Dropped Into Another World V2C12

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Chapter 12 – Emperors Kingdom’s 4th Knight Order Commander

- Emperors Kingdom’s 4th Knight Order Commander’s POV-

Ganmirze, the commander of the 1st knight order, sighed heavily.

He doesn’t like it but the people around him are already making preparations to make him king.

The knights are already prepared to do so and the former slave collaborators are willing to do the same.

And the former slaves in the villages and cities are watching over us with the information given by our collaborators.

The people near the capital are puzzled but they are hoping that he will be able to calm the anger of the forest.

People far from the capital are supporting nobles but their voices are diminishing as the news about the anger of the forest and what happened to Elegali City spread.

At the same time, support for Ganmirze, who was supposed to have defeated the previous king who incurred the wrath of the forest, is rising.

If a different person were to stand as king in this state of public opinion, it would be a very rough era.

The people and the knights of Emperors need Ganmirze.

And he understands that too.


If we’re going to only talk about domestic matters, we still have some time to spare but a king is urgently needed because Emperors is being targeted by other countries.

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As if to confirm this, there have been many reports of people who seemed to be spies from other countries.

Perhaps the news of the death of the previous king has spread and they are looking for an opening of this country.

This is a country that has been plotting to acquire the forest and some countries may want to attack and destroy it while it is still unstable.

Now is the perfect time to do it.

In order to solve the problems with other countries, we need a king as soon as possible.

But not just anyone can be the king.

The king we need now must first have the support of the knights.

It is also important to have the support of not only the citizens but the former slaves too.

If not, there will be an opening that the other countries can use and we will be attacked.

We don’t have the power to go to war with another country right now.

「Haa, it’s not something we can put off. However, we need to solve the problems we have in hand first.」

「And what is it?」

The conversation between Ganmirze and Gaji reminded me of why I came here.

….I came to tell him something important but I’ve forgotten about it.

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I cough to get their attention.

Gaji looked at me as if saying “right, you’re here”.

I’m sure I haven’t made that many mistakes in front of him yet…..

「We found someone who should be the leader of the 3rd knight order.」

「I see.」

This is the problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible.

Sure, there’s the matter of those who oppose the liberation of the slaves.

The 1st knight order and Gaji’s group, the collaborators, were influencing them well.

The people who had been making a fuss are slowly changing their minds as information about the previous king, who incurred the wrath of the forest, begins to flow.

If you are too far from the capital, it is likely that you’ll hear news only after a while….

It takes time to solve this.

However, the problem with the 3rd knight order needs to be resolved the soonest time possible.

Because they took the magic stone.

Even though it was only a piece of the magic stone, it was not completely clear what kind of power it had even after examining the items left behind by the mages.

Therefore, we need to get it back before the people who stole it cause any problem.

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「We, the 4th Knight Order, can move any time.」

「We can move too.」

「No, I’ll go.」


「You don’t have to go personally, right?」

「I’ve known Vitua since I joined the knight order and I’ve been friends with him. I’d like to try persuading him.」

I saw a little bit of pain from his face.

I think he regrets not having the opportunity to talk to the commander of the 3rd Knight order.

He was complaining about it too a while ago.

Though knowing Ganmirze, there’s no way he didn’t have enough time.

He’ll only move until he’s sure.

If he’s already become the king, there’s no way he can still move.

Gaji is working with him so he probably knows his intention too.

He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

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「I’m sorry for my selfishness.」

He must have sensed that we knew his intention.

「I’ll gather more information.」

Gaji said a few more words to us and then left quickly.

I hadn’t heard what kind of work Gaji had been doing when he was a slave.

However, he is much better at gathering information than me.

By the time he arrives at Totros as the commander of the 1st knights, he should have gathered detailed information already.

「I’ll be following you as an escort.」

I don’t want anything to happen to Ganmirze now.

「We need to protect this place though.」

「Let’s leave it to the 2nd knight order and my men.」

I’m sure this will be Ganmirze’s last job as a knight.

Once he becomes king, I won’t be able to talk with him casually anymore.

I’m a little sad but it can’t be helped.

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