian charm began, in the field, it seemed as if Long Yu was right in the center of the stage!

Taking advantage of the slowing down of the speed of Hua Qing, Long Yu quickly stimulated his snow boots and simultaneously displaying flickering wind step and quickly circled behind Hua Qing at an extremely fast speed.


Long Yu shouted and wore wandering soul glove, a black mist suddenly condensed on it.


Hua Qing felt the imposing aura of the punch coming from behind. He wanted to dodge this fist attack, but under the heavy suppression of the Zhentian charm, his speed had become extremely slow, so he couldn’t do so.

The next moment, Long Yu heavily punched his fist containing the strength of 10,000 Jin on the spine of Hua Qing from behind, and he was shot to fly in the air with a bang!

Hua Qing’s sword covered with snow and ice soon fell on the ground with a “dang”. Since there was no longer the supply of Xuan qi from Hua Qing, the snow and ice present on the sword soon dissipated, leaving only a silver sword on the ground.

“Nice sword.”

Long Yu picked up the sword. A faint smile was on his face. The sword, no doubt, eased the pressure on him. If he didn’t have such a sharp sword, he really didn’t know how to deal with the turtle hard defense armor of Tan Jian.

“Picking flowers flying leaves.”

When Hua Yun saw his brother shot to fly in the air, she instantly displayed her picking flowers flying leaves attack, and immediately, thousands of flowers and leaf blades came rushing towards Long Yu.

But, because of being under the heavy pressure of Zhentian charm, even the speed of picking flowers flying leaves became very slow.

Long Yu got enough time to wield the sword in a carefree manner, and in a flash, he chopped down all sharp flowers and leaf blades coming at him, then he cast out flickering wind step, his body became light as breeze and he quickly headed towards Hua Yun to kill her.


He skillfully stabbed the sword towards Hua Yun, piercing her throat with great accuracy. She stared in disbelief: “How ……could……, you obviously… only seventh……..”

“I have already said that I will not be the one to die.”

Long Yu faintly said then pulled out the sword from her neck. Hua Yun’s thin and tender body quickly fell on the ground, her heartbeat and breathing soon stopped.

“Little Yun!”

After being sent flying by Long Yu’s fist bang, Hua Qing was seriously injured. He felt severe pain. His eyes were blood-red and glittering with hatred and while stubbornly staring at Long Yu, he shouted loudly: “I will kill you!!”

“Unfortunately, you will not get the opportunity.”

Long Yu said in a calm voice, his stature flashed, his body became light like breeze, and instantly, he arrived behind Hua Qing and slashed the sword at him!


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Hua Qing couldn’t even display his defense type martial skill at that time, the sword pierced through his abdomen and the Xuan qi attached on the sword shattered his Dantian.

Hua Qing instantly fell on the ground with his face up, in a flash, now Tan Jian was the only one left in the field.

After comprehending Zhentian charm, in a flash, he killed stronger enemies!

Long Yu looked at Tan Jian and saw that there was horror stricken look in his eyes.

Long Yu, the former waste, but now had become so terrible, even comprehended the second layer of the mysterious mood, such a terrifying talent. Tan Jian simply could not imagine and accept such a thing.

“Long Yu, please stop your hand, we are all from Zhentian Sect, there is no need to put our lives on the line and fight to the bitter end!”

Tan Jian stamped his feet on the ground, the rock shield wall reappeared, and he calmly looked at Long Yu.

“Now you actually call me by my name, unlike before, wasn’t I supposed to be a ‘waste’?”

Long Yu contemptuously smiled while there was a killing intention on his face, however Tan Jian had discarded his immense arrogance and wanted to reconcile with Long Yu.

But, how could Long Yu possibly comply?

If Long Yu did not make use of this opportunity to get rid of this turtle, then next time, he might prove to be even more troublesome!

Long Yu would never allow him to live and become a future trouble.

“You must die.”

Long Yu pointed his sword at Tan Jian, and at that time, there was an indifferent look in his eyes.

Tan Jian’s heart thumped, he looked into the indifferent eyes of Long Yu, and his heart gave birth to a bad premonition.

Not far from there, Feng Yao and Ling Han were witnessing the situation with their own eyes.

