Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 65.2: 65.2


The main square was located next to the art school building. It was the farthest from A campus, where the mecha piloting department and command department were located. The next farthest was B campus, where the mecha manufacturing department was located. 

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Qiao Zhiya ran with the school’s map on display. Within 10 minutes of arriving, he found the location of the mecha manufacturing major. He put Sang Bu down, looked around without blushing nor panting, and flipped through the school map. “The location of this main square is really perfect.”

Simply put, it just allowed each major to run a distance that met the minimum physical requirements of the major.

“Yeah,” Sang Bu nodded, and found that they were the first mecha manufacturing students to arrive. He glanced at Qiao Zhiya again, and silently looked away.

Some things are really incomparable, and the comparison hurts feelings.

A quarter of an hour is obviously not enough time for all the professionals to come here, and those who could come here within the specified time were all the best in physical strength, and there were only a few couple ones for each profession.

At a quarter past six, all the lights in the square were turned on. A serious-looking middle-aged soldier led a group of fearsome officers to the high platform in front of the square. With a harsh glare, he looked at the students arriving below. “You are the squad leaders for the next month. I will give you a quarter of an hour to complete the team integration!” 

Qiao Zhiya was taken aback, but before he could react, the two people next to him raised his hand and said, “Report!” in unison. 

The officer on the high platform looked over and motioned for them to say.

Sang Bu put down his hand, and looked back at Jian who was also letting go of his hand behind him. He vaguely knew that the other party’s identity was unusual, so he turned sideways and motioned for him to speak first.

Jian was not polite, pointed to the tall and strong man beside her, and said, “Sir, I was carried by him, not by myself, so I am not qualified to be the squad leader.” 

The officer frowned then scrutinized him. He saw that Jian wasn’t in good health, so he didn’t say anything. Then, he looked at Sang Bu again, motioning for him to speak.


“I was also carried here.” Sang Bu didn’t expect that someone was in the same situation as himself. After a simple answer, he pointed to Qiao Zhiya beside him, and replied in detail, “I have symptoms of physical behavior disorder, and I can’t walk or run fast. It was my roommate who carried me all the way from the dormitory.”

The officer did not expect that two weak chickens would appear before the freshman training started this time. His eyes swept back and forth between Qiao Zhiya and the tall youth, and finally landed on Qiao Zhiya. He carefully scrutinized his appearance. But based on the principle of trusting the students, he still looked away and said, “It’s good to know how to help comrades in arms. Then you two will be the squad leaders. In addition, since you two helped people to the end, I’ll leave the training to you two. Alright, let’s line up.”

Jian immediately looked at Qiao Zhiya and said, “Hi, squad leader, please take good care of me.” 

Qiao Zhiya: “…”

The strong and tall youth’s mouth twitched. Looking back and forth between the weak chicken Jian and the beautiful Sang Bu, finally at Qiao Zhiya who was also equally beautiful, weak-looking, but physically strong, he only helplessly looked at the white sky. He introduced himself resignedly, “My name is Ling Yi. I’m majoring in mecha manufacturing, Class 3.” 

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“Qiao Zhiya, mecha manufacturing major, Class 1.” 

“Sang Bu, mecha manufacturing major, Class 1.” 

“Jian, history major, Class 1.” 


Ling Yi looked at Jian, and Jian looked back, and said plainly: “I told you that my major is different from yours, but I will train with you.” 


The training intensity of the history major was much easier than that of the mecha manufacturing department. And yet, this weak chicken came here… is he trying to court death? 

As time marched on, students arrived one after another. Ling Yi looked at Qiao Zhiya again, scratched his hair as he grew bewildered. “It’s time to line up, but how can we make everyone listen to us?”

 They must have heard what the officer said before. But they were all at an age when their ego was ballooning up, so how could they easily obey the arrangement of a strange peer? 

Hearing this, Qiao Zhiya looked at the students who were loosely gathered in the mecha manufacturing area. He glanced at Ning Kongran who was quietly standing behind, and Xiang Kun, who clearly just woke up with messy hair. He walked to the front, and took out a large piece of ore emitting a faint halo and smashed it to the ground with a loud “bang!”.

