Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 362: 362

You know, in today's war, Fang La must have killed the most people in the south.

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However, it is not Ruan Xiaoqi, the "living Yanluo" who controls the soul army, or Zhang Qing, who has a large number of "five colored stone bombs", or even Ji ye, who drives the "armored ship dragon" into the center of fangla army's position and directly kills and injures hundreds of people!

Because of the "contract", it also became the "Millennium blood vine soul tree" of Erlong island.

With the special ability of continuously replenishing energy by relying on blood, the number of Fang La's troops who died in the hands of "blood" has exceeded 500. Especially in the previous naval battle, the collision between "Mirage dragon" and "golden building" made it absorb a lot of blood.

Now, it has shown a part of the strength of the nine levels of ecdysis.

For example, among these snake like vines, there are some hair like roots with dazzling red light on them.

And where the red light passes, even trees hugged by a few people, or rocks at the height of one person, are directly cut into countless pieces, not to mention some covered soldiers.

In the twinkling of an eye, a "bloody cage" has been formed, which is rapidly shrinking towards the "flying dragon general" which is the only remaining in the high-level of southern China.

"Open it for me..."

With a roar, the chameleon dragon general tried to cut off these hairy "red roots" with a silver gray chopper that had appeared cracks after fighting with Ruan Xiaoer's "tiger shark sword".


However, the attack from the serious stab wound on his chest was blocked by the "shield" composed of a layer of red light on the "bloody cage", which shocked his sword and even broke it into more than ten pieces.

And the deadly "bloody cage" is still pressing towards him!

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But it's about to die.

The dragon shaped jade belt on the waist of this "flying dragon general" of southern China is blooming white.

Actually condensed a jade white dragon disk around him, will high-speed toward the middle of the contraction of the "blood cage" to forcibly resist.


It's just, obviously, because of the over consumption in previous battles.

The "extraordinary power" of this belt, which can be changed into a dragon shape, is seriously insufficient. It only supports less than two seconds.

The white dragon light was squeezed by the "cage" made of blood colored vines, and then faded away with a cry of sadness.

And the outcome of the South general who has reached the seventh level of ecdysis, naturally, does not need to say much!

So far, all the high-level figures in the South have disappeared.

After the death of general Feilong, except for a small part of the 200 disabled soldiers who fled in a hurry, they were cleared up by a burst of gunfire outside the woods.

The rest of them were entangled by the vines and became the captives of Erlong island.

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Only the southern "water army captain" was still standing, and there was no attack from the vines and roots in the forest.

Even after absorbing a lot of blood and bearing dozens of blood colored leaves on his own tree, a slender vine rolled up the broken body of the dead "flying dragon general", and the white dragon shaped belt of booty appeared on his body, and raised it in front of this young captain.

"You know that Remember, never again. "

Ji ye, whose real body is actually "making a movie" in the pine forest, shakes her head as she "uses one mind for two purposes" to remotely manipulate the young southern school captain with a soul mask.

He himself let "blood" just control these people, except for the "flying dragon general" who was the leader, he could not kill them at will.

However, in the case of being injured by some struggling people, the blood spirit vine directly used the "blood cage", which led to the death of dozens of Southern deserters.

After all, it is still the seed of the Millennium tree demon. It is born with the killing nature in its body, and even the "blood and soul formula" is hard to get rid of.

In addition, too much blood and soul power are absorbed in today's battle, leading to some uncontrollable power.

However, his luck as a contract creature was very good. The "dragon shaped jade belt" held by the vine in front of him.

It is a very rare perfect quality equipment.

[flying dragon jade belt]

level: moufan level 7

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grade: perfect

Description: a jade belt that can condense the dragon shape is the favorite of flying dragon generals in the south.

Ji ye also had some impressions of the flying dragon general.

When Liangshan attacked fangla, the two sides once sent eight generals to fight each other. Liu Fu, the leader, was the head of the Eight Generals, but Guan Sheng, the "head of the five tigers" of Liangshan, won the match for 30 rounds.

It can be said that such characters should not be inferior to Pang Wanchun and Bao Daoyi in theory, but their rank in the promotion test is only seven.There is no doubt that this is not in line with its combat effectiveness. It is estimated that the place of inheritance has given it a treasure of perfect quality to "supplement".

It's absolutely perfect to be able to block "blood" with the power of ecdysis seven, which is comparable to ecdysis nine.

Most importantly, the jade belt is related to the Dragon

It can be said that Ji Ye's ring of emptiness also contains the "dragon scale" that one of the former "Zhejiang four dragons" burst out. Its attribute indicates that "after collecting four pieces, you can" summon the dragon. ".

Perhaps we can consider looking for the Ruan brothers and getting the other three pieces to see if they have any special value like the "flying dragon jade belt".

Certainly not now. Because


In the center of the open battlefield, Ji Ye's "No.2 contract creature", the head of the Golden Eagle named "gold", is flying down from the sky with more than a dozen golden eagles, and stops next to the heroes of Erlong Island, such as Qin Ming, Zhang Qing and Zhao Yun, who have won the duel.

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"Come on, let's split up."

The latter replaced the remnant soldiers of the "golden carving camp".

It's just that the battle situation of Fang La has been decided, but the battle of the other three parties is not over yet.

In particular, in order to ensure the defeat of fangla, Erlong island has invested about 70% of its combat power in this battlefield.

It also means that the other three directions have only 10% combat power. Of course, they are far from being able to confront each other with Tian Hu, Wang Qing and the three armies of Liao state!

In particular, "snake ape island" direction, because there is no place to defend, at this time the situation has been very weak, in urgent need of support.

Therefore, a group of heroes have to fight continuously without even cleaning up the wound and recovering.

"Remember, according to the words of Meng Lao and leader Zhou, don't clean up the injury on your body. It's better to bandage it as seriously as possible!"

However, this is also a part of the plan of "showing weakness" proposed by Meng Lao and Zhou Yu.

Reinforcement is definitely necessary, but we must show that erlongdao and fangla have "lost both sides" and only managed to achieve a "tragic victory".

In this way, the other three enemies will be able to fight with each other more confidently.

As a result, a group of erlongdao people try their best to exaggerate their injuries.

Even because of the "power of gentian" to protect his body, Zhao Yun, whose silver white "East King's armor" is now spotless, smeared it with his opponent's blood, and then stepped on a gold carving!

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