“How is this possible? This waste ……”

Feng Yao clenched her teeth because she could never imagine that not just Long Yu could resist the encirclement of three strong masters of Wudao eight layer, but he instantly killed two of them and cornered the third one!

Now, even the extremely arrogant Tan Jian was compelled to put down his stance and act politely!

Earlier during the fight, these three masters of Wudao eight layer must have mutually injured each other and that too quite severely, they must have fought heavily with each other severely damaging each other’s strength, otherwise, it should have been impossible for Long Yu, even after stepping into the Wudao seventh layer, to come out victorious against the three strong masters of Wudao eighth layer.

“Not good, if I do not take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of this guy, I am afraid there won’t be small trouble in the future!”

Feng Yao’s eyes flashed fiercely, she stepped forward, but right then, Ling Han moved quickly and caught her up.

“Ha ha, junior sister apprentice Feng Yao, your opponent is me!”

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Ling Han jumped in front of Feng Yao and immediately shot a punch at her and stopped her advance!

Ling Han never expected that Long Yu would be so overwhelming powerful, might be that it was due to effect of the top-grade ancient ginseng. He thought that it was definitely the right choice to give the top-grade ancient ginseng to Long Yu.

Right now, although Long Yu was only at Wudao seventh layer, but actually killed two strong masters of Wudao eight layer!

“Who is your junior sister apprentice?”

Feng Yao was stopped by Ling Han. Suddenly, she felt a spontaneous surge of powerlessness, although she was not weak, but while facing Ling Han, she really had no way to approach Long Yu!

These two had quite similar strength, it was not going to be easy for one of them to come out as a winner, so as a result, none of them could escape each other’s constraints and was totally entangled.

Initially, Feng Yao wanted to prevent Ling Han from helping Long Yu, but now, Ling Han stopped her from moving forward to kill Long Yu.

Now these two people couldn’t influence the battle between Long Yu and Tan Jian.

Long Yu gradually moved towards Tan Jian.

Tan Jian condensed the Xuan qi to make rock shield wall, but felt that the consumption of Xuan qi had depleted to an alarming extent in his body and he wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer.


Chapter – 41 Beheaded three stronger (Part 2)

He snatched the top-grade ancient ginseng, and while fighting, he made effort to kill Hua Yun and Hua Qing, and midway in the fight, he also risked to swallow the top-grade ancient ginseng which was the reason why he had yet not fully absorbed the lingqi from it.

Hence, he couldn’t take rest after swallowing the top-grade ancient ginseng and now he stood at dead end, producing a surge of hatred in his heart!

Tan Jian looked at Long Yu gradually walking towards him, his mind was racing fast, now he couldn’t fight Long Yu or escape from him, his life was on the line so even if he had to give up his dignity for the time being, he decided to put it aside.

“Long Yu, before my sister Tan Yue disrespected you, it was her mistake, after going back, I will strictly teach her discipline!”

Tan Jian said in a loud tone: “We belong to the same Sect, please listen to me, put down the sword in your hand, how about we patch up?”

While saying these words, Tan Jian’s heart was extremely unwilling, however, now that his Xuan qi had depleted, he could only endure patiently!

The meaning inherent in the sentence was clear, Tan Jian was unexpectedly begging to for mercy in front of Long Yu!

To the side, this scene was absolutely unexpected for Ling Han, the strongest inner disciple of Zhentian sect was actually cornered to such an extent that he was begging for mercy from Long Yu! However, Ling Han was worried, facing the submissive demeanor of Tan Jian who was begging for mercy, would Long Yu actually let him off?

Ling Han didn’t say anything and actually wanted to see that what kind a person Long Yu exactly was!

“You want me to put the sword, fine, but on one condition.”

Long Yu lightly smiled and said on a whim.

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“What condition?”

Tan Jian subconsciously asked aloud.

“It’s very simple ……”

Long Yu said these words and with the sword in his hand, and his body light like the breeze, he took one twinkling step and instantly arrived behind Tan Jian.

Xuan qi immediately condensed on the sword, and in a flash, Long Yu’s sword pierced Tan Jian’s body which damaged his defense armor!

Tan Jian’s attention was fully focused on Long Yu, wanting to hear the condition, how could he even imagine that Long Yu would actually attack all of a sudden?

The next moment, the sword covered with Xuan qi, easily pierced Tan Jian’s chest!


