Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 51.2: 51.2

As a result, this observation lasted for a whole week.

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During this period, the outside world investigated the situation of the Chu family in various ways. Some even tried to use the secret camera to spy. But all efforts were thwarted by the strict protective isolation equipment of Chu family’s house. 

Now it was the holiday season, and they didn’t have to go to work. The Chu family used this opportunity to close the house completely. They didn’t let any guests inside. 

The elders of the various families had no choice but to deduce from the facts currently available – most likely, Chu Rong should not have died, but was seriously injured.

Later, the President couldn’t hold back, and took the lead in sending a visitation request to the Chu family on the guise of sending a doctor. But Chu Huai directly blocked it back on the grounds that there was still radiation in the Chu family’s house.

Some people also tried to start with the Gu family — Gu Yan’an’s natal family — and inquired about it in a roundabout way, but they didn’t expect that the Gu family would also close their doors to these “curious” guests.

The news of Chu Rong’s accident was too great to hide from the news. Which worked in their favor – they forced the Chu family to clarify the situation as soon as possible by leaking it to the mass media. 

So in just a few days, the entire Federation – even to the Empire – got the news that Chu Rong’s spiritual power went berserk again, and now his life and death were unknown.

It sent the public into a frenzy. 

Because of the great war ten years ago, the Chu family has always held a special place in the hearts of mankind. After Chu Rong’s parents sacrificed themselves, Chu Rong had to face the Zerg Queen and got heavily injured in the process. The extent of the injury went to a full decade, and to this day, his spiritual pollution never eased. 

How could this happen? That was the public’s hero, the spiritual pillar that encouraged them to bounce back quickly after the war. They had just seen the Marshal’s kind and easy-going side in front of his family members. The festival was not over yet, so how could something happen to him?

Prayer candles were lit all over the Starnet, and everyone was anxiously waiting for a result.

At the Chu family’s house. 

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As if waking up from a heavy and chaotic dream, Qiao Zhiya opened his eyes in a daze, and found himself standing in a pure black space again. What’s worse, he couldn’t even feel his own body this time. 

“Dad… Mom…”

He wanted to call them out, but he couldn’t make any sound.

As his consciousness was on the verge of sinking into the darkness again, the familiar wood-elemental and earth-elemental magic power condensed into two light bands and surrounded him. He closed his eyes, and vaguely heard a roar coming from the depths of his mind, and then his consciousness returned to reality.

Severe pain swept through his body, and his unconscious body twitched in response. Before he could figure out the situation around him, his thoughts were dragged into the magic pool deep in his brain.

All the inhaled fog condensed into gray water droplets at some point, covering the dry magic pool. Some black pollution spots floating on the said magic pool, alongside several cracks, as if it was about to shatter at the slightest touch. 

“It hurts…”

He wanted to roll and struggle, but he had no strength at all.

“It’s okay.”

His body was embraced in a warm hug suddenly. On his forehead, he also felt a warm touch. A familiar spiritual power enveloped him in a gentle manner, lulling him into a state of rest with a deep-and-comforting voice. “Qiao Zhiya, you can do it. Please hold on, you can go through this.” 

The black spots in his magic pool seemed to be very afraid of that spiritual power, making it quiet down. As a result, the sensation of pain eased down. He finally noticed the strong wood-elemental magic fluctuations under his body, and instinctively stuck his hand on it, frantically absorbing it.

After the magic power entered the magic pool, he instinctively wanted to expel those black spots. He was drowsy, but thanks to the familiar spiritual power supporting him, he could fight back this bewitching lull. Instead, he drove his magic power to draw a purification array above his contaminated magic pool. 

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‘I can’t force it out, it will hurt others. I must purify it… purify… it…’ 

His consciousness was blurred again, and he was running on pure instinct again to complete this task. 

The small youth on his arms gradually stabilized. The emerald jade surrounding them began to lose their luster and color, turning into a block of lifeless gray stones. 

Chu Rong’s tense heartstrings loosened a little. He lowered his head and kissed Qiao Zhiya’s forehead again. He then got up, straightened his bangs for him, then moved all the emerald jade in the room and piled them up beside him. He bent over and touched his forehead, kissed it again, got up and walked out of the room.

“How is Qiao?” Chu Yan, who was squatting outside the door, immediately stood up when the door opened, and everyone else looked at Chu Rong who came out.    

“He’s stabilized for the time being,” Chu Rong replied, then looked at Chu Huai, and asked, “How’s the situation outside?”

His older brother didn’t immediately answer. His bottled-up emotions flooded, and he instinctively hugged Chu Rong tight and patted his shoulder. It took a while until he calmed down – by then, he already backed off with a forced smile on his haggard face. “What are you talking about… Erzi, I haven’t asked yet, how is your condition? Is your illness… getting better?”

After rushing in, everyone only knew that Qiao Zhiya was contaminated by pollution, but they never knew what happened to Chu Rong, who seemed normal.

