Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 75.1: 75.1

Character ListQiao Zhiya: Half-elf, half-dwarf MC.

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Chu Rong: Marshal ML.
Ren Mo: aka Master Ren. A mecha master making full manually-piloted mecha.
Chu Yan: ML’s younger brother. Is the same age as MC.
Yuan Xiu: Chu Yan’s bestfriend.
Xiang Kun: Chu Yan’s mortal enemy. Xiang Hui’s younger brother. Mecha manufacturing student.
Qiu Guangji: Ning Kongran’s best friend.
Bearded Teacher aka Master Shang: Qiao Zhiya’s Mecha teacher in VR. Chu Rong’s mother’s teacher. Is currently a mecha manufacturing teacher.
Luo Li: Qiao Zhiya’s senior older brother. He won the online Mecha Manufacturing Contest. Now Qiao Zhiya’s (and Sang Bu’s) homeroom teacher. Advertisement

The ribbons are still floating, the fireworks are still playing, but the champion has not come out of the mecha. The audience is still shocked silent, and time feels suspended. At this moment, no one believed that Qiao Zhiya actually won the championship.

“Fucking amazing!” 

Someone from the audience cursed with emotion. And that’s the first stone that breaks the silence. First they looked at each other for a few seconds then at the ground, and then sighed in disbelief.

‘The first? Really first? Marshal Chu actually won the bet too?’

‘No no no! how can that be! Qiao Zhiya is just a freshman, he is only 18 years old! Before this competition, he had never made a mecha in reality!’ 

‘All the other famous players in the competition have been bulldozed by such a complete mecha-making newcomer? All the intermediate and advanced mechas they made were lost compared to this guy’s creation?’

‘This is unscientific! We are prepared for this mecha to be unusable! We were all ready to wait for Qiao Zhiya to come out of the cockpit and applaud him! The fans even prepared a comfort salute in advance!’

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“Oh my God…” Qiu Guangji in the corner stared at the golden system reminder still hanging mid-air. He poked it, then blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t seeing hallucinations. He then slapped his forehead as he nursed a budding headache. 

He really placed first. He didn’t believe his friend, and he can only hope Ning Kongran would be content in letting Qiu Guangji change his surname and not chopping him down. In his defense, he never imagined that this Native, freshman boy could really take first place. This is unscientific! He’s over!!

Meanwhile, Chu Yan was flabbergasted, and Yuan Xiu besides him couldn’t believe his eyes either. 

‘Qiao won first place? Won the whole competition? He’s really the champion? Is the system an error??’ 

Master Shang was also looking at the golden prompt in mid-air. After his mind returned, he smiled and touched his beard. “He really won.” 


Luo Li looked at him and asked, “What is it? Master, did you expect it earlier? Why?”

“Why? That’s a good question. You are all deceived by Qiao’s age and thin resume. His mecha is completed under all of our eyes. If you think about it, you will know why.”

Master Shang waved his hand and continued to sigh, “To this day, Ren Mo and I are no longer qualified to be Qiao’s masters. He is too good to get today’s achievements at such an age. We are nothing compared to him. You are right, he is a genius, and a genius who can learn on his own. We can only be the one who leads him and provides him with learning resources. We cannot be his master. “

Luo Li froze, finally realizing what his master meant. 

‘Not qualified to be a master of Qiao Zhiya? Does this mean that Qiao Zhiya will become a Master with them in the future? Or even … higher?’

Not far from them, Master Ren, who came alone to watch the game, suddenly raised his hand and applauded merrily. 

He watched Qiao Zhiya grow step by step to the present. At this moment, he felt very fortunate. After discovering the peculiarities of his metal dolls back then, he immediately brought Qiao Zhiya, who was not very familiar with the common language at that time, into the mecha manufacturing world.

Such a genius. If they all missed him, it would be the greatest loss to the Federation and humanity.


Qiao Zhiya in the mecha raised his head and repeatedly confirmed that the system prompt was true. Then he walked out of the mecha cockpit with suspicion, and put the mecha into a space that the system requested. Then he turned off the soundproof barrier. He immediately zeroed in on Chu Rong. With a dumbed expression, he whispered to him, “I won.”

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Chu Rong looked at his frightened look, and felt tickled. He replied, “It’s only right.” 

In fact, the two could not hear each other’s voice. Qiao Zhiya didn’t open up, and the auditorium was very noisy. Everyone vented their emotions, and they didn’t even find Qiao Zhiya to speak.

The audience who had slowly recovered from the shock was screaming and cheering at him. The consolation salute prepared before became a celebration salute. The sky above the auditorium was again drowned by special effects such as fireworks and various “congratulations”. It was very colorful and festive. 

Qiao Zhiya looked at all of this, and gradually faded away, looking sideways at the space button lying quietly on the console. He realized that he could frame the winning certificate and gifted it to Chu Rong. 

Excited and joyous feelings came to mind. He looked at Chu Rong again, then slowly turned his eyes to the cheering and noisy auditorium. In the end, he could only repeat, “I won.” 

The auditorium was quiet, and then the audience cheered and screamed more enthusiastically, responding wildly to his words.

“Yes! you win! At the age of 18, you won the Star Network Mecha Manufacturing Competition! The youngest champions ever! You created a record!”

“You are the best!”

Various shouts came from all directions. Qiao Zhiya stood in the center, but only looked ahead again at Chu Rong. For the first time since this round began, Chu Rong showed a clear, genuine smile. 


Qiao Zhiya looked back. His chest felt stuffy. He blinked then lowered his head. 

‘It turned out that Chu Rong’s real smile was so good-looking. Ahh, I’m so glad I won.’ 

“Thank you all.”

He looked up, shouted loudly with red eyes, and bowed towards the auditorium for a long time.

Some emotional audiences saw him flushed and couldn’t help crying. They followed him for three months, and it’s all so worth it! 

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The system prompt appears at the right time. The countdown starts and all spectators and players will be teleported into the awards room.

The space button on the console disappeared, and Qiao Zhiya stood up at the end of the countdown, looking at Chu Rong sitting in the middle, grinning a silly smile at him.

Chu Rong’s eyes moved suddenly. He got up, straight across the barrier between the auditorium and the player’s seat, came forward, and hugged him tight. 

The audience watched as Chu Rong’s figure suddenly appeared on the player’s platform, and then held Qiao Zhiya in a very natural and domineering manner. The countdown was over, and before the fireworks flower bloomed, they had appeared on the official In the awards room.


The audience was crazy.

The husband-husband pair finally show some PDS action, but the official just had to block them from seeing with their horrid timing! 

Qiao Zhiya did not expect that Chu Rong would suddenly come forward and hug him, but he had no time to hug him back. The moment his vision returned, he already appeared on a gorgeous stage. There were two uncomfortable uncles standing next to him, separated by a virtual barrier. 

The uncle who was a little fatter on the left saw him appear, looked at him with his face down, and hummed coldly, “Champion? You’re the champion? It’s really different if you had a background supporter.” 

The thinner uncle on the right also followed, glancing at him, but kept silent. His expression wasn’t good, though. His inquiring eyes held a smoldering anger beneath them, as he was obviously questioning the result of the competition.


Qiao Zhiya glanced back and forth, and finally fell on Uncle Fatty, saying sincerely, “Thank you for boasting that Chu Rong is my supporter, I will tell him truthfully.”

Uncle Fatty was stunned, and turned away angrily before daring to say anything unpleasant.

The official seems to be doing something deliberately. Actually, the spectators of all players are separated accordingly. The player IDs that they support are also placed in front of the area, so the audience of the top 3 players next to the audience area is not pleased with each other. The audience in Qiao Zhiya’s area, in particular, became a thorn in the eyes of the other two audiences.

The 2nd and 3rd places are long-established mech makers. They have many other awards and masterpieces. There are many other powerful players like this. In the eyes of outsiders, after entering the final, the battle for the 1st and 2nd places are between those two. 

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As a result, although everyone in the final top 10 places was basically occupied by popular players, the championship was won by a young “idol1as in, QZY is young, good-looking, and popular. Celebs with those attributes have a tendency of relying on their looks to hide away their lacking skills.” contestant. How can this not make people angry! It’s like he’s getting secret support, totally unfair!

The Qiao Zhiya’s audience was baptized by the eyes of all the other players’ supporters. In their hearts, they felt a mix of feeling wronged, happy, and confused. In all honesty, it felt good being the subject of envy, but they were also not sure about Qiao Zhiya’s championship, so this cool feeling felt fleeting at best. 

Seeing them like this, the audience of other players couldn’t help humming, and became more and more certain that there was a problem with the game result. When they decided to wait to announce the winner of the game, they would boo Qiao Zhiya, regardless of his status as the Marshal’s fiance! In any case, they refuse to accept this clearly unjust result! Cheaters have no rights to win! 

There was no lively celebration at the awards ceremony at all. Instead, there was a dark tide among the audience, filled with the smell of hidden gunpowder2they’re in a middle of a fight breaking out..

The host didn’t seem to notice the strange atmosphere of the auditorium at all, or were deliberately ignoring it. After some usual necessities, he mysteriously smiled and stopped talking nonsense. “Now, we shall showcase the magnificent creations of the top 10 contestants! First, let’s welcome the 10th placer, Lu Renjia! He came from an A-class planet, and his mecha is well-known for having a high strength, high…” 

As the host prattled on, a mecha that looked very mighty and intimidating appeared on the stage. It was not like a human, but a bit like a gorilla. It had a large arm and a fist to match, and it looked very destructive at a glance. Afterwards, its data – which was projected on top of the mecha – also proved its look. 

The enthusiasm of the audience was finally mobilized, and their attention was drawn back to the mecha. They began to discuss the unique shape of the mecha.

The mecha’s data is listed in the next column of the host’s introduction. The last data is the overall rating of the mech, and it is no surprise that it is high-grade. Although this mecha is powerful, it is a bit too bulky and cumbersome to drive. It clearly has problems with its speed and flexibility, so it only ranks 10th. 

The knowledgeable mecha pilots and makers alike nodded and agreed with this evaluation.

Indeed, although the performance of this mecha is high-grade, its weaknesses are too serious, and it can only be deployed in very specific situations, such as places with high gravity. It’s not suitable for a daily-use, main mecha. 

Followed that, was the 9th place. When the mecha by the 9th-ranked contestant appeared on the stage, the 10th-ranked one automatically slid to the corner, but its data was still highly visible. 

The audience is accustomed to this, because this is the feature of the awards ceremony of the Star Network Mecha Manufacturing Competition – mecha ranking showcase. 

All of the top 10 contestants’ creations will be displayed for all people to see, and the audience will be free to comment.

The 9th-ranked mecha was also a high-grade mecha, with balanced performance and no special highlights, a true jack-of-all trades but master of none. The 8th-ranked mecha was another specialized mecha that emphasized its speed and light defense, its shortcomings particularly obvious but not as glaring as the 10th’s. And it goes like that, with each higher ranking showing particular highlights but also its shortcomings, but the audience could clearly see why they’re placed within their ranking.

1as in, QZY is young, good-looking, and popular. Celebs with those attributes have a tendency of relying on their looks to hide away their lacking skills.2they’re in a middle of a fight breaking out.

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