Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 363: 363

Jiaofang Island, Longcheng.

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"Dada dada!"

A heavy multi barrel machine gun is wildly firing on the wall made of hard reefs washed by the sea all the year round and built with magma. It is about 10 meters above the ground.

A large number of hot metal bullets, with the smell of incendiary, whirled through more than a mile at high speed and hit a bull with a body shape of more than ten feet, which looked like a giant ox made of gold!

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang!"

In a burst of sparks, hundreds of warheads made of brass alloy broke every second.

More than ten feet of golden bull, the body is no obvious injury.


Above the muzzle of the machine gun, a "dragon's eye" gun, which was enough to cause death threat to the target at level 7 after hitting from the front, burst out a shell with the diameter of an ordinary man's fist after a dull sound, and flew about 100 meters away from this golden bull.

The other one is not as good as the other, and its color is dark blue!


After the flames and smoke from the violent explosion have dissipated.

Ten feet high, the huge rhinoceros with deep cyan color has no injury at all. Together with the golden rhinoceros, they are walking steadily towards Longcheng.

And the field of vision is much wider.

It can be found that in the four sides of the "dragon city" where the four sides of the wall are one kilometer long and about five feet high, there are twenty-eight "monsters"!

There is a long head with a single horn slightly similar to the giant rhinoceros. Its body shape is cyan, like a dragon shaped from wood and more than 100 meters long.

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There is a giant ape whose body seems to be made up of water, whose body is almost transparent, and whose arms are bigger than the city wall; there is a light horse whose eyes are stars in the sky and whose body radiates strong light like the sun; there is a red fox whose hair is like a flame and whose heart is full of moonlight.


Qin Yueyu holds the "golden black bow" in her hand. As she runs at a high speed, she reaches out her hand and takes out a "light arrow" from the "endless arrow pot" which can make the material into an arrow.

After putting it on the string, it immediately bows open the full moon, turns into a golden sanshuwu shrouded in the rolling flames, and bumps into the transparent giant "water ape" with a height of more than 10 feet.


A dull, violent crash.

The ten foot high water ape was shocked, and a hole about one foot in size was knocked out of its head by "Jinwu".

And the inside contains the light arrow of gold and black, which directly penetrates the past and rushes out nearly a hundred Zhang in the air!

It also made this "giant water ape" stop suddenly.


Just the next moment, the giant water ape was moving again.

A transparent arm, the size of a building, slaps its head, grabs the burning "Jinwu" in its palm and "strangles" it, and then continues to march towards Longcheng.

And the hole on the head is just a few seconds to recover, but the degree of consolidation feel a little weak.

"Hoo No, these "monsters" are too powerful. They have the power to exuviate at least eight levels! "

After stopping, Qin Yueyu gasped slightly in her mouth.

You should know that her own strength has been promoted to the eighth level of moufan, and has been evaluated by the commander, and the "Jinwu battle bow" in her hand is also the arrow shot by the eighth level of moufan, which is still made of gold.

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Combined with its own charging speed and the blessing of "endless arrow pot", the attack can be regarded as the top among the eight levels of moufan, but it can't cause real devastating damage to this "water ape"!

"Niu Jinniu, Dou Muyu, Jiao mujiao, Xing RI Ma, Xin Yue Hu, Shen Shui ape This should be the "Taiyi mixed astronomical array!"

Next to Qin Yueyu, Guo Wei, who is wearing special quality science and technology glasses and analyzing the giant information, has a very dignified face.

These "monsters" are attacking the dragon city.

Naturally, it was the hand of Liao power who landed on Jiaofang Island an hour ago!

However, these "monsters" are not supernatural creatures in the legend, but "battle lines" laid by Liao people.

Among the outlaws of the marsh, in addition to generals and monks, there is also a very important element, that is "battle array".

For example, the relatively simple "square circle array, Crane Wing array, Yanyue array, Yanxing array, Yunlong array" and the "nine palaces and eight trigrams array" can only be set up by 17 Liangshan heroes and thousands of soldiers.

As well as Taiyi Sancai array, Heluo Si Xiang array, which are quite complicated to listen to

But if you want to say that the real number one array among the "Water Margin", there is no doubt that it should be the "Taiyi mixed sky array" jointly arranged by Wu Yanguang, the commander of Liao state, who leads the "eleven Yao" general and the "twenty eight constellations" general!The power of this array has been attacked four times from Liangshan.

Every time, all the fighters in the 108 generals came out, but they were defeated in the first three times. One after another, they lost their troops at the expense of the others. We can see that they were in a mess.

