Drunken Exquisiteness

Chapter 7.1

Part 1- Vast Sand West Wind in Northern Desert

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On the northern desert hills, darkness continues. Even though it's within sight, but it was thousands of miles away. It is not reachable in a few days even with fast horses.


There are sparks of bonfire within the military site a few miles from the military wall. Soldiers will come and go through the commander's tent every once in a while. Around a bonfire further away from the commander's tent, some soldiers were sitting, within the sound of sparring swords. The newly hunted prey that was bring grilled on the fire was smoking.


“Unbelievable! No matter where we went, we could only see deserts everywhere during this war!” A soldier roughly rattles the charcoal, but he couldn't help to complain: “My eyes were starting to blur with those sights!”


Another one quickly follows: "Isn't it as you said, they call him General 'Wolf of PingLu', but that we did not even see Chi Rong's silhouette!”


“The traitor has escaped, but I will kill in one swing of my sword if I see him next time!”


“Do you even have the chance to do that? The fifth price should be the first to punish him! Who can take the responsibility of obstructing the army?”


“That's still too easy for him!”


The soldiers continued to complain to each other, one of them said, “We're still pretty good here. Prince Ling's Black Army at the front line has become isolated. If they don't withdraw, there is a possibility that none of them will come back.”


“Withdraw? They should have bumped into the Turkic by now. They might even have caught up with our army somewhere.”


The conversation paused here, the bonfire dimmed a little, then someone sighed: “Ai…… Undefeatable, but they might be in danger this time!”


“This Chi Rong was actually a Senior General in Prince Ling's camp. Who would have thought that he would be a traitor.”

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“Pei! He looked like a weak man, which type of general could he be?”


“Stop your nonsense!” There was suddenly a yell coming from the darker area, a rough and loud voice yelled: “Who said Chi Rong betrayed us!”


The soldiers turned their heads, one of them replied: “Ding Guan, did you know? Chi Rong ran away during the night. If that is not betraying, then what would that be called?"


Ding Guan leaned in towards the bonfire: “Me and Chi Rong were together when we fought along Prince Ling. Even though his nerdy side cause some discomfort, but nobody knows the Northern Desert better than him. In the 19th year of Sheng Wu when we defeated the Turk, at least three parts of the labour can be contributed to him. Prince Ling brought him as our guide. I don't believe that he would betray Prince Ling!”


The soldiers here are mostly young soldiers. The moment Ding Guan said this, many of them asked: “Did old brother Ding participated in the big war during the 19th year with Prince Ling's army?”

Ding Guan spit out the bone in his mouth: “This old man was fighting along Prince Ling till we reached Kodana city, till we destroyed the Turk's imperial court and came back alive!”

Someone within the group quickly said: “Why don't old brother Ding tell us about the situation at that time? Help us expand our horizons.”


Ding Guan looked far away through the desert after hearing that, as though he was looking at the scene that night when the city was attacked. His gaze sparkling under the fire glow: “The war in the 19th year of Sheng Wu, hey! That was the most satisfying war I have ever fought since I joined the army! Our brothers followed Prince Ling attacking up to three thousand miles. An army containing tens of thousand people suddenly destroyed big Turkic army, forcing them to draw back till Kodana city. Even the twenty thousand people guarding the city were unable to stop our attack. King Shi Luo had to flee the city going north, but Prince Ling lead the Black Army to take down his head. However, it was a shame that I was not able to witness when the king surrendered his sword……”


“Why not?” the person next to him asked.


Ding Guan pulled his clothes to show the long scar that runs from his neck to the front of this chest, which looks savage under the fire glow: “That war was ferocious. Only eight thousand came back out of fifteen thousand that went. This life of mine was almost lost in that battle!”


Many of the young soldiers sucked a cold breath, to be able to continue living of such injury. A person next to him asked: “I heard that the Black Army come and go like a shadow. Are they really that skilled?”


“The Black Army?” Ding Guan narrowed his eyes while still watching the sparkles of the fire: “Not sure.”


“Not sure?”

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“They are not human,” Ding Guan's face wanes from the movement of the fire. He shook his head saying: “To be able to joining Prince Ling's army, not getting off their horses for five days and five nights till Kodana city, but they were still highly spirited. Within those eight thousand people who came back, seven thousand of them were from the Black Army. The murderous air around them, even the gods and demons will stay away when they see them. Ck ck, you see tens of thousands of people but, when a command comes, they are one. It's illogical.”


“No matter how great the Black Army is, they are still isolated in this battle.” Someone couldn't help saying.


A wave of wind blew up the bonfire, Ding Guan picked up the newly cooked rabbit, then split it under the lively atmosphere, then continued with his rough voice: “It's not like this is the first. During the 22nd year of Sheng Wu when they attacked and killed Prince Zhuo Xian of the West Turk, Prince Ling lead the Black Army, went through Hou mountain, across the Han ocean, entering more than two thousand miles into the center of the enemy camp, only returning after killing fifty thousand of the enemy troops. The Southern Desert was taken down during that time!”


