Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 74.3: 74.3


Afterwards, the official held two rounds for the rest of the categories. Time flew by and for Qiao Zhiya, his first semester was completed after finishing the final exam with flying colors.

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On the third day after the official holiday, the most important round – the final – began. 

At 7:30 in the evening, Qiao Zhiya teleported into the player’s room, took out his own design and looked at it again, then he breathed out. Finally only the last step left, he must be successful. He must be.

Flashing in front of him, Chu Rong’s figure appeared in front of him, reaching out to him. “Come here.”

Qiao Zhiya smiled, rushed forward without hesitation, then kissed him. 

Chu Rong bowed his head and kissed him back. Touching his head, he said, “I will look at you from below.”

“Mn.” Qiao Zhiya nodded as he rested his head on Chu Rong’s chest. He listened to his heartbeat and said with conviction: “I will succeed.”

The two held each other silently. Chu Rong left before the game began. Qiao Zhiya sat back in front of the console and opened the soundproof barrier in advance – this time, he couldn’t be distracted at all.

At 8:00, all the parts he has made since the first round of competition appeared on the workbench. He immediately got up, recalled the installation sequence he had familiarized himself with, and started to move.

The audience who did not get the usual greetings saw him start the assembly directly, stopped to cheer and scream, but looked nervous.

First, the youth set up the basic skeleton, then vacated the position of the engine, and slowly installed the parts outward from the center, layer by layer, point by point, until the final protective shell was installed.

Qiao Zhiya didn’t know how long the time had passed, he didn’t have time to pay attention. He only had this mecha in his eyes.


Compared to complex engine production, assembling mecha was actually simpler, which can be seen from the competition time. It’s like building with lego. The lego parts are all available already, and he only needed to put them together. 

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Finally, he carefully installed the engine, and then installed the outer mecha shell. A black-gold mecha that was much taller than the regular mecha appeared in the middle of the stage. 

The audience could not help but begin to be jealous of Chu Rong again. Especially when they watch that Qiao Zhiya started to carefully dye the outer shell with black paint. 

Qiao Zhiya took a step back and looked at the outside that seemed to have finished. But only he knew that it was actually a semi-finished tall mecha. Then, as Luo Li did last year, he sat at the mecha’s feet, and started to gather spiritual power. 

The second-to-last step in the assembly of the mecha, the spiritual force combing, has begun.

In the eyes of the audience, the black mecha on the stage gradually became translucent, and each part became colored based on their degree of finishing. Then they were shocked to find that the color of all parts of the mecha was actually uniform! In other words, this mecha in Qiao Zhiya basically does not need to be combed, because it has reached perfect fusion at the time it was made! 

Fuck! How can this happen? So far, no mecha maker has been able to perfectly control the spiritual force response between them when making mecha parts, even a famous master!

The spectators got agitated, and then started urging Qiao Zhiya to immediately start the final step of assembling the mecha — installing the driving system and protection system, and complete the game as soon as possible!


They can’t wait to see how the completed mecha moves!

On the stage, Qiao Zhiya did not do as they wished, but slowly spread his spiritual energy into the mecha. Instead of scouring the mecha as Luo Li did, he began to use spiritual power to strengthen the joints of parts of the mecha. 

Manual driving will depend heavily on the performance of the mecha, so he wants to insure it to be as perfect as possible. Besides the typical spiritual driving system, he treated this mecha as a manually-driven one. 

The audience stopped urging and only blankly looked at Qiao Zhiya, puzzled. 

“This kid is …” Master Shang couldn’t help but chuckled and looked at Luo Li.

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“Master, don’t talk, I know I’m not as good as my junior brother. Please show me some mercy.” Luo Li quickly waved his hand to block his words, and has long been completely convinced by his junior brother’s mightiness. 

Master Shang’s words were blocked, so all he could do was to glare at Luo Li. He turned to look at Qiao Zhiya, who was sitting quietly on the stage, smiling even more happily, “The younger generation is very good, indeed.” 

He believed that not long after this, the Federation will have another Mecha Master. 

Finally strengthening the joints to his satisfaction, Qiao Zhiya stood up, suppressed the urge to immediately begin to study the manual driving system. With a stretched face, he installed the spiritual driving system and said silently in his heart, ‘I’m sorry, I have to wrong you for the time being. I’ll install the correct system sometime later.’ 

After installing the driving system, he turned to the mecha’s weapon slot and installed the short dagger. The installation and commissioning of the protective system began only after completion.


Three minutes before the game was over, everything was finally done. He took a deep breath, climbed into the mecha cockpit, and turned the mecha on.

“Hello, my maker, please give me a name.”

An electronic voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit. Qiao Zhiya took a moment to look at the mechanical smiley face on the screen, his heart jumped with excitement. He whispered, “Rong Tian, ​​your name is Rong Tian.”

