Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 65.1: 65.1

T/N: I just realized I’m very inconsistent when it comes to capitalizing names, e.g the major names and item names. So, I hope you’ll excuse me.

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=The Federation=

Qiao Zhiya: Half-elf, half-dwarf MC.
Chu Rong: Marshal ML.
Chu Yan: ML’s younger brother. Is the same age as MC.
Yuan Xiu: Chu Yan’s bestfriend.
Sang Bu: MC’s roommate. Used to be Information System major.

Xiang Kun: Chu Yan’s mortal enemy. Xiang Hui’s younger brother. Mecha manufacturing student.
Ning Kongran: Ning family current heir. Studying mecha manufacturing, unlike his family.
Xiang Jing: Xiang Kun’s paternal female cousin. 22 years old.
Ning Kongting: Ning Kongran’s female cousin. 19 years old.
You Yuanyuan: You Xia’s younger sister.

=The Empire=

An Leen: Imperial Princess.
An Tyn: Imperial Prince, An Leen’s twin brother.

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An Lita aka Ning Kong’an: The Emperor’s nephew, born from Prince An Xei and Ning Kongran’s aunt. Studies pharmacy.
An Xei: The Emperor’s younger brother. A Prince and a scholar.
Jexiu: Neitaxi’s son, studying mecha piloting.
Charmmi: The Imperial Royal Mecha Master Brendan’s granddaughter. Studies mecha manufacturing.
Feng: The Imperial High Advisor.
Jian: Imperial High Advisor’s son. Studies History.

After everything was packed, Qiao Zhiya invited Sang Bu to have lunch with him. But Sang Bu refused, saying that he was going to buy some daily necessities, and that he would drink nutritional supplements for lunch. Qiao Zhiya had no choice but to leave some snacks he brought for him and went out alone.

“I wondered before why I live with Yuan Xiu again, but it turned out to be specially arranged. Do you know who lives opposite me? Prince An Tyn and that Jexiu! It’s so deliberate and blatant, as their only defense was because we are all mecha pilot majors!” Chu Yan ranted as soon as he saw Qiao Zhiya, feeling a little agitated.

Qiao Zhiya frowned at the situation. “Ning Kong’an and Jian live across from me. The former is a pharmacy major, and the latter is a history major, neither of them is a mecha manufacturing major. Also, Xiang Kun and Ning Kongran live next door to me.”

“Xiang Kun and Ning Kongran live together?”

Chu Yan’s expression was contorted as he muttered, “Who arranged this accommodation, why does it feel so weird?” Xiang Kun and Ning Kongran actually lived together – it was a miracle that these two people who couldn’t get along were forced to be roommates. 

“Not only that, Princess An Leen and Master Brendan’s granddaughter Charmmi both lived in the building of the Art Academy, and Ning Kongting also moved from the dormitory of the pharmacy major to the opposite of them.” Yuan Xiu added. 

An Leen was studying art, a fairly unpopular major in the Federal Military Academy. She focused on the very specific subject of spiritual power assistance. Her studies involve how to integrate spiritual power into various artistic activities to improve enjoyment, which was very suitable for her. And in order to accommodate her as the Imperial Princess, Charmmi had to live in the art building rather than in the mecha manufacturing building. 


There was no problem with this arrangement, but Ning Kongting, who is already in the second grade, was specially arranged there… It’s weird.

The three of them fell silent, frowning and thinking about the purpose of this dormitory arrangement.

“Every imperial student is surrounded by children from the Four Great Families…” Chu Yan pointed at the table, unknowingly imitating Chu Rong’s little habit. “Looking at it this way, it’s only the three of us who live in the same place. At the very least, our arrangement is very comfortable, we like our roommates.” 

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Qiao Zhiya looked at him. As he mulled over something, his ears twitched. “When I was in intermediate college, Chu Rong once asked me for Sang Bu’s name and checked his background. He didn’t tell me the result of the investigation, but only Said that Sang Bu is fine. And now, he lives with me again.”

Yuan Xiu was taken aback with this information. “Could it be that Marshal Chu made this dormitory arrangement?” 

