Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 359: 359

"Endow the holy fire, let people directly use the power of ecdysis?"

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Ji night in the mouth light voice way.

In this battle, many of the participants in Erlong Island were burned by the "believers" who suddenly erupted into flames of exaltation.

The most important thing is that these believers can also use the power of the holy fire to burn their lives and "die together" with people. This kind of self exploding power is hard to resist even the people who have degenerated from the ordinary level!

If we had not mastered a large number of thermal weapons and adopted more long-range combat, the loss of Erlong island in this battle would have been greatly greater than expected.

The existence of this "sacred fire altar" undoubtedly tells us the origin of this power.

Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Because as long as the fangla camp is finally won, the "sacred fire altar" which poses a great threat to Erlong island will certainly become a "heavy weapon" no less than the "silver pool" of the metal man stronghold.

In the future, in case of falling behind in the fight against the alien race, human beings will also have a desperate means.

As for the "cost" of strengthening the holy fire, it is not too serious. In fact, the "holy fire" is only the introduction. In essence, the origin of the real power belongs to human beings.

It is through "burning" people's vitality, spiritual power and even life span to obtain the power of exuviation.

For the general stronghold, this may not be good, but Erlong island has a lot of recoverable resources, which can completely eliminate this side effect.

However, to say that the most eye-catching on the whole altar, in fact, it is still falling next to the body of fangla, which is covered with a complete silver light of "holy fire order"!

This item is not the "special" equipment he thought, but a real "extraordinary item".

[order of the holy fire]

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level: extraordinary first level

grade: excellent · rare

note: the "artifact" of the Ming sect has the ability to transform most of the energy into "holy fire" and build "body of the holy fire".

The name of this token is really "order of the holy fire"!

It is also the second real "extraordinary item" obtained by Erlong island.

The first one is the "devil's scroll" that the ghost captain, who was also cut off by the soul chopper, burst out.

But because it belongs to "sacrifice", it can not be used. Strictly speaking, this "sacred fire order" is the "extraordinary equipment" that can be used in combat.

And its power, before Ji night and Fang La's battle has been fully demonstrated.

It can be said that in the case of sufficient sources of "holy fire", it is invincible for the attack of moufan level.

Strictly speaking, this "sacred fire order" fell into Fang La's hands, which was really buried.

As the leader of Ming religion, Fang La's fighting consciousness is obviously inferior to that of the younger generation in Yitian. He clearly has a piece of extraordinary equipment, but he threw it away in the final battle.

He thinks that the "body of the holy fire" is invincible, but he blocks his own flexibility and is killed by Ji Ye's very simple "separation" move!

Of course, this should also be related to the coming of fangla.

The first time I realized such a huge power, my mind was too inflated.

Among the third light ball on Fang La's body, a white one appeared, which seemed to be the crystallization of hundreds of "guards" praying!

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[holy fire belief crystal]

level: moufan ninth level

level: perfection · sacrifice

Description: the power of holy fire body and the special talent of fangla are combined to form a very special crystal. Because it contains the power of belief, only those who are very determined can be integrated.

"Is it a sacrifice of perfect quality?"

Ji night facial expression slightly Leng once.

Only because, according to his judgment, this fangla has a real historical figure's bonus.

But high probability should be a "excellent" evaluation, and the possibility of "perfect" is not too high.

At present, it seems that the sacrifice in the place of inheritance should be comprehensively evaluated according to the evaluation of the target and the "killing process".

Although his fight with Fang La was relatively clean on the whole.

But it must be impossible to get a "perfect" judgment similar to that of killing the black snake!

"Well, maybe it's because of Fang La's identity!"

Ji ye thought in her heart.

After Fang La died, the strength of Qi transportation from his body to the core of Erlong Island stronghold was nearly ten times more than that of Bao Daoyi, obviously because he belonged to "boss".

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Just like several yuan emperors and kings in the "Xiangyang war" before, as long as they were killed, a sacrifice of "perfect" quality would be gathered.This is also to allow those strongholds that do not have the ability to integrate sacrificial offerings, and the corresponding top talents in the background also have the opportunity to come and participate in the war.

"If that's the case, then it's not necessarily a good thing that our difficulty will be raised..."

Then Ji Ye's eyes were even brighter.

Erlong island is affected by the rest of the competitive core, which greatly increases the difficulty of the test. There are "four villains" at one time. If every villain leader can provide a sacrifice of perfect quality, it means that Erlong island will add four perfect talents at one time.

And those who are promoted later may only be able to add one person in this round, or at most two.

In addition, such as the "four marshals" and "eight kings" these people endowed with outstanding, excellent quality sacrifice

The gap between Erlong island and other strongholds will continue to be maintained and even further widened!

"Well, the last prize Is it the soul of civilization of the Ninth level

The fourth booty that Fang La revealed, strictly speaking, actually appeared directly in Ji Ye's palm.

That's a "soul of civilization" that has shed nine ranks and led the evaluation.

Villains will also burst out the "soul of civilization"?


However, strictly speaking, this soul of civilization actually comes from Erlong Island stronghold itself.

In this round, after the villains killed the aborigines, they would absorb the power of the soul of civilization in their bodies, thus forming their own "soul of civilization"!

Moreover, the more the number and level of aborigines killed, the higher the level and quality of the soul of civilization.

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For example, among the spoils of Pang Wanchun before, there is a soul of civilization that has fallen to the eighth level.

The number of Erlong Island aborigines who died in Fang La's hands is more than Pang Wanchun's, and many of them are above the fifth level of moufan, and there are quasi commanding levels.

Therefore, it directly formed the soul of high-level civilization, which reached the Ninth level and dominated the quality.

In fact, after discovering that the "villains" could actually "fuse" the soul of civilization.

On the earth forum, someone put forward an idea.

That is, in the battle, the ordinary aborigines in the stronghold were killed by some villains at the command level, so that after killing this villain, the soul of high-level civilization was condensed and used as a hero!

In that case, it can not only maintain combat effectiveness, but also relieve the material pressure of some strongholds!

This idea has aroused a heated debate.

First of all, there is no doubt about human nature and morality.

Although it is the aborigines who are sacrificed, the people who are inherited are not "NPCs" who have no sense of autonomy, but are as flesh and blood as the players.

Most people can't accept this way of piling up talents with a large number of ordinary human lives.

However, some people agree.

It's really because some "villains" at the command level are very powerful, and many of them are doomed to sacrifice before they can be killed.

The ordinary aborigines, especially some ancient strongholds, can play a far less important role than the players. On the contrary, they will consume a lot of living materials and even compete for resources.

And this way can undoubtedly make their sacrifice more planned and more "valuable"!

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