[Ding! Congratulations to , who finished the round. Your competition position will be announced in ten minutes. Please take a break.]

A system prompt rang. He sat cross-legged in the cockpit, letting out a long sigh. He suddenly felt a sense of emptiness after completing a certain goal.

At this step, he was already satisfied. He doesn’t care what the ranking is, and there are too many changes he wants to make for this mecha in the future. Plus, it’s necessary to reserve a place to install a pure manual driving system, there will definitely be some redundant data on the test data he will discard.

Plus, because of the mismatched driving system, the overall performance will definitely be lower. It’s not that the spiritual driving system is inferior, it’s just that the different adjustments made cannot be efficiently used by the spiritual driving system. 

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All in all, there are thousands of finalists, and he doesn’t think he will get a good ranking, there are too many people better than him. If it weren’t for the maximum age set in for the competition, he might not have even won the top 1,000.

‘So… it’s over, isn’t it time to confess?’

The manual driving system has not been developed yet, and he has not been able to successfully make a firearm. He has just thought of a way to increase the power of the attacking magic array for firearms, but he has not had time to conduct further experiments.

Outside of the mecha, the audience cheered to celebrate the end of the game. Seeing that Qiao Zhiya was slow to come out, they guessed that he might be crying inside the cockpit. 

Five minutes later, a mid-air system prompt popped out – a new bet had begun. 

There is no such thing as promotion and elimination in the finals. They can only bet on the ranking a contestant will place, so the bet will only be opened after a contestant finishes their round. This bet is also the last and the most exciting bet of all. 

On the holographic screen there are options: whether to bet the contestant will place within top 3, top 10, top 50, top 100, or top 1000. Each with different odds, with the top 3 had the highest odds and payouts. The bet is restricted to the audience in the player room, so it means that the audience in Qiao Zhiya’s room can only bet for Qiao Zhiya’s ranking placement.

Qiu Guangji in the corner saw this bet as he thought of Ning Kongran’s explanation. oOr the first time, he didn’t follow his friend’s suggestion and did not place a bet. ‘He’s kinda crazy, but I’m not. There were many powerful players in this competition. Although Qiao Zhiya’s performance is very eye-catching, placing in the top 3 is still impossible. Ahh… Kongran, you are going nuts lately.’ 


Other relatives and friends who have always supported Qiao Zhiya in betting for his promotion also hesitated. Then dispelled the idea of ​​betting – the ranking thing really is not accurate, and might as well not give money to the competition’s officials. 

Audiences other than them have nothing to worry about, and have started betting one after another. The amount of money for the “top 100” and “top 1000” options began to increase madly. In contrast, the bet amount and the number of people in the “top 3” and “top 10” is zero. 

On the whole, the audience ’s expectations for Qiao Zhiya ’s ranking are not too high. After all, Qiao Zhiya is too young. This is his first time assembling a complete mecha. Ranking in the top 100 is already a sign of his amazing skill. 

Chu Rong was very worried about Qiao Zhiya, who didn’t come out from the cockpit. Seeing that there were still some people who bet on “top 1000”, his mood became even more unpleasant. He operated his own system console, and soon, the ID of “Rong Tian” appeared, hanging high in the first place, and the amount of bets was more than any previous time.

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The audience was shocked. Marshal Chu actually bet on Qiao Zhiya placing in the top 3? Some of them are even afraid for betting on the top 100, and yet, Marshal Chu dared… Ah, he really went crazy because of love. 

If the youth knows that the Marshal is giving money to the tournament official, will he be angry with him?

The amount of money on the betting screen stopped for a moment, and then slowly increased again. Again, nobody dared to buy beyond “top 100”. 

Chu Yan stared at the tall and mighty mecha on the stage, remembering the miracles repeatedly created by Qiao Zhiya… and bought “top 3”. 

“Are you crazy?” Yuan Xiu couldn’t help pulling his arm.

“You also said that Erge will reimburse my loss. If I, as Qiao’s family, doesn’t support him, wouldn’t he be sad?”  Chu Yan said, his gaze swept across the open cockpit door of the mecha with worry.

‘This is not right. Why didn’t Qiao come out to find Erge after finishing? Is he really crying with excitement?’

Time suddenly slowed down like molasses. Five minutes later, the betting game was closed. A large number of ribbon fireworks suddenly floated over the player’s room. Then, big, bold, golden-lettered words appeared mid-air, reflecting everyone’s shocked face.

[Congratulations to the contestant Qiao for winning the 1106 Star Network Mecha Manufacturing Championship! Thank you for your wonderful experience! The awards ceremony will begin later, please be prepared for transmission.]

The audience froze, Qiao Zhiya froze, all looking up at the line of golden reminders, full of question marks.

‘First place? How can it be?’

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