“No, I think it should be after the Four Great Families made a compromise with each other. But my Erge must have the upper hand,” Chu Yan shook his head as he replied. Then, he unknowingly snorted, then began to gloat, “Anyway, it must be Erge who arranged Ning Kongran and Xiang Kun to live together, let them keep each other in check. With Xiang Kun’s temperament, I think he’ll be angry every day by living with Ning Kongran.” 

Qiao Zhiya hastily tugged at him, signaling him to keep his voice down. After all, they were sitting in the hall of the cafeteria, not a private room.

Chu Yan quickly calmed his expression down.


“But Ning Kongting… I don’t understand this arrangement,” Yuan Xiu frowned to express his opinion.

Chu Yan no longer struggled with this, raised his arm and patted him on the shoulder. “You don’t need to understand. Isn’t the Ning family hellbent on being neutral? It’s just right to arrange Ning Kongting there. Xiang Jing, who represents the Xiang family, and the President’s wife’s natal family’s You Yuanyuan isn’t suitable for getting too close to Princess An Leen. There are only a few girls of the right age in the Four Great Families. The older ones are married, and the younger ones are still in junior and intermediate colleges. Isn’t there only one Ning Kongting left? Besides, the Ning family has always been—”

Yuan Xiu suddenly poked him, and pointed to the cafeteria door with his eyes.

The three looked over and saw Ning Kongting and Princess An Leen walking side-by-side, chatting and laughing. They seemed to have a good relationship. Ning Kongting’s attitude was very enthusiastic, which did not conform to the usual low-key and neutral style of the Ning family.

Chu Yan smacked his lips and squinted his eyes. “The Ning family has been a bit interesting recently.”

All the seniors of the Ning family kept a distance from Prince An Xei, but the juniors had frequent contact with each other. Ning Kong’an chased Ning Kongran every day, and now Ning Kongting is getting close to Princess An Leen. It culminated in an odd feeling. 

Qiao Zhiya withdrew his gaze, and said hesitantly, “Maybe it’s just a coincidence? After all, both Ning Kong’an and An Leen have some close relatives with the Ning family.” 

In this case, no matter how young they are, everyone is a genius. Even if they are a little stupid, such as Xiang Kun, the adults in their family will still discipline you wisely.

Chu Yan changed his mind, and he didn’t want to let him worry about it, so he nodded along with his words. Putting on a jovial bluff, he said, “I guess so… Forget it, let’s not talk about it. I’m so hungry, why hasn’t the food come out yet?”

After lunch, everyone went back to their dormitories to pack their things, and they didn’t get together for dinner — the distance between several campuses was not close. Plus, the training was tomorrow, so everyone needed to get ready. 

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Qiao Zhiya cleaned the room and made the bed, and adjusted the starnet cabin provided by the school. After everything was done, he saw Sang Bu walk in. He hurriedly went out to call him, handed a small box over, and said, “Tomorrow is training, here’s for you.”

Sang Bu glanced at the living room where all the “clutter” had been taken away, leaving only sofas and a few pieces of furniture. He was moved. He looked at Qiao Zhiya as he took the box and asked, “What is it?” 

“I made some potions,” Qiao Zhiya replied, and added with a little embarrassment, “The one with the silver package is a medicine made by a doctor, while the one with the green package is a potion I made. The silver one is better, and when you’re tired from training, you can use them.” 

Surprised, Sang Bu asked, “You can make potions?”

“Only the basic ones,” Qiao Zhiya replied, a little guilty.

In fact, after his magic power was upgraded again, he was able to make high-level potions. However, mid-level and high-level potions were too powerful, so he only gave Sang Bu low-level ones so he wouldn’t appear suspicious. 

“Thank you.” Sang Bu put away the medicine, looked him up and down again, then suddenly stepped forward to hug him. “For the next five years, please give me more advice.”

A smile appeared on his lips as Qiao Zhiya enthusiastically hugged him back. He nodded vigorously too. “Yeah!” 

After delivering the potion to Sang Bu, while Xiang Kun was away, he went next door to deliver a box of potion to Ning Kongran. In return, the older student gave him a box of snacks. 

Dinner was settled with Sang Bu in the dormitory. Sang Bu took out a bunch of kitchen utensils from his space button and cooked a table of dishes in the dormitory. Qiao Zhiya was dumbfounded.