They were all students of the mecha manufacturing department, and they were very sensitive to materials. When something came out from his side, everyone’s eyes moved over.

Qiao Zhiya took out his small hammer again, and smashed the hard ore easily, making a loud noise to refresh everyone’s minds. Finally, he raised his voice and ordered, “Class 1 stands here, and you all line up in two lines according to height. “

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t move.

Qiao Zhiya looked at them silently, easily picked up half of the broken ore, put it on the other side, and said, “Class 2 will stand here, also go line yourself according to height.”


Still no one moved, only ten minutes left on the clock. 

Qiao Zhiya ignored them, and took out a few ores of different textures, arranged them one by one according to the class, until eight classes were filled, and then walked to the front of the crowd. He glanced at the time, and touched the spiritual simulation on the ear. Using spiritual power, he amplified his voice and imbued them with power. “There are only five minutes left, are you going to run 5 kilometers?”

Obviously his tone was the same as before, but everyone suddenly felt a little chilled, as if there was a very sharp force floating around them.

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A smile flashed in Ning Kongran’s eyes. He walked out first, standing next to the ore representing Class 2.

Xiang Kun glared at Qiao Zhiya in an even more unhappy mood, but he also stood in the area for Class 2. Because he was shorter than Ning Kongran, he stood in front of Ning Kongran very reluctantly.

The members of the Four Great Families followed suit, and the rest of the people looked at each other and began to stand in line one after another. Seeing this, Ling Yi glanced at Qiao Zhiya, and hurriedly stepped forward to help organize them.

At the time limit, the mecha manufacturing majors stood in sixteen lines according to the their class. Although it didn’t look very neat, it was barely okay. It was much better than the situation where some other majors were still clustered together.

The officer on the high platform took a step forward on time, without saying nonsense, he pointed to a mountain on the side of the military academy that was converted into a training ground. “I will give you one morning to climb to the top of the mountain, and the warships of the military department will be there waiting for you. And you…”

He pointed to the art major, whose lines were the poorest. He ordered, “Run 5 kilometers before you can start climbing.” 

The students of the art major let out a wail. The officer stopped sharply and said, “Add another kilometer! Start now! Run!” 

The students immediately quieted down, and looked at each other. Reluctantly, they walked to the runway beside the square, and started running sullenly. After they started running, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared from the corner, following them with neat steps and serious expressions.

Only then did the students of other majors realize that there were actually a lot of soldiers hidden in the area around the square where the lights didn’t shine. They froze in their hearts, calmed down, and followed the instructions of the officers on the high platform to line up and run towards the mountain. 

Ling Yi couldn’t stand Jian’s slow speed and his in-verge-of-death expression. So he picked him up again.

Qiao Zhiya also picked up Sang Bu and ran at the forefront of the mecha manufacturing major.

“This is not appropriate,” Sang Bu frowned, thinking about running up the mountain by himself.


Qiao Zhiya shook his head and replied. “It’s okay, it’s not completely bright yet. The road up the mountain is too steep, it’s safer for me to carry you up.” 

“Actually, it’s better for us to change,” Jian said leisurely on Ling Yi’s back, analyzing, “Qiao’s height is more suitable for carrying me, Ling Yi is more suitable for carrying Sang Bu. Why don’t we change?” 

Sang Bu hesitated, but he knew that Jian was right. He was taller than both Qiao Zhiya and Jian. It would be easier for Qiao Zhiya to carry Jian than him. 

“No, thank you,” Qiao Zhiya directly refused, and then speeded up again. He felt Jian was strange, he didn’t want to be too close to him. 

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The corner of Ling Yi’s mouth twitched, and he wanted to throw this person on his back. Despite his best effort to keep civil, he inevitably said, “SS-level freak.” 

“Sorry, I’m also SS-level. When you curse, you can add more specification to avoid insulting the wrong people,” Jian casually commented. 

Ling Yi said angrily, “You’re the one I’m scolding! Aren’t you going to repay me? If you don’t speak up, that’s the best repayment for me!” H

He had already learned from others just now that this guy had a “brilliant” background. !

