Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 361: 361

"No, general. The brothers are dead and wounded. They can't resist it."

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"The emperor has died, and all four marshals have been killed and captured by the enemy. Let's withdraw quickly!"

In the sky, the sun is already to the West.

In the battlefield on the ground, the situation of Fang La's army has been declining, and the whole line has gone into collapse.

Just because on the side of the battlefield, above the pine forest, except for the picture of fangla being killed at the beginning.

Then there was Bao Daoyi, the master of heaven, who had a sword in his chest and died under a pine tree.

Later, the "live broadcast of war situation" was launched.

For example, Si Xingfang, one of the four Marshals in the south, was knocked to the ground by a demon like enemy general with fire and smoke, who held a "magma column" as thick as a human being. Even the armor on the man's belt melted into molten iron.

Li Tianrun, the "Zhenguo general", was blown into hundreds of pieces by an enemy general with a leather bag hanging on his body, throwing more than ten "five colored flying stones" that could explode in a few seconds.

Nine of the "Twelve Gods of the south of the Yangtze River" besieged a young silver armour General of the enemy with all their strength. They were killed eight people in a row by a long spear of the enemy. Only one "dunjia God" was left in a mess and fled by means of strange methods. After the death of the main general, his troops were also defeated and scattered!

Even the previous "naval battle" scenes were thrown into the sky by the enemy with such "magic".

Lord Wang, the Minister of the Ministry of war, was hit by a "silver dragon" flying out from across the sea, and fell into the sea directly from a BMW who could cross the mountain like walking on the ground. Later, he was captured alive in the water with "national division" and "Nanli general".

After being killed in the water by an enemy general with a golden flaming knife and a face like a nightfork, they were also killed by a man with a fishing fork in his hand and a face similar to that of the former, who was commanding a large number of ghosts screaming "dismemberment"

These enemies are too strong.

It's not at all what the authorities preached before. It belongs to "Shandong bandits"!

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"Back, where can I go back?"

The so-called "general" had a knife wound that almost pulled the upper part of his body. The blood gushed out and dyed the dragon shaped jade belt on his waist red.

Liu Fu, the first "Feilong general" in the "eight Heavenly Kings (Generals)" under the "four marshals" of the southern kingdom, fought with the eighth "Feishui general" with thousands of disabled soldiers of the southern kingdom against Ruan's brother and brother with 300 water troops.

As a result, Ruan Xiaoqi, who was able to manipulate the water to attack the "flying water general", died miserably in his hands. Ruan Xiaoqi, who had the power to "divide the water", had to be rescued by a bunch of bodyguards after he had been slashed by Ruan Xiaoer!

"Retreat to the seaside. I know a secret cave hidden under the sea. It can hold thousands of people!"

A young man dressed up as a captain of the "water army" in the south, half of whose ears were shot off by a bullet from Erlong Island, pointed to one direction and said.

"A cave hidden by the sea? How come I haven't heard of it

Feilong general's face moved and asked.

"Well Report back to the general. After the secret cave was found by our navy, it was reported to the emperor. The LORD said, "don't make it public. Let's secretly hide the grain, swords, arrows and other weapons stored by the water army, as well as some treasures collected in this inheritance place, so as to leave a way behind in the dark!"

After a little hesitation, the young captain lowered his voice and told Feilong.


The eyes of general Feilong suddenly brightened.

In fact, he had believed the words of this young "captain of the water army" in his heart,

because although the South's water army was almost destroyed, several warships, one or two hundred people, managed to escape back, and then Fang La assigned them to the barracks to make atonement.

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As a navy captain at the level of deputy commander, it is obviously very reasonable for him to know the secret cave.

"General, now that the emperor and master Bao are dead, the four marshals and the Secretary of the Ministry of war are either killed or captured The rest of us in the south are only generals, you are the leader

And then the voice of this "water army captain" was lowered again, which made the Feilong general quite moved.

Today, among the rest of the people in the south, he has the highest official position.

If it's really like what this man said, hide first, and then use the resources stored in the hidden sea cave to gather the scattered residual soldiers.

When the other side still has the other three enemies to attack, there may not be no chance.


"Soon, that's the spot with the hidden cave ahead!"

A few minutes later, general Feilong, with about 200 disabled soldiers, led by the young captain of the Navy, entered a jungle near the coast."Why, there seems to be something shining in front of us?"

Looking in the direction of the youth, many people are attracted by the red light in their field of vision.

Because, in this jungle, there is a strange tree about one foot high, whose trunk and branches are carved like red jade.

"This Is it a "treasure tree"

There was a look of excitement on the faces of the remnant soldiers of the south.

After they suddenly entered the inheritance place seven days ago, they also encountered many "adventures".

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For example, some people's armor suddenly became made of gold, and some people's knives became extremely sharp. They could easily cut three feet of bluestone with one knife.

More people from the surrounding mountains and forests picked a luminous fruit, after eating even "rejuvenate"!

Even in this jungle, someone picked an almost adult golden ginseng, and after offering it to the Holy One, it was baptized by the high-level "holy fire".

Therefore, after the discovery of this unusual "treasure tree".

A part of the southern soldiers' faces were greedy, and they ran away regardless of their own lives.

"This is mine..."

"I found out first!"

After rushing to the tree, they reached out to pull the ruby branch which seemed to be worth more than gold. Some people even pulled out their weapons and wanted to cut it down from the root and drag it away.

However, what happened in the next moment turned the eyes of these Southern soldiers from greed to fear.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

Because a large number of vines, like sharp arrows, suddenly burst out of the soil under the deciduous forest, and lightning pierced the throat of several southern soldiers with weapons in their hands.

"There are monsters underground!"

Some of the remnant soldiers in southern China were in fear and quickly withdrew.

But he found that his feet had been entangled by some vines drilled out of the soil.

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These vines have the function of changing color with the surrounding environment. In addition, everyone is attracted by the "treasure tree", but no one is aware of it in advance.

"Ah, ah..."

A remnant soldier from the South tried to cut off the vines wrapped around him with a knife in his hand.

However, as soon as the knife was raised, it screamed.

Because a large number of roots stretched out from these vines and penetrated into their blood vessels, and then the color of the vines was like "Ruby" by the naked eye!

It also explains the origin of the red branches and leaves as gorgeous and precious as jade.

"No, it's the blood sucking" tree demon "that the Navy encountered during the naval battle!"

The face of the "flying dragon general" changed greatly.

Because the water army was almost destroyed, the information about "blood" did not spread among the southern infantry, and only his high-level officials heard it from a part of the population who fled back.

But after all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't recognize it at the first time.

What's more, no one would have thought that a tree planted on the mirage dragon ship could "land" and fight like the soldiers on Erlong island.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

At this moment, a "flying dragon general" recognized "blood".

He himself was also attacked by the blood. A dozen vines formed a big net and covered him directly!

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