Of course, the reason for staring at him was because of the “little situations” that Sang Bu keeps on getting. His physical behavior disorder1not as in his personality or having a mental disorder. But more like he has an unspecified inability to do complex physical tasks smoothly. For example, he has poor hand-brain coordination, lesser physical constitution, etc. became more serious when he was doing some complicated things, but it could be seen that he was trying to overcome it. 

After the meal was served, Sang Bu put away the kitchen utensils and explained calmly, “This is a practice method I came up with myself. Mecha manufacturing requires hand-brain coordination. I still have a long way to go.” 

Qiao Zhiya remembered his previous experience.

Originally, Sang Bu was studying information system, which mainly used his mind. Since he transferred to mecha manufacturing, Qiao Zhiya knew that he must have made a lot of effort to accomplish that. 

Sang Bu looked at him, a slight smile appeared on his expressionless face, and then disappeared quickly.

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Before going to bed, Qiao Zhiya hesitated for a while before going to the starnet cabin. But in the end, he didn’t go, and instead hid himself inside the quilt with his head tucked in. ‘Ah, wait, wait, wait. I’ll wait until the training is over. After that, I’ll confess and apologize to the bearded teacher.’ 

At six o’clock in the morning, a piercing siren sounded from the school’s public address equipment, resounding throughout the campus, awakening all the freshmen in their sleep. Then, a serious voice sounded, “Assemble in the main square in a quarter of an hour. After gathering, line up according to your major. The major with the worst efficiency will be punished to run 5 kilometers.”

Qiao Zhiya woke up instantly, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. When he left the room, he heard the sound of Sang Bu falling down. Thinking of Sang Bu’s condition, he rushed over and opened the door. Seeing Sang Bu fell on the ground in a panic, he hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked, “Where did you fall? Does it hurt?” 

Sang Bu shook his head and walked along the road. He stood up relying on his own strength with a frown. “Let’s go. We need to go fast, you go first.”  He fell down again when he walked, and it was even worse when he ran. If they walked together, he would only slow Qiao Zhiya down.

Qiao Zhiya frowned. He simply turned around and walked in front of him, with his arms carrying Sang Bu behind his back, he rushed towards the door of the dormitory.

“You…” Sang Bu was stunned.

“Hey, it’s okay to ask someone to help you. You’re not less independent for that,” Qiao Zhiya interrupted him and rushed downstairs. “We both need to gather quickly. Let me help you this time.” 

Looking at his wind-blown hair and ears pricked in between, Sang Bu’s eyes softened. He slung his arms around the blond youth’s neck and nodded. stretched his arms around his neck, and nodded. “Okay,”he mumbled. 

There were many students pouring out of the building, and after leaving the dormitory building, everyone took out their space buttons. After getting out of the school-issued hover car from it, it turned out that the vehicle was out of order. After being stunned for a while, someone cursed the inhumanity of the school and started running towards the main square.

Qiao Zhiya was the first to notice something wrong with the fluctuations in the air, likely a wave to disrupt the vehicle from working. Knowing that, he kept running past many people, galloping quickly and leaving shocked students with his chic-looking back. 

“Fuck! Who is that, running so fast and leaving everyone behind!” Someone couldn’t help exclaiming.

Jian slowly speed-walked past the exclaiming student. He looked at Qiao Zhiya, who had turned into a black speck in the horizon. He replied in a light tone, “He’s the only double SS-level genius this year, the fiance of your Federal’s Marshal, Qiao Zhiya.” 

The interjected indifferent answer stunned him for a moment, and then he noticed that Jian was running very slowly but looked pale and dying. He rolled his eyes and took the initiative to pick him up and put him on his back while running. “For the sake of everyone being a professional, let me help you. Really, you are so weak. How did you get in?” 

Jian looked at the back of his dark head and replied flatly, “I… I’m not a professional. I’ll repay you later.” 

The boy who carried him waved his hand indifferently and said, “Okay, okay, let’s save some energy and talk less, there’s still training today… Really, the school is big, so there must be all kinds of strange people mixed about.”

1not as in his personality or having a mental disorder. But more like he has an unspecified inability to do complex physical tasks smoothly. For example, he has poor hand-brain coordination, lesser physical constitution, etc.

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