Dropped Into Another World V2C13

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Chapter 13 – Chuarenier, Boss-san

-Boss-san’s POV, a spider that has turned into a giant spider-

Bringing the food his lordship asked me to, I entered a room in his abode.

There, I found Koa sleeping.

Chai, who is snuggling up to her, noticed me and looked at me calmly.

For the past few days, Koa had been suffering a lot. She’s unable to forgive herself for attacking his lordship.

However, it looks like things are calming down.

The magical power that had been disturbing her has also been contained.


A few days ago, Koa suddenly tried to attack his lordship.

No, it would be more correct to say that she was being manipulated by something.

I’ve seen that state before.

It resembled our former comrade who had been manipulated by the evil eye magic.

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However, I couldn’t feel the magic of the evil eye. And like me, the rest were confused on how to deal with it too.

Immediately, his lordship created a new barrier and surrounded everyone with it.

Koa regained her consciousness because of the barrier but she was so depressed with what she had done that I’ve even felt her pain myself.

As the barrier spread through my body, I noticed that there’s something else on my body.

I didn’t realize it since I never felt any discomfort myself even though it was my own body….

Perhaps I’m in the way of being manipulated too.

The other kings of the forest seemed to be in the same state. One wrong move and they could have attacked his lordship like Koa too.

It’s not like we were careless but….


But what was that?

The uncomfortable feeling I felt was erased by the barrier in an instant so I wasn’t able to examine it but it didn’t feel like the magic from the evil eye.

However, I was able to sense, albeit faintly, something that I have felt somewhere before.

Unfortunately, I can’t remember where it was.

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Fuuh, useless memory of mine.

His lordship seemed to be quite worried about Koa’s state but when he finds out that Koa is starting to calm down, he would be a little less worried.

Even so, as long as we don’t know what’s going on, we can’t rest easy.

I had my children investigate the changes in the forest but so far, we haven’t found the cause.

I hope nothing will happen that will make his lordship uneasy.

Speaking of which, his lordship has been thinking about something for the past few days. I hope he won’t do anything rash.


-Scene Change-


My children who had gone to the forest have returned.

They didn’t seem to find any problem with the magic flowing through the forest.

However, it seems like ten monsters of different species formed a group and were heading to his lordship's abode.

It was impossible for monsters of different species to gather together.

It seems like my children found it strange so they killed them before they managed to reach this place.

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However, they felt the need to investigate and reported that they had captured one of them alive.

That was a good decision, my children.


After we finished listening to the report, we hurriedly moved to the captured monster.

Shuri and the Fenris who were listening to the report with me came with us too.

There was a killer log wrapped by web and was rolling around.

I stood in front of it and instead of being frightened, it even tried to intimidate me.

Fluffy sensed something wrong and came down from the sky. Even though it was already before a dragon, it still tried to intimidate Fluffy.

「This one is mad.」

Fluffy was surprised that it tried to intimidate it.

Who wouldn’t? Killer logs are weak monsters in this forest.

This kind of monster would naturally feel the dragon’s majesty and should have been terrified and shiver.

However, this killer log even wants to attack us.

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「It’s definitely being manipulated.」

「I can’t feel the evil eye magic from it or even any other magical power.」

Despite being obviously manipulated, even Fluffy can’t feel any strange magical power from it aside from its inherent magical power as a killer log.

If it was affected by some other power, we should be able to feel it.

I looked at Shuri and the Fenris but they didn’t feel anything else too.

I swung my leg to finish off the killer log that was still trying to attack us.

Its body collapsed as it was wrapped in fire and soon after, it was reduced to ashes.

I don’t want anyone to be like that.


I’m frustrated because I don’t know what’s causing it.

However, if all the monsters in the forest are being controlled, things will be a bit troublesome.

We need to do something about it as soon as possible…..

We have to find the cause no matter what.

But how are we going to do that if we can’t even perceive what kind of magic it is?

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