Many actually experienced the battle in the 22nd year, the atmosphere quickly become more lively with people sharing talking. While they were discussing one after another, a fast horse stopped in front of the camp, then the rider in black armor quickly got off and ran directly into the commander's tent.


The commander's tent was still lit deep in the night, all the generals were inside the tent. Even though the fifth prince, Yetian Xi, who was commanding the current Tian Chao army does not look anxious, but the knocking sound from his finger on the table creating a tense atmosphere within the tent.

The main troops had just entered the northern desert, but General 'Wolf within Ping Lu', Chi Rong, who was familiar with the area was nowhere to be seen. The northern desert is covered by desert with every turn. It is geographically complicated and the land is rough. A person who is not familiar will have difficulty leading an army.The army consisting of hundred and eighty thousand soldiers has walked through the desert for a few days, but they are still unable to meet fourth prince, Yetian Ling's army as originally planned. This causes everyone to be worried.


“Reporting to his highness,” A soldier suddenly entered the tent to report: “There is news from the midline!”


“What?” Yetian Xi quickly raised his head: “Speak!”


“The Black Army was engaged in a battle with West Turk's King Gu Lan at few days ago on Xu Yan Mountain. King Gu Lan lost and withdrew from Dai prefecture with a lost of more than ten thousand people!”


Yetian Xi stood up from the table: “How is the situation of our army?”


“The information on the injured and death are not clear. Based on the message from the front line, we only know that fourth prince and eleventh prince has lead their army to assemble with us.”

The tense atmosphere in the tent quickly relaxed. Yetian Xi who felt like a weight has been lifted off his shoulder, waved his hand to let the soldier leave and pass a message to wait for further instructions on location.

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At early dawn two days later, when the sun first peaked through the Earth, the Black Army arrived before the army camp.


Angry horses gallops into the camp like a dragon, the sunlight was golden, as though shifting glows were set on the black clothing and armors, carrying the coolness of military air within the dazzling sight. Yetian Ling got off his horse, swiftly breezed towards the commander's tent, followed by many behind him.


Yetian Xi has also came out of the tent with the other generals to receive him. Yetian Ling breezely acknowledge him, then walked into the commander's tent. With a flap of his clothes, he sat on the main seat, his cold gaze swept through everyone in the tent soundlessly.


On position after Yetian Xi, all of the generals lowered their heads, avoiding his gaze, as though they are afraid of meeting his gaze, saluted while holding their swords: “Greetings to Your Highness!”


The tent was covered by silence, Shiyi who was standing next to Yetian Ling raised his brows, then he heard Yetian Ling flatly said: “Fifth younger brother, the main troops were late for many days, what is the reason?”


He is the main commander, Yetian Xi who is currently on each of his side with Shiyi, knitted his brow saying: “The main troops got lost, and decided to stay. It was my carelessness in leading the army.”


Yetian Ling turned towards him: “Lost?” He swept his gaze through the tent, then in a colder voice said: “Where is Chi Rong?”


“General 'Wolf of Ping Lu' has surrendered himself to the enemy, and disappeared for many days.” Yetian Xi replied.


Even under Yetian Ling eyes, there was a flash of surprise, so Shiyi was even more surprised: “Chi Rong has surrendered to the enemy? How could that be possible?” Chi Rong has been following Yetian Ling in battle with the Turkic since 14th year of Sheng Wu. Due to his extreme familiarity with the geographical situation of the area, he is one of the generals who was highly appreciated by Yetian Ling. How can a person who has been with the troops for more than ten years do such a thing as surrendering to the enemy?


Before the surprised in his eyes formed on his face, it was devoured by his deep dark eyes, Yetian Ling said in a heavy voice: “What was this conclusion based on?”


Yetian Xi 'hmph' coldly: “Three days ago, our main troops set up our came in the north, Chi Rong disappeared the next day. I found out later when someone reported that he had a plan to work for King She Hu of West Turk, his decision is clear with his leaving. I heard that Chi Rong was someone from outside the wall, did Royal Brother know this?”

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Yetian Ling's face remain unchanged, but did not answer the question. So what if he is a foreigner? He asked: “Who reported that Chi Rong had unloyal heart?”


He looked around expressionless, a general stepped up: “Me, Qiu Pingyi has been using the same tent as Chi Rong since I joined the rank. Chi Rong has mentioned casually asking me go him to West Turk and join them!”


A dark shadow appeared under Yetian Ling's eyes: “Chi Rong mentioned his plan on betraying us to join the Turk?”






“When we just entered the northern desert, it has been many days ago.”


“So, you knew that he planned to join the enemy earlier?”


“That's right!”


“Are you sure that there is no mistake about his plan on joining the enemy?”


“This general is sure!”


“Are there no other reason?”


“……Definitely not!”

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