Drunken Exquisiteness

Chapter 6.2

Part 2 - Wind scatters from then on

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Ming Yan replied in disdain: “Chang Men Sect as the dog of Bi Xue Pavilion, has done many evil deeds. You are definitely becoming more fearless.”

Hu Sanniang did not get angry: “You should first think of yourself. It's a shame that Boss does not like bony girls like you. I can only send you together with them to the brothel.” She took out a tiny ball of something from her chest pocket: “Eat this. You still worry me even after blocking your meridians.”

Ming Yan looked at the pill, a light cloud suddenly appeared in her eyes. Soon after, a thin red light appeared from her hand attacking towards Hu Sanniang.

Hu Sanniang's dress flowed, the mandarin duck dagger in her hand stopped the incoming attack. With a twist of her body, she quickly take on further attacks from Ming Yan.

Qingchen had just returned to her senses only to see Ming Yan's footsteps looked floating. She knew that Ming Yan's meridians had just been released so she quietly picked up the thin knife on the floor and hide it in her sleeve.

As expected, after a few moves, Ming Yan was hit by Hu Sanniang on her shoulder. Qingchen tighten her grip on the dagger in her sleeve, but Hu Sanniang unexpectedly did not continue with her attacks, opening the pill in her palm: “Why don't you eat it obediently. It's only going to make you calmer so you don't make more trouble for us.”

Ming Yan said coldly: “Keep dreaming!”

Hu Sanniang smiled alluringly: “Not eating?” She turned her gaze towards her side. With a move of her hand and the knife, a girl closest to her let out a shrill followed by a pool of blood. 
Ming Yan's expression changed.

“Still not eating the pill?” Hu Sanniang asked again.

Ming Yan said with hatred: “Hu Sanniang, you are too cruel!”

Hu Sanniang did not take her words to heart: “Too lazy to fight you. If you don't eat it, I will continue to kill.” With a movement of her eyes, she looked towards Qingchen. Qingchen looked back coldly, discreetly slide the the dagger into her palm. She obviously knew that she was no match for her, but she still wanted to try for her life.

After a short stop, Hu Sanniang still smiled alluringly. Within her alluring smile, a light of her dagger appeared in front of her.

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“Wait!” Ming Yan yelled sharply.

The mandarin duck dagger stopped just one inch in front of Qingchen, “That's how it should be." Hu Sanniang said with a smile, with a flick of her finger, the pill fell into Ming Yan's palm.

Ming Yan looked the girl who just passed in front of her, hatred filled her eyes, yet she put the pill into her mouth.

“Don't eat it!” Qingchen yelled: “I don't believe that you won't be in trouble with your boss if you killed all of us.” She suddenly looked towards Hu Sanniang.

Hu Sanniang giggled: "Smart girl. It's a shame I am not fifth old Qian. Since I dare to kill, I would definitely be able to report back to my boss. There is no need for you to worry.”

Qingchen looked sharply towards her eyes: “You are also a woman. Why would you help them ruin us?”

Hu Sanniang turned around to look at her: “You are pretty interesting. I will give you some advice when I'm in good mood next time. You might become Tiandu's most popular girl.”

“Pei!” Qingchen spitted in silence.

Though Hu Sanniang was still smiling, her eyes have cooled down: “When you are in my hands, don't even think about escaping. If one of you escaped, I will kill ten from the rest. Please try if you don't believe me.” With a face like peach season, poisonous like a snake, she was still very attractive when she talked, but each word was like a knife dipped in poison.

Qingchen took this opportunity to look out of the cabin. It was heavily guarded, almost impossible to escape. Many different thoughts passed through, she forced herself to hide her anger and calm herself, then said to Hu Sanniang: “Since you are going to sell, you definitely want a good price. Torturing us will not give you any benefit. If more of us die, you will lose more. We will not escape, and will not create trouble, but you need to provide us with water and food.”

Hu Sanniang looked at her: “Seemed like you have thought things through? You even know to bargain. Do you know what kind of people we are, you dare to bargain with us?"

Qingchen quietly laughed: “I don't care what kind of people you are, whether it was selling a thing or a person, it's still selling and buying. Since I have fallen into your hands, the worst that could happen is death. When that happens everyone can die together, nobody can think of living.”

Maybe Hu Sanniang was too lazy to continue with the argument, she said: “If you don't look for trouble, why would we be mean with gold. If you are obedient, everyone is happy, I will not cause you to be wronged.”

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“Good, it's a promise.” Qingchen said.

Hu Sanniang quickly glanced towards Ming Yan. Ming Yang's gaze was cold, then raised her head to swallow the pill. Hu Sanniang smiled charmingly, with a wave of her hand, immediately two burly man came in and dragged out the dead girl. She glanced back to the pale Ming Yan, then dropped her gaze to Qingchen, “Be good.” Then turned around to left the room.

