Earned Favors

Chapter Prologue

He stepped on his feet, scorned and ridiculed, because he was a rich high-ranking young master, and he was just a bodyguard he hired with money, and a humble man.

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After four years of tossing and turning, and meeting again, he became an obscure, poor laborer, and the man he had looked down upon was already at the pinnacle of power!


"Master, do you know how long I have been looking for you? Haha, four years!"


"You, let go! !"









Four years ago,


The handsome young man held his forehead with his hands, and looked at the male servant who was kneeling in front of him with his head hanging and trembling leisurely.


Angry? Of course not! It's worthless to be angry for such a lowly servant who stole something! The rich is noble before the poor, and the poor are humbled before the rich. This kind of fun between the rich and the poor, he has to play gracefully from time to time.


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The soft smile spreads, like a gentle viper. Then he slowly raises his one foot cushions to the male servant’s chin with his toe, and gently raises it, looking at the horrified wet eyes, and every time he was frowns. The young man said with pity: "Tsk tsk, it's so pitiful, how come you are so scared? You haven't been punished yet."


"Young Master, I didn't take it, I...I came out after I cleaned the room. I really didn't see it. Your necklace, please let me go. Please, please" the male servant knocked his head several times again, and his body trembled more severely. "Oh." His beautiful eyebrows were tightly locked, Shitian pretended to sigh helplessly, "So, do you plan to hand it over?" 


The male servant knelt on the ground and began to kowtow for mercy. He know that if he is treated as a thief from time to time, he afraid that he will not send himself to the police, but will directly use lynching to mutilate himself, or even kill him!


This bad-tempered, domineering young master is hated by others, but his father is the overlord of a consortium, so he is the proud son of a rich society. There are people who are wrong and who are responsible for the crime. He enjoys the material society. The highest abundance is just like the wicked person in the splendor, sin, but noble, he is bored but proudly accepts the favor from all directions, and naturally looks at others with contempt and mockery!

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Shi Tian stood up from the chair. He was only seventeen years old, he was thin but slender and fit. Even though the childishness on his face had not faded away, he still did not see the slightest femininity. He was very handsome, and his smile was inconsistent with his temperament. He's innocent, but his surroundings seem to always be surrounded by a wall made of pride, like his self-protective shell, a bit hard and a bit cold. "You said how should I punish him?" Shi Tian suddenly turned around, curled his lips, and looked at the silent, expressionless man who had been standing behind him with a smile.


The man was dressed in black, had a stalwart figure, and stood erect, his expression unchanged from beginning to end. The face that looked like a knife cut was cold and bitter.


"Why you not answer me! Are you deaf?!" Shitian's face changed slightly, and his voice sank a little. This man was his most disgusted bodyguard. He always looked at him with an expressionless poker face. Looking at himself, it seemed for him that he was just a rich and evil young man with the stench of money.


The man’s pitch-black eyes finally turned slightly, falling on Shitian’s face faintly, and his magnetic voice couldn’t hear any emotional ups and downs, “Sorry master, I’m only responsible for your safety.”


“Oh, is that right? Then you don’t want to plead for him?" Shitian leaned close to the man, licked his lips, sprayed his soft nose on the man’s neck, and laughed softly: "I remember the last time you were injured, this man fucked for you. The medicine, he treats you so good. People say that bodyguards are the most compassionate. Why is now he is in trouble that you don’t even want to plead for him?”


Shitian was very close to the man, so he caught it easily. With hesitation in the man's eyes, he knew that this man was not cold-blooded!

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In this world, people with weak spots are the easiest to control! The easiest, to crush!


"Or else, you slap him a hundred." Shitian's voice was very low, with a vicious smile, he squinting, and smiling at the man, "Otherwise, I will lock him up and starve him to death!"


After five seconds of silence, the silent man chose to walk to the male servant, waved his hand, and hit the frightened and innocent face hard.


Shi Tian sat back on the chair again, leaning back, his white and slender fingers tapped on the handle, lazily admiring the scene before him, he could feel how unwilling he was as a bodyguard, maybe he was fantasizing now, the person being beaten is his own young master.


"You are a bodyguard hired by my dad with a high salary. Why are you so weak? Or do you want to protect this thief who is kind to you?" Shitian tilted his head and chuckled: "Oh, I remember, your mother is seriously ill. In bed, in addition to personally protecting me, you go to the hospital to take care of her whenever you have time. As a result, you have very little rest time, haha, so you can't afford to have any energy right now?"





Speaking of his seriously ill mother, the man finally no longer had the same look. He secretly gritted his teeth and slapped him with a violent palm. The servant was knocked out by him. Only by doing this he can really save him!


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"Dizzy? Huh! So cruel!" Shi Tian got up again and kicked the servant on the ground with his foot. After he was sure he was really unconscious, he let the other servants drag him out.


Shi Tian put his hands in his pockets and turned around with a boring look, just to catch his bodyguard looking at him with a look of resentment and contempt, as if he was looking at a piece of rotten meat!


He couldn't see through his bodyguard. He couldn't understand what emotions were hiding in his sharp and dark eyes under the thick black sword eyebrows. He knew that he hated him. As for other things, he couldn't figure it out, of course... He don’t bother to guess, after all, this man is humbler than himself!


Shi Tian strode forward, waved his hand, and put a loud slap on the man's face, grinning, and said angrily: "Dare to look at your master like this!" 


The man lowered his head and looked at the ground blankly.. Did not speak.


The man's indifferent attitude made Shi Tian even more angry. He hated the kind of poor, disgusting spine in this man!

