Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 358: 358

"This talent..."

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Ji Ye's expression slightly stagnated.

It's certain that the attribute is absolutely powerful. I feel that it's more powerful than the "Wang Po" of excellent quality that Captain ghost burst out before!

After all, "Wang Po" talent can only target the soul after death, while this "Godmaster" talent can target the living.

However, if this "talent" falls into the hands of people who are not qualified in mind and nature, there will inevitably be hidden dangers.

I still remember the story of Xu Xue.

If it's not necessary to put this "talent" light ball in the "treasure house" under the core of qi movement, or as the raw material for a certain "fusion".

Ji night put away this group of "talent" light ball, and then put his eyes on the second trophy light ball from Fang La.

This trophy light ball is white with silver light, which is obviously a "special" quality item.

[mark of the holy fire]

rank: special

rank: outstanding · rare

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note: also known as "mark of light", it is said that the "son of light" is transformed at the expense of himself, and those who are recognized by the mark can read the "scriptures of the holy fire" and exercise the "power of the holy fire".

What floated in the center of the light sphere was the milky white flame in the center of fangla's eyebrows.

"The mark of the flame?"

The silver "wolf king mark" on Ji Ye's forehead flashed away.

In a word, he hasn't used "totem wolf skin" for some time.

It was mainly because I thought it was too complicated before, so I decided to take the route of martial arts as the main and Taoism as the auxiliary.

The cultivation on one side of the soul naturally slows down. Up to now, Ji Ye's soul power is still in the seventh level category. The summoned "soul wolf king" and "jade dragon sword" can't keep up with his strength.

And to be honest, because the "wolf king mark" contained in the totem wolf skin has been fused by him, the fighting power of the "soul wolf king" condensed by this equipment has been limited to the level of exuviation, and the potential is limited. In addition, the soul power he gained during this period has been fully infused into the "soul chopping sword".

Thus, this "original" special item that really belongs to the "Erlong mountain stronghold" has been put into the "cold palace".

And this "flame mark" has a certain degree of similarity with the "wolf king mark".

One is to gain the recognition of "the son of light", so as to be able to resist the power of the holy fire.

Second, you can understand the scriptures on the twelve pillars of the sacred fire.

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Yes, the twelve black "pillars of fire" around the altar are covered with scriptures, which are actually a kind of "encrypted" text.

Each pillar represents a "Mingjiao" technique or unique martial arts, including the "great shift of heaven and earth" used by Fang La before, and the "holy fire" that can make the enemy ignite in the air!

After understanding this, Ji Ye is a little lucky that she didn't use masculine Qi to urge the Dragon subduing palm before. Otherwise, after destroying the pillar, his favorite "heaven and earth move" will pass by.

Of course, even if there are twelve kinds of unique skills, Ji ye will not rashly accept the "mark of the holy fire".

Because, first of all, I don't know whether the "mark of the holy fire" will conflict with his "mark of the wolf king".

Secondly, the "mark of flame" is transformed from the so-called "son of light". Since there is a son of light, there is also a father of light, which is the "mingzun" worshipped by the Ming religion.

And this "Ming Zun" is not as common as Ji ye despised before.

In fact, "mingzun" or "Mingwang" had thousands of years of influence in the ancient dragon kingdom!

After targeting Fang La as the first target, Meng Lao made a popular science about "Mingjiao" for the people in Erlong island.

Mingjiao, originally known as Manichaeism, its creator claimed that he was the successor of Buddhism's Sakyamuni, Zoroastrianism's Zoroastrianism and Christianity's Jesus. In the initial doctrine, he integrated the views of "light", "flame" and "paradise".

After it was introduced into China from Persia, some Taoist ideas were further integrated.

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In fact, this can be verified by the fact that Fang La's army has Deng Yuanjue, a "National Teacher", and Bao Daoyi, a "heavenly teacher".

Because the core of the Ming religion preaches that "darkness is about to pass and light is about to come", the believers are very happy to "rebel". After the Northern Song Dynasty, every rebellion in history can almost see traces of the Ming religion, including the Bailian religion and the red scarf army.

This kind of existence will not manifest itself in the place of inheritance!

In the theory of the Ming religion, the son of light is integrated into the human body, thus expelling the darkness in the human blood.

Then, after the fusion of this "flame mark", it is likely to have some hidden connection with the so-called "mingzun", causing the other party's attention and even action.It's no doubt that Erlong Island, after killing the boss more than once, finds that the other side still has a big background.

Fortunately, the Ming Taizu, who relied on the "king of Ming" and the "red scarf army" to achieve great success, used the most severe means to clean up and suppress him after he ascended the throne. The Ming religion had declined in the Qing Dynasty.

As a result, "mingzun and Mingwang" are not well-known in modern society. Even the name "Mingjiao" is mostly attributed to the novels of great Xia Jin.

According to the current law of the place of inheritance, it can be judged that even if this "mingzun" really surpasses the "legend" and reaches the "spirit" level, it is estimated that his strength will not be so strong!

Moreover, when this "mingzun" is really manifested in the place of inheritance, Erlong island is likely to have the qualification to attract outstanding people at the level of gods.

When a certain "mingzun" calm face, condenses the holy fire covering thousands of miles, rushes to Erlong island to "ask the teacher for a crime".

But he found a group of strange "people" waiting for him on Erlong island.

For example, a hairy palm holds the ten thousand year flat peach produced by a stronghold resource, and the other hand holds an iron bar that can be lengthened and shortened to string a monkey baked by a white jade Pipa scorpion.

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A bald fisheye man in a yellow tights and white Cape is fighting a buzzing mosquito with his fist.

One hand was wearing a large metal glove inlaid with six gems of different colors, and he looked at his big purple giant with a cold face.

The so-called "mingzun" is estimated to be able to only sweat on his forehead and speak in a trembling tone.

"Excuse me, I just want to ask Well, do you need me to spread fire? "

Accompanied by the head a little less serious picture, Ji night will this group of "flame mark" also put away.

"Fusion" talent still needs some cooldown time, and it doesn't necessarily fuse immediately after it cools down.

Anyway, the twelve "pillar scriptures" will not run away when they stand in this cave.

In addition to the twelve "sacred fire Scripture columns", the altar and the white statues also have attributes.

[sacred fire altar (statue of mingzun)]

rank: special

rank: excellent

Description: an altar dedicated to mingzun can continuously absorb all kinds of forces around and integrate the believers' power of belief into the gift of sacred fire, so that it can be "strengthened"!

Note: this reinforcement is not without cost.

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