The cabin door was closed, leaving them aurrounding again by darkness. The only difference is the piercing smell of blood that continued to spread in the room.

The sobbing sound of Biyao and the rest were mournful. Qingchen leaned back to the cabin wall as though losing her strength. The thin dagger in her hand was cold. She could almost see the pool of bodily fluid in front of her, still carrying the warmness of the body. She couldn't help but throw up while supporting herself on the wall.

Day by day passed while they are cruising on the water. The girls on the ship continued to reduce. Sometimes there will be new faces. They come then go, then go then come.

Ming Yan has lost all of her strength after taking the pill from Hu Sanniang. Leaning on the cabin wall lifelessly. Qingchen stood up then looked at the palm sized sky through the tiny window. The sky looked slightly smoky with the wind sometimes blowing around the scattered clouds. She could seemed to see traces of flying birds sometimes.

Biyao was sitting next to her while hugging Danqiong. Danqiong who was still young, raised her head said: “Big sis, it's so dark here. When can we go out?”

Biyao was still thinking of how to respond, while Qingchen turned towards Ming Yan and sat next to her, “We won't be able to escape if this goes on.”

Ming Yan stabbed the thin dagger into the deck, but her hand could not help to tremble when she tried to use more strength. She said coldly: “Continue to live. When we reached Tiandu, we will be able to find a way.”

Without any medication in her hand, Qingchen cannot neutralise the drug even if she knows how to. 
The ship was cruising along the water flow to the south.

Those people will sometimes take them up to the deck to get some air in turns. Three people each time but Ming Yan is an exception.

They did not see Hu Sanniang or fifth old Qian since that day. Qingchen glanced towards the big man next to her through the corner of her eyes. According to Ming Yan's explanation, they should not be far from Tiandu now.

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She gripped onto the item in her hand, pretending to walk casually towards the rail of the ship. 
“Stop.” The guard yelled in a low voice.

Qingchen's hand has reached the rail of the ship. She stopped her stepped then turned around to smile towards the man. As though incoming waves and water, the smile was mysterious like thin smoke before the rain that deceives people. The seducing smile that she gave stunned the man.

“I'm sorry." Qingchen was still smiling. Taking the chance when the man was stunned, she let go of something on the side of the ship. It immediately flowed away with the current.

She quickly walked back, “The scenery here is not bad.”

The man looked at her with lust. She quickly walked passed him. Her smile disappearing immediately, leaving only hatred and disgust in her eyes.

Upon returning to the cabin, she released a breath, then said to Ming Yan: “Done. Will someone come to help?”

“Yes.” Ming Yan did not show much happiness. She never seemed to talk much. Always carrying a little of guarded coldness and creating a barrier from others.

The quietness on the ship continued for the next half day. The cabin door was suddenly opened, following with a bone soothing smell. Hu Sanniang came with two other people to put a few sets of silky clothes in front of them, saying: “Change to these clothes. Someone will come and get you out of her. Still the same condition, when you are out, don't even think about escaping.”

Ming Yan looked at her coldly, she laughed and said: “Same to you, but I will definitely send you to most popular clubhouse in Tiandu, satisfaction guaranteed."

Ming Yan looked away in contempt, but Hu Sanniang did not care: “Be quick.” Then turned around to leave.

The cabin returned to the darkness and deathly quietness. Those embroidered and brocade clothes were undoubtedly premonition of bad omen. The more beautiful those clothings are, the worse their fate would be.

Nobody moved. Ming Yan who was always quiet suddenly opened her eyes, said: “They are here.”
Qingchen asked: “Who? Your companion?”

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“That's right.” Ming Yan pushed herself up, “It's my eldest brother.”

Qingchen copied her movement trying to listen better. There seemed to be sounds of waves hitting the ship, mixed with sounds of music. The sound was light and far. She could not define which instrument made the sound. The sound was sometimes hidden by the sound of the waves and the heavy ship, almost unheard of.

Ming Yan expressionless face seemed to short a short flash of smile. Qingchen said: “Let's get changed and go out.”

Ming Yan nodded in agreement: “Let's go out before making further plans.”

The few people then started to change their clothings. Qingchen reached up to tidy up her long hair, the wide sleeves opened and dropped down to her elbow. The light from tiny window shined on her wrist, on the tourmaline bracelets creating a rainbow colored glow. Dazzling the eyes in an instant.

“What is this?” Ming Yan who was next to her suddenly grabbed her hand.

Qingchen replied: “Tourmaline beads.”

“Where did you get this?” Ming Yan asked again.

Qingchen looked at her weirdly: “I have always worn this since young.”

Even though they were in the dark, Qingchen could still see the strangeness in Ming Yan's eyes, “What's wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing.” Ming Yan let go of her, while replying quietly.

 Qingchen adjusted her sleeves. The beaded bracelet was again hidden under her sleeve. Before she had the chance to think of the strangeness in Ming Yan's behaviour, there was already someone coming to take them out of the cabin.

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