As expected, Jian shut up. After a while, he quietly said, “The reward you asked for is really expensive.”

“…” So why did he have to be so mean to others before!

At the back of the team, Xiang Kun couldn’t help cursing. “SS-level freak!!” Running so fast while carrying another, why is he still so full of energy! 

Ning Kongran, who was running behind him, suddenly spoke, and said lightly, “I heard that Chu Yan’s physical aptitude is about to rise to SS-level.” 

Xiang Kun’s expression twisted even more. He said angrily, “I’m scolding him too! Why the fuck does the Chu family members so monstrous! Just wait for me!” 

‘After arriving at the real training ground and entering the Xiang family’s territory, let’s see how they can act!’ 

On the other side, in the art major area, Charmmi looked worriedly at An Leen, who was almost out of breath. “Princess, are you okay?”

Although An Leen’s physical aptitude is not low, she rarely exercises. It must be hard for her to run such a long distance. 

“It’s okay…” An Leen tried her best to adjust her breathing so that her physical strength would not be exhausted too quickly. With a certain kind of firm light in her eyes, she said, “I can do it… definitely can do it.” 

‘I can’t embarrass my Ge, absolutely not!’ 

Running from dawn to the full rise of the sun, Qiao Zhiya climbed to the top of the mountain. He took a look at the large warship parked on the top platform with the hatch door wide open as he brushed away his sweaty bangs. He put down the Sang Bu, and put away the ore that had been collected before to arrange his major’s line. 

After he stepped up, Ling Yi let go of Jian, and directly collapsed on the ground. He was panting so hard he couldn’t speak. 

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Jian squatted beside him and poked him with his finger. “You can’t lie down, get up and walk around slowly, drink some medicine to help you recover.”

Ling Yi rolled his eyes, turned his back to him. It’s better to ignore this annoying boy. 

“Didn’t you want a reward?” Jian said lightly behind him, and added: “Here you go.” 

Ling Yi couldn’t help but sit up, brushed his sweat-soaked hair, and looked at him speechlessly. As he panted, he managed to say, “You… huff, huff…. What kind of repayment are you… I’ll take a break before walking, please forgive me.” 

Jian took out a potion and stuffed it directly into his mouth, shaking her head. “You can’t rest lying down like that. Resting immediately after exercising has a chance of sudden death.”

“…Don’t curse me, I beg you,” Ling Yi resigned to his fate and stood up, walking very slowly with the medicine in his mouth, regretting that he helped this weak-chicken freak. 

For more than an hour after that, students kept arriving at the top of the mountain. During this period, the officers came up on the hover car, stood in the cabin of the warship, and watched them. They didn’t say to let them board the ship, and there were no other arrangements.

The mecha manufacturing major students automatically lined up according to the ore after arriving, and then sat down to rest on the spot. They were completely convinced by Qiao Zhiya’s abnormal physical strength. After all, when they were all resting breathlessly, Qiao Zhiya was still full of energy. He was no longer comparable to them. 

Similar to Qiao Zhiya’s relaxed response, Chu Yan’s side also went smoothly. He went up the mountain with Yuan Xiu early on, saw Qiao Zhiya looking over from a distance, and waved happily, attracting all the students around to look at Qiao Zhiya.

An Tyn, who usually lacked exercise, stood not far from Chu Yan in a slightly embarrassed manner. He turned his eyes around Jian behind Qiao Zhiya, frowned, and looked away.

At about eleven o’clock, the last student almost reached the top of the mountain by climbing. The officer finally made a movement and waved behind him. Then several rows of officers came out in line, and each of them spread out to stand in front of the professional teams.

“Formally assemble the team before lunch, and then set off.”

After the order was issued, all the officers who came in front of the professional teams got into action, and began to organize the students efficiently. During the action, they all skillfully called out the name of each student. 

Qiao Zhiya was placed at the front because of his height, and he was separated from Sang Bu and Ling Yi. Next to him was Jian, who was equally as short. 

“Remember to save me,” Jian suddenly whispered as soon as the officer walked to the back.

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