Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 364: 364


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However, after throwing away the shell, the fourth level gold carving of moufan was shot down by the "Pleiades chicken" in the south of the opponent. A bunch of sunlight suddenly condensed from the golden crown on his forehead and shot down from the sky at a height of nearly 1000 meters!

Among the twenty-eight constellations, there is more than one star with the attribute of "sun".

The "air force" and "hot weapons" are both limited by the other side, which is why the battle situation in Longcheng is seriously passive.

"It's a bit strange. According to the information of the forum, in theory, it's impossible for the battle line composed of people at all levels to be so strong!"

"Moreover, after the destruction of Liao, the Khitans who founded Liao have gradually integrated into other ethnic groups. They lack the support of" popularity ". According to the rules of the place of inheritance, their actual strength is not too strong. How can they have such abnormal battles?"

A firearm camp player who manipulated the dragon's eye to fire continuously, but could not stop the Liao army from approaching. On the contrary, he was almost fanned by a "female earth bat" flying in the air. After sweeping up the rocks on the ground, he fell on the wall and broke his arm. He bit his teeth and didn't understand the tunnel.

"It should be because of those" battle flags "in the battle line of Liao people."

Qin Yueyu's eyes looked at the soldiers of Liao who had advanced to a range of 400 meters and formed a tight formation.

In the center of each battle array, there is a commander-in-chief, and next to the commander-in-chief, there are two deputy generals who will be commander-in-chief to jointly protect a flag that is nearly ten feet high and hunts in the wind, and the pattern on the flag is "twenty eight Nights"!

Combined with the existence of "sacred fire order" and "sacred fire altar" in the camp of fangla army, it is likely that these "array flags" of Liao state also have the "extraordinary" attribute, which makes their battle array play a part of the extraordinary power!

After seeing the clue, Erlong Island naturally tried to destroy those battle flags.

But it's almost impossible.

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Because each side of these battle flags is in the body of "battle beasts", and there are hundreds of people around to protect them.

Moreover, these "battle flags" and "battle lines" can be superimposed and strengthened.

Because, in this "Taiyi mixed astronomical array", besides the "28 constellations", there are also "11 Yao".

What is "eleven Yao"?

Taiyangjinwu, taiyinyutu, tianyiziqi, taiyuebo, mude SuiXing, Huode Yinghuo, Jinde Taibai, shuidechen, tude Zhenxing, Shenshou Luohe, Shenwei Jidu!

The eleven Yao array flags were held by eleven seven rank commanders of Liao state, and moved among the 28 stars battle array. When the two array flags were activated together, the huge "array beast" would be superimposed with other forces.

For example, when the battle flag representing "Taibai Venus" is activated together with the same metal "Kangjin dragon", the only semi substantial "Kangjin dragon" turns into a real metal form. With a sweep of the tail, all the round of shells fired by Erlong island's concentrated fire are swept away!

The combination of the battle flag representing "Taiyin" and "guijinyang" made this "array beast" disappear visually, and the people of Erlong island could not lock it to attack.

The power of Qin Yueyu's previous arrow can be regarded as the top level of the eighth level of ecdysis. The reason why it didn't produce obvious effect is that the battle flag representing "water" is combined with the "Shenshui ape" which is water property.

Let the latter materialize and have the ability to "recover" through water flow. In theory, unless it is blasted by a very powerful fire attack, such as "dragon's egg", and then all the water vapor is evaporated by a high-temperature flame, it can directly destroy this enhanced version of "Shenshui ape"!

But it's also hard to do.

Because when Erlong Island tried to concentrate its firepower and concentrate a large number of attacks on one "array beast" to "smash the surface with points".

The Liao army will inspire a higher-level battle flag and gather the virtual images of green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu, just as it did when facing the "dragon egg".

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Although these four images can only exist for a short time, or even a blow, their power is absolutely at the level of the Ninth level, and the scope of destruction is more than the general existence of the Ninth level.

In a word, Yuejiajun, who was introduced to Erlong Island, was also good at the "four elephant battle", but there was no doubt a big gap compared with Liao at that time.

Is it in ancient times that "Liao army" was more powerful than "Yue army"?

Obviously not.

In history, Liao state was finally destroyed by Jin State, but the commander-in-chief of Jin state expressed the emotion of "shaking the mountain easily, shaking the Yuejia army hard".