In the end, it was because Song Jiang was the "master of heaven's destiny", just like when Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor fought against Chiyou, he got the method of breaking the array taught in the dream of "nine heaven Xuannv" and succeeded in breaking the array.

"We made a big mistake in our previous judgment."

Looking at these "28 giants" who are constantly approaching and whose combat effectiveness has reached the eighth level, Guo Wei's eyebrows under his scientific and technological glasses are tightly wrinkled.

The reason for this is that it was actually put forward at the "strategy" meeting last night.

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Since it is the simultaneous emergence of the "Four Party" forces, it is possible that there will not be a big gap in strength.

In particular, the "Liao state" is the only "regular army" among the enemies in the four directions. It is likely that there are some very common means. Should we consider replacing the "Liao state" with the first target of "showing the enemy to be strong".

And keep the fangla first?

But this one was rejected.

There are three reasons.

First, the attack position of fangla army was Erlong Island, which was equivalent to threatening the vital point of Erlong island and had to be removed.

The second is that the fangla army has a large number of water troops, and it has the ability to transfer battlefields and escape, so it must be eradicated first.

Third, among the cases detected by Li Qing, Fang La has the highest average level of outstanding people. There are seven of them in the eighth level.

However, Liao was weak, except for he chongbao, the deputy marshal of the eighth rank of Tufan, who came into Ji Ye's view at the beginning, and the marshal of the ninth rank of Tufan who could be inferred from this.

The rest of the "generals and generals" are concentrated in the seventh and sixth levels of moufan!

For Erlong Island, this kind of level "configuration" pressure is relatively small, because among the thermal weapons that Erlong island has been able to mass manufacture, the city defense gun named "dragon's eye" is enough to cause fatal damage to ecfan level 7 when it hits.

Because of the importance of the Dragon City, there are 20 "dragon eyes".

However, no one thought that there were not many people in the Liao state who had eight or nine stages.

This "Water Margin" ranked first in the "Taiyi mixed sky array" power is beyond expectation.

A commander at the sixth level of moufan cooperated with hundreds of soldiers to form a battle array. The battle effectiveness of the "array beast" directly crossed two levels and reached the eighth level of moufan!

And the number of this "giant beast" is twenty-eight, which is equivalent to twenty-eight ecdysis of eight ranks.

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You should know that the number of eight level commanders in Erlong island is only half of that, and most of them are on the battlefield of fangla.

What's more troubling to Guo Wei and others is that the defensive ability of these "array beasts" is too strong.

"Dragon's eye" cannonball can't cause life threat to moufan level 8 when hit from the front, and it still has the possibility of injury. However, when hit on these "array beasts", the effect is not good enough.

If Ji Ye is here, you can see that some of these "array beasts" are in a semi solid state similar to the former fangla's "body of holy fire". Although they don't have a terrible high temperature like the holy fire, they can't be broken through by ordinary attacks!

In fact, in the face of Liao, Longcheng was not at a disadvantage at first.

With all kinds of long-range thermal weapons that have been prepared for a long time, before the land of the two sides is bordered.

He took Liao army by surprise and killed nearly a thousand people at one stroke.

You should know that there are seven or eight hundred people in Erlong island. In addition, because the elite people have been transferred to Longcheng, the number of the eight hundred people is less than two hundred.

On the other hand, the army and horses of Liao state have already broken through ten thousand. It can be said that they have made such a good start with a gap of more than ten times.

However, when the people of Liao, by taking advantage of all the cavalry, quickly separated and surrounded the dragon city to build this "Taiyi mixed astronomical array", the war situation immediately turned to the Liao army.

Just because of this "Taiyi mixed astronomical array", it can be said that it is equivalent to making all the people of Liao obtain "extraordinary power".

Even more "abnormal" than the "holy fire" of fangla camp.

Even Erlong island itself as a "killer" air power, in the face of Liao army also failed.

Seeing that the war situation is at a disadvantage, Guo Wei has already called "air support" through the wireless channel.

As a result, in the face of the "Jiaolong egg" thrown down by the golden carving, seven huge "monsters" in the North appeared a layer of black light at the same time.

Immediately after the "dragon's egg" landing point, there appeared a body close to 100 feet, the tortoise and snake wrapped around the black "Xuanwu" virtual shadow, directly carrying the lethal force and impact of the explosion!The twenty-eight constellations can be divided or combined, and each of them represents a kind of "immortal beast".

Together, the seven stars on each side represent the famous four images of the ancient dragon Kingdom, namely, the green dragon, the rosefinch, the Xuanwu and the white tiger!

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