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Under the colorful glazed lamp, a whole body of white jade, exquisitely carved dining table, full of colorful dishes, always dressed in a precious hand-cut white suit, the slow and elegant dining movements are like ancient royal nobles...


He don't know how long it has been before, Shi Tian glanced slightly at the man who has been kneeling next to him since the beginning of the meal, that bodyguard he hates most!


In his impression, this was the first time the man kneeled to himself, because his father told him not to embarrass him too much, so Shitian never deliberately forced this man to behave like other servants.


So kneeling this time, he should volunteered!


"Please master, save my mother, she won't be able to last long!" The man lost his previous determination, and slammed his head on the ground, clenching his fists, which shows that he has done this kind of kneeling and begging to Shitian. How embarrassed and unwilling him!


But he had to come to ask this time. His mother’s surgery was imminent, but the surgery fee was a huge amount. He had just become a bodyguard and didn’t have that much savings on his hands. In addition, he had no relatives or friends, which made it hard to borrow. He can only ask for the only man who has something to do with him! Even how unwilling he is!


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"What does it matter to me how long that woman can last?" Shitian raised his eyebrows. "Why should I save a woman who has nothing to do with me? Is it because I have money?"


"As long as the young master is willing to give money to saves my mother, I am willing to be a bodyguard for Shi's family for free!" The man said, knocking his head again. Shitian touched his chin, and seemed to think seriously, "Well~ it sounds like a good deal." 

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The man raised his head and looked at Shitian expectantly, "Master means willing?"


"No." Shi Tian interrupted the man, he smiled contemptuously, "I don't want to! There is no reason, I just don't want to help you!" 


The man's fists almost creaked, and the cold hostility suddenly covered the grim face, and he used it without shy. Looking at Shi Tian with hatred, it seemed that he was going to gouge two holes in Shi Tian's body!


Seeing the man’s eyes looks wishing to die, Shitian smiled more brilliantly, and then bent down, his handsome face approached the man’s hostile eyes, and laughed in a low voice: "Do you really want to kill me? Haha, humble man things you are ridiculous. I always think that rich people should help them as a matter of course. I don’t know that irrelevant individuals are not obligated to do it? So, it’s better to rely on people than on yourself! Go."


Shi Tian finished with a chuckle. The man looked at Shi Tian with a calm and strange look, and finally stood up slowly from the ground.


"Master meant that no matter what I do, you don't want to put out a sum of money to save my mother?"


"Yes." Shitian replied simply, his expression indifferent.


The man suddenly turned and left the house blankly. The butler just wanted to stop the man, but Shitian stopped him.


"He mostly went to the hospital to accompany his mother, so ignore him and hire a better bodyguard to replace him for me. Im bored looking at his gloomy and filial look!"



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After eating a few bites, Shitian couldn't help looking at the door, and finally pulled his tie impatiently, and pointed to the male servant who was standing next to him, who had just been considered a thief not long ago, and said impatiently: "Go, do something for me!" 


At night, in the ancient European-style castle-like villa of Shi Tian's house, the sound of leather boots stepping on the ground was heard in a very quiet, dark and long in the corridor. He has not been formally fired, so he is still free to enter and exit this villa.


Gently pushing open the door of Shitian's bedroom, the man came to Shitian's bed with no expression on his face, standing silently, with bloodshot eyes all over his eyes, and his fists clenched beside him were about to move.


Should I hate this man? Maybe he shouldn't! As he said, why should he think that people who have nothing to do with him should help himself.


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However, for the man, the money was just a small expense for fun and entertainment. If he wanted to, his mother wouldn't have to die!


In this world, the woman who loves himself the most is gone, because of this son's incompetence, and because of that man's unfeeling!


The man slowly stuck Shitian's white neck with a thinly callused palm, and tightened it a little bit! The murderous aura in his eyes gradually swallowed his rationality as a bodyguard!


Shi Tian was finally awakened, and when he realized that the man in front of him was about to strangle him alive, he immediately struggled violently.


"You...you are so brave! To come here!" Shitian roared, breaking the man's powerful palm out.


The fair skin flushed slightly due to poor breathing, the scallop-like eyelashes quivered helplessly, and the handsome face had a different temptation in the fierce struggle.


The man suddenly leaned down and kissed Shitian roughly. The hand stuck on Shitian's neck slid down quickly, tearing Shitian's pajamas violently, and his big hand quickly went around Shitian's back.


Shitian opened his eyes wide, unbelievable that he was molested by a lowly bodyguard!


The sound of fighting in the room finally led in the guards outside. Then, the man was electrocuted and his whole body was weakly held by the guards who rushed in.


"You fucking dare to treat me like this! How dare you to treat me like this!" Shi Tian yelled several times, hitting and kicking at the man who couldn't fight back, rubbing his lips vigorously with his hands with disgust. Can't wait to wipe off a piece of skin.


The death of his mother was a big blow to the man, and his eyes full of scarlet blood gradually lost their brilliance, staring at the ground empty and innocent, letting Shi Tian beat and kick with anger from time to time.


"You're just a fucking dog I kept from time to time! A beast! You dare to bite your owner back! Are you tired of live?!" There is no gentleman at this moment, he just like a mad dog.


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The bodyguard was beaten without saying a word from beginning to end. He accepted all the extremely ugly words that Shitian scolded. Finally, when Shitian ordered him to be locked in the basement and starved to death, the man finally raised his head and looked at Shitian...


That is a handsome face, arrogant and stubborn are hidden between the eyebrows, there is always contempt and disdain for the weak under his eyes, this is the time, when Gu Chenhuan who is engraved in his mind, and he will not forget this 

even he has turned into ashes!

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