Not to mention the collapse of the Liao state, the Qidan ethnic group has disappeared in history. According to the rules of the place of inheritance, the potential is absolutely impossible to match the "Yuejia army" supported by more than one billion dragon people.

The reason why the effect of the "Yuejia army" battle array is not so strong is that the "battle array" of the Yuejia army in the previous battle with fangla is not the "four elephant battle array" in the true sense.

The real "four elephant battle array" needs at least 1000 people to cooperate with each other. At present, there are only less than 500 Yuejia soldiers in Erlong island. They are not satisfied with this requirement.The reason why we can show the ability of a part of the four image array is the special power of Wu Mu's letter!

"By the way, there is a record of Yue Fei's array and training method in Wu Mu's posthumous letter. Should there be a relevant way to break the array?"

The bow in his hand shot a golden arrow again, burning a hole in the neck of the "kuimu wolf", which is far more famous than the iron backed wolf in journey to the West. While delaying his attack, Qin Yueyu said quickly.

"I have asked the stronghold leader through the walkie talkie, and he said that" Wu Mu's letter "really has a way to break the battle. However, because it was obtained from the weakened Qiyun battlefield, the records of this extraordinary array are not complete. "

"More importantly, the extraordinary power of Wu Mu's letter has been exhausted in the battle with Fang La. That is to say, even if there is the power to break the battle, we need to wait until tomorrow! "

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"In fact, the method of breaking the battle has been pointed out in the original text of water margin. But that's just a theory. In fact, only those who are really "proficient" in the battle can know how to operate, where to start and when to start. "

Guo Wei shakes his head as he looks at those who have already rushed into the distance of 100 Zhang from Yangcheng and are full of pressure on them because of their size.

Many people in Erlong island have expended their rare merits, strengthened their memory, and recorded the full text of "Water Margin" on the earth. He is naturally one of them.

Therefore, in fact, the method of breaking the array has been known.

The problem is that the "Taiyi mixed sky array" is changeable, and there is uncertainty at any time when fighting. There is no one who is really proficient in the battle array, and it may cause more serious losses to falsely say that "breaking the array".

"Commander Zhuge, you should be involved in the battle, right? Do you know how to crack this array! "

Qin Yueyu thought a little.

Turning around, he yelled at "ZHUGE Ying" more than ten meters behind him.

"Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan" also has the existence of "battle array", and Zhuge Ying, as Yue Fei's "military strategist", should have a deeper understanding of the array, which is actually one of the reasons why Ji Yehui arranged it in "dragon city".

"I'm ashamed. Although I can see some clues about this battle, I really haven't come up with a way to break it."

At yesterday's meeting, Zhuge Ying boasted that if Ji Ye gave him Yue's army, he would be able to win the Liao army, and he promised to harvest 3000 war horses. However, his forehead covered with silk cloth was sweating.

"I didn't think Liao people had such a wonderful array!"

Finally, full of embarrassment fan fan, white feather fan added a sentence.

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Guo Wei did not show any "contempt" for Zhuge Ying.

First of all, the real decision-maker in Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan is Yue Fei himself, who can only be said to be an aide, far less than Wu Yong above Liangshan.

Otherwise, they will not be just outstanding people.

Secondly, "Water Margin" is different from "Shuoyue".

Just as the "Dianxue" obtained in the battle of Xiangyang did not have a significant effect on the heroes of the water margin, it was normal that Zhuge Ying could not crack the "Taiyi mixed sky array".

"Maybe we should break the battle."

"We can only find a way to introduce the only one of the" Water Margin "who is proficient in battle."

Looking at the Liao army that had already rushed into the range of 50 Zhang, Guo Wei slowly held his hand on an epee.

At this time, he has been informed that Ji ye, after they killed Fang La and Xiao Li Guang and Pang Wanchun, they all burst out the spirit of civilization at the command level!

If we can seize the time to sacrifice, we may be able to lead to the water margin who is the best at array, like Gongsun Sheng, who is comparable to the special existence of Liangshan Dinghai God needle.

Of course, in the original plot, this person only knew each other, but he could not directly crack the "Taiyi mixed sky array".

But with its performance close to the perfect level, combined with the "theory" that people in Erlong island already know how to break through the battle, and combined with the power of "Wu Mu's letter" after the restoration, it should probably win.

The only question is, will the state of Liao give erlongdao time to "attract" the outstanding people and restore the "book of Wu Mu"?

Obviously, absolutely not!

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