Tan Jian wanted to say something, but he could only stare, and couldn’t speak a word.

Then Long Yu gave a heavy kick to Tan Jian and he directly fell on the ground, making a cloud of dust to fly upwards.

This nasty turtle finally died in the hands of Long Yu.

“Even when you were begging for mercy, your eyes reflected unwillingness and hatred, you seriously thought that I would be stupid enough to leave you alive to give myself future trouble?”

Long Yu said in a calm voice then drew out the sword from Tan Jian’s body.

That light and long silver sword was a low-grade battle weapon, but Long Yu hadn’t practiced fencing, so he couldn’t display sword skills with it, he only used its sharpness to kill Tan Jian.

He looked up and saw Ling Han running towards him with a happy expression on his face.

As for Feng Yao, after Tan Jian was killed by Long Yu, she well knew that depending on her current strength, she alone was definitely not the opponent of Long Yu and Ling Han, so she displayed the agility type martial skill and decisively retreated fast and left the place.

“Brother, you leveled up!”

Ling Han laughed and stepped forward.

“Thanks to the brother once again.”

Long Yu said. If Ling Han had not stopped pursuers in time, he couldn’t have so smoothly entered into the Wudao seventh layer.

“Never imagined that body refining type martial skill could be so strong, it seems like I must considering learning one myself.”

Ling Han said with a smile and lightly patted on Long Yu’s shoulder.

“Different martial skills have different functions.”

Long Yu shook his head and said: “In fact just now, if there was strength left in Tan Jian to fight with me, probably, it would have been me who was finally defeated because the body refining type martial skill consumes too much of Xuan qi from my body.”

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Demon vajra cover, although was a strong defense type martial skill, but the consumption of Xuan qi was far greater than other martial skills.

To be honest, it could not be compared with defense type martial skills like Imperial rock, but Demon vajra cover could be bent down to cover the whole body, so it gave a better defense against martial skills like picking flowers falling leaves.

“Right, brother, Feng Yao escaped after telling me to relay her message to you.”

Ling Han put away the joyful demeanor and said in a serious tone: “Hua Yun and Hua Qing of Hanbing Sect has an elder brother named Hua Buxie, now you have killed Hua Yun and Hua Qing, be prepared to face Hua Buxie who will come for you to avenge his siblings!”

“Hua Buxie? What is his cultivation?”

Long Yu was surprised for a moment.

“It’s not clear, but Hua Buxie seems to be the strongest core disciple of Hanbing Sect!”

Ling Han said solemnly.

The strongest core disciple!

Long Yu could not help but think of the mysterious youth from Zhentian Sect, Bu Xing, he was also the strongest core disciple of Zhentian Sect.

As he thought so, Long Yu suddenly felt enormous pressure on him.

At present, if he faced Feng Yao, he could easily deal with her, but if he faced Bu Xing, no matter how many battle strategies he formulated in his mind, none could possibly ensure his victory.

The cultivation of the opposite party had already reached an immeasurably profound level, to the point that he was able to suppress even the law enforcement Elder.

“Feng Yao can simply kill me by informing Hua Buxie that I killed Hua Yun and Hua Qing!”

Long Yu secretly cursed in his heart!

“Brother, you don’t need to worry too much. Hua Buxie cannot be too rampant and it should be impossible for him to come to our sect to kill our people.”

Ling Han looked at Long Yu’s complexion and thought that he was frightened and said just to comfort him: “With your talent, as long as you keep on practicing in the sect, surmounting the power of that Hua Buxie should be no problem.”

Long Yu heard it, and at that time, he actually didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this brother was really…….

However, the consoling words of Ling Han actually touched Long Yu’s heart and he somewhat agreed as well.

Depending on the ‘Nine hidden Dragon mark’, sooner or later, he would be able to surmount the power of Ling Han and he also believed that it won’t take long for that day to come!

“Yes, I have just now heard something interesting, it is said that best quality ancient ginseng has actually appeared this year, now, the royal princess and her royal guards have entered the Royal  Ancient Ginseng Forest to obtain it.”

Ling Han spoke thoughtlessly as if he was narrating a minor matter, for him, the appearance of the best quality ancient ginseng was like a natural phenomenon for him, and it was obvious that he had nothing to do with it.

However, after listening this, a plan actually appeared in Long Yu’s mind!

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