Qiao Zhiya was in a coma for the past few days. Although Chu Rong seemed calm, his mood was always a little bit wrong. Everyone was concerned that he had just gone berserk, and they were afraid of provoking him, so they were afraid to ask. 

Everyone in the Chu family didn’t respond not because they didn’t want to show off Chu Rong’s condition, but it was because they didn’t know what Chu Rong wanted to do, as the Marshal had been holed up in his room to accompany Qiao Zhiya. 

“How?” Chu Rong asked meaninglessly when he heard Chu Huai’s question. He looked down at the palm of his hand, feeling the strange-yet-nostalgic force in his spiritual sea. Finally, he replied, “I don’t know what is going on now. But… I know that the pollutants in my spiritual sea have completely disappeared… thanks to Qiao Zhiya.” 

He still vaguely remembered the feeling that of his spiritual sea got gently hollowed out by a warm force. It was the innocent Qiao Zhiya that held true to his promise of curing him of his illness — even if that meant he had to sacrifice his well-being to reach that goal. 

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Thinking of this, he suddenly panicked again. He put down his hands and hurriedly said, “I’m fine, you don’t have to stay outside of this room.” 

Then, he turned around and strode into the room, shutting himself and Qiao Zhiya together again.

Everyone was stunned by the news he threw out in rapid speed. Some couldn’t believe it, it felt like a pipe dream that the Marshal’s decade-long illness got cured… just like that. No lead-up, no fanfare… just finished, all of sudden. 

Gu Yan’an, who was standing behind Chu Huai, took a step back suddenly. She leaned against the railing and fell limply to the ground. She raised her hand to cover her face, and she started to gasp. As her chest went up-and-down in an erratic face, a choked sob got pushed out, and she started to cry despite her efforts to speak. “Dis… disappeared? Is this… is this… am I hearing it right? It’s b-been ten years…? A decade?” 

Chu Huai came back to his senses, knelt down and hugged her. A small smile escaped to his lips, and he loudly said, “Prepare to respond! Those people outside are looking forward to seeing Erzi’s condition after a decade-long suffering. I will see if they are still satisfied with this result!”

Satisfied? No no no! They are not satisfied! Super dissatisfied! The result was a bolt from the blue!

Everyone looked at the brief announcement issued by the spokesperson of the Chu family in disbelief. The headline was catchy: [Blessed by misfortune, Chu Rong has completely eliminated the effects of the spiritual pollution. Thank you for your concern and blessings], and they read it over and over again. It made them felt like they were illiterate, because they were fucking sure they couldn’t understand what this headline means. 

How can they believe such a result that is completely contrary to their expectations!



This must be an excuse used by the Chu family to stabilize the situation! If Chu Rong was really healed, why didn’t he come out and explain the situation himself? So this announcement must be fake! Fake!

Nobody in the aristocratic families believed that this announcement was true, but the people had already started a carnival, cheering and celebrating their hero’s complete recovery. They were glad that God really had mercy and rewarded their hero with such a miraculous recovery! 

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The festive atmosphere suddenly reached its peak. 

The President once again handed out visitation requests to the Chu family, and all the families couldn’t sit still. They shamelessly requested visitation rights to the Chu family, but without exception, they were all blocked by Chu Huai. The reason was very high-sounding:

“Chu Rong had just recovered. His spiritual strength is still unstable, and he needs a peaceful rest. Please understand, thank you.” 

The other families elders had the same reactions:

“Fuck that sophistry!”

—And smashed many furnitures in anger. 

Dead or not, Chu Huai should give them accurate news! What he is doing is tantalizing their appetite! They won’t be fooled by this announcement. The combination of the Zerg Queen’s toxic and black hole radiation couldn’t be a blessing in disguise. Before Chu Rong shows up in person, don’t think they believe Chu Rong is really well!

All of them became all kinds of irritable, but the members of the Chu family had quickly regained their spirits and began to actively deal with the matters that had been put on hold for the past few days.

First of all, the big cloud of black fog on the top of the mecha battle hall. Although they didn’t know what trapped them, the opportunity must not be missed. After knowing that these were the things that have harassed Chu Rong for ten years, the Chu family aimed all the high-end purification equipment at it, and brutally wiped it out.

“—When you were nestled in the spiritual strength of Erzi/Sir Marshal/Erge/Second Young Master, no one could do anything about you. Now that you have been stripped naked, don’t expect to stay in peace!”

After dealing with the culprit, the Chu family carried out the most thorough cleaning in history, eliminating the possibility of radiation residue and ensuring that no one in the family would be harmed by radiation.

After clearing the hidden dangers on the surface, Chu Huai began to deal with the hidden dangers in the dark.

He first sent someone to destroy all the equipment that could have captured what happened that night, and completely erased Qiao Zhiya’s involvement from this incident, so as not to arouse others’ speculation and malice towards him. Then, he began to deal with those outsiders. He eliminated all kinds of disgusting rumors, lest everyone wait for the opportunity to make a fuss.

Finally, everyone properly rested and continued to buy emerald jade anonymously, and patiently waited for Qiao Zhiya to wake up.

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