Earned Favors

Chapter 1

After coming out of the hospital, it was almost two o’clock in the morning. There was no bus and no other transportation. Yang Tian could only choose to walk to go back. 

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There were less than six hours left until tomorrow morning’s work time. Tonight, he could stay for four hours of sleep. At least he can guarantee that he will not doze off when he move things the next day. (Tn, move things related to his work)



After the change of day and night, the rotten and colorful city of K has faded away from the impetuousness and noise of the day, in the deserted road, only a few sparse private cars drove monotonously, Yang Tian put his hands in his pockets, walk not in a hurry. 



He walked to the side of the road, occasionally looked up at the starry sky, and cast a lukewarm smile at the starry night sky.


Yang Tian thought, It’s good, I persisted. I thought I would go crazy or die in the busy days of several years, but I still live strong until now, maybe because I am not suitable for pessimism after enjoying the gold and jade, maybe It's because the big ups and downs of fate make me see clearly. From the moment I was born in the world, apart from fate, nothing is destined to belong to oneself in a lifetime. Fate is the hardest capital for a living person to work hard. As long as you have not lost it, you are not eligible. I regret that I have been driven to desperation by life!




One should indeed take some time out of the endless busyness to wander around under the cold night sky, to rectify his numb and unwilling heart, and to remove the haunting cowardice in his mind that is forced by reality.


Then, face a life refreshingly!



A mid-range apartment of more than 80 square meters is considered Yang Tian’s most satisfied possession. He spent all his savings to buy such a small space at the beginning, so that he could have a stable place in this golden city of K even just a real foothold.



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Yang Tian lay on the bed tired after taking a shower, and his friend Guan Ling who was working with him in the nightclub suddenly called. 


As soon as the sleepy Yang Tian got through, he (YT) yelled impatiently: "Man, you Let me not live anymore, I just lie down now." 


"Damn! You are still yelled at me! I was left by the manager to work overtime, and the tossing is over now, I am feel annoyed!" To his good buddy, Guan Ling is never polite. "Okay, I'm not fierce friend, just tell me something, I'm really sleepy." Yang Tian yawned, lethargic.




"Don't count on how long you will sleep tonight. The manager ordered me to call and inform you that the big boss will come to inspect the work tomorrow morning. Everyone goes to work two hours earlier. Whoever is late will deduct half a month's salary."



"Damn! What?! The bad boss?! I can’t sleep well" Yang Tian is also a bit angry. "If he comes to inspect the'stars' (the place he work to 'club'), he won’t arrive at five or six in the morning. Is this still necessary?"



"The manager said it was for us get into work early and show our boss a good job outlook. By the way, Yang Tian, ​​don't blurt out and scold the bad boss." 


After that, Guan Ling's voice dropped a lot, and he said in a whisper, "I heard about'Xingchen' (a big company that held 'stars') The behind-the-scenes boss is very powerful. He owns many nightclubs and underground casinos in K City, but the people are very low-key. I haven't seen him since the opening of "Xing Chen" two months ago." 


"I know, 'Xing Chen' salary is so high" 


Yang Tian won’t make a joke about a job! "Okay, I’m going to sleep, and if i'm not sleep now i'm really going to doze off in front of the big boss tomorrow morning!” No matter how busy he is, Yang Tian will keep no less than every day four hours for sleep, once the body is tired, the spirit will be relaxed. In in this case, the perceptual thinking will often defeat the rational thinking, so Yang Tian is disgusted with working under the condition of lack of sleep. 


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Tomorrow, as a logistician of Xingchen Nightclub, Yang Tian’s daily job is to carry fruits and various high- and low-grade foreign wines that are delivered from outside to the warehouse. 



Chat with his colleagues in the warehouse. There are only three or four bottles of valuable foreign wine in each box, so it is not very heavy. Yang Tian is still able to carry it. 



From five to eight o'clock, the fruits and drinks sent in are moved into the warehouse. Yang Tian and his colleagues sit down and rest, but before the butt was hot (not longer), Guan Ling ran in violently and yelled, "Get up quickly, the manager brought the boss in!" 



Everyone immediately returned to their posts, pretending to be busy. Yang Tian placed the fruits on a cart behind a box that was taller than a human, and was about to push into the cleaning room. He had no interest in the boss who had already come in behind him. "The warehouse has a lot of space. Make a basement to store goods!" The magnetic gloomy bass, a bit cold and hard somewhat familiar!



Yang Tian frowned suspiciously, thinking deeply about why the sound was so familiar, but couldn't remember who is it, Yang Tian simply pushed the cart full of fruits and turned around, walked out of the tall wine box, while pushing the cart out of the warehouse he looking at the boss who explained the work to his subordinates, the so-called boss!



In the first second of seeing that face clearly, Yang Tian's slightly sleepy brain did not work properly, so he just froze for a while, but at this moment of one to two seconds, Yang Tian was shocked and feel incredibly embarrasse! Even unwilling and upset! There are all kinds of inexplicable emotions rushing to his brain, not only the sleepiness is completely gone, but even the expressions are stiff at that one to five seconds.



In fact, you can completely avoid the meeting of four eyes, and then leave the cart as if nothing happened, but it may be because he is lack of sleep. The man in Yang Tian's sight glanced around, and when he saw himself, he lowered his head dullly and panicked. The brim of the hat obscured the view from the shot.



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He shouldn't see his face! Yang Tian thought, even if he saw it, he might not recognize who he was at a glance!



In fact, he is not afraid of him! Not afraid at all! He just didn't want to be laughed at by a man he once looked down upon for schadenfreude! Laughing at him, Yang Tian is now is down and poor!



The proud young master is gone, but the pride is still there!



No matter where he is now, no one can trample him!



Yang Tian lowered his head slightly, pushing the car toward the warehouse exit as if nothing happened. He swears that after leaving the warehouse door, he will stay in the bathroom until the man leaves, even if it takes a whole day!



As long as this man doesn't recognize himself, he won't rush to resign with a fever!



It's just a pity that the tall figure suddenly blocked the front of the cart, and Yang Tian was forced to stop. He still lowered his head slightly, holding the handle of the cart, biting his scalp without saying a word.



"The types of these fruits are too few." A very magnetic voice, low but without ups and downs, said calmly and coldly, "Try to add more types, and then choose according to the guests's preferences."

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Yang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, because the man obviously said this to the manager.



In other words, he did not recognize himself!



The manager repeatedly talk, but the men who brought the thing were very confused. The stars only opened nightclubs as a cover for dark transactions. As for the trivial details of the business, his boss never asked, how can he even start to care about any fruit now? Is he delussioning?



"What's your name?" The voice was still very steady, making people unable to hear anything unusual. The man was playing with a lychee in his palm, as if asking casually.


If the latter don't move, he won't move.



"Back to the boss, my name is Yang Tian." Yang Tian lowered his voice, lowered his head, but not humble nor overbearing, just replied calmly.



"Yang Tian?" As if chewing these two words carefully, the man's slow tone seemed to turn several times. Finally, Yang Tian heard a very subtle, dark laugh from the corner of the man's mouth.



"I still think Shi Tian is a better name!"

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