Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 51.3: 51.3

Qiao Zhiya was awakened by the heat. The gray water droplets in the magic pool turned white slowly under the action of the purification circle, fused with the added magic power, and dug towards the depths of the magic pool.

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The magic power and the white water droplets scorched the wall of the magic pool together, until the wall slowly softened and then the cracks disappeared. In its wake, a stronger and wider magic pool gradually condensed.


He subconsciously refused to be held in Chu Rong’s warm embrace. His whole body began to sweat to expel the excessive heat.

Chu Rong opened his eyes and saw Qiao Zhiya was wriggling uncomfortably. His hands had left the emerald jade under him. He frowned, sat up and bent over to pick him up, put him in the healing pod, and called Zhuang Yu in.

A cool white mist surrounded Qiao Zhiya, of which he comfortably breathed in. After the heat in his head reached its peak, the white water droplets mixed in the magic power silently melted away and dissipated in the magic pool. His body was completely relaxed, his breathing was slow and gentle, and his face became rosy.

There was a light beep from the instrument, and the latest test results were spit out.

“The pollution value is zero, Qiao is fine,” Zhuang Yu was ecstatic. Flipping through the inspection results in her hand, her eyes quickly scanned the most important data. “All is back to normal. He’s okay! Qiao is completely fine!”

Chu Yan, who was sitting nervously on the side, immediately jumped up. He excitedly asked, “Really? Is Qiao really okay?”

Zhuang Yu nodded with a smile, the baggage in her heart melted away. Her shoulder sagged, her voice became lighter. “It’s okay, I knew he would be fine. His power is quite special, and he has a certain level of self-healing. The pollution in his body was eliminated by himself.”

Chu Yan happily thumped the wall, then turned around and ran to tell his eldest brother and sister-in-law the good news.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yu shook her head amusedly. She turned around to persuade Chu Rong to go for a checkup, but saw that the Marshal was already by Qiao Zhiya’s side. His trembling hand was pressed against the healing pod’s glass, and it slowly clenched into a fist. 

She was taken aback. Her heart softened, she lowered her head and smiled. Not long after, she left the room, closing the door on her way out. 

It was midnight when Qiao Zhiya woke up again. Chu Rong, who seemed to have lost weight, was lying beside him.

The youth’s memory was a little fuzzy, and there was a feeling of grogginess after a long sleep.

He stared blankly with his eyes open, then got up in a daze. He shook Chu Rong beside him, his eyes a little aggrieved.

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Chu Rong, who was only half-asleep, opened his eyes immediately. Seeing the youth sitting, he was a little stunned, sat up and touched his forehead, and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?”

Qiao Zhiya by shaking his head, his response was still a bit dull. He leaned on the taller man, wrapped his arm around his neck, then buried his face on his chest. Then, Chu Rong heard sniffling sounds. 

“What’s wrong?” Chu Rong tightened his arms, patted him on the back comfortingly. He bowed down and kissed the youth’s forehead, feeling like his heart had been wrenched open. “Are you feeling uncomfortable? Wait a minute, I will call Zhuang Yu over, do you want emerald jade, you—”


The rumbling sound of Qiao Zhiya’s hungry stomach broke the atmosphere, making the youth feel more aggrieved. He buried his face deeper, and started to complain, “I’m so hungry… White-Haired Monster, why don’t you give me food… you said you want to feed me… I don’t want you anymore, I want to go home…” 

While talking, he hugged the Marshal harder. His voice was still hoarse and full of mumbling, obviously still not fully awake. 

Chu Rong: “…”

“I’m going to find Mom and Dad…” It seemed that Qiao Zhiya was so hungry that he  actually gnawed on him while he was talking. His small teeth didn’t look threatening at all, and his bite only itched a little. 

Chu Rong’s body tensed immediately, his hold tightened. Running purely on instinct, he got up with a frozen face, holding Qiao Zhiya’s head as he held him up. He directly reprimanded, “Dare to run away? Try it! What home do you go back to? This is your home. Be honest with me, and I’ll take you to eat.” 

“Why are you so fierce…” Qiao Zhiya really cried out pitifully.

Chu Rong froze in the face of this crybaby. He patted the youth’s head, while his expression only stiffened even further. He wasn’t used to appeasing someone, and he didn’t know what kind of expression he should have. He just tried to slow down his speech and made it sound as gentle as possible. “I’m not fierce… What do you want to eat, I’ll make it for you.”

“Can you cook?” Qiao Zhiya immediately stopped crying and raised his head to look at him.

There were still drops of tears on the youth’s long eyelashes. It softened Chu Rong’s heart when he saw it. His brows might be furrowed in impatience, but the gentleness of his tone was palpable. He held him firmly with one hand, and freed his hands to help wipe Qiao Zhiya’s tears. “You’re really stupid… I can cook. I’ll make you whatever you want.”

“Then I want to eat steak!” Qiao Zhiya immediately became happy. He tilted his head so he could lean on Chu Rong’s palm, and rubbed his face on it like a cat would.

Chu Rong’s face darkened. He refused, stating, “No, you just woke up, and you have been relying on nutritional supplements to replenish your energy. You can’t eat solid food, only liquid food to ease your digestive system.” 

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Immediately, Qiao Zhiya’s ears flattened down. He put his head on Chu Rong’s shoulder, and started to cry again. 

‘Why did this guy become so, so…’

“Stop crying!” Chu Rong scolded with a fierce expression. 

Qiao Zhiya tilted his head, his cry subsided, and his body began to tilt downward.

He was startled, quickly hugged him, and looked down again. Only to find that the crying youth just fell asleep with his mouth slightly open, as if the commotion just now was just sleepwalking.

‘This is really…’

Chu Rong stood there for a while, his expression changed. With the last thread of his patience snapped, he directly carried the youth back to the bedroom. 

‘…What a careless brat!’

The next morning, Qiao Zhiya finally fully woke up, with a ruddy complexion and great energy. He completely forgot what happened last night, and he didn’t remember most of the things that happened after he carried Chu Rong into the lounge. It seemed that he was in too much pain, so his brain directly resetted his memory. 

Zhuang Yu’s official explanation was as follows: “Although the radiation inhaled by Qiao Zhiya has been purified and healed by himself, it still has some effects. It will take time to slowly eliminate it. It should directly affect his consciousness and behavior.” 

After hearing this conclusion, Chu Rong remembered the troubled scene last night. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Qiao Zhiya. 

Qiao Zhiya, who was leaning on the bed and eating porridge, noticed his scrutiny. He looked up from the porridge bowl, wiped the rice grains from the corner of his mouth with a blushing face. His ears shyly fluttered as he pushed the bowl towards him. He whispered, “Are you hungry too? Here, I’ll share it with you.” 

“…No, I’m not hungry.” Chu Rong’s expression softened again, and he raised his hand to pat his much longer bangs. He fetched the side dish that was placed far away to Qiao Zhiya’s hand.

Qiao Zhiya smiled happily at him. He acted like a particularly affectionate cat. 

Chu Rong rubbed his ears cooperatively, but frowned slightly.

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The holiday ended so unknowingly, and the report of the start of the Intermediate College was about to begin, Chu Yan was very distressed about it.

“Qiao is not confused, he is completely stupid,” Chu Yan lay on the rattan chair in the garden. He looked at Qiao Zhiya, who was playing with a litter of rabbits on the grass, raised his hand and grabbed his own hair in stress, “This is terrible. What to do, school will start soon. He said before that he’ll take the skipping exam, right? How will he take the exam in this state???” 

Sitting beside him, Yuan Xiu also looked in Qiao Zhiya’s direction, wondering, “What’s so stupid? He is normal, he greeted me just now, there’s nothing wrong with him.”

“You don’t understand…” Chu Yan waved his hands, wanting to cry, “He does look normal at first glance, but as far as I can see, his mind is… muddled, to say the least. He acted like a child! Believe me, the old Qiao couldn’t do such a thing as crying when he was hungry.” 

“Huh?” Yuan Xiu was surprised, and then glanced at Qiao Zhiya not far away. His eyes widened in disbelief, “No way, he cries when he’s hungry? That’s too… then does he still remember what he learned?” 

Thinking of Zhuang Yu’s diagnosis, Chu Yan felt even more despaired. “I don’t know, don’t ask me. Erge is being super overprotective over Qiao, so I don’t dare to ask anything. I hope that Zhuang Yu-jie’s diagnosis is reliable, and Qiao will return to normal after a while.”

With Chu Rong’s name brought to the discussion, Yuan Xiu finally remembered his original business of coming here in the first place. He turned his head to look around, and asked in a low voice, “What is the situation in your family? What happened to Chu Rong? How is it that Qiao became stupid? The holidays are over, your Dage and Dasao have all gone back to work, but your family has never given an accurate statement. Your Erge also took a long vacation and didn’t go out at all, as if he was hiding something on purpose. Now the rumors are so evil. They said that your family is urgently looking for a substitute.”

“It’s all a mess,” Chu Yan sat up with a frown, waved his hand and said, “Isn’t the news already given? My Erge is already healed. Fully, completely healed. He’s stabilizing his spiritual strength, especially after that decade-long pollution. What are you talking about?” 

“Then, why haven’t you let anyone into your house?” Yuan Xiu continued to ask.

Chu Yan looked at Yuan Xiu like he was an idiot. “No visitor? Then, how did you come in? Yuan Xiu, is your brain even functioning properly now?” 

Yuan Xiu’s eyes widened and he lowered his head. Looking at himself, scratching his head, wondering: “Yes, then how did I get in?” 



A sharp spiritual force suddenly approached from behind. Yuan Xiu straightened his back instinctively, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the spiritual force.

“Relax, relax, it’s my Erge. He has been spiritually unstable recently, and he can’t control it, so he can’t go out at all,” Chu Yan patted his friend on the shoulder reassuringly. He then looked at Chu Rong, who was striding over with a cold face. He waved his hand and called out, “Erge! Why are you out, where is Zhuang Yu?”

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Chu Rong approached, first glanced at Qiao Zhiya’s direction, and then looked at Chu Yan. After making sure that he was fine, and waved his hand at him as a response. Then he looked at Yuan Xiu and said, “Do you know what to say when you leave the Chu family’s house and go to school?”

“Ah? Ah… oh oh oh, I know, I understand,” Yuan Xiu nodded vigorously. Realizing something, he replied, “But I won’t go to school today, it’s not time for the report yet.”

“No, you’re going,” Chu Rong replied, looked at Chu Yan again, and said, “You’re going too. Qiao Zhiya’s grade-skipping exam has been brought forward to today, and you guys should accompany him. Go, help him with the formalities to apply suspension from school.”

Chu Yan’s eyes widened out of shock, and he asked back, “Skipping exam? Qiao is still in this state?”

Chu Rong’s aura turned cold. His sharp spiritual power, which was not obvious at first, immediately became stronger. He circled around the two of them without breaking eye contact. Do you think h”e can’t handle a mere skipping exam?” 

‘Guardians who are blindly confident and have no brains to their darlings are really scary!’

Chu Yan and Yuan Xiu shook their heads in shock. Chu Yan quickly agreed, “No problem, no problem. Qiao will definitely pass the exam. Don’t worry, Erge. I promise to take Qiao out and bring him back later!”

Chu Rong was reluctantly satisfied. He suppressed his spiritual strength, nodded to them, turned around and strode to Qiao Zhiya. He hugged the youth and the rabbit directly, then walked towards the main house.

Yuan Xiu stared dumbfounded at Chu Rong who took Qiao Zhiya away intimately. It’s like a bolt of lighting struck him, a total eureka moment. He snapped his head to Chu Yan, stumbling over his words, “Your Erge… and, with… Qiao, they…why would they hug… so…”

“Calm down,” Chu Yan patted him on the shoulder and sagely sighed, as if he was an old man who had stormed various vicissitudes of life. With the tone of a wizened elder, he said,  “This is fate… Remember to keep it secret. My Erge still holds unrequited love towards Qiao. Before Qiao expresses his reply, you absolutely cannot meddle with this, understand?”

Yuan Xiu nodded stupidly, feeling like a typhoon passing through.

‘Just now when Chu Rong mentioned Qiao Zhiya’s state, did I have to keep it a secret too